Dr. Mark Miravalle - Why the Dogma of Coredemptrix Now?

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] it is a great joy to be with you today to speak about the beauties of Our Lady I want to begin by making reference to a momentous letter by Cardinals and bishops who have represented the six continents of the world this is a letter an open letter to our Holy Father it is a very respectful and reverent letter asking the Holy Father to make a solemn papal definition now for those of you who have been following the movement for many years you might ask the question what would necessitate this now why the call of Cardinals and bishops the world over to make a new request of the Holy Father I want to read you some excerpts from this letter of August 22nd 2019 the Cardinals and bishops say they make this public appeal quote due to so much suffering in the world and their grave concern that there is quote more to come the prelate believe that a solemn definition or dogma of Mary's unique role in the redemption will allow Our Lady to quote fully exercise her maternal mediation on our behalf they go on to say quote we are convinced that the heavenly father awaits his church too specifically and dogmatically honor her Co redemptive role with Jesus for which he will respond with a historic new outpouring of His Holy Spirit the Cardinals and bishops conclude as follows quote our Lord gave Peter the keys of the kingdom we ask you dear Holy Father to use them now in these dramatic times and with your powerful word in the fullness of your office as successor of Peter proclaim the great role that the Virgin Mary played in God's plan of redemption surely it will release great Grace's for today and I was woken this morning with the news from Rome that in las tompa's Vatican insider arguably the most prominent newspaper in Italy that there is a major article on this v Marian dogma a major article on the letter of these Cardinals and bishops so we have to understand this is classic Catholic precedence people sometimes get a mistaken idea of a petition movement as if it's somehow seeking something against the church or even pressuring the Vicar of Christ canon law requires in the moral dimension that we bring to the attention of the pastors of the church areas we consider to be important for the good of the church and this has been happening certainly in preparation for the last two major dogmas for example Pius the ninth thanked the people for the millions of petitions that encouraged the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854 Pius the 12th did the same in thanking the people that includes also ecclesiastical support for these proclamations why because it helps the Pope to discern it helps them to understand is this something for the good of the church now so these letters and this new letter on August 22nd by two Cardinals and for bishops representing each of the six continents is done in that spirit and spirit of obedience but also an experience of trying to raise in the consciousness of the Holy Father the end hortence of the truth of our lady know the question could be asked is this presently a doctrine of the church and then a further question what's the value of a definition well to the first question let's simply go to Vatican to the Second Vatican Council clearly and repeatedly teaches that Mary had a unique role with and under Jesus entirely dependent on our Lord in the work of the redemption so for example in lumen gentium 56 quote thus Mary a daughter of Adam consenting to the Divine Word became the mother of Jesus the one and only Redeemer embracing God's salva that will with a full heart and impeded by no sin she devoted herself totally as a handmaid of the Lord to the person and work of her son under him and with him by the grace of Almighty God serving the mystery of redemption further lumen gentium 57 quote this union of the mother with the son in the work of salvation is made manifest from the time of Christ's virginal conception up to his death further and perhaps most predominantly lumen gentium number 58 thus the Blessed Virgin advanced in her pilgrimage of faith and faithfully persevered in her union with her son unto the cross where she stood in keeping with the divine plan enduring his suffering enduring the suffering with her only begotten son uniting herself with the maternal heart with his sacrifice and lovingly consenting to the emulation of this victim which was born of her there's powerful words in that paragraph from the Second Vatican Council what the fathers of the Vatican two are saying is that Mary endured in her heart the sufferings of Jesus's heart that she even consented to the emulation of the victim what does that mean those are liturgical terms that means not only did our lady endure what happened to her divine son at Calvary she willed it she consented to it why because it was the will of the Heavenly Father Liu and Jen's m61 she conceived brought forth and nourished Christ she presented him to the Father in the temple and was united with him by compassion as he died on the cross in this singular way she cooperated by her obedience faith hope and burning charity in the work of this Savior in giving back supernatural life to souls therefore she is our mother in the order of grace now many of you already know this why did we go through the effort of articulating because some still doubt that Mary's unique role in the redemption typically summarized in the title Corrie Hendrix is the official doctrinal teaching of the church it's four times repeated just at the Second Vatican Council before the council every Pope from Pope Leo the 13th to Pope Pius the 12th explicitly and repeatedly taught that our lady uniquely participated in the work of the redemption with and under Jesus and quite frankly my friends this is not exactly theological rocket science who else who would dare say watch like yeah I did a little bit more helping Jesus redeem the world than Mary so this is most fundamental to our tradition to our faith to our doctrine after the Second Vatican Council for example st. John Paul the second would refer to Our Lady's unique role in the redemption dozens of times and he would use the title co-redemptrix on at least seven occasions so keep in mind that the title embodies the doctrine the title Corydon chrix embodies her unique role within G with and under G's in the work of redemption some will say what the title wasn't used at the Second Vatican Council it's the doctrine that's the foundation of the title and the doctrine is clearly repeatedly taught before the council during the council presently after the council know the next vert question is all right if it is a doctrine what's the need of a dogma what's the value of a papal proclamation of this and so I would like to dedicate this presentation to articulating seven reasons why there would be a historic benefit to the proclamation of this fifth marian dogma so not only is it an existing teaching the church but why would it be who our present Holy Father why would be beneficial for Pope Francis to make a solemn definition of this doctrine the first reason is that it would release historic graces for the church and the world let's go back in time 1915 Cardinal Desiree Mercier a renowned Belgian Cardinal right in the second year of World War one with the horrors of World War one began the process of petitioning the Holy Father Pope Benedict the 15th for this dogma what was his rationale very simply it will bring great graces and especially the grace of peace to this world at war well by 1918 he had hundreds of bishops joining this petition to the Holy Father and hundreds of thousands of the faithful by the early 1920s st. Maximilian Kolbe joined the cause for this definition by 1930 pope pius xi had Commission's theological missions to investigate can this be defined can our ladies role both in the mediation of grace as our spiritual mother but founded on the truth of her unique participation in the work of redemption can it be defined those three Commission's produced 2,500 pages of theological evidence for the definition we go to 1950 in 1950 on November and December 1st only one month after the dogma of the Assumption was declared the world's leading Mary ologists went to Rome and they unanimously petitioned Pius the 12th for this fifth dogma now why what was the rationale the rationale was now that all the truth about Our Lady in terms of her relation to Jesus and her relationship the prerogatives that God the Father has given her now that that's done let's define her role from heaven for Humanity by 1993 we had the beginning of a more modern contemporary petition movement and in the last 25 years there have been over eight million Catholic faithful who have sent petitions to the Holy See as well as well over 600 bishops and historically over a thousand bishops asking for this definition this is just capstone by this letter of the Cardinals and bishops which was just written on August 22nd it's the same rationale there's a universal sense that if we proclaim Mary's roles in the redemption she can more fully exercise those roles so let's ask a fair question what's the theology behind that how can we feel logically justify that if we define these roles we will receive more grapes well it's a very simple principle of theology and that is God does not force grace upon humanity God so respects human free will as we'll talk about even later that only with human consent can our lady fully activate her roles of maternity in other words only with our consent with the consent of humanity can we receive the full exercise of our lady's roles as co-redemptrix Mediatrix and advocate let's take a classic example from Scripture let's go to Matthew 16 in Matthew 16 Jesus says to the apostles who do they say that I am now was Jesus having a divine identity crisis nonsense he knew exactly who he was but he wanted to hear it from them so what happens the first pope to be Simon says you are the Christ the Son of the Living God then as a result to Jesus hearing it from Peter then it is to a Spectras you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church then every grace we get from the papacy is derived from what the public free expression of this by Simon this is exactly the same principle today it's only when the Vicar of Christ who holds the keys makes a freely consented Proclamation on behalf of all humanity then and only then can our lady fully intercede for the graces that we so desperately need today so this is a tried and true principle we see that even with miracles of Jesus even in his own land he could not do many miracles why because there was little faith so this is a biblical principle applied to today now the second benefit for a fifth marine Dogma is the completion of Marian doctrine that is the completion of the proclamation of Marian truth let us recall that presently there are four dogmas regarding our lady number one she is mother of God defined at the council Ephesus and 431 number two she is the perpetual virgin virginal before during and after the birth of Jesus defined at 6:49 by Pope Martin the first number three she's the Immaculate Conception defined by blessed Pius the ninth in 1854 and most recently the dogma of her assumption that she has assumed body and soul to heavenly glory on November 1st of 1950 so here's the question what's missing the answer is the relationship between the mother of Jesus and you and me that's missing in those four dogmas that is the fifth doctrine of the church Mary's relationship with humanity and it's exactly what the Mary ologists in 1950 said we still need we need a solemn definition which in a certain sense and understand is correctly in a certain sense the beauty of those other four dogmas all rest on whether they help us to be saved right but they help us to make it home to make it to heaven and so in a certain sense those the beauty the profundity of those four dogmas rest on this fifth doctrine and so this would constitute the completion of Mary and dogma now some might say well how do we know there wouldn't be a sixth Marian dogma and that's rather easy there's no more doctrines to define this would be it but how appropriate my friends and Jesus and Mary how appropriate better this climax of this age of Mary an age with more Marian dogmas more church approved Marian apparitions more Marian Pope's than any other age that we would have a Dogma in truth that supports this high point of devotion in other words it's very important that every act of love regarding Our Lady is based on a truth on a doctrine so that our love our hearts are ordered based on truth on our heads so in a real sense it's so appropriate at this climax of the age of Mary a climax a devotion to Our Lady things like the Rosary and Marian consecration and a scapular that you would have a truth that undergirds a truth that supports this and that is this very truth the firt third benefit from this fifth Marian Dogma is to say to the church and the world anew that suffering is redemptive st. john paul ii and pius xi before him called every member of the church to become quote col Redeemers in christ and what does that mean well that's a full understanding of Colossians 1:20 for that is we are all called to quote make up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ for the sake of this body which is the church now at first listening to that passage it might sound blasphemous it might sound well a sounds like we're saying Jesus didn't do enough and be thank God were around to make up what is lacking is quite the contrary our Lord in His infinite goodness draws us into his greatest act which is redemption and so examples like Saint Padre Pio who so generously participated in the redemption of others through what through his suffering we are called to this everyday I was talking with a gentleman who picked me up from the airport with nine children and he said I can't I can't even list how many times my wife tells me excuse me tell us the children might tell him to but tells the children the words offer it up offered up you know it probably in all Christian history a child has never never responded back saying well I don't know what that means they just do it why because there's a fundamental understanding that if we unite our sufferings with Jesus it will help save other people and that's what a proclamation of Mary co-redemptrix would do it would underscore that this human being this perfect is a magnet human being through her sufferings helped to redeem the world and that's a bumper sticker Catholic bumper sticker we could use today that suffering is redemptive when we talk about things like every 40 seconds someone takes their life 800,000 people killed themselves in last year why because they see no value to suffering what about the tragic extension of euthanasia throughout the world and even in our own country in certain states it's because they don't understand the value of suffering but if you proclaim the mother as the core Adem tricks you're underscoring to the world that suffering is redemptive and that we were all called to be Co Redeemers in Christ she just does it best third reason a fourth reason excuse me for this problem I was corrected by some of the sisters sorry the sisters messed up your outlines fourth reason for the proclamation of the dogma that the proclamation of the dogma would highlight the transcendent dignity of the human person and of human freedom now why would a proclamation of Our Lady's role in Redemption do this because it once again underscores that in God's perfect plan of redemption he had the whole plan contingent dependent on the free consent of one human person as we mentioned yesterday st. John Paul the second stated that the quote Eternal Father entrusted himself to the virgin of Nazareth that sounds a bit backwards doesn't it what do you mean the father entrusted himself to the virgin it's a profound truth that the father makes the plan of redemption contingent on the free exercise of human freedom by a human person my friend's dad's dignity that's God saying I'll make the high point of all that I seek in terms of the redemptive act dependent on this free yes at the same time when in the world we have extremes which are denying the dignity of the human person so on one side we have communist China we have totalitarianism that by definition says you don't have a personal value outside of the value that you are to the state and so you still have women today who are being taken away forcibly and having manda abortions by the government yes this is the government we seek to have an ever-greater trade agreement with this has happened today that's on one side on the other side were having human trafficking where human beings are being used as instruments of personal pleasure where is the greatest market for human trafficking in the world tragically our country here we in terms of our market is the reason for the mass majority of human trafficking and globally except for chosen places of Asia and Africa we have the scourge of abortion we will be judged our generation will be judged not on its technology but how every generation is truly judged how do you treat your children what's the what the respect you give to the images of God there's no greater negation of the dignity of the human person than abortion so you see a definition of God so respecting a human being that he made the greatest plan his ultimate plan of redemption contingent on a human being is another affirmation of God's respect of both the human person and of human dignity now consequently it also reamp Assizes it illustrates it underscores the human imperative to cooperate with grace now this is a perennial Catholic teaching but many of our brothers and sister Christians who are not Catholic do not accept this it's the line of SOLAS that came out of the Protestant Reformation it's it's only faith it's only grace it's only Scripture well let me happily mention we happen to be the both end church we are not the only church we're both we're the more the merrier in church or the mystical body Church and we're the church that says you have to cooperate with grace in order to obtain salvation dynamically in an ongoing fashion omaree's yes manifests this is profoundly I would even say this my friends I believe that the title co-redemptrix holds more authentic Catholic doctrine in terms of salvation than any other single titled why because Cory dendrix implies human freedom and the proper relationship between God's providence and human freedom secondly it presupposes a need of the relationship between faith and works you have to cooperate with grace and it also underscores the whole principle of st. Augustine Augustine tells us quote God creates us without us but he does not will to save us without us we have to cooperate this is all underscored by the fact that the Immaculate mother did exactly that for us let's go to the fifth benefit to a solemn definition and that is the underscoring of the authentic dignity of woman now we're in a trialed age when it comes to the genders and there's items of radical feminism which ironically are undermining the authentic dignity of a woman ponder this that in God's perfect plan of redemption he wanted not a pope not a bishop not a priest not a man but he wanted a woman to uniquely cooperate with the god man in saving humanity now that's authentic Christian feminism and quite frankly it's radical in the proper sense of the term radical it should cause astonishment that God so respects woman and the unique dignity of woman that he wanted a woman intrinsically involved as the theologian says intrinsic relation to the hypostatic Union a woman intrinsically involved in the great work of the redemption this again in terms of a proper corrective of the radical feminism which is destroying the feminine genius destroying the dignity of woman I want to read this quote from personalist philosopher Joseph ciphered on this very point he says and I quote this Dogma would express a dignity of a woman's action which exceeds in activeness sublimity and effectiveness the deeds of all pure creatures and men of all Kings and politicians thinkers scientists philosophers artists and craftsmen from the beginning of the world to the end of doom and in a certain manner even of all priests except Christ for all other priestly actions render only present Christ's redemptive grace and action but Mary's act rendered our redemption itself possible and thus mediated for mankind the most high gift of our divine Savior himself so it can be said in many different ways we want to say in the second century it's st. Irenaeus that Mary was the quote cause of salvation for herself and the whole human race if you want to say it from the papal Magisterium it's Benedict the 15th of 1918 that quote we may rightly say that she redeemed the human race together with Christ if you want a pithy statement use mother Teresa for words quote no Mary no Jesus it's all the same truth that God in His Majesty wanted to use the same three elements by which faith was lost by which grace was lost and as a sign of his omnipotence to use the same three elements to restore grace what are those three elements number one a man number two a woman number three a tree and that's why the role of the new Eve is not ancillary it's not optional it's entirely dependent on Jesus as sick Maximilian says we can say that forever that's completely true but now that we say that what about Mary her role was intimate and central in the great work of the redemption the sixth benefit of a fifth Marian Dogma would be ironically to add the greatest possible clarity and articulation of this doctrine to serve acumen ISM now acumen ISM is arguably the greatest objection to this dogma so this demands some distinctions let's return to the Second Vatican Council and the papal Magisterium and let's get an accurate understanding of a Catholic concept of humanism so let's go to the Second Vatican Council the council says in any case antek Adagio number 11 quote it is of course essential that doctrine be clearly presented in its entirety nothing is so foreign to the spirit of acumen ISM as a false conciliatory approach which harms the purity of Catholic doctrine and obscures its assured gem genuine meaning so the council's clear you must have a fullness of doctrine and you must have an authentic genuine meaning of the doctrine no saint john paul ii in his papal document but-- unum Sint on acumen ISM will add further clarity and this is important because the word acumen ISM is sometimes thrown around like the word love in the 70s everybody used it but no one quite knew what it meant and if you're going to object to a definition you have to you have to have a clear understanding of what the church means when it uses the word acumen ISM so John Paul will say in this document autom Sint that acute is 'm has two major components number one prayer as its sole number two dialogue as its body seeking Christian unity and this is very important in the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church so it's prayer and dialogue seeking unity in the church that's authentic Catholic acumen ISM the Holy Father goes on to say regarding doctrinal disagreements the following quote with regard to the study of areas of disagreement the council requires that the whole body of doctrine be clearly presented full communion of course will have will have to come about through the acceptance of the whole truth into which the Holy Spirit Guides Christ's disciples hence all forms of reductionism or facile quote griemann and quote must be absolutely avoided one more quote from john paul ii he says quote the unity willed by God can be attained only by the adherence of all to the content a revealed faith in its entirety in matters of faith compromise is in contradiction with God who is truth in the body of Christ the way the truth and the life who could consider legitimate a reconciliation brought about at the expense of truth what's clear at the Council what's clear in the papal Magisterium is to be ecumenical means you must present the full truth the full doctrinal truth without compromise unfortunately the Holy Father is using this expression you know who would consider this well unfortunately there are people that would consider under stressing or even eliminating doctrinal truth for the sake of a pseudo acumen ISM what he calls another place so let's apply this to this Marian doctrine if one goal of this definition is to provide the most clear and articulate formulation of this doctrinal truth this will be an aid this will be a service this will be a contribution to authentic acumen ISM I want to read a portion of a letter from the late Cardinal O'Connor of New York who I think beautifully articulated this regarding a fifth marian dogma he says and I quote clearly a formal papal definition would be articulated in such precise terminology that other Christians would lose their anxiety that we do not distinguish adequately between Mary's unique association with Christ and the redemptive power exercised by Christ alone I hope you appreciate his thought here what he's saying is if you have a papal definition of a doctrine which is ours that's already established our ladies role in the redemption is a doctrine of the church if you have a formal solemn definition it will distinguish that Mary is not God that Mary is not the fourth person of the Trinity and so in an authentic economic you medical dialog someone says what's the problem we have in you Catholics is you put Mary on a level of equality with God we could take out our wonderful dogmatic statement and said no we don't and here it is from our highest authority you see that helps Okuma nism that supports an honest dialogue of truth you heard the council you heard the Holy Fathers say anything short of that is false it's a compromise and quite frankly it's trying to build a Christian Union on us and our willingness to compromise not on Jesus not on truth there's there's a there's a dangerous arrogance when we compromise the truth of the church so apart from appearances authentic human ism would be served by a definition and of course the Holy Father with the help of theologians would make the most clear precise capturing of the doctrine that's a positive step in acumen ISM I want to read also from an interesting source this is the late anglican theologian John McCrory he's been described as Anglican isms greatest systematic theologian for the last part of the 20th century this is what he as an Anglican Oxford theologian says about a possible death of marius co-redemptrix in Mediatrix he says and i quote this matter cannot be settled by pointing to the dangers of exaggeration or abuse or by appealing to isolated text of Scripture such as first Timothy 2:5 or by the changing fashions in theology and spirituality or by the desire not to say anything that might offend one's partner in ecumenical dialogue unthinking enthusiasts may have elevated married to a position of virtual equality with Christ but this aberration is not a necessary consequence of recognizing that there may be a truth striving for expression in words like mediatrix and Cora dem tricks all responsible theologians would agree that Mary's core redemptive role is subordinate and auxiliary to the central role of Christ but if she does have such a role the more clearly we understand it the better you get my friends the point of consensus here's an alien theologian saying make it clear what would a dog would do it would make it clear what serves authentic Christian unity making it clear because it is a doctrine it is part of our tradition and it will not go away thanks be to God and the clearer the church articulates Mary's role in the redemption the more it serves authentic Akuma's 'm one last quote on this level of Okuma ISM this is Lutheran theologian Charles Dixon and this is about Mary's role in Christian unities and now we're talking about clarity of doctrine but we have to remember the church is ongoing teaching that the truth about the mother unites Christians as most families know mothers unite children more than children can unite themselves this is also true in body of Christ Dixon says and I quote as a Lutheran now in our time we are still faced with the tragic divisions among the world's Christians yet standing on the brink of a bright new ecumenical age Mary as model of catholicity or universality becomes even more important Mary through her motherhood maintains the universality of Christ's flock as the entire Christian community turns to her the possibility of a new birth a new reconciliation increases so Mary the mother of the church is also a source of reconciliation among her scattered and divided children so if we have Lutheran theologians telling us that Mary will help Christian unity surely we should be granting that I also want to make a brief reference and this is also just for for your own knowledge about what's been referred to as the Czestochowa Commission for those unaware in 1996 there was a meeting of 23 theologians now unfortunately and I say this with total respect for the church and the church's authority but also in this age of new transparency I think it's time to be straightforward about some of these elements as well in 1996 there was no serious study of the question concerning the definition there was on the other hand a 15-minute discussion by 23 theologians at the meeting of the ecumenical Mary ologist connected with what's called the Pontifical Marine Academy so in other words in their typical ecumenical meeting this question was brought up about a possible definition it was talked about for about 15 minutes and then it was voted 23 to nothing to not be in favor of this well about a year later this Czestochowa Commission came out as if a it was a serious study well there was no study at all it was a 15 minute discussion be the members of the Commission were not even told that they were a special commission to study the question how do we know because the members said as much they were not informed and most dangerously see it was then passed on as if it was some type of Magisterial authoritative prohibition of efforts for this definition I'm simply saying just for the sake of clarity none of those are true it was not a serious study there was no study at all it was basically written by one theologian after 15 minutes secondly it has never been a magisterial document holding authority and thirdly I think it's time to do a serious study if we don't accept the massive history and theology that's already been brought together including the papal statement after papal statement about the legitimacy of these titles but again in an age of transparency and integrity the Czestochowa Commission should never be quoted as anything of a serious study or as an authoritative exercise of the Magisterium it was neither one of those two okay let's go to our seventh and final benefit of a proclamation and this is the confirmation from church approved private revelation that our lady wants this and quite frankly our lady wants it now sometimes I will use the image which is particular to women that our lady seems to be 10 months pregnant with this Dogma she wants to give birth 10 months pregnant is not a pretty metaphor but I think it B speaks even if I may say imagine having the ability of saving of helping of healing so many but you're prevented why because the ones you want to heal and save an assist have not given consent your their consent for your help it's almost like a parent looking at their children playing on a freeway and yet the parent is being held back from telling the children to get off the freeway I think that's a bit of the sorrow of the Immaculate Heart today she is the mother that can help save and heal and grace but she's waiting on us well I want to make reference to just to private revelations although there were several others that have said specifically that this Proclamation is not only something our lady desires but but to be very specific it is a condition for world peace I want to say that once again that in these messages approved by the church this Proclamation is a condition for world peace let's go first to the apparitions of Amsterdam 1945 to 1959 approved by the local bishop as being of supernatural origin on May 31st 2002 our lady says specifically this is a May 31st 1954 message she says quote work and ask for this dog love you must petition the Holy Father for this Dogma and further quote the world is dominated by the spirit of Satan when the dogma the last dogma in Marion history has been proclaimed the Lady of All Nations will give peace true eise to the world she repeats a year later on May 31st 1955 quote C&C if you don't think this describes our present situation quote the world has lost its bearings well then Nations put your trust in your mother she is allowed to come to you under this new title co-redemptrix Mediatrix and advocate why do you not ask your Holy Father to pronounce the dogma the lady demands once the dogma has been pronounced the Lady of All Nations will give her blessing then the Lady of All Nations will bestow peace she will help you when this Dogma has been proclaimed my friends that's pretty explicit the dogma the Lea demands well she's not demanding it because she wants more glory quite frankly she's 4th in the hierarchy of being and there's not a lot of upward mobility the next three happened to be divine she's doing this for us she is she has a mother's heart for each one of us and for the world at large she has the grace to heal but she waits on our Thea isn't that paradoxical that at one point God the Father awaited the Fiat the yes of a young version to bring us the Redeemer now that same woman is waiting on our Fiat on the yes of the Vicar of Christ to make this Proclamation second apparition is the church approved a person of the Lady of All Nations in Akita Japan now I mentioned the Lady of All Nations in Akita Japan because in these church approved apparitions in Japan this is 1973 to 1981 our lady does not use a new title she never refers to herself as our lady of Akita or anything else why because it's a continuity of the Lady of All Nations in Japan how do we know number one because the wooden statue that would weep 101 times by the way I've not 101 tears that's a hundred and one different occasions is a statue of the Lady of All Nations ironically it was carved by a Buddhist sculptor because one of the sisters believed that she had received a miraculous cure from the Lady of All Nations so a sister commissioned a Buddhist sculpture to sculpt this statue and that statue began to miraculously weep 101 times also the Sister Sister Agnes Sasagawa was taught the prayer of the Lady of All Nations in preparation for her mystical experiences and finally the Bishop Bishop Ito who declared these to be authentic in 1984 said simply quote Akita is the continuation of Amsterdam now it is also important to note that along these two Dogma supporting apparitions there's also clearly the message of conditional global chastisement we don't like to use the c-word it's simply in every church approved apparition since Fatima that means a conditional chastisement based on the sins of humanity these messages make reference to the dogma as being a remedy or major mitigation of global catastrophe and that's why I found it very heroic that the bishops and Cardinals that wrote this letter on August 22nd specified they're concerned about global catastrophe and that's why they're asking our present Holy Father to make this Proclamation so in closing it's a call for human cooperation in honoring our ladies human cooperation two very specific things that we can do number one of course we pray prayer is ultimately the release of super nature for the church in the world today I particularly recommend the prayer of the Lady of All Nations on February 11th and there's hundreds of free prayer cards downstairs you're certainly welcome to them on February 11th 1951 she gave a prayer which he said would prepare the world for this Proclamation and number two as our lady herself said petitioned the Holy Father now we do this respectfully to the Vicar of Christ on earth but you can now with the use of technology you can go to open letter for mary.com a couple weeks after these Cardinals and bishops did this letter there's now a YouTube site there's a facebook site there's a website you can go and you can add your petition to the letter itself and all of those are being forwarded to the Vatican so let me just mention theoretically if a Holy Father felt the call to crown our lady what would be easier for him to do it by himself or be to do it along with millions of faithful saying Holy Father please do this the correct answer is the bee and that's why heaven has confirmed the practice in the church to do this so I ask you cooperate pray for this proclamation also add your petition if you feel so called so you could say yes I was part of the movement which historically crowned Our Lady and let's end with the praying of the prayer of the Lady of All Nations the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Lord Jesus Christ son of the Father send now your spirit over the let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations that they may be preserved from degeneration disasters and war may the Lady of All Nations Mary kori dendrix and mediatrix be our advocate amen the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit amen thanks and God bless you [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: franciscanfriars
Views: 5,253
Rating: 4.828877 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Mark Miravalle, Why the Dogma, Coredemption La Crosse 2019, Mary Coredemptrix, 5th Marian Dogma, BVM, Blessed Virgin Mary, Coredemptrix, Dogma, La Crosse, La Crosse Coredemption 2019, Mary, Symposium, Conferences, Shrine, WI, Franciscans of the Immaculate, Religion, Christianity (Religion), Catholic, Spirituality, Salvation, Faith, God, Church, Gospel, Catholic Church, Jesus Christ, Christ, Jesus
Id: 4kFCxEbD4nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 27sec (3327 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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