Dr. Mike Ray: NO

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thank you very very much I was kneeling during the invitation a little while ago I told the Lord I said I would have gladly flown all the way here just to have heard that one message that we just heard just fabulous in fact it was so good our people in Napa will probably hear it someday and we're not going to tell them to go on land they get to hear from me and so if they want to hear better sermons they need me to send out to send me to better conferences and so that's the blessing I'm so glad you hear our kids just went to youth conference a week ago there in California and I eat Sunday night after a conference we have the kids that want to share decisions they come and they stand and they say here's my decisions we started a bus round about eight years ago in the worst area of California that's within driving distance of us it's the projects there's actually a street called trigger Street and that's kind of what it means they're shootings there's killings and so our bus route went in there and picked up this great big old boy plays football play center for his high school got that broad he got saved got baptized and so this last Sunday night he holds up the microphone pastor and says God called me to preach at the youth conference so there's some gold in the hills out there somewhere it was 48 years ago I attended my very first youth conference and I was that little skinny teenager with glasses flat-footed and as one stuttered and I just kind of sat toward the back hoping no one would notice me but God noticed me and it's not Talent God's looking for it's not it's not Braun it's not even IQ God's just looking for someone that's available who's ever hammered something with something beside a hammer you got something just right you used to shoe used your book or maybe your brass knuckles or just just drove it in or you had or something then not how many of you used something beside a hammer but you had a hammer in the garage how many of you did and that's something so why did you do that it was close and that's all times how the Lord does you wonder why there's not a whole lot of good-looking pastors I mean it's really just only a couple of us left and brother Ross I mean it's just not many of us left low Wilkerson and you ever wonder say that's the pastor you know why because God called some real good-looking talented guys but they were so far away he couldn't reach them and all you want to do you just want to be real close to the Lord when he has a job to do he said well oh yeah here's then I Drive some straight nails with this and God has some wonderful things for you kids in the future I will be fading off the scene pretty soon if the Lord tarries by the way I know why the Lord is tarrying who is shocked that we're still here some of your old timers who is shocked we're still here on earth and the raptures not take taking place I am shocked I am just shocked I'll tell you why I'm a student of Bible prophecy and when President Trump got elected you know I read that verse at the last Trump Jesus would come and I just knew as soon as he won the election we were out of here and then I heard it was Trump in when the trumpet sound and so anyway but I figured it out we older people we are praying even so come Lord Jesus we graduated from college we've had the kids and the grandkids and we've got to serve in ministry I mean we're done to some degree but I know why the Lord is not come at you teenagers you're saying oh no don't come yet I got to get my driver's Isis I want to go to Bible College I want to get married so it's you young people that's messing up the rapture I just want you to know who knows if the Lord ever coming again with you kids coming up through the ranks and just what a blessing what a blessing to be here everything's first-class every year at this conference I like how they take the theme I've been to some conferences that's telling the pastor they put a sign on the wall that's all you ever hear from it the rest of the week they never referred to it they never mention it but that's the theme right there and and but I like it here you come in there's a decoration and there's giveaways and then the skips go with that and the specials and then the music and then the handouts and just all the wording it's just I just love this takes a lot of work takes a lot of work I hope you'll be appreciative and I hope some of you young men that feel called to ministry you're not just entertained at these conferences I hope your putting files together saying all right when I do my Youth Conference over there and Puerto Rico here's how we're going to do this and we're going to do that we're going to get that oh brother Jonathan to save this stuff we're going to borrow it because we're not gonna buy it we're gonna let them buy it we're going to borrow from them and you know the Baptist way and so it's a blessing there are a few tools on the back table I hope you'll look at it I know none of you teenagers have money I know it is several things we are to be students we're to study to show ourselves approved many years ago we put together 43 booklets it's called one step at a time first one salvation baptism prayer Bible all the Bible verses topically on one subject and then we didn't want to lug those around so now they're on disk English and Spanish you could download these into your computer they're not copyrighted you can sell them didn't do whatever you want to people are using them in Sunday school lessons you're starting a church you don't have to study for a year we've already studied for you some of you members are just buy it for your pastor and say pastor we're tired of the same sermons here anyway but these are on the back table they're available then this book just came out ago and I just felt like it was such a need such a need it's just called friendship 34 chapters on not having a friend but being the right kind of friend the world majors own who's my friend Jesus majors own are you somebody's friend and there's chapters on Jesus the best friend friendly-fire went to sever a friendship friends with your parents and on and on and on it goes maybe the most valuable book that we've ever put out I hope you'll look at it strongly be good for youth workers to teach through it maybe Sunday School lesson things like that this came this was about two years ago life is worth living the biblical truth on suicide it happens in our public schools in California all the time I mean seventh graders eighth graders h8 age 81 all the way up how do we help people you know someone is considering it how do you help them how do you help a family want someone into their life then the last page 15 good reasons to keep living and you may be here tonight and you have come with some of these lies that Satan has told you that you've messed up so much the world would be better off without you let me just tell you that's a lie the world would not be better off without you so how you know if God's through with you you stop breathing so a good sign God has a big plan for you is you're still breathing you say well how do you know that inhale exhale you're still breathing and so that will help right here I still do if you're engaged or if you're married 37 years of marriage advice right here I give this to engage couples all the time then this is also brand-new this year with an old book we called it cold or crazy we've added 40 chapters to it one whole chapter themed izing a conference how to take a theme and run with it and hundreds of hundreds of pages here this is for anyone that's going to work with teenagers youth director girls home director pastors Sunday school teachers you feel like you're going to work with youth one day your preacher boy this is something you need to get a lot of ideas there skit ideas in here and some of them are even funny and so there's that and then the New Testament we wrote the Bible so I think I worded that wrong we added to the Bible no I think this is the King James practical soul-winning Testament it's the soul-winners Testament you use simply there's a hundred pages of helps in the back how to lead a child to Christ how to get someone baptized it's got in full-color the bridge illustration in the back it's got the Colts where the Muslims believe Jehovah's Witnesses Mormons because Catholics it's right there at your fingertips so you can use that but these Testaments are also available you get a free wordless book with it who's used one of these before or this book who's never even seen one never even seen one was simply what it is brutal Wells could explain it better than I can I can't get it out of the paper here and here it is and it comes printed in Korea so you get Korean direction tell you like that it's all in Korean let me just burn them and so and Korean directions and just kind of help you with it it's kind of like this and here's how use it you ever see a book like this has no words some people call it a Christmas book because of the Christmas colors some people call it a wordless book because it has no words this one's in Japanese Spanish English Farsi Czechoslovakian it's in every language at once all you have to do is just say that pretty soon people are saying okay and they're curious that's on the plane the other day I just sat mine oh my little counter what's that you wouldn't understand it's kind of deep no what is it so wordless book has no words all right you want to tell me about well if I must and go heaven that's where Bibles to go dark page that's our hearts God never lets a heart like this up here well who gets to go up here only someone with a clean page clean heart so how you get your heart from here all the way to here only through here the red blood of Jesus then you given you a testimony this was my heart 47 years ago Jesus came in my heart is blood gave me a clean slate here it is now I'm going to heaven not hell when I die green go tell everyone the good news now some people get it mixed up God loves the rich people if you're rich he wants to save you God loves the white people you're Caucasian he wants to save you if you are Indian God loves you Native American he wants to save you if you're black he wants to save you and if there's people living on other planets like Martians he will even save them since so there's that so anyway so all that stuff here thank you so much and here you have the directions to and that really help you so much you have your Bibles that's open them just for a moment to Daniel chapter 1 Daniel chapter 1 I think there'll be buses up in heaven there's got to be buses up in heaven as many years as we've spent on buses camps conferences bus routes there's got to be some gold buses up in heaven who wrote on a bus to the conference wrote on the bus to the conference who is written to own a church bus somewhere this last year bus van or bus or bus a church okay here's my stories quickly this this why don't like buses so we're on the bus heading to camp everyone's asleep Marla drops her purse the purse bursts open bill Haman grabs his stuff starts handing it to Marla it's a tear gas ink pen here Marla we're sound asleep and now the bus is filled with tear gas we're pulling over off the road people are going out of the windows and if you've never had tear gas woken up to tear gas it it really wakes you up right away the next year and the rules no tear gas next year we're heading to Camp 13 hour drive we're going through these West Texas towns and and about that time this girl named Lisa what is the word regurgitated Lisa's life's verse was whatsoever thy stomach findeth to throw throw it up with all thy might pitchblack everyone's asleep I'm up in the little luggage rack and when Lisa threw up she really gave it her all and hope I'm not exaggerating I think it was gallons just all over the floor she's laying on the front of the bus next to the stick shift no one Lisa's not gonna raise her hand excuse me I just threw up all over the bus she kept it quiet about that time the bus reduced feed 50 40 30 20 10 and then those flashing red lights the bus stopped and there's a law called inertia every equal opposite so when it stopped here the bus leaned back it began flowing like Mount Vesuvius all the way down the out kind of like an amoeba as it kind of engulfs its prey under a microscope and poor old Jeff hunt was sound asleep in the back of the bus on the floor right in the aisle he never saw it coming and it's just what is this they turned the lights on that was a mistake it was all over his face soon people open the windows and they joined Lisa and that same activity so the next year we're heading to youth conference and we've got two buses a luggage bus which is completely filled from the seats to the ceiling all the way back except the first four seats on each side four seats and four seats that was the luggage bus the other bus had two people in it well 52 people on that bus and the people bus blew an engine we were three hours from the conference so it's you wait on this hot bus six hours till the tow truck comes or pile on the luggage bus we put 52 people in four seats here in four seats here 13 people were in the stairwell two people were sitting on the instrument panel we've invited a new lady she said I'm good with teens I want to work with the teenagers it was her first trip we didn't have a six-inch rule there was a no inch rule we took turns breathing we were so packed together it was just your breathe over here your breathe over huh if you sweat the sweat never hit the ground it was just so tight like that three hours 90 something degrees about halfway through that trip she began screaming I don't even want to be here I don't know why okay she screamed it screamed for about an hour the teenagers looked at me and said do we have to respect her I said I don't [Laughter] the next year we're heading to camp I'm driving I've driven long enough I'm done there's a lady bus driver she's starting to drive let me get a little shut-eye I wake up and I'm having a nightmare I look in the seat and she's no longer there it's Sean a 15 year old teenager driving the bus I said this is a nightmare ass up eyes I'll open them again it's a 15 year old kid driving the church bus I looked at our counselor I said what do you thinking she said no one trusts Sean I just thought I'd give them a little responsibility like my life I love church buses when I'm not on them we're in Daniel chapter one we have to get to the message here I'll tell you the kissing story tomorrow don't miss it don't miss it don't oversleep I'll tell it to you in the morning the only time ever when I was a pastor and we had a kissing contest during the church service guides and girls you'll have to be here they don't get on Facebook certainly bunch of copper and iron oh you got to hear the story don't judge me yet you're gonna love this tomorrow hang on okay we're going to call it kissing light royalty and no no no and come out of the castle and kiss somebody no that's not what we're talking about but Daniel chapter 1 let's notice here please and God's Word and we'll just jump right in it's privilege to be here I love you pastor and I love you men and you counselors that have taken time out of your schedule to to be with these young people and all the workers Daniel chapter 1 let's stand if you're evil please in honor of God's Word even if your name is Cain you can stand - but Daniel chapter number one and we'll just jump right down here verse number eight I think you know the background of Daniel he has taken captive his city has been demolished by Nebuchadnezzar the nation of Israel is under judgment they have turned their back on the Living God and the worse than idols sounds much like America so now Jerusalem is destroyed Daniels taken with the first movement and he's marched 600 miles away from home he's probably handcuffed probably stripped naked like any slave he's walking barefoot across the hot sands toward Babylon his new boss is going to be Nebuchadnezzar they're going to change his name change his religion change his background changes eating half they're going to change everything and he's got some decisions to make his decisions affect three of his buddies that's why the Book of Daniel is so special notice just three verses here daniel 1:8 it says but Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the Kings meat notice what that did to him chapter number 5 and verse 12 notice how that decision affected him Daniel 5:12 for as much as an excellent spirit knowledge and understanding and interpreting of Dreams showing of hard sentences dissolving of doubts were found in the same Daniel he had an excellent spirit and then if you look over here that's what God said then notice what excuse me that's what the Queen said and notice what God said six three then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes because an excellent spirit was in him let me ask you a question Daniel's parents have probably been killed he is now a slave his cities demolished he is kidnapped and God says look at that what an excellent spirit that's amazing to me I want to speak on one word tonight and I think you'll remember it I don't think you have to really take many notes father bless this time thank you for this conference and the privilege we have here in America to be a part of this thank you for the tremendous truth we heard a little while ago thank you for the vision you've given the pastor and staff here thank you they have fulfilled it give alertness to each of us as we're listening for a few moments now in Jesus name Amen thank you you may be seated there's one word that separates all characters in the Bible from those that became greatly used of God and those who are not used of God it's the same word that separates everyone in our churches and youth groups it's just one word those that make it and those that do not I can't say it if you cannot say it or pronounce this word you are doomed for failure it's common appearance is found all throughout the Book of Daniel and here's the word just in Oh The Book of Daniel Daniel is toad you must eat the Kings meat that's been offered to idols Daniel said no to chapters later three Hebrews are told you're going to bow down to the idol everyone listened to this kind of music everyone bow down it's the rule don't don't be a stick in the mud and they stood up and said no 50 something years later Daniels an old man he's about the age of anyway he's about that anyway a he's up he's in his 70s and they make a law they said you cannot pray anymore and so far for all these months you cannot open the window and pray anymore what are you going to do with that Daniel says no Psalms chapter one begins with it blessed is the man that walketh no not not is in OT not in the counsel of the ungodly proverbs 1:10 my son if sinners entice e-consent thou in OT Ephesians 6 having done all to stand stand therefore the most important word a teenager can say is no you can say it different ways you can say no you can say nope you can say no it can be uh-uh it can be shake your head you can be an unhappy face but you've got to learn to say the word no I preached this message at our church one time and one of our collegiate students had pastor you'll love this it's a no machine it helps people who don't know how to say no to say it so here we go [Music] [Applause] we're going to be selling these tonight when our kids were young they didn't know how to say no they're try to touch the fireplace with safe no and then they try to touch it no then they try again you know it's no yeah so sometimes we adults have to help the younger people learn to say no because they cannot say it on their own the preacher of righteousness that saved the human race that built the ark what was his name I loved it in Oh aah no uh God even put no in his name just so when he breathed he could say no Nehemiah was asked to come and compromise on the plains of Oh No and he said oh no it was Joseph that said no to his brother's wicked living and enticements of Potiphar's wife it was Moses that said no to a rich life and pleasures of sin for a Caesar it was the Mordecai that said no to bowing to Haman it was Samuel who could say no when the preacher kids Hoff 19 years could not it was that when the tempter came to Jesus and said I will give you all these rich and Jesus said no three different times the book of Acts said were commanded to stop preaching and teaching in his name and the disciples said to the magistrates know Satan looked at Jesus to the soldiers and said come off that cross if you're the Son of God and Jesus said no we've got to learn it in Arabic it's love in Beller ease it's 9:00 in Chinese it's blue in czechoslovakian it's Nathe in Dutch it's me and a friendship non Georgian era in German it's 9:00 in Hebrew it's low in Irish at night and Persian is not in Romanian it's new in Spanish it's no in Swahili it's hopping in English it's no in Tagalog it's Hindi in cebuano it's Deeley but you've got to learn how to say it those that are serving God today our guarantee any adult here any pastor here and his staff here the staff and the pastor here they had to at some time learn to set and learn windows say it and stick with it or they'll never serve God very long and it's not just for young people as for pastors it's for adults all the time still it's a pastor pastor you want this song son no how about this skit it's kind of no how about this book in the bookstore no how about this guest speaker no you got to say it all the time my wife says what do you want for supper no she loves that that means we're going out to eat that's what that's what that means say no to wrong friendships there comes a time when a friend is dragging you down when you realize you're not strong enough to save them the Bible says if your eye offends you pluck it out if your hand to offend you cut it off what he's saying is sometimes you have to take extreme measures if you're going to save the life doctors call it amputation someone gets diabetes and pretty soon they've got gangrene in their foot you cut the foot off or you're dying sometimes it's a friendship it's someone that's come for you it's someone that has bewitched you Galatians three one says who has bewitched you see it's never what happened to you it's always who happened to you it's always a friend it was am ninh that had a friend by the way think of the blessings that people miss because of the wrong friendship here's Israel they're in bondage there in Egypt God does a miracle the play of the ten plagues they cross the Red Sea we're free we're heading to the promised land hey no more stripes no more beatings Promised Land they get there twelve spies come in and ten of them say ah somebody said something they're Giants over there we're grass oh we can't do it ten men said something and they wandered in the wilderness for forty years who's got your ear young person who is it speaking to you is it someone on the Internet to someone you met in a chat room is that someone old Facebook is it some rock star is that a movie star who is it that speaking of you somebody said something Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden and a snake says thou shall not surely die somebody said something you say well when do you sever a friendship quickly when they're stronger than you and drifting when you're bewitched by them I have a friend of mine he's in Christian education vice president of a great college when his daughter was college-age this friend in the church got this power over her somehow and she just wasn't thinking right they weren't doing wicked things but no longer did the dad have his daughter's heart he had a powwow he said here's what I'm doing I'm resigning my position we're selling our house we're moving across the country I'm breaking this friendship we want you more than we want a job and Wow when they are consumed with bitterness bitterness spreads that's what rap music is when they become critical of Authority sever the relationship when they become a scorner a scorned or someone that laughs at godly things that's the person when someone preaches on purity they got something funny to say when someone preaches against liquor they got something funny to say and they're always the clown and they're always a trying to pull people away from pure living when they sow discord when they divide when they turn back to the world when they live in immorality there comes a time to several relationship passer who do we say no to say no to idolatry putting anything ahead of God say no to taking God's name in vain say no to cursing and dirty jokes and shady texts and pornography and dirty TV shows and videos and deceiving and lying too pterence say no to a smart-aleck attitude as smart-aleck mouth and back talk and disobedience say though the rolled eyes and innuendo says something often throwing a fit say no to adultery and fornication and immorality living together before they're wet by the way young man by the way young people I do a few weddings I do a lot of funerals you want to save yourself for that perfect person you don't want leftovers save yourself you say well I can't anymore but from this week on you can why because if he cannot control himself now he won't with a little piece of gold on his hand say no to single dating and touch them before marriage you know it's hardly a sports star anywhere and I know you guys probably to Christians somewhere hardly a sports star that doesn't have kids out of wedlock living with somewhat advertising cores what so and so's a Christian and they play ball on Sunday in this church all the time anyway that's the reason I didn't play NFL that's the reason I didn't play in the NFL I gave up a career is that a half-finished church plus they said I wasn't good enough and wasn't tall enough and that was only other reasons say no to immodest clothing summer or winter girls say no to low-cut unbuttoned form-fitting breasts showing thighs showing short skirts lips all the way up to your waist mixed nudity in the water say no to lying about people and criticizing people whether it's in person or text or its own line or blogs or Facebook say no to lying to God as we sing it at the altar and Brooklyn valve say no to illegal drugs and misuse of prescriptions and and cigarettes say no to beer and wine coolers and hard liquor and martinis say no to dancing and concerts and rock and rap and country and R&B say no to bitterness and jealousy and envy and criticism and gossip and texting in church and more time on social media than in the Word of God [Applause] say no to hangin with backsliders and disgruntled and not tithing and debt foolish spending and myths in church and let me just say this young people you come to a conference like this show up Sunday when you get home when you get back home it's all flush down the toilet if you were here and had a great time and you only make it on Sunday some of you ought to get off the bus on Friday and say pastor can I pray in the building and sit on the front row lay down wake up Sunday morning I'm here ok you'll get that later go back to sleep say no to prayerlessness and no Bible and flirtatious texts and lustful looks and cheating and stealing and bullying compromise and laziness and sleeping in and missing church and pride wrong crowd Lottery and gambling and uncounseled decision and chat rooms and gangs Aaron couldn't say it and he built the golden calf a Ahab couldn't say it and his wife was eaten by dogs Adam and Eve couldn't say it to the serpent and they lost out on Eden Esau couldn't say it to Jacob and he lost out on the blessing akin couldn't say it to gold and and his family was stoned Nathan the great preacher looked at David the king and quoted his long bony finger and said no John the Baptist looked at Herod and Herodias and said no he lied you look to Ahab and said no Martin Luther said it to the Catholic Church and nailed the 95 treaties and says no to the doctrine John Bunyan was told if he would take a license to preach from the church that led him out of jail he said no and in 12 years wrote pilgrims progress I love the story of Bill Borden there's a book out called Borden of Yale a young man very wealthy man is folks on the board in industry or the Borden products and he was asked your grandfather is getting old we want you to take over the the company one day he said God's called me to be a missionary to Egypt and they said would you consider he said I can't God's called me he went back to his room and a little diary book wrote no reserves right before he headed to Egypt they pleaded with him they said once you just give a lot of money you don't have to go yourself send somebody else he wrote in that same book no retreats he went to the mission field contracted a disease and soon died look like his whole life was a waste died as a young man they gathered his belongings in his body and brought it home and someone found the little diary and they saw the first entry no reserves they saw the second entry no retreats and then in a very shaky dying handwriting they saw the last two words no regrets people have read his diary and going to the mission field what a challenge young people I'm just trying to tell you anyone that does anything great for God there's going to have to be some decisions where you look at some people and you look at some activities and you look at some music and you look at some decisions and you look at your calendar and just have to say I can't no you can't marry the right guy till you say no to the wrong guy can't get the right wife let's just say no no to the wrong wife can you have the right music let's just say no to the wrong music Billy Sunday said no to the liquor bottle Jerry Patel my friends said no to a lucrative career CP stud said no to a sports career and gave his millions to share the gospel with girl in our youth group years ago her name's Becky her daddy was unsaved never never could get into Church Becky was so sweet led her to Christ when she had 7 started dating the fella that wanted to be a missionary Becky had her pilot's license I think when she had 16 Becky Ann enrolled in Taekwondo mrs. Bruce Lee she was just amazing came to church her and her mother every week came time to test for her black belt guess when the test was Sunday morning Sunday morning they said you must test Sunday morning she said go to Sunday school at 10:00 in church at 11:00 well it's only times you can take you to get the black belt or not she said what's the test they said you have to be able to kick out the candles and run 16 miles guess what she's there in Sunday school 10 o'clock she had run her 16 miles and kicked out the candles it was Erik rebel the famous movie Chariots of Fire dun dun dun dun dun duh remember that I doubt that it's LaMotta trained his whole life for the Olympics got to the Olympics and they said you're wrong on the Lord's Day he said we don't compete on the Lord's Day he trained his whole life we won't do it him and another guy they rien rolled to running a different rate relay they didn't run in the one they trained for they run in it ran in a different one who got the gold medal god bless them you know who stands out those that say no who were the thousands of captivity young people in Babylonian Empire all we know is Daniel Shadrach Meshach Abednego they all learn to say no and all the rest of them were bound on their face say it at work say it at school it's travelling years ago you remember the moral majority Jerry Falwell and all they've got years ago brother Buchanan was the the leader of the state of Louisiana he taught never asked me to leader I never want to be a leader so that is that is conference down Bermuda the Bermuda Triangle or somewhere and so I took his place Mike you go and find what we need to do I get off the plane I'm heading to the motel a guy walks up to me says you'll divide some cocaine boohoo I think I got my Bible sitting I'm there for like a one day conference it's a nice neighborhood you're gonna buy a bag of cocaine I do what he says bag of cocaine I said I am a preacher here's what he said they buy it - that's what he said they buy it - that's over this one don't you don't have to go to temptation it'll come to you you got some you girls that are beautiful in fact all of you you're going to have to have to have to qualify those guys that line of guys oh by the way let me just pasture mints and his daughter I have one single son left I mean that's it some of you let those other kids just go right through your fingers I had five kids now we're down to one Paul Paul's 25 has a car has about $10,000 in savings right now teach the Sunday School soul winner does gospel magic he make food disappear make money disappear like that loves the Lord read this Bible praise Bible college degree master's degree I've done the Philippines with your pastor here and I announce that now shut Paul's picture up I'm just kind of cutting up saying the girls if you're interested we're just going to form the line right here we're going to form the line if you'd like to hear more about Paul or medium or Marian and then we'll let the line go all the way out the door and then we'll go around the building this way with the line and people are laughing I've finished speaking I came down to shake hands and there's four or five girls they said we would we are very interested in Paul would you like to take our picture and bring it home or you want to give us his facebook of what I mean they were serious I mean I kind of packed them up put them in a suitcase Paul look who I brought home you're married now you have to wade through some people girls there's going to be guys sake me I have a date for you and you need to just say you sure got good taste but no some girls going to give you guys their phone oh here's my email address and here's my phone oh please calm please she's going to be chasing you by like roosters chase the hens the hens don't chase the rooster fellas you just gotta say that girl's got good eyes but no yeah all right Daniel one you say well what happens when you say no it's when God turns hearts you know right now the biggest influence you have at your public school is people see and you say no it's grabbing their attention I went to Struma High School 2,000 students it's about five people living for the Lord sweetest thing ever saw written in my school yearbook was this we laughed at you we poked fun at you but you were the most respected student in our student body we all wished we had the courage to be like you one fella wrote in my yearbook he was in the high school band he said if what you're telling all of us is true I'm going to die and burn in hell but I'll just party with the devil bring my own marshmallows roast them and have a good time that's blasphemy years later I graduated from Bible College came back to be youth pastor I'm teaching the teams on a Sunday morning the guy's name was Pat Evans who wrote that he won't unknown went on to be a microbiologist at Louisiana State University the back door of our team building open up to my shock the guy that wrote that my yearbook he walks in the back door you know I thought maybe he's a terrorist pat pat he said Mike I said I hadn't seen you in years good to see you then I said but what are you doing here he said I got saved and I thought of you I'm here to get baptized today and here's my first time Jack said boy he got saved he said it's $1100 because that's it how long have you been saved did you tithe every week since you've been saying that we want God to bless you it's when God turns hearts Daniel 3 it's when you see him Shadrach how do you see when the three Hebrew boys remember their cast into the fiery furnace I think was like 100 dos tres I don't think they flew in there with quarter God hallelujah I think it was yeah I think they screamed for ten minutes to one up such how we're still alive we're not burning lavada you've heard that song the fourth man in the fire now frankly look around and said one to Jesus when you learn to say no pretty soon you start seeing him and what you do and where you go you see them in others you see them in circumstances then you'll forwards when the hard cases get saved citrus and Nebuchadnezzar who conquered Israel that took everyone captive built the idol said you'll worse a bit or go in the fire he saw the fourth man in the fire it said he got up to that fire claimed it we threw three guys in it ever be roasted by now they're walking around who's that fourth guy in there he looks like the Son of God come out of there fella the three came out Jesus stayed in because he was going to be there for the next time someone went through the fire next chapter Daniel for I King Nebuchadnezzar who walked in pride he abased I glorify the Most High guy in other words I got saved he wrote a gospel tract and it was packed all over town why did he get saved because three men said no you want to see your daddy and your mom and those hard people you've been working on that will never get saved if you learn to say no they just might get saved and then last what I love this I love the Vengeance that God has don't pray anymore you'll get thrown to the Lions then well there's there's this Daniel they saw him in and I love it the next morning the King says Oh Daniel is the God whom thou serviced keyword continually he wasn't in and out hit miss there was no break-in Daniel sir is the God who now serve is continually able to protect thee from the Lions I have a bad attitude I would have said come down here and see you're the guy that didn't deliver me come down and just see ah but I love it when Daniel came out they said where's the guys to accuse Daniel let's throw them and their families in there when you learn to say no God handles your enemies those who've been giving you a tough time making life hard God says you learned the same no just kind of back out of the way let me just kind of deal with these people some of you just need to learn to say no and when you say no then it's easier to say yes to him you got to say no and then you got to say yes I preached this message in the Philippines your pastor he's like the the trial version of the Philippines or something that well they just love him after the service there was a group one of the youth groups that grabbed a little word and no and all the groups were just taking a picture with it I loved it I just love the father's like hey we're going to grab this thing that's gonna be us hope that when you go home maybe at the end of the week maybe a parent or to say hey what you learn at youth conference just say no well they'll be careful how you tell them what you learn Heavenly Father we ask your blessings of
Channel: Parkside Baptist Church
Views: 2,439
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pbc, parksidebaptist, church, parkside, baptist, mesquite, texas, mike, wells, tx, pastor, preacher, preaching, sermon
Id: RereNhJM7C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 44sec (2984 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
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