Pastor Sammy Allen - Going Home Celebration

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] busy [Music] that in the name of jesus christ of man liberty should battle every country confess jesus christ is lord in the glory of god i will thank you lord that you are my lord lord i bless you and i praise you for the privilege we have with all your names what we thank you for what the crowd was getting here today boy i know this is a small indication of the black command we've been honored today oh god i pray that you and every woman ladies and gracious [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh god it just inspires us to try harder to do a good job oh lord i'm watching the video yesterday i understand that you will be a man a child of god [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] i know [Applause] [Music] thank you lord okay everybody that is physically able could we please stand number 14 i'd like to say it's been an honor to be brother sammy's choir director for 42 years and i consider it a great privilege to be able to do one more song for him so everybody's saying let's sing for him sing for god sing for brother allen number 14. i will meet you in the morning by the bright riverside when all has drifted away i'll be standing at the portal when the cave is [Music] you in the morning meet you in the morning how do you do how do you do sit down by the river sit [Music] [Applause] [Music] know me in the morning know me in the mornings city built that city built for square [Music] and exchange the old cross for a prize there will be no disappointment and nobody shall die in that land how do you do sit down by the river sit down by the river right [Applause] you in the morning [Applause] [Music] i [Music] while the [Music] meet you in the morning how do you do how do you do sit down by the river sit down [Music] in [Music] where get that last verse again [Music] where we all can be together [Music] while the years how do you do [Applause] [Music] smiles that i wear smiles that i wear [Applause] [Music] the bible says you've got your bible these in chapter five verse 14 wherefore he saith awake thou that sweep us and arise from the dead and christ shall give you life the bible said in first thessalon chapter 5 verse 6 therefore let us not speak as do others but let us watch and be sober the bible said in first corinthians chapter 15 verse 34 paul told the church at corinth he said awake to righteousness had sinned up for said some men have not the knowledge of god said i speak this to your shame yeah are you listening the bible said in proverbs chapter 6 verse 9 how long will thy sleep oh sluggard and that word sluggard means to be lazy and all listen i don't know too much about the meth memphis fog they asked sam p jones that great methodist preacher sam p jones filled with the holy spirit from cartersville georgia they asked him some of the myths memphis asked him said when are you going to start preaching about some of these other denominations well he said i'll tell you it's like this he said when by the time i get through with the method memphis he said it'll be time to go home amen absolutely by the time i get through the leftist folk it'll be time to go home so the time we get through the back with the baptist folk tonight it'll be time to go home amen you say what time is it oh it's late now folk you know it's late in this dispensation we're living in the closing days closing hours of this grace dispensation it may end at any moment are you listening this is the great this is the best dispensation since adam and eve sinned in the garden of eden the grace dispensation by god amen for the grace dispensation something for nothing that's grace that's the best way to find grace just something for nothing amen god's unloaded undeserving favor towards lost humanity that's it grace being justified freely romans 3 24 being justified freely this grace through the redemption which is in christ jesus the bible says in ephesians 2 89 for by grace are you say through faith and that knowledge yourself it is the gift of god not of works lest any man said both romans 3 28 therefore we conclude that a man's justified the faith without the deeds of the law the bible said in romans 5 1 therefore being justified by faith well peace with god through our lord jesus christ the bible said in titus 35 not the works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us for the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy ghost amen john 1 17 for the law was given to moses that grace and truth came by jesus christ romans 5 9 much more of them being now justified this blood just as though i've never seen amen that's what that word justified means just this though i've never committed one saying just like just like a little infant when it's first born into the natural family that little infant don't have no past and that's what when i repented and god gave me faith to believe and i confess christ as my personal lord and savior god the father god the son god the holy spirit forgot all about my past the blood washed my sins away are you listening what time is it oh ii timothy chapter 3 verse 1. this know also that in the last days perilous times dangerous times shall come from ancillary lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers there's a big prize unthankful unholy without natural affections truth breakers false accusers incumbent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heavy high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away well you said i'll tell you what time is preaching time that's what time it is amen and he's preaching time i love good singing amen i mean biblical songs go around listen i like that ephesians 5 19 go around speaking to yourself in songs i tell you speaking yourself in psalms you read and study the psalms that'll keep a song in your heart amen you can go around if you feel all the fullness of god you can go around speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs the bible notice it said it said psalms and hymns i like them old hands what a friend we have in jesus amazing grace how sweet the sound no one ever cared for me like jesus i like the hymns there's a fountain filled with blood yeah i love the hills i love them old soul songs they're hymns that's got a message in them amen how beautiful heaven must be oh i like the hymns are you listening and then i like them spiritual songs like uh everybody will be happy over there that's not about when we get to new jerusalem everybody won't be happy to judgment see all of us not gonna be happy i like that song i'll meet you in the morning oh i like that song that brother grant and his wife sing tonight listen i'll fly away that's what's gonna happen when jesus comes we're gonna fly away are you listening i like those spiritual songs amen just as long as they're biblical i like him just as long as they're biblical but i don't like that song if you see a man in sandals i don't like that or if anyone makes it lord surely i will are you listening i just don't like that or i'm building a bridge that don't do nothing for me it's just as bad the single eyes it is to preach why am i not and a good folk baptist folk that'll drive 50 miles they'll drive 100 miles to a scene and they won't drop 10 miles to hear a good man of god preach there's something wrong and then something already did you have to type change you've got the wrong kind of appetite hey man the bible said the bible said romans 10 17 so then faith called by hearing and hearing by the choir specials and the trios and the soloists lord said so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god oh i like that don't you you say what time is preaching time i hope you haven't got a preacher now the preacher gets up the glory just fills the place and he don't preach about five minutes and that gets the job done okay but i hope you pray you don't go to church with a preacher it makes no difference he's right in the middle of this message when 12 o'clock comes he'll cut the message short hope you don't go to church like that if you do i'm going to raise your hand i'll have special prayer for it hey man it's preaching time i mean it's preaching time if i was in a church where the word of god wasn't being preached it wasn't being talked i'd pray until i got through got all the unconfessed sin confessed and i prayed i got through and wherever god led me the holy spirit led me i'd get out amen i mean it's preaching hey do you love good preaching your preachers preach had you rather eat hey listen had you rather hear a man of god preachers eat t-bones had you yeah if you hadn't there's something wrong i mean it's preaching time if you don't love good preaching something roll your eyes so i was going weird on the farm listen folk look at i was born real far i know a little bit about hard work i've done a little sawmill in and cut a little pup wood the most cotton i ever picked in a half a day brother frank was 240 pounds and a half a day and i know a little bit about hard work about getting out there and holding cotton chopping cotton working from daylight to dark i know a little bit about hard work if you get out there and work hard listen friend you can't saw me or cut pup wood on corn flakes or post ptosis you just can't do it oh no it's preaching time i charge thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead and his appear in his kingdom he said uh timothy he said preach the word you can't improve on that acts 8 4 therefore david were scattered broke whenever we're preaching the word you cannot improve on that kind of preaching but whenever we're preaching the word preached the word said be instant in season and out of season a lot of folk watch television two and three and four and five six hours or maybe go watch a football game or a baseball game or a basketball game two or three hours and you mean you can't sit and hear a man of god preach maybe for an hour and a half how would you like to been in ephesus how would you like to been in ephesus that lord's day that first day of the week in acts chapter 20 when they came together and the bible said that paul was long preached [Music] the bible said he preached for midnight or he was a real gentleman because he was sitting in the window and he was more out he was in and when he fell off to sleep he fell out the window hey man paul just went down and embraced him raised him back to life brought him back up and talked he talked on that didn't say prince but he talked to him until the morning when he preached until midnight i don't know what time they come together on that first day of the week but paul was long preaching now the bible the king james said he was lord preaching and he preached and he preached and he preached and he preached some more and he preaches and he preached and he preached and he preached until midnight it's preaching time are you listening [Applause] yes well that was our hero i believe all of us would say that i was asked the other day why didn't i write a song about it about brother sammy and i got to thinking years ago all the heroes they would write a ballot about the hero you know so i wrote a little ballot about brother sammy [Music] brother sammy was an old-time preacher man he traveled and he preached throughout the land he told sinners to repent and down the aisle they went brother sammy was an old-time preacher man oh the bible he would quote while he would preach and many were the souls that he would reach his voice would often reign with it's a serious thing oh the bible he would quote while he would preach but who's gonna pray for us since he is gone who's gonna take our names before the throne all the battles he would face there in the secret place who's gonna pray for us since he is gone he said one thing's for sure i'll never change the bible he believed was the old king james he said the power from above felt like liquid love [Applause] i believe he heard well done when he walked in now he's more alive than he's ever been his faith ended inside with brother stinnett he's all right i believe he heard well done when he walked in a woman who's gonna pray for us since he is gone who's gonna bring our names before the throne the battles he would face they're in the secret place who's gonna pray for us since he is gone and brother sammy was an old-time preacher man [Applause] [Music] right i know you do thank you years ago after i was called to preach i went off to fruitland and the lord introduced me to the blue ridge count meet where i heard brother joe parsons and i heard uh dr mccarley curtis mccarley and i heard some of the greatest old man of god amen i appreciate uh all the men that i heard there oprah brothers and bob marshall so many of them but then come brother sammy i met him back in the early 70s when i was going to school i was going to that count back in 67 89 and the holy spirit was doing work i didn't know and i met brother sammy right along in about 1970 or 71. first time i heard him he made me mad and i said to myself i said i'm not go back listen to him anymore i had this big console tv but that was not my problem it was watching it till little zeros come up on saturday night where brother sammy allen told me that was the reason i didn't have any power with god so i learned and discerned from these old men that i'd heard i remember when i used to be in different places when one of them would walk in i felt something but i didn't know what it was i couldn't understand it and then when brother samuel was preaching i felt it again and i was disturbed because i didn't know what these men had but i knew i needed it dr percy ray scared me to death years ago but whenever these men were around i felt trembling on the inside because there was something that they had that i didn't have later on in life i come to realize that these men had god on they were saturated with the presence of god i was over at uh chatsworth here a few years ago preaching for donnie sutherland don is gone now and brother southern we were in early about wednesday and i was sitting on the front row i think we was i know we were still in the old storefront buildings before we moved into the new church and felt something it was the unction and the anointing of god on his servant and i gently turned job stand it below and brother samuel looked over at the preacher and brother sutherland came out and he sat down by me and he said what do you want i said i think we ought to let brother sammy allen testify and he did i thought maybe that brother stinny blue would testify after that and then i'd preach my message an hour and a half later we were in the midst of a deer jerking time in an altar call he was washed down with sweat water in his shoes i love this man we were over we're over chief of hathcocks chief and marin both are gone now in fact most all of the old men made the cross still a few of us left i can't wait till i get home you say you just talking no no that's all i got left is home and brother rhys key was there and i told reece so he had a service that night and some little woman got up saying and she didn't have all her clothes on and i said to brother race key i said uh i don't know why come something hadn't been said about that i said if we was over at our church it had been said [Music] that's all i needed to say when he staggered out of that pulpit that night you'd give anything to hunt you a seat outside somewhere and he preached he was a prince of preachers yes sir ever since i met him i've been laboring there with him this first scripture right here i want to read something to you says behold i show you a mystery said we shall not all sleep but we you can count on this happening we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trump shall sound the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must and i like these words put on incorruption and this mortal where he is what this is this is the old corpse the man don't need anymore shall have put on immortality one of these days we're gonna have the opportunity of pulling out yes sir i feel very little these great men of god scattered through this building and back here amen i want to say to you that this church is honored with your presence i feel god in this place and down through the years i had the opportunity to to walk and talk with my friend i won't need this whole body anymore see bulletsammy believed he believed in preaching it straight preaching it strong i'm scared of these preachers don't believe in preaching against sin scared of them and he preached and he preached and he preached that's how he helped people preaching against their sins you find him in a meeting that's where he went therefore but i'm going to tell you something else too he loved the glory he knew about the glory dr curtis mccarley used to say they're up there in the glory land enjoying the glory plug in he said get you some yeah i was over in the woods at the camp preacher said his heart needed been buried over there maybe we can do something put a rock in the dirt over there somewhere and put a sign up that's where his heart was that's right if it hadn't been for him there'd been no camp god gave that camp to him just like it did percy ray he said to me mirin that's what he called me when he was serious may run was my name when he was cutting up i knew when he caught what he wanted i saw there in the woods and i come out of the woods [Music] first and only time i've ever been in the woods over beyond the men's dorm over there i thought about it a many times after i said what if you'd got rattlesnake bit but when i come out the woods i had god on me stayed over there for hours the only time i've ever preached at night at the camp was wednesday wednesday night service in 1985. he come down the aisle over there to camp and i was sitting there he said brother mirren you're wrong tonight and i said to myself how does he know and i got up to preach and several times i started back to the pulpit and finally the man of god the old carcass here he said leave them alone they're too far in the river that's what i did they shouted till over in the night if there's ever been one thing that i want and desire in my life it's not that anybody looks up to me or gives any gratitude to me but just that the power of god i feel little really i mean i i i may be older than some of you but but i feel little with these men of god that's got the power of god on their life i told brother barry spears i go out to his church sunrise at lugo and i said barry i said if i when i passed away if i pass away for you do i want you to preach within why all messages i can't preach them no more but i do love i love i love the power that god puts in a man's life oh man i just want to say i won't take all this time this this matter of corruption this this matter of celestial bodies see you talking about two bodies here uh it it never never never even links up with the kind of body this man's got he's in he's an immediate body now he's waiting on the resurrection now i don't know what he's i i kind of feel like maybe it might be something like them too that appeared on mount transfiguration and uh they didn't come up the mountain and they didn't go back down but they never lost their identity i don't know what he looks like up there but i said it nev they never lost their identity those disciples recognize them to be the historian people that they knew and i want to bless the lord that when i get home you see that we'll know as we're known and when i get home i won't have any problem recognizing brother shall put on immortality he loved to preach preachers strong hard he was a very separated person you'd have to almost stay in the motel with him to find out but he he preached strong and hard people got right with god but he loved the glory i don't really know i can't tell you but i'd say that probably him and standing fame jordan brother malone a few of them fellas over there as wild as books and it wouldn't hurt their feelings you got wild don't tell you yeah i'll tell you this i'm looking forward to the glory there is a glory that we know about in the flesh but there is a glory that we won't know about till we get home i'm looking forward to that land where jesus has god prepared for us and i go to prepare a place for you he said if i go out come again thank god one of these days we're going to lead this whole world one of these days we're gonna pull out of here and the mortals shall put on immortality and we'll be oh i think i think about timothy first timothy he said that in uh chapter six i believe it's verse number 16 somewhere he said that jesus talking about jesus said who is our immortality i'm glad i'm resting in him tonight these preachers has got to preach and i want to hear what they got to say we'll never all of us will never say enough about this man his grandson down here called me the other day i want to thank you buck for doing that he said i wanted to tell you lest i forget and i want you to know i'm glad you wish my papaw stream and i said oh it was a joy to be his friend yes sir sometimes when i talk to him he'd say i don't know if i'd do that or not sometimes i'd talk to him and he'd say you need to go ahead and get that done but one time in my life i walked up to him and i told him about a problem that i was going through he turned around from where he was standing john and walked away never gave me an answer and you say well what did you do i dropped the issue i left it alone that's good i want to thank god for the privilege that i've had to be a friend to the man of god there have been times when i wondered about what he was taking and saying have been times when i didn't know if it was what we ought to do or not but i knew him knew he was god's man and i feel humbled i feel god here your lady here's been more help to my wife than she'll ever know amen i love jimmy lou allen she's second to none been the greatest first lady we've ever had look at this building i see all this beauty i don't know how many times he's told me about that window right there he said it is amazing and we got that thing put there it's that wonder right there i said everything here is amazing you would not want to stay here to hear what all i could say about him [Applause] but these other men who come and preach amen you're next somebody's next come on please i love you brother brother randy light scared me death of today i'm not one i'm not a very much of a conversationalist i don't talk much on the phone really and uh so i was riding down the road and i said i need to call brother randy check on miss jimmy and i called and when i he had the phone he went like that you like startled i said what's wrong he said i didn't really dial your number i said well you don't doubt my number they want you to help in the funeral and i like passed out i'll be honest with you and when i he was my friend after you moved on i'm an early riser my brother's here we we got up early fed the cows and everything before did he went to work and i just got i just get up early and i that's when i'd want to pray and study the next day after he died i went down to my study and i just bowed my head and just started squalling like a baby and i said the old soldier has gone home what a soldier he was what a man of god he was i was glad what you said about him what he called you at different times because and i've just i'm just my wife if she's taught me anything just be myself and sometimes i can be dangerous but uh i remember i don't know why he started it but my name's ronnie and he started calling me brother ronnie and i thought why is he calling me brother ronnie and i said i'll fix him up next time he said something about brother ronnie i said well it's good to meet you too brother simmy he never called me that name again he was he was such a blessing i thought about you know i'm not going to preach i'm just i'm just going to cry i remember what he said about him brother blue never had an argument disagreement any time brother samuel if you think about him he's always saying possess your vessel with sanctification and honor he most certainly did now i could tell when he didn't like anything he heard that old but i mean i don't know why he thought that he always thought i was the smartest guy in the world i don't know why but when he'd come to be with me he'd always ask me these deep theological questions i want to give you an answer to it give me an answer so we'd always go up to eat some barbecue at lexington and go to the flea market and it's about 40 minutes 45-minute drive and he'd always have a question i know he'd always have a question hey brother simpson he said he didn't call me ronnie daddy cause brother ronnie he said i've been thinking about something i said what he said about them babies that's died and said you know what he went a big spiel he said i believe they'll grow up in the millennial reign he said what do you think about that i said brother sammy there's not a bit of truth in that you know what he said well what about that [Applause] that's only no no never he always possessed his vessel deer hunt with me okay and i said all right anytime just call him well y'all not brother sammy had no time didn't mean anything to him he ends up in oxford north carolina and uh he called me up and said i'm finished meeting over here winch tonight said uh i want to go deer hunting with you in the morning i said well come on we're on our way two o'clock in the morning here he drove in i put him down in our preacher's room with two other guys and when sunlight came up with more sunlight i went there and got him and i already had him a stand fixed up and everything for a long time only time he ever went hunting with me and uh these two guys with him sorry little down rascals i'm gonna call your name but they wouldn't help me get him to the deer stand you don't have a gun account of that a judgment seat i promise i'm just kidding and uh so i you know it's just a few years ago i had to lead him in the woods tripping over vines and everything finally got out to the stand and it was lean to and i got him you know he said mark 15 feet he said i don't believe i can get up in there i said yes you can i said i'll pick up your food you have trouble with and i said you can use your other foot and so here you went here i went behind him and i just had surgery two days before on my neck couldn't get no help out of that crowd but anyway he got about halfway up the stand he said he said uh i don't think i'm gonna make it well i'd already pushed him up i said let me get my shoulder and i got my shoulder under his rear end i was pushing him up he said i'm telling you about me i said you're going in big boy whether you like it or not well i got him in the stand and 9 30. and i was going to hunt over here but i was already soaking wet and it was like 15 degrees i said so i went the house got back in bed and set the clock and left him out there but he was a good man i loved him to death um instead of preaching our people just got up and testified different things brother sammy miss jim you wonderful lady wonderful lady you know the bible said yeah i know you can hear now you got marriage is honorable and the bed unfold what an example you've been my wife and hundreds and thousands of other ladies miss hannah and all these boys i'm blessed but uh he possessed it you know uh he's we always hear this all the time they start right and stay right brother randy i'll give honor to you for how you stood behind brother sammy i know if i was pastor he got up calling somebody that preached or somebody is saying or somebody said i wouldn't like that and now he just honored him let him let him be himself boy god's going to give you a big old reward when you get to heaven he honored the man of god i believe he's the right man i believe he's the right man samuel david hannah all of you uh i was thinking about how you started right when you know he put everything into everything he did didn't he brother wayne everything and i thought about that little lady had that alabaster box he knew that was a king's his kings on is very expensive but when she met jesus that always put that box of ointment out in the window of their house to let everybody know that they were a prostitute she was advertised let that smell get out in the out in the streets but when jesus came by she got the box out of the window poured it all over him never went back boy get the box out the window and then for all those years he's loved god and then boy i'm telling you when you've been to talk about brother hawkins and different men that's passed on this year in the last few years we've had the first stream it's gone buddy now i know i'm from north carolina and i like tar heels and i like dean smith and all that i know that but i'm gonna tell you so i'm gonna use dean smith dean smith when he knew the ball game was already won he'd call he'd call the first string off the floor but he knew that he knew the game was already won and it sent the second string in i'd like to say number one the game's already won we're not fighting two victories i'm glad the first strings already been pulled out of the game but there's still a game amen i said there's still a game guess what's going to happen someday they're going to blow the horn and everybody's going to leave out of here god bless you i love him down to him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you thoughtless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy and he'll say father here they are i haven't lost one and with exceeding joy he'll say hallelujah glory to god it said with exceeding joy so number two he's able to keep that's right he's able to keep you from out and present you thoughtless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy with exceeding joy overwhelming extraordinarily i quote one verse would be enough to prove that john 5 24 very verily i say unto you he that heareth my word belief on him that sent me half you know what that is don't you that's present tense everlasting life and shall not come in the condemnation i'll never come into judgment it's a sinner by the way because romans 8 1 where's therefore now condemnation to them which are in christ jesus hallelujah amen are you saved if you're saved stand up if you're saved and know your sight you've got eternal life you've got everlasting life you're just going to live as long as god lives and one of these days you'll have to glorify god and your body will be just as saved as your soul and spirit you've got eternal life you've got everlasting life and this is the record that god has given us eternal life make it easy now if you don't feel too good take it easy you just got eternal life you just gotta everlasting life you're just gonna live as long as god lives and the devil and every one of his devils can't do one thing about it [Music] gotta lift up your hands and praise him let him praise him go ahead [Applause] your life is hidden with christ in god yeah that dumb devils are running around where's he at they're like his head with christ yeah jesus blood's watch all of his sins what hey dad yes who shall separate you from the love of christ shall tribulation distress persecution necklace curl sword as it is written for thy sake we're killed all today and but when you're dead it's pretty hard to defend something today [Applause] it's pretty hard to defend something paul said i'm persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels principalities powers things present things to come [Applause] any other creature mention nine things ma'am and fold it all in he'll be on the creature she'll be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord why don't you lift up your hands and thank him are you saved are you certain are you saved it's not going to make him nervous if them syrup comes up there and them cherubims saying holy holy if that's not making him nervous you won't make him nervous [Music] grandpa's been a preacher for many faithful years preaching in a country church his bible stated in tears he told about salvation's plan and how god became a man growing up i've heard this story time and time again the story he was telling of a savior from heaven for mankind [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to take me across the line ah the blood is washed away i thank god for the day i made it [Music] grandpa's getting older one thing that's for sure the day will come he'll take a journey to the other shore i'll follow him when my time comes since i met the one who loves his faith in god won't buy me a crossing i'll go there because [Music] the story he was telling of a savior sent from heaven for mankind [Music] [Applause] to take me cross the line by the blood it's washed away i thank god for the day i made it the story he was telling of a savior sent from heaven for mankind [Applause] [Music] by the blood it's washed away i thank god for the day i made it mine hey uh little did i know as an 18 year old boy in greensboro north carolina went to go hear him preach and he preached that night are you in how far are you in i'm glad you're going to stay in when you get in who would ever thought 40 years later he'd stand and say a few words what a man of god what a life he lived what a lord he loved and what a legacy that he left romans 12 2 be not conformed to this world but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove that which is good and acceptable and in honor of our friend will you say it good and loud perfect will of god you didn't say it right it's not perfect it's perfect perfect will of god and my mind is just filled with so many what i call sammy allen phrases every once in a while in your lifetime you'll get to meet the real deal the genuine article he was a real man a real man of god an excellent bible student fervent preacher as a pastor and an evangelist a wonderful friend a loving husband and daddy faithful prayer warrior but most of all a great christian sammy told us often it's impossible to be a great christian and not exercise your birthright and be filled with the holy spirit he probably preached more on the spirit-filled life than any baptist preacher that i ever knew of and he possessed to me one of the greatest qualities of the spirit-filled life he had so much self-control he can control his heart his actions his words what a man of self-control samuel allen phrases i love this one great peace have they that loved thy law nothing shall offend them if the lord's will and jesus don't come whole hog sausage large grate eggs and then big biscuits don't forget the butterball turkeys why if that's true i'll fly 747 into russia tonight but most of all perfect will of god he is a man that found the will of god he followed the will of god he never forsook the will of god and he finished the will of god to his family i want to say thank you for sharing him with so many of us i say amen tonight we all owe you a great debt it's not easy when husband's gone and daddy's gone a lot of us have lived our whole life like that but thank you miss alan you are the queen of fundamentalism you're right up there by my mama that's a high place children and grandchildren he was awesome he was great to the young men who traveled with him and ministered to him great is your reward in heaven and what the family and what his companions closest companions have said to me repeatedly that i can't get away from brother joe we know who he loved we can't tell you who he didn't like because he never said so never said a despairing word in public or in private and if you were going down that trail with him he'd say you better pray about that joe you need to study to be quiet yes sir and to his friends and family when i told my daughter joanna that brother sammy had passed she just started weeping she said daddy i already feel lonely how much he's prayed for our family but to his family and friends who have leaned so heavily upon his prayers he's still praying but instead of that lonely secret place he's talking to him now face to face call in your name and mine long live the ministry and the memory of brother sammy allen thank god for the life he lived the lord he loved and the legacy that he left brother randy one word to you you've been brought to the kingdom for such a time as this brother sammy allen loved the gospel music the good kind and he loved the inspirations and he loved it steal the blood i remember it brother one night at the camp for 45 minutes arch he sung till his toenails came off in the morning still the blood and some of the older men couldn't come because of the covet but we got the young inspirations and they're going to come around today and sing our hero our leader favorite song it's still the blood it always has been the blood and it always will be the blood god bless you we'll meet again once i wander in since black knight there was no way to make my wrongs right then an old accuser to the lord need correct he is a sinner and now he must die then i heard a voice say father i'll go and i'll pay his sin dead in calvary's flow i'll bear in my body the marks of the cross to save this child who is sin sick and lost and it's still the blood that saves from sin is [Applause] the blood of jesus that brings victory to me there are those who rely on the works that they do and some men count on the times they pray through oh but when the battle's over and the victory is [Applause] [Music] to the depths of the sea is still the blood of jesus that brings victory to me there are those who rely on the works that they do and some men count on the times they parade through oh but when the battle's over and the victory is one i'll go home through the blood of the father's only son and it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] is highest star in heaven to the depths of the sea is still the blood of jesus that brings victory [Applause] here we often have a family reunion [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is therefore someday when this tent here is folded and all of our troubles are roar to a beautiful city i'll be going to rest on that heavenly shore there'll be a great family reunion with friends who have gone on before oh they're waiting for the boat to land safely when i step off on the beautiful shore [Music] someday yes some days the light will cross the river [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hey rolling rolling rolling hey roland sing that song again sing it again here we often have a family reunion who we visit for just a short while [Music] then we part and we'll not see each other for a year or more at a time but someday when life here is over and all of our troubles are over they'll be an everlasting reunion when i step off on the beautiful [Music] [Music] who are waiting for me to cross over someday when this tint here is folded and all of our troubles are over to a beautiful city i'll be going to rest on that heavenly shore there'll be a great family reunion with friends that have gone on people they're waiting for the boat to land safely when i step off on the beautiful shore someday yes someday [Music] [Applause] his [Music] [Applause] [Music] therefore [Music] yes i've got a [Music] [Applause] beautiful shore beautiful show [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'll [Applause] [Music] tempted to ride with made to wander why it should be thus all the day long while there are [Music] never more [Music] farther [Music] know understand why cheer up my brother [Music] [Applause] understand [Music] but when we see jesus he'll be coming in glory and when he comes from years home in the sky then we shall meet him [Music] and we'll understand [Music] [Music] by farther [Music] [Applause] know [Music] understand why [Music] live sun shine we'll understand [Music] we'll understand all by well this is not all there is to it in light of an empty tomb and the bodily resurrection of the lord jesus christ we've got hope beyond the grave if in this life only we have hope we're of all men most miserable and i'm glad heaven's a reality to me and and i know without a doubt it's reality this family and one day we'll meet again these times are difficult times whether you're saved or not he said we wouldn't sorrow he said that we saw or not even as others that have no hope i'm glad i've got hope there will be a happy meeting in heaven i know when we see the many loved ones we've known here below gathered on the blessed hilltops with hearts all aglow that will be a glad reunion day sing with me glad day yes a wonderful day that will be a glad day a glorious day there with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay that will be a gladly young day when we live a million years in that wonderful place saying with me basking in the love of jesus beholding face it will seem but just a moment aha amen and that will be a glad review young day a glad day yes a wonderful day that will be a glad day a glory day there with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay that will be a glad reuben day it's a real place i couldn't help if i were to try to preach and i'm just trying to mind the lord but uh i'm a mimic of brother sammy in 1972 i guess the first time i heard him preach at the glen haven baptist church i was 10 years old and i wasn't even saved but it left a mark on me and i i it's kind of weird to some and i'm 10 000 miles from a calvinist but i believe in the sovereignty of god and and miss jimmy i i knew i was supposed to be a preacher forever got saved and and i remember sitting there lost and saying if i ever do get saved i want to be like that we went for years to that glen haven meeting our choir would sing at forest hills baptist church and daddy preached there many times brother mays jackson moderated that meeting through the years then i went to see him to stone mountain georgia he had to put a tent up there brother don richard was a pastor at corinth baptist church and i got there and i mean man it was already full people parking out on the gravels and i can see it right now in my mind vividly i see the you could see stone mountain from the parking lot the big the big engraving and the big monument and brother sammy was in his prime i was watching those pictures a while ago man just he as hard as this pulpit top as an anvil and he got the preaches way before they had these neck mics and cantilever mics and he had a cord tied to his mic a cord and then a chain around his neck they couldn't keep him tied but i mean they had it on him man he got to preaching about heaven and and if it comes out i can't help it i mean it's in me i learned most verses i learned i learned from listening to him preach and tapes have been preaching he got to preaching about heaven and all of a sudden in that tent they had a center pole not s-i-n-n-e-r but c-e-n-t-e-r pole and they had some center poles too in there but all of a sudden he got to preach about heaven and he jumped up on the side of that pole and i'm talking about whether one of those tan raincoats on and that neck mic and that cord and he shimmy to the plum top of that tent and i'm talking about for in my child like mine i can't recall probably 11 years old he's preaching out the top of that hole and i mean preacher hanging on one arm saying oh yes it's real you better believe that sir it's real you better believe that hide my hand and just preach it at the top and i i said man i want to be like that one day and what an impression he's made the last words of great men are always remembered words i called him of several weeks before he got sick and he wasn't even sick then and we were talking on the phone and i was talking about the times how bad the times are and uh he said yeah but he said bro tony listen at me real close close said listen to me real close he said whatever you do don't you change i hope that i hope that haunts me in a day of swift transition i was asking my daddy about him we were sitting on the porch that is i guess several years before he passed away and i'd name a preacher and i'd say give me a what your thoughts are on this man and uh i'd name one of the great men of god and i came to brother sammy and i said what about sammy allen without hesitation he said never changed and i got cold chills when i just said that in light of an empty tomb be steadfast and unmovable in all ways abounding in the work of the lord and he was that i remember his last words to me after we conversed a little while i said well brother sammy i love you and i mean it he said oh bro tony you don't tell me that he said nobody would have to ever convince me of that he probably answered some of y'all like it before he showed his love he didn't have to tell his love some of you wondering what am i doing here i'm wondering the same thing i knew him for 40 something years i didn't know him as close as many i saw him as a preacher only but i never called one time on the phone throughout my ministry that he didn't answer sometime i'd call the house and miss jimmy dan's phone said brother tony you have to call back he's in there praying he said i mean i could hear him praying she's in the kitchen in there on the phone i could hear him praying echoing down the hallways of that house and i'd call back about an hour later and i'd say his brother sammy through said oh she in a in a very respectful way she said well no he's still in there praying i wonder how many times he mentioned your name in prayer in that room my my gift my spiritual gift is criticism and god gave me a double portion of it praise god i don't know how a man like brother sammy could take such a strong stand but yet be so careful i mean you never questioned where he stood he wasn't a compromiser 9 000 miles from a compromiser he could stand i i want to stand second timothy chapter number four is the last words of paul the apostle he's fixed to check out he's leaving this walk of life i think he had a knowledge of god i think god had warned him about the fact that they were sharpening a sword soon to behead him for preaching the truth and he said some final words and i believe make clear application to us and especially in the light of this great man this great man he said for i am now ready to be offered for i am now ready to be offered i wonder can you say what paul said can you say what brother sammy allen said he's ready i can hear it now i mean i'm hearing it i mean i'm seeing it in my mind some of y'all think i'm delusional but i guarantee you i'm seeing it and hearing it right now it was 1954 got under conviction oh yes he said i've quit asking people anymore once you get saved are you listening he said i start asking when you get under conviction these christian schools don't know what we're talking about i go to christian schools and preach i know what you're talking about the teachers don't know what you're talking about amen he said in 1955 um so they got passed from death unto life got regenerated he was ready he had a place in the seed room i guess it was i've heard the testimony been up in the cotton seed room been down there at the meal he'd been under preaching at mount zion baptist church he had a place let me say something to you if you don't have a place you're not ready paul had a place on the damascus road he never got over his conversion every time paul got in trouble every time paul felt tension he'd go back to that testimony where i was on a damascus road and i saw the lord in the light and the lord spoke to me said saul saw why persecute his tell me he never got over that place i got a place 923 brook road decatur georgie that's where i got resurrected from the dead you have a place he said i'm now ready you gotta play you gotta have a possession if you have the spirit of god if you have not the spirit of god you're none of his yeah i've heard the story told he but i visited a church in our town they had a new building they built it was a pentecostal united pentecostal bill they had two signs up on the wall and when i went into their fellowship hall one of them said over there said people that need to be saved unsaved and then it said people that need to be filled with the holy ghost and so brother sammy starts coming out in me i said what you mean over there's people that need to be saved oh they said no no these people have been saved they just haven't got the gift i said if they've been saved they've been baptized in the body by the holy ghost i said if they've been saved they possess him on the inside i said what you need to change that from being they didn't get filled with the holy ghost they'd get saved i wonder i wonder i wonder do you have a possession on the inside i'm now ready you can have a possession you've got to have a profession if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and believe in that heart to god hath raised him from the dead said thy shalt be saved i ha i have no hesitation to say jesus is my lord hey listen friend i have no no hesita i don't have to call and get permission i don't have to ask somebody else it's a personal thing to me hey i'm glad this evening that we're honoring a man who had no doubts about where he was going he was ready i'm now every time i all the time i departures at hand that's a heart-searching thought are you ready it's a heart thrilling thought to think about my time i departures at hand i know that 83 years 84 years seems like a vapor and it is the bible says the closer you are with somebody the harder it is to part with them but the truth is man there's glory when you leave it's far better it's a thrilling thing to know i mean heaven's real the exit of heaven is going to be real for us one day this robe of flesh will drop and we'll rise and seize the everlasting prize and we'll shout while passing through the air farewell farewell sweet hour of prayer we'll exit heaven's gonna be wonderful just and just this this the thrill of leaving those things that are so burdensome down here you know there's a crown for those that love his appearing i think sometimes we love our disappearing amen with what's going on in atlanta georgia across this globe man i'm looking for the blessed hope but i'm as boring i'm just excited about leaving here amen as i am about going there leaving here an exit an entrance those loved ones i was listening to him on only i guess is in 1973 and he's talking about heaven talk about reunion he's talking about your mama and daddy he's talking about when we get over there say hello mom hello dad you got to sing about page 14. i'll meet you in the morning he said you know why we're going to sing meet you in the morning because there's no night over there it's a land high man of endless days no night over don't get excited but we're not going to some kind of a nighttime gig it's the land of endless day i'm excited about the entrance i'm excited to exit i'm excited i'm excited just about just just the whole the excitement of heaven he said time i depart i fought a good fight that's a hard challenging thought not all of us can say we fought a good fight i'm still fighting the fight it's past tense i've fought a good fight i've finished my course i've kept the faith boy i want i want to be able to say when it's all over with paul couldn't say it one time in his ministry he said not that i've apprehended he said this one thing i do forget to say what about but i press forward i want to finish right i want to die right we watched one live right and i guarantee you he died right there were some sad hours between the time they put him in the hospital room and the time he went to be with the lord those walls kept us in mirrors and glasses kept you from being with your husband with your daddy with your grandfather but the truth is god was with him i'm anxious to hear i'm anxious to hear when we get to the other side what kind of communion he had with the lord when nobody else could hold his hand when nobody else could whisper in his ear when nobody else could kiss his cheek i'm glad praise god that there was a god a personal savior amen i'm talking about a holy ghost who's as real as the skin is on your body who's ever present to the born-again believer he fought a good fight he finn i wonder can you say you fought a good fight oh hinkle little over in western north carolina they asked him that was it glenn haymon they asked him said brother little have you fought a good fight brother little said no but i've been in a gooden praise god fight the good fight into her hardness as a good soldier challenging personally the good fight is a perpetual fight we're still in it it's not over yet even to the ends of the age it's a permanent thing what we do for god will last eternal eternal dividends or for the labor who keeps on let us stop grow weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not let's keep on laboring keep on pushing heart challenging words heart breaking words he said in this passage demons have forsaken me it's amazing after the announcement of such a great man and great men the internet lights up i mean the social media begins to buzz but don't bow your head i'm not ready to pray yet i'm burdened today with the inconsistency and let brother sammy pass from the scene and everybody wants to polish his tomb oh how he meant so much to me what a great what a great investment he made in my life and i wouldn't be what i am today had it not been for this great man and then you look at the direction they're going [Applause] and i want to say don't blame it on him [Applause] don't hang that on him friend we ought to remember him i can't preach a message i can't get in a church without remembering him there's no possible way i can go to a meeting and i mean i remember him i mean just some of the things you know he's one of a kind man one of a kind he'd come in one night and preach for us and there's one of those kind of days he called me on sunday morning he said bro tony said i've been in that secret place this morning said the lord said i'd be at middle tennessee baptist church tonight i said well you bring it on i mean if i if i'd have had billy graham coming somebody help me and you know that wouldn't have happened he walked into had his boys with him and walked in the office and he he said oh you said i like him like him 11 missionaries out there and i said 11 missionaries i thought man my secretary's lost her mind she's booked all these people i can't even feed all these people every missionary's got nine or ten kids somebody help me and i'm thinking man we got 11 missionaries out there and he saw the panic on my face and he goes oh bro tony that's some 11 yellow buses out there you got out there on that lot oh yes missionaries missionaries we ought to remember him we ought to reverence him or to reverence him you say brother tony is that sacrilegious way you're acting no no no you have no idea man that's out of high respect a lot of reverence your family ought to reverence him you've been given a great heritage and then we ought to replicate him he said well i don't believe in imitation i don't believe in well paul paul said be a follower of me because i'm a follower of christ i started this conversation with this thought i got the gift of criticism but i can't say i can find one fault i don't care any way you turn him i find no fault in him i challenge you young preachers at this hour and you white-haired men of god it's not time to change the last thing he told me on the phone it hadn't been that many weeks ago whatever you do bro tony don't you change our heavenly father we're standing here this evening this afternoon and we're all burdened because of the void that's going to be left in bible believing christendom one of the greatest voices one of the most unique outstanding holy holy man i think of that shumanite woman when she told her husband said i perceive that he's a holy man of god we didn't just have brother sammy as a preacher he was not just a moderator of a meeting he was not just a pastor he's not just an evangelist but no doubt he was a holy man a holy man of god and i pray heavenly father as paul admonished timothy as protege reminded him of demas departure from doctoral soundness from direction that's scriptural from dedication to the savior help us in these last days help us as we await the soon return the trumpet sound help us very soon lord as we look for you to come help us in these latter days to labor with intensity we're looking for the blessed hope bless this family bless this sweet church i stood behind a couple who'd been members here for over 30 years last night as i walked by the casket i pray you'd bless brother randy and i do thank you for raising him up and i pray you'd fill him with power i pray you'd feel it with discernment discernment beyond his experience discernment beyond beyond the wisdom of man i pray you'd use him here i pray the work the labor that brother sammy allen has invested in and given his life to would go on and on and on until the trump of god sounds and lord in behalf of anyone here in our midst who's lost and undone i pray for that conviction power would show sinners today the brevity of life how how how short life is and i pray that even this hour even today they've come to know you as a savior now bless the remainder of these activities we ask it in jesus name amen amen well i think the men of god did a great job today and man this first time i've got to look out here and see all of you just humbled that you would come and such a time as this and days of uncertainty on behalf of the family we're very glad that y'all have taken time to be here there's a lot of folks that are listening and by way of internet probably some folk on the outside and i'm grateful for the man of god i'm thankful for his family i'm thankful for this church and the people of this church i'm thankful for a preacher thankful i never had to bow my head i've lived here my whole life never had to bow my head about who my pastor is my preacher is i am uh i'm honored i want to thank the max brannon and son funeral home for uh their kindness during these days and just really being very very encouraging as much as they can be during this time um i want to say i thank the family for um just letting me be there samuel thank you hannah thank you thank the lord for the family i like the lord for david and uh i know that it's we've been here for two hours so uh if if you if you gotta leave or uh whatever it is you gotta do i understand that uh but but i need to say something here and uh i uh i want to say something here out of the book of joshua chapter number 14. now we've got we've got a pack of crackers or two back there now i totally listen y'all done called me and said you know we all having this what are y'all doing and everyone of you that's called or text i said all i can tell you bring your sandwich with you so if you didn't bring one with you we got a pack of crackers or two for you back there but uh i i really feel like it i need to say and and really i tried to get i'm honest now i try to get away from it gotta get away from it joshua chapter number 14. joshua chapter number 14 would ask you to stand just a moment joshua chapter number 14. i'm gonna get me a drink of this water thank you i got it brother john thank you brother stacy joshua chapter number 14 the bible said here in verse number 7 i'll skip the introduction joshua chapter number 14 and verse number 7. he said 40 years old was i when moses the servant of the lord sent me from kadesh barnea to spy out the land and i brought him word again as it was in my heart nevertheless my brethren that went up with me made the heart of the people male but i wholly followed the lord my god and moses swear on that day saying surely the land whereon thy feet of trodden shall be thy inheritance and thy children's forever because thou has wholly followed the lord my god thank you you can be seated i appreciate you standing uh twice in this text here uh we see what is said about caleb what caleb says about himself and what moses said about himself about about caleb as the fact that caleb holy followed the lord in verse number eight caleb said i want to go on record that i wholly followed the lord he's not making a boast about his testimony but he's saying i tell you what i did do i holy followed the lord he said listen if you'll read on you to say i was 85 years old i feel as strong now as i've ever been but he said i want you to know something i want to go on record that i holy followed the lord moses said that he wholly followed the lord and so if you holy follow the lord everybody around you is going to know if you've holy followed the lord we're here today because a man of god holy followed the lord and that's what you and i need to do today nobody could leave without saying this man of god that we're honoring today holy followed the lord now i know the bible said w-h-o-l-l-y holy followed the lord but i want to say this he h-o-l-y followed the lord i never did have to duck my i never did hear i never did one time see my preacher in a pair of short shorts and flip-flops and a tank top i never one time seen my preacher like that he looked like a man of god i mean listen you look at these pictures on top of this casket right here under god hey listen he went fishing with a suit on you're saying why is that cause he just liable to break out preaching somewhere i mean listen he wholly followed the lord everywhere he went he was a man of god when he went in the grocery store he was a man of god when he went fishing he was a man of god when he looked at knives he was a man of god amen i mean listen wherever he went he was a man of god six times in the word of god you see where caleb was noted as being a holy man of god because he wholly followed the lord and we're gathered here today to honor the lord jesus christ and this great man of god the greatest preacher in our generation went on to be with god this past sunday night i believe that with all my heart there is an empty spot i pulled up in the parking lot there's an empty spot out in the parking lot and it says pastor allen on it and it's empty but i'm going to say this not only is there an empty spot in the parking lot there's an empty there's an empty spot in the whole universe because of this man of god there's an empty spot in our heart because of that that will never ever be filled or will never ever be substituted and i give you these points right quick and we'll do something else he was excited i mean listen the way that you get when you get around preacher and i he wasn't able to go like he'd like to go but he was still excited he was still excited about the scriptures and y'all heard him preaching earlier today and man helped our soul that he got full of the word of god the bible said sanctify them through thy truth thy word is true thy word is very pure therefore thy servant love the faith you say how did he memorize all them scriptures because he loved the word of god he loved to preach the word of god he was addicted to preaching y'all heard it while ago and i'll tell you what i did when i walked in concord baptist church october 26 1997 how the man of god got me up to testify said i think you need to testify i thought well what is that really i mean i've seen my grandma do it and i thought about this miss jimmy i said to you a while ago my grandmother's up there right now with the man of god that preached to her i mean listen when i was a little toe-headed boy hey listen i see my grandmother old-time worship i'm talking about take her teeth out testify and put her teeth back in when she got done amen i mean i'm told you say where'd you get there she got that from an old-time leather lug sin killing i'm talking about devil the servant preacher not just a teacher not somebody pat you on the head and tell you how good you are i'm talking about somebody there to preach heaven high and hell heart i'm talking about somebody wasn't scared to preach against sin if he thought he wasn't doing it it's going to preach against it amen we need some people like that today amen i mean listen i'm talking about somebody that'll preach hallelujah i mean i'm talking about somebody that was excited about it excited about being filled with the spirit of god not something charismatic not something off the wall but i'm talking about being filled up with the spirit of god he wholly followed god he was full of the scriptures he was full of the spirit he was always excited i mean listen he'd say you know if y'all think i'm dreaming don't shake hands with me when i leave it or you might wake me up he said i never want to settle down i might get like concrete he was always excited my favorite message you'd preach is jesus is coming again well i'm going to say this he's seen jesus now but if he is here today he'd say jesus is coming again jesus is coming again he never lost that excitement brother dale hall he's here today and he was talking about how he was young way way way back where i'm back at the barber shop he said i was at the barber shop talking to the barbers in there and they said and i'm going to say what they said said that sammy allen he's going to run himself crazy he's going to wire down he's going to over exert himself he's going to wear out i mean listen he's going to go too far he's took it too far i mean listen he's going to wire out if he don't slow down i'll tell you i never seen him slow down i never seen him lit up i won't say something tonight hey listen free of this man of god that is here today he never gave up he never quit he never compromised he never changed it he stayed exactly like he was and when he got saved by the grace of god he stayed exactly like he was he never did water it down he never did sugar coat it i ain't one time heard my preacher say i'm sorry i said that i never heard him one side time say i take that back praise god he preached the word of god without apology amen i'm gonna tell you that's what we that's what we need in these days amen i mean i'm talking about a next generation to holy follow the lord he was excited he was a great example he showed everybody in here what it was like to wholly follow the lord amen the most determined man that i've ever met in my life was brother sammy allen he was an example in his labor he was an example in his long suffering the most long-suffering man that you and i will ever meet in our life his brother sammy allen i mean listen i'm talking about long suffering he was an example in his loyalty i've seen me and mistreat him i've heard folks say some things about him i've never seen him one time never hurt him one time belittle anybody there's been men that really just didn't do him right he was still a friend brother marvin carr who would love to be here today he was actually going to help in the funeral but he said i've never had a better friend brother sammy allen i can tell many many times that i knew that if i told him and there's been many times that i went to and preached i said i don't know what to do i never did have to worry i never did have to tell them brother chatting out now this preacher don't you tell nobody about this you just keep this 20 minutes you didn't have to tell him that i mean he was a friend he was i mean he has been a friend of us yes he's my mentor yes he was my pastor yes he was the man of god but i'm going to say something about brother allen he never not one time and everybody in here could testify this he never got too big for his britches i mean listen you could approach him hey some people you can't get around them i mean you can't get anywhere around them got to make an appointment i never one time had to make an appointment to talk to my preacher not one time i've seen him drive eight and ten hours preach all night i get some of them i mean some of them's here today amen through many dangerous toys and snares y'all got the preacher back here in time for the baby birth and time for weddings and time for funerals i'll tell you who we called it and we called the man of god cause we knew he'd be there all the time it didn't matter if you called it two o'clock in the afternoon or two o'clock in the morning you knew heads are going to pray for you you knew he'd be there for you you knew he'd show up no matter what because he loved it he is a people he was a great example of love you say brother randy you know he's got a legacy he does it's a legacy of love it's a legacy of love i remember we would say they don't nobody in here know where bald play alabama is except brother butler probably and me and brother jamie the last time i got to travel with the preacher i said preacher it was brother tully's daughter's wedding and we went over there to alabama thank god was just visiting amen but we went over to alabama and it was me and brother jamie and the preacher we went to ball play alabama they said there's a good buffet over there and i said i mean you you was gonna eat whatever the preacher said you was eating that's where he was going amen but he always fed us good me and brother jamie was over there and we drove that white van and you know just enjoyed the time we got out and both of us weren't holding the preacher he couldn't get around let me say something [Music] you watch these videos if you didn't see him with a coat on if he had a pocket right there it was full of gospel tracks i mean listen everywhere he went the man loved sinners and it didn't matter what side of the tracks you were from didn't matter how much money you had i mean listen people say well you know brother allen raised a lot of money hey listen my presser is the only preacher on planet earth ever that could go into prison and get enough money to raise praise god to build a courthouse with that's just the way it was amen that's the truth but i tell you what i have seen him do many many times where's bob thomas said bob i seen him i was with him i told it in case after case of case double x knives nascar edition dale learned hearts i mean i'm and i've seen him take i've been with him time and time again where he'd take them knives that just about had i mean listen get polished and polished and polished but he said you know what we got a need at the church we've got a need somebody's got a need i've seen him sacrifice over and over and over and over i've seen that man take what was in sometimes he didn't even have money in his billfold there's a bunch of in here he's borrowed 20s and hundreds from before and because he's seen a down and outer i mean listen friend he picked up children for years and years and years got into the house of god some of them got saved by the grace of god and in here today because a man loved sinners amen and he loved to sacrifice his whole life was wrapped up in the word of god because he wholly followed the lord what a great example of loyalty and love he loves sinners i was talking to somebody the other day oh it was brother carr now listen i mean this was all due respect brother carr said brother randy i remember when he put me in the trunk one time took me to the house of god i said that a long time ago wasn't it brother caller amen god bless you brother carl i love you appreciate you amen yo y'all heard him tell it many times y'all know how many i had 13. he tells 13. joe henderson he may be here today he was one of the 13. amen he loves sinners he loves spirit-filled life he preached about it he practiced it loved to sacrifice he loved sanctification i mean listen you say how did he stay so holy because he stayed on his knees there's many many people that said brother randy i miss his prayers he's talked about the fact of people who would leave and he said you know what i think i miss the prayers more than anything else it dawned on me he's not here to pray for me no more he loved to pray he loved purity he's god i'm talking about holy life y'all we've lost that we're losing it do we honestly believe in the day and age in which we live we need less and less preaching like the preacher preached for 60 plus years you think we need less and less preaching against sin less and less preaching about hey listen the man of god he didn't just preach it he lived it he lived it he wasn't a hypocrite what you saw was what you got i mean he was the same when you went to his house he was the same everywhere because he wasn't putting on a show there was no hypocrisy about it you say why hey listen if you if we'll just live right and we'll follow the example of the man of god you and i can have the touch of god on our life as well you don't hey listen you don't get that by pumping your mind full of hollywood you don't get that by chasing everybody's facebook page you just ain't going to get there hey where i tell you where the power of god lies is lying in what the preacher didn't have to take time to pray get full of the holy ghost get the word of god in your heart everybody can have that but i thank god tonight for this example that we have is a legacy the bible said this said that uh caleb he testified himself he said yeah holy followed the lord moses said he hollow fo holy followed the lord but here's what god said about him in numbers 14 24 said but my servant caleb because he had another spirit within them and hath followed me fully him will i bring into the land where until he went and his seed shall possess it and that's what mattered brother sammy allen most i mean we are here today as a testimony of the impact of the man of god and were it not for the situation we were in i don't know of a venue in gordon county that could hold the people i don't know how many people are listening and watching but at the end of the day all the preacher wanted to do is please god i'm going to tell you what we need in these days follow his example and there's going to be people that's going to say things that don't matter what happens in your life they're going to say things they're going to be negative preacher pressed right on went right on never did changed and wholly followed the lord and i know listen i i know i know he's not in there i know he's not but i want to salute the man of god one more time for holy following the lord brother mark if y'all will come saying that i firmly promise you here's what i know for sure and yes we're going to take it off in here in a minute but before we do i know the preacher has preached for many of you men that are here he wasn't gonna get it doesn't matter what happened in that service he was gonna pull the net or is he he's at least gonna throw the net out there what i feel like the preacher i've tried my best and i promised the family i'd do everything in my power to honor him and do what he would want us to do i have no doubt in my mind that there are people in here you've been straddling the fence you're not holy following the lord and you know it and we love you we want you to be part of us there's there's people in here to crowd this i hope everybody in here saved i do but if you're not saved today would you trust the lord i've never been sorry i trusted the lord october 20th 1997 305.01 southeast brother tony i'm glad he makes house calls i got saved at the house i can't think of a better time to get saved than right now god's dealing with your heart i know that i that i speak the mind of the preacher today he wouldn't want anybody leaving without knowing the lord jesus christ they're going to sing this song and brother tony touched on it a little bit we were in there and hannah called and said brother randy can you meet us we're on the way to the hospital and they said daddy's not going not going to make it we went down there i guess that's probably the first time miss jimmy had seen him of course he didn't look like himself couldn't get to him they were able to get a phone in there and sing to him but we couldn't get to him and it just ripped everybody's heart out obviously the family and i'm gonna tell you this and and i hope i hope but y'all don't think i'm being a reverend at all but i'm telling you when the doctor walked out at 1006. down in front of miss jimmy in my mind brother tony there was no doubt in my mind the preacher walked in and said all right everybody standing everybody stand i told my wife that she said honey they ain't no doubt they already were they already were what i want everybody to do today i want everybody standing and as they sing this song if you're here and you don't know the lord jesus christ i'm telling you this you know this you've heard many of you heard it all your life some of your family you've heard it all your life this man before us today holy follow the lord but the first thing you're going to have to do is make sure you've been saved by the grace of god god's dealing with you today about being saved why don't you trust him why don't you give me life and holy follow the lord [Music] someday our last goodbyes on earth we'll all be spoken how is it with you and the journey of life will be through [Music] but before we say goodbye and the chain of life is broken i will make you this promised can you make that promise today i firmly promise you that i'll meet you by the river on the banks of that [Music] and our lips will never quit for the friends that have gone on before one by one we see them cross the silent river they are leaving every moment or two i firmly promise you that i'll meet you by the river where you make me this promised we know that death is sure and life is most uncertain but we know not the moment will end air the silent reaper comes and drapes the final curtain let us promise that we'll [Music] i firmly promise you that i'll meet you by the real matter on the banks [Music] and our lips will never [Music] one by one we see them cross the silent river they are leaving every moment or two i firmly promise you that i'll meet you by the river where you make me this promised we and our spirits will sorrow no more may god's protecting grace and love be with us ever until we gather on heaven's right [Music] [Applause] on the banks [Music] and our lips will never [Music] one by one we see them cross the silent river they are leaving every moment or two i firmly promise [Music] will [Music] amen all right thank you brother mark i appreciate it all right you can be seated and i know it's been long he that endures to the end shall be saved and uh i i tell you what i'm i know the preacher be pleased with just at least getting you think about eternity and that's what these kind of things do i'm glad i'm saved and i firmly promise you that i whether by claude or by cloud i'll be there preachers beat us there and here in a moment we'll go out there and plant him y'all heard him say it many times we're just planting him because when you plant something you ain't expecting it to get up he's getting up one of these days amen i firmly promise you that and i firmly promise you that i don't want to stand before the lord at the judgment seat nor do i want to meet the preacher without taking up an offering at his funeral amen i i believe that'd be i believe i'd sin if i didn't if i didn't receive a funeral i may receive an offer that brother brother allen funeral that is the perfect will of god they say how we're going to do it well i thought about that many ways but but here's what we're going to do now in this in this box in this box uh is uh well there's a little bit in there some folks have put and i appreciate that let me say this on behalf of the family we appreciate how many people came last night uh to pay their respects some of y'all stayed over and some of them couldn't some were here last night and not here today and vice versa but if you didn't have an opportunity to give and you want to be a blessing to the family every dime it doesn't matter if you won't pay whatever it is that you give to them they'll get every dime and this is for the allen family uh we as a church we're going to honor them and have honored them and we'll continue to do that we're going to find out whatever miss jimmy needs we'll probably get her two of them amen uh somebody that has given what the preacher's given and the family's given uh we're just gonna we're gonna give it to them good measure press down shaking together and running over amen and so if you've got something that you wanna give what we're going to do we're going to start on this side let this side come first if you want to send it down you want to bring it down uh whatever i mean if it don't bother me i mean listen we'll notice you and give you an edible but if you drop 50 000 in here to give to the family i don't care if you strut down the aisle whatever you want to do but we're going to give the we're going to give this family we're going to give them a good offer now these bunch i don't know how much people gave last night but i know there's people here that said brother randy we'd like to be good to this family and like to give them an offering so what i'd like to do is just we'll give you this an opportunity on this side if you want to send it down with a few people if you want to not even be noticed that'd be that'd be good too that'd be fine don't let your left hand know what your right hand's doing and if you want to give it covertly that's fine if you're listening by way of internet and you want to help this family there's a place there brother wesley set up cbc fairmount not fairmont and there is a place if you'll just kind of hit the buttons and follow down through there excuse my ignorance i i could be a whole lot better explain somebody else could explain a whole lot better than i am but just find cbc there's a place hit a button or two and there is something that has been set up there to uh donate to the family and memorial or something like that in memory of the allen family there's a place on there you can do that many people wanted to come we're not able to come there's a lot of honorary pallbearers not here today and then there's just a lot of the the fam we i mean listen we've heard from everywhere coast to coast with their condolences and kind words and things like that so maybe they want to give something if you want to give something uh if you're here in attendance please bring it down put it put it in the box if you want to give something online you're welcome to do that as well and so what we're going to do is sister adriana if you'll just play us just some good giving music if you want to drop something we'll start right here when it come when it kind of settles down over here we'll let the middle go and then uh go over the right side here and then we'll make our trip out to the graveside so if you want to bring something just go right ahead thank you brother [Music] john if if you didn't get to make it last night and you want to come by if you want to come by and pay your respects to the family you're welcome to do that as well of course [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] thank you [Music] right here [Music] foreign [Music] oh so [Applause] my mother [Music] so [Music] so [Music] yes [Music] it's weird [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] free i pray for the church [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Concord Baptist Church
Views: 4,116
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 20sec (10220 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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