Coredemptrix, Mother of the Church - Dr. Fastiggi - CONF 453

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[Music] [Music] my name is Robert Foster G I teach theology at Sacred Heart major Seminary in Detroit I've been teaching there since 1999 and before that I taught for 14 years in Austin Texas and at st. Edwards University now I'm really honored and humbled to be here I want to thank father elijah Mary for inviting me and also dr. mark Mira Valley for inviting me and my topic is going to be Mary Mother of the church and co redemption but before I say that I'm I'm here in the presence either living or departed or decease of some people who have taught me so much about Mary and Co redemption Monsignor Calkins I've learned so much from also dr. Marc Mero Valley and also fathered Peter Damian Felner who was the rector here for about six years may God bless each and every one of them I also have been very dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe my wife and I were married in 1984 we but we didn't have children for the first couple years we're wondering what's happening and a man who'd come to Mass every day said you have to pray to Our Lady owatta Lupe so I went into this San Jose church and I just said a very simple prayer o Blessed Mother help my wife to conceive one child just one child even and then she conceived and our oldest daughter Mary was born December 12th so I think this is a great blessing and then we were blessed with two more children so this is a great blessing to be here also this is the hundredth and first anniversary of the great miracle of the Sun at Fatima there's all these wonderful signs God gives us this is one of the most amazing because I was in in Rome last month and there were two talks at this course on Marian apparitions button on Our Lady of Guadalupe and Monsignor Eduardo Chavez who's part of this quad Institute for Guadalupe studies on Our Lady of Guadalupe Guadalupe on and studies he showed by the PowerPoint up close the fibers and there's no color the colors are only visible from a distance and then another another professor from Yucatan showed how the constellations of the stars in her cloak match actual constellations in the sky so it's absolutely miraculous and so what a gift she is and then while the Catholic Church was losing so many to the Protestants at that time the Blessed Virgin Mary brought them back about eight or nine million within a period of ten years so really a marvelous time so I am honored to be here at this this shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe also tomorrow in Rome there will be canonization of four new canonized saints two Italian priest two women religious but the two we would know were the Archbishop Oscar Romero who was shot to death in El Salvador and also blessed Paul the sixth will be Saint Paul the sixth as of tomorrow and I was thinking about blessed Paul the sixth in terms of this talk because at Vatican to the nowhere in the actual text of the 8th chapter of the dogmatic constitution of the church does the title mother of the church appear though there's some very close approximation she's called our mother in the order of grace and all the faithful look upon her as a most beloved mother but in some books had said that some of the Protestant observers objected to the title mother of the church Oscar Coleman because it would seem like then the church comes from Mary rather than Christ and so it wasn't actually there in the actual text but blessed Paul the sixth on November 21st the Feast of the presentation of Mary 1964 gave a wonderful allocution at the end of the third session of the Second Vatican Council I remember Cardinal Burke telling me once that's one of the finest speeches at Vatican 2 and in that speech Heep proclaims Mary Mother of the church which had already been there but several Pope's had referred to her as that and I'll talk more about that in a minute but I also think of blessed Paul the six for this one speech he gave and it was Monsignor Calkins who you know something he wrote first pointed out the significance of this very simple April 21st 1970 in a hum in an address at the Shrine of Our Lady of bone area in Calais re Sardinia he said if we want to be Christian we must also be Marian in a word we have to acknowledge the essential vital and providential bond or link uniting Our Lady to Jesus a relationship that opens before us the way leading to him so this bond between Jesus and Mary this is what st. Teresa of Calcutta was once asked why are you Catholics give so much attention to Mary and her answer was very simple no Mary no Jesus no Mary no Jesus we think about that that's absolutely true and the great st. Louis de Montfort had that notion he said Oh Lord you are Oh Lord always with Mary and Mary is always with you and we could think of what God has joined together let no human being put a son this is the bond the vital providential bond between them but in that talk that address of November 21st 1964 soon-to-be Saint Paul the sixth bestowed upon Mary which had already existed this title of Mary Mother of the church and he says this is a title venerable brothers not new to Christian piety it is precisely by this title in preference to all others that the faithful and the church address Mary it truly is part of the genuine substance of devotion to Mary finding its justification in the very dignity of the mother of the word incarnate and then he continues just as in fact the divine maternity is the basis for her special relationship with Christ and for her presence in the economy of salvation brought about by Jesus Christ thus that also constitutes the principle basis for the relations between Mary and the church now this is very interesting the title of the eighth chapter of lumen gentium know is on the Blessed Virgin Mary in the mystery of Christ and the church that she brings together Christ and the church and really this is how Paul the six put it she is the mother of him who right from the time of his incarnation in her virginal bosom joined to himself as head of his mystical body which is the church Mary then as the mother of Christ his mother also of all the faithful and of all pastors so if the church is the mystical body of Christ Mary is the mother of Christ and therefore the mother the church because the church is his body there's a wonderful line in the counts of Trent's decree on justification I often think about this we are living members of Christ's body we are living members of Christ's body and I'll get back to that but just this past winter in a decree dated February 11 2018 but released March 3rd Cardinal Robert Serra prefect of the Congregation for the divine worship and discipline of the sacraments announced that Pope Francis has decreed that the memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother the church should be inscribed in the Roman calendar on the Monday after Pentecost and be celebrated every year now this came as something of a surprise to many of us either it was and it was something from Cardinal sorrow and as the Pope to support it or it came from Pope Francis himself apparently the Pontifical Marian Academy was not consulted now whether others in Rome were consulted he just was there my suspicion is Pope Francis is very devoted to [Music] Blessed Paul the sixth and now will canonize him and so remember he was a young priest during the pontificate of Paul the sixth and he remembered that title mother of the church and he thought maybe in anticipation of the canonization he would ask for this to be an obligatory memorial it had already been though a vote of Mass there was a vote of Mass in 1964 in honor of Blessed Mary Mother of the church and it was proposed during the 1975 year of reconciliation and inserted in the Roman Missal in 1980 the title Mary as Mother the church was added to the litany of Loreto with papal approval in 1986 the 1986 collection of masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary three formularies for the celebration of the Blessed Virgin image and mother of the church were included so there already was the option of celebrating masses but now it will be obligatory follow the Monday after Pentecost which is quite significant but in his February 11 2018 decree it's interesting that Kartal Serra a great man points to John 19 25 through 27 for understanding Mary as Mother of the church that's Mary under the cross and he writes the mother standing beneath the cross accepted her son's testament of love and welcomed all people in the person of the Beloved Disciple as sons and daughters to be reborn onto life eternal she thus became the tender mother the church which Christ begot on the cross handing on the spirit so we often say when did the church begin well the Catechism of the church Catholic Church says the church was there from the beginning it was prefigured in creation prepared for the old covenant founded upon the words and actions of our Lord Jesus Christ but fulfilled by his saving death and resurrection and then manifested at Pentecost and it will reach perfection when he returns it will be fulfilled then and so the church has been in the mind of God from the beginning because of the predestination of the Incarnation also saint john paul ii turns it to john 19 25 through 27 is instrumental for understanding Mary as Mother the church in his general audience of September 17 1997 he observes on Calvary Mary United herself to the sacrifice of her son and made her own maternal contribution to the work of salvation which took the form of labor pains the birth of the new humanity and then he goes on to say in addressing the words woman behold your son to marry the Crucified one proclaims her motherhood not only in relation to the Apostle John but also to every disciple now we know and and Monsignor alluded to this earlier you know that Mary when she gave birth had no labor pains and miraculously her body remained that of a virgin even though she gave birth this is the Virginia toss in part two which is dogmatic is what the church believes and proclaims she's a virgin before giving birth in giving birth and perpetually after giving birth but you see she didn't have labor pains when she gave birth to Jesus miraculously her labor pains were under the cross where she United with her son as Saint John Paul the second says in the form of labor pains giving birth to the new humanity giving birth to the new humanity the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven also manifests Mary as the spiritual mother of the church after being assumed into heaven Mary by her constant intercession as lumen gentium says continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation and by her maternal charity she cares for us who still journey on earth surrounded by dangers and difficulties until we are led into the happiness of our true home now as in many things there's a precedent there are anticipations for this title mother of the church Saint Agustin who died in 430 sees Mary as the mother of the members of Christ having cooperated by charity so the faithful might be born in the church who are members of that head st. Leo the Great who died in 460 states that Christ's generation is the origin of the Christian people in Christ's birth as head is also the birth of his mystical body so when Christ is born the mystical body is is also born with him but who is the mother of Christ and giving birth its Mary in the Middle Ages Saint Anselm dies in 1109 speaks of Mary as quote the mother of justification and the justified the mother of reconciliation and the reconciled the mother of salvation and of the saved Pope Benedict the 14th in said in a 1748 bull states that Mary on Calvary is in the proper sense mother of the church a gift the church received from the lips of her dying bridegroom their mother the church it's not just Paul the sixth pope leo xiii in his september fifth 1895 encyclical do teach'em extols mary as the mother of the church the teacher and the queen of the apostles and so this this is why it really was nothing new that paul the six was proclaiming but because there were some people even within the the theological Commission they were asked why the title mother the church was not there and they said well it's there in equivalent terms now it's reported that this Protestant theologian after Paul the sixth proclaimed Mary Mother of the church and said all the faithful to honor her he says I I can't accept this well why you can't accept it you're a Protestant but we're not here we're here to teach the truth you see in any case a good number of Bishops wanted that title in the document and when they saw it wasn't there explicitly illicitly Cardinal Wyszynski and the bishops of Poland and some others appeal to Pope Paul the sixth to proclaim Mary as Mother the church on his own authority and he responded favorably in his address of November 21st 1964 now soon-to-be Saint Paul the sixth had a few moments where he really showed that he was not going to be intimidated by theologians and advisors one was Humanae Vitae even though the so-called birth control commission recommended that the church allow the use of contraception in some hardship cases he held firm he saw this as really something that is that rooted in Scripture and tradition and cannot change it took a lot of courage also as Monsignor and alluded to there was you know the hesitation to Reif to condemn communism even though Cardinal Ottaviani in 1960 when he listed the Holy Office listed some of the requests of that office for the council one was a clear Def Con damnations of communism but in his encyclical ecclesiam tuam of 1964 paul the six condemns communism by name and it's in a footnote to gaudium it's best twenty-one so it's there but kind of hidden not everyone reads footnote so what sometimes we should in any case getting back to Cardinal sada he states that this new obligatory memorial of Mary Mother the church will highlight quote the mystery of Mary spiritual motherhood which from the awaiting of the Spirit at Pentecost has never ceased to take motherly care of the pilgrim church on earth and the Holy Father also hopes that the memorial will help root our spiritual lives firmly on three great realities the cross the Eucharist and the mother of God this of course follows from Vatican - she's United with - Christ the head of the church by a close an indissoluble bond and she is united to us as our spiritual mother the mother of the church but now I want to explore this a little bit more mother of the church it seems so simple and how does it relate to Cory Dempsey and mediation of all graces so I was thinking about this what we have to begin with what is the church and what does it mean to be a mother and so how do these two the church and Mary as Mother relate to her Co Redemption well the church is sometimes described as the people of God the temple of the Holy Spirit the Bride of Christ also the mother the mother church but Pius the 12th and is great encyclical mr. Chico Perez written during World War 2 1943 says if we are looking of for a description of the church there's nothing no description more sublime than the mystical body of Christ another image of the church which i think is very rich sometimes we miss it lumen gentium 48 the church is described as the universal sacrament of salvation and they say you know it says in earlier part in lumen gentium the tree or the churches in Christ like I like a you know a sacrament you know as if it were a sacrament veloute is the latin but salvation takes place in and through the church now this is in the Catechism of the Catholic Church number seven seven eight there's a kind of description which I alluded to earlier about the church really the church is central to the plan of salvation and seven seven eight which is a summary section says the churches both the means and the goal of God's plan prefigured in creation prepared for in the old covenant founded by the words and actions of Jesus Christ fulfilled by his redeeming cross in his resurrection the church has been manifested as the mystery of salvation by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit she won't be perfected in the glory of heaven as the Assembly of all the redeemed of the earth now Mary is called very early on a type of the church at cheapest that we everything that could be attributed to the church in some way could also be attributed to Mary so if the church is prefigured in creation Mary is also prefigured in creation this is biblical because speaking of the Incarnate Word Christ st. Paul writes in Colossians 1:15 and one-sixth of 1:16 15 and 16 he describes Christ the Incarnate Word as the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation and then he continues for in him Christ were created all things in heaven and on earth the visible and the invisible whether Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created through him and for him now all things were created through him and for him so really the Incarnate Word is connected with God's desire or gods this decision to create because as st. Bonaventure it's good to quote a Franciscan here said God had no need to create he was total self diffused knowledge and love within the Holy Trinity but he chose to create sea and everything was created through the word and through him and for him now how does Christ become the firstborn of all creation by being conceived and born x maria Gina from the Virgin Mary which means that therefore Mary as the mother of the Incarnate Word which is predestined is also predestined now this was alluded to already I think by father elijah Mary Elias Mary about Duns Scotus blessed John Duns Scotus believed that God would have become incarnate even if man had not sinned st. Thomas Aquinas says there's diverse opinions about this but he says scripture seems to link the Incarnation with the reparation of the fall or the redemption but he says God is not bound by this you see but the predestination of Mary is very central to the Incarnation in fact the Jesuit who died in 1617 Francisco Suarez said that was the reason why Satan and the bad angels fell God revealed his plan to become incarnate and joined himself to the created order by becoming man and Lucifer was just a you know just insulted and out of envy and pride he says how dare you if you're going to unite your nature your divine nature with any created reality it should be angelic not material well and then Suarez says there's evidence of this in the Gospel of John 8:44 that Satan is a murderer from the beginning well who did he want to murder from the beginning Christ and mankind this is just a speculation but father Peter Felner who was a great scholar of blessed John Duns Scotus wrote that the incarnation of the Savior is willed absolutely prior to any consideration of sin or of creation in that sense independently of both but blessed pious the ninth when he defined the dogma of the Immaculate Conception talked about the predestination of Mary and from when when was she predestined from the beginning God ineffable from the beginning and before all ages having foreseen from all eternity the lamentable wretchedness of the entire human race which would result from the sin of Adam decreed by a plan hidden from the centuries to complete the first work of goodness by a mystery yet more wonderfully sublime through the incarnation of the word so this from the beginning and then the Second Vatican Council if there was any doubt of what we mean by the beginning it states predestined from eternity of a turn o to be the mother of God by that divine by that decree of divine providence which also determined the incarnation of the word the Blessed Virgin was in the in this earth the Virgin Mother the Redeemer and above all others and in a singular way the generous associate and humble handmaid of the Lord now this joint declaration shows that when we talk about salvation history and really creation founded on the word and through the word and for the word Mary is central now subordinate to Christ but you cannot have Christ the Incarnate Word without the mother of the Incarnate Word so she's at the very heart as st. John Paul the second said at the center of salvation history there is a woman and that woman is Mary now this is interesting because I've been trying to study Vatican 2 you know what was going on behind the scenes and some of my colleagues at Sacred Heart major seminary when I proposed to have a required course in Mary ology which is more or less explicitly expected by a document from the Congregation for Catholic education of 1988 but it hasn't been achieved you know a 30 I think I did a survey of the major 32 major seminaries in the United States and as of two years ago only nine had a required standalone course on Mary ology required now it's often offered or it is said it should be included in ecclesiology now the argument is this because Vatican two the father's a Vatican two chose to include the schema on Mary ology on Mary in the dogmatic constitution of the church so therefore Mary is that should be taught Mary ology should be taught as part of ecclesiology the theology of the church well I teach ecclesiology theology of the church at a seminary and also Mary ology as an elective I'll tell you there's so much in ecclesiology then you wind up having like one if you're lucky two classes on Mary and that's enough that's what some people think this is what happened actually the the there was the original plan from 1962 larly 1962 was to have Mary ology included but then members of the theological Commission you know they would include it in the document of the church said there were so many petitions to discuss Mary and mediation really there should be a separate document and so it was approved of as a second document in the 1962 scheme on st. John the 23rd at least according to some article approved it at least for discussion then he died and then it was taken up again in the fall of 1963 whether to include the Marian schema or draft into the dogmatic Constitution on the church or have it as separate row rather than drag it out and have multiple interventions to Cardinals were selected Cardinal Santos of Manila in the Philippines was the one chosen to argue in favor of a separate document and Cardinal Koenig a Vienna argued for integration now both Cardinals agreed that there was a very close connection between Mary in the church but Cardinal Santos citing st. Bernard of Clairvaux argued that Mary is not merely a member of the church but one who freely cooperated in the establishment of the very existence of the body of Christ and then he said Mary ology pertains not just to ecclesiology but also to Christology and soteriology and he said to include the treatment of Mary in the constitution of the church could give the impression that the council was opting for what was called an ecclesial typical Mary ology over a crystal typical Mary ology so in other words ecclesial typical Mary ology this was starting to be there in the in the 50s and early 60s we want to see Mary in relation to the church Mary is a member of the church the most sublime member the christo typical wanted to emphasize Mary's connection with Christ in the work of redemption now Santos spoke first then he was followed by unique now Cooney says I don't I I don't quarrel with anything said by my most eminent brother you know a Cardinal Santos but this is very interesting because he gives a very interesting argument he says this council is concerned very much with the church salvation takes place in the church so don't say this is going to be opting for it ecclesial typical mary ology rather he said it would highlight Mary's role as quote the most sublime coopera tricks of Christ in both the accomplishment and the propagation of the work of salvation through His grace so in other words it would emphasize Mary's role with the church in the work of redemption that's the way he added but the way the journalists took over and the way some theologians twisted this when it was decided to have Mary integrated in the church was well then now Mary's not seen as outside the church but within the church and she's just a model there was a book a co-authored by Hans von Balthasar in Joseph Ratzinger called Mary the church at the source and I think this part was written by Ratzinger he said the initial effect a result of the victory or the seeming victory of ecclesial typical mary ology at vatican ii was the collapse of mary ology altogether very strong word and then people say that from 1964 till mary alice poultice 1974 there was the decade of silence on mary now that's not true totally it was a silence on the part of many Mara many theologians and unfortunately we were still trying to recover from that but I want to talk a little bit about Mary as co-redemptrix we've had beautiful defenses of that title and it is a title which has been paper Lee approved and used by many popes and as dr. meadow Valley pointed out under Pius the tenth it there were three prayers invoking Mary as co-redemptrix and these are recorded in the octa apostolic she said is the official acts of the Holy See and then pius xi is the first to use it and then after the council saint john paul ii uses it about seven times so the the titles not been condemned in fact the title is papal ii approved unfortunately there are some who even at very high levels resist the title i hate to say it but uh to prefix of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in interviews one I'm sorry to say was Cardinal Ratzinger and in his book called God in the world he says who was asked about the petition to proclaim the fifth Mary and Darwin said these people are sincere but there's better titles to use and then Cardinal Millar in the Miller report says we have to avoid extremes and avoid attributing to Mary what cannot be attributed to her and says for example we cannot the church does not call Mary co-redemptrix now this is a private you know interview it has no Magisterial bearing whatsoever he's no longer the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith I wrote him a seven-page letter and never received a response but I don't know I mean he's a very good man sometimes it he was he was studying theology you know it may be during those silent years but in any case God is more powerful than even theologians we have to keep that in mind something else about what Cardinal Sarah said about mother the church and this I thought was it was it was very interesting this is in his commentary you know and he mentions here again John 19 26 through 27 and he says having given his mother to the disciples and the disciples to his mother knowing that all was now finished the Dinah's gave up his spirit for the life of the church his mystical body indeed it was from the side of Christ as he slept the sleep of death upon the cross that there came forth the wondrous sacrament of the whole church well this is an allusion back to the book of Genesis the first Adam goes into a sleep and God and God from his side or from his rib forms his bride Eve well now we could see in the deeper sense the church but also Mary is formed in a certain sense in anticipation of his Redemption and Cardinal Sarah continues though water and blood which flowed from the heart of G of Christ on the cross as a sign of the totality of his redemptive offering continue to give life to the church sacramentally through baptism and the Eucharist say and then he says here it is in this wonderful communion between the Redeemer and the Redeem which has always always needs to be nourished blessed Mary has her maternal mission to carry out and then he talks about her as the one who offers Mary is the one who offers now just to kind of synthesize this a little bit Mary is the co-redemptrix and the mediate ryx of all graces with and under her son Jesus as mother of the church she is intimately associated with the work of redemption and the mediation of saving grace she is also the advocate of all the faithful who constant and she constantly intercedes for the Brethren of her son but I'd like to also stress Mary as teacher and model but we think what does a mother do mother conceive she gives birth but that doesn't end her role as mother she also has to nourish care for and teach her children so Mary did that for Jesus and she continues to do that with us because we are members of Christ's body as a mother and this is where we see as Cardinal Sarah explains the spiritual motherhood of Mary he says given the importance of the mystery of Mary spiritual mother motherhood which from the awaiting of the Spirit at Pentecost has never ceased she has never ceased to take motherly care of the pilgrim church on earth Pope Francis has decreed on the Monday after Pentecost the memorial of Mary Mother the church should be obligatory for the whole Church of the Roman Rite the connection between the vitality of the church and Pentecost and the maternal care of Mary towards it is evident in the of the mass in the office the texts of Acts 1 12 through 14 throws light on the liturgical celebration as does Genesis 3 9 through 15 and 20 read in the light of the topology of Eve that Mary the new Eve who becomes the Mater omnium vivent iam the mother of all the living under the cross of her son the Redeemer of the world then he says the hope is that the extension of the celebration to the whole church will remind all Christ's disciples that if we want to grow to be filled with the love of God it is necessary to plant our life firmly on three great realities again the cross the Eucharist the mother of God these are three mysteries that God gave the work to the world to structure fructify and sanctify our interior life and lead us to Jesus and then he says these three mysteries are to be contemplated in silence now you've already heard in some of the talks how vatican true in lumen gentium highlights Mary as the co-redemptrix without using the word like lumen gentium 58 grieving exceedingly with her only begotten son uniting herself with a maternal heart with his sacrifice and lovingly consenting to the emulation of this victim which she herself brought out and then she's given to the whole church with Jesus dying on the cross woman behold thy son now saint john paul ii says it you know you have the translation from that moment on the disciple who represents all of the beloved disciples us we would hope took her into his home but the greek is actually deeper he took her iced taw idea into what is his own he took her into his interior self his whole being took Mary into his own and that's how Mary exercises hermit or spiritual maternity to become interior to life of all the faithful as our mother and then lumen gentium 62 tells us that this Maternity of Mary in the order of grace began with the consent which he gave in faith at the Annunciation and which she sustained without wavering beneath the cross and lasts until the eternal fulfillment of all the elect taken up to heaven she did not lay aside the salvific duty munis is the Latin you know it's a duty or an office but by her constant intercession continue to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation see and then Cardinal Sara continuing on.this says this celebration of the feast will help us to remember that growth in the Christian life must be anchored as we've already said in these mysteries the oblation of Christ in the Eucharistic banquet and and to the mother of the redeem Redeemer and mother of the redeemed the Virgin who makes her offering to God that's the key line the Virgin who makes her offering to God now Vatican 2 highlighted the Paschal mystery that is the saving passion death and resurrection of our Lord you could also include in some ways the Ascension in the Paschal mystery some even include the the parousia the second coming of Christ Vatican 2 says is whenever the sacrifice of the mass is offered the work of our redemption is carried out or accomplished it's ongoing it's already here but it's not yet fulfilled now Monsignor Calkins beautifully has illustrated that st. John Paul the second in a sense broke new ground showing that at every sacrifice of the mass there is made present not only the sacrifice of Christ but also all that happened under Calvary including Mary's presence and Mary being given to the church but also I would say Mary's offering now here is where I see mother of the church Mary as Mother and teacher and model she is the eucharistic woman who tells us that our whole life is caught up in this passion the Paschal mystery and we unite ourselves with the sacrifice of Christ as she United herself as mother under the cross so she provides the example of what we should do living a Eucharistic life and a life of sacrifice Pius the 12th in his great encyclical 1947 explained how not only the priest makes the offering but all of the faithful how he reminds us it's not the sacrifice of the priest a priest is needed to make the sacrifice present but Christ is the priest and the victim at every Mass this is going back to Trent what was offered once in a bloody manner on the altar of Calvary is represented may present again at every Athiya at the altar and Mary is there - so she unites herself to the offering of her son as we've already seen her Pius the 12 says the faithful participate in the offering of the mass by uniting themselves to the victim as members of his body that's how we participate in the offering those of us you know members of the congregation we are living members of Christ's body who's offering themself to the Father this is quite a privilege but Mary is our mother in the order of grace she shows us how to do that in the most profound way now this happens at Mass and also outside of the context of mass that we can offer up Christ it is there in the prayer taught by the three children of Fatima in the autumn of 1916 by the angel and this is the prayer which are your off very familiar with Most Holy Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit I adore thee profoundly I offer thee the most precious body blood soul and vanity of Jesus Christ present at all the Tabernacles of the world in reparation for the outrageous sacrilege zidon differences by which is by which he is offended and through the infinite merits of his most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary I beg the conversion of poor sinners that's what the work of redemption is bringing about the salvation the conversion and salvation of poor sinners that's carried out in the church it's very similar to the prayer of of st. Faustina you know the chaplet of divine mercy Oh My Jesus I offer thee well I offer leave the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son Eternal Father I offer leave the body and blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world laypeople religious sisters can offer this we offer Christ as living members of his body it's also there in the one prayer taught by the Blessed Mother at Fatima oh my Jesus I offer this for whenever we make sacrifices I offer this for the love of thee for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary so the right way of conclusion Mary Mother of the church the church is the mystical body of Christ Mary in Christ was predestined but to become the Incarnate Word of God but Mary is there as the mother of the Incarnate Word of God st. Thomas Aquinas said God could have chosen to save the human race in many ways but he chose this way to become incarnate and then in the third part of the Summa question 30 is quoted also by Pope Leo the 13th going back to a statement of st. Bernard of Clairvaux but st. Thomas Aquinas says when Mary said yes to the invitation of the angel to become the mother of the word incarnate she said yes on behalf of the whole human Reis very profound statement a fourteen-year-old girl that's the general sense of her age she represented all of Israel saying yes she's the daughter of Zion yes we want them I accept the Messiah into the nation of Israel the people of God the people of Israel but she's the mother of all the living so she speaks not just on behalf of Israel but of the whole human race you see but that's not a whole she was there at Cana she United her sole life with the ministry of her son and under the cross she makes her offering she unites herself to his sacrifice as mother and providing us as a good teacher and mother the example of how we are to live our Christian lives as Catholics as dr. Meara Valli said there's nothing more Catholic than Cori Desmond and the Marius mediation of all grace because we're all to be living that Christic mystery in the way we live our lives offering ourselves up for the conversion of poor sinners uniting ourselves with the cross of Christ so Mary is the mother of the church and she's also the mother of the Redeemer and the core adem tricks she is also the mediate ryx of all the graces received through the church which is the mystical body of Christ and the universal sacrament of salvation Mary Mother the church in its own hidden way also reveals and sheds light on Mary as co-redemptrix and mediate trips of all graces and maybe this means more development but those are my ideas for now thank you for your attention [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: franciscanfriars
Views: 775
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: mother of the church, Dr. Robert Fastiggi, history, Co-redemption, Coredemption, Coredemptrix, IMA, International Marian Association, Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, La Crosse Coredemption 2018, Marian Coredemption, Marian Symposium, Mary, Relevance and Remedy for Our Time, Conferences, Relevance of Marian Coredemption, Franciscans of the Immaculate, Religion, Christianity (Religion), Catholic, Spirituality, Faith, God, Church, Gospel, Catholic Church, Jesus Christ, Christ, Jesus
Id: c34wNYfdDHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 58sec (3118 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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