Dr. Jack Trieber preaching "Revival Is For God's People" on July 5, 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] we welcome to church today and on this Independence weekend we thank God for the greatest country in all the world America let's salute our flight together shall we please ready salute we love our country I'm so thankful that you're here we're after Jeff Foley I love your dad would you bring him on up here please and have him open us in prayer thank God for a man of God and he is a man of God I don't know he might pray for 20 minutes now that's okay he'll pray for a few moments but he loves our Lord he loves our country I am so honored to be with these military men and representatives of others that are in our church men and women let's give our military a big hand shall we please these these particular men right here represent about a hundred and fifty years in military service to our Lord into our country but the fully I love you to come and lead us in prayer please real give him that microphone Heavenly Father we come with a grateful heart giving thanks we thank you for your love and for your tender mercy you think the end we had come they're able to come once again into your presence let us be a sense of their children season and that we are living in you say when enemy come in like a flood they by your spirit you will raise up a standard let us be less tender let it be a light in a dark world in Nevada or that we might use our gifts to edify to exalt into common not seeking man praise you for seeking your praise walking to your ways in your precept although we might have Nepali lay aside every way they sin let us use our gifts to edify to exalt and to confer bless our children shall angel ward over him to follow give us a mind to serve you in sincerity and in truth not seeking man praise was seeking your praise walking in your ways in your pre-setup little up your name just a friend of your goodness Thank You Heavenly Father we would let me come once again in the father for I am a soldier we share this career for two years help Nepal oh I ran from the Chinese thank you Jesus bless our children to a mind to homeland hide that word in our heart that we will not sin against thee and let it be ambassadors of serving you in sincerity and in truth not seeking man praise but seeking your praise and will give you the praise honor and the glory these things we ask in that son Jesus name to give the pastor wisdom that's beautiful at your word for this season be themed I mean it's been already a great service just seeing that flag pledging that flag I love the flag and to see these men and here that man of God pray captain man please post the flag [Music] [Applause] [Music] can they see him with mother Martinez sting now from your heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] take your songbook there please here's more 585 585 please all let's say it from our heart tonight this morning lift it up five eighty five on the first together now [Music] [Applause] [Music] in [Music] New York Harbor sends a lady [Applause] [Music] towards race to the sky and No she stands for liver 30 for you and me [Music] to be called an American yeah where [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Verde [Music] only gaga [Music] stood across with my lord raised to the sky and all Neal there forever has all the same can testify I'm so to be gone huh Chris me [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the cross [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is my [Music] all across the country the country needs the Gras this land was built on freedom [Music] they used to read the Bible but now that breaks the rules [Music] as in God it's time we grass and shovel that is still true all across the country the country needs the cross a symbol Oh [Music] a statue of liberty ain't you say the country the country needs across our fathers fought and gave their lives for flag that wave so proud but now we burn the stars and stripes we've let old lorry down these laws that break our hearts today were made on Capitol we need to climb that hill once more where Jesus blood was me the country the country knees across we danced on eBay [Music] [Applause] libertine came to save a world [Music] the country the country [Music] the country the country [Music] my heart has been touched and stirred this morning and it's good to be in the Lord's house if we missed you with the bulletin would you hold your hand up we'll have the ushers get through and and get a bullets into you if we've missed you today is voter registration Sunday and I don't know about you but I don't want to complain about our country and the direction that we're headed if I'm not voting and so we want to encourage you if you're not registered to vote to register today we're gonna have two stations set up outside in the four-year the lobby out here and if you have questions about whether or not you're registered we can answer those for you if you've moved in the last few years you need to get registered if you're turning 18 before November 3rd you need to get registered and my wife and I moved down here about a year ago and we thought we both registered there was a hiccup with my registration but not with hers and so I had to make sure I got that fixed and so maybe you're in that category or perhaps you just never thought to register to vote we want to encourage you to do so this morning it's not about a donkey it's not about an elephant it's about the Lamb of God and my vote belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ and I want to do my part to make sure that the people we put in office are people who love the Word of God and love the liberties of this great nation I remember standing in an auditorium with my mother many years ago as a child and singing the Statue of Liberty and as that song was being sung this morning I couldn't help but think if the Lord tarries is coming I want to see my children and grandchildren have the liberties that we've had and we have those in office today who hate the liberties that we have today and stand forth and may God help us do our part this morning and so if you have questions just head out to the lobby we'd be more than happy to handle those for you and then I'm looking forward to the fellowship tonight and I think steak its tubesteak tonight if I'm not mistaken but if you can stick around for that that'd be wonderful thank you [Music] anybody to go there it was a prepare for us hey let's go get somebody to the Lord as much as we can as soon as we can as often as we can let's go get somebody to Jesus when america was founded she was strong and pure and good and her leaders on their knees were not ashamed to call on God but our nation in her pride has turned her back upon the right and the clouds of evil threatened to turn glory in tonight strong wickedness has crept in like a cold and bloody thief those who know the Lord and do his words stand by in disbelief for the love of God in country we must not cease for a day for the future of our children we must lift our hands and pray turn the tide Lord turn the tide open wide the floodgates of your power stem the flood of wickedness restore revive and bless turn the tide God's enemy is hard at work undermining every we're breaking down foundations twisting laws and setting snares he would take away our freedom and replace it with despair and he lasted those opposing him as if they weren't out there but God's children cannot sit by we must stand up and defend for the panel is not over till our King declares the end us we must work and fight and meet him not as those that beat the air for the greatest weapon in our hands a strong and fervent prayer turned the tide Lord turned the tide open wide the floodgates of your power stem the flood of wickedness reefs or revive and bless O Lord turn the tide though the waves of immorality may beat upon the shore and it seems that all ungodliness is not King at our door we must never give up hope we must not let them win the war we must plead with him we must plead with him to ask the power to cleanse and to restore Lord turned the Time Lord turned the tide open wide the floodgates of your power step the flood of wickedness restore revive and bless the Lord O Lord O Lord [Music] these were not afraid to call [Music] like a cool [Music] by we must not see for a day for the for children we must live [Music] [Music] we still [Music] wait she's missing [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] to [Music] again preschool [Music] [Applause] [Music] to plan that [Music] [Applause] we saw [Music] turn the time resore [Music] to [Music] we're in a battle today for our freedom for our liberty and those are key words freedom liberty wish I had the time to I brought the Constitution with me today won't take the time to read it I won't take the time to give excerpts I'd like to read to you and I won't take the time what senator Cruz said about all that's happening in our country said it on the floor but I want you to know that we're in the battle for freedom now our governor has said we can meet outside with 25 people today he said when you come to church in California this week you cannot sing well we're gonna sing the Bible says we ought to obey God rather than man this is week 17 governor that came out with the report this week that said the protests were so good because it knocked down kovat less kovin when we had the protest and our political leaders stood with them there is a concentrated effort of shutting the church in America I know I'm going to lose members over this over the next week I told you seventeen weeks ago we will I don't know what our church will eventually be reduced to but it will be reduced there will always be casualties in war but mine is not to look at just a church grow or decline God said upon this rock I he will build the church we will stand for right the doors stay open and when a preach and where it will have me can't you see what our government's doing there's a there's a you stand on that line right there six feet you stand right there you stand right there all across the country they're telling you where to stand tell you can't go outside and by the way many masks your today god bless you I'm all for it and folks are staying home because you're not feeling safe god bless you you're watching that's okay but it ever occurred to God's people that God created man with two nostrils and one mouth and the purpose is to bring air in to exhale the toxins out of the body I work when I go in these stores they say to wear that wear I immediately get sick though I don't look like it's a fine-tuned instrument here I don't put a lot of junk in this stuff I don't put soda in here if I put chocolates I sneak it when my wife's not watching I don't want to keep breathing on all that stuff I'm saying today ladies and gentlemen the North Valley Baptist Church in two weeks we'll celebrate 45 years we've stayed out of it for 12 weeks we didn't see anybody walk the aisle this church because nobody was here the purpose of this church is to reach this area for Christ now those Patriots 1776 can lose everything no signers of that Constitution can lose everything then we ought to stand for something I'm so thankful that we got to see that turn the tide that was my brother-in-law preaching what a great man of God and I'm so thankful you're here today I do not want to create any division with anybody I've got enough fight on my hand I'm so sick and tired of fighting but I'm gonna fight for God and stand for liberty and righteousness two weeks from now I'm going to announce to you a lot of what's happening in our church about Sunday school about the bus ministry about the Christian school about the college and I hope you're here on anniversary Sunday and looking forward to that great day I hope that you also will be in prayer for our members we had a young busboy buried this week 20 year old boy grew up here and got saved here but heaven was there at the funeral and spoke I appreciate brother Evan pastor the young people he started coming brother Tim's ministry years ago Christopher Perez had a seizure and drowned this past week and the funeral was this week what you pray for his family they are so heart broke and thank God for the bus ministry I recently met with brother Evan at a Starbucks so we got a little away from the Lord and said I want to get right there he said well Evan said are you saved he said I am absolutely saved I've been washing the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ I'm born again I know it what a comfort that was to his parents then we had a memory normally don't go extended families but for the Seth sits over here Seth Falk and his mother and dad are missionaries to Miramar and two weeks ago she got a packet we brought her home emergency had a emergency surgery and she died enroute to another hospital this week 58 years of age would be 59 this coming Tuesday for the Seth is there a Miss again with his family wonderful mom and dad serving God then I watched over the are Arthur ontero a Martinez you wouldn't know him he's 41 he's in our Spanish ministry he's done a lot of work around here serving the Lord works with brother Papa and he passed away this week with cancer 41 years of age and then I see the black on O family and mrs. Esteban over here and their sweet brother passed away this week I talked to last Sunday in church believes brother Jerry was 54 and I don't know all the circumstances yet but just suddenly died his daughter's a senior in a high school his other daughters a college age student hazal and abigail sweet girls sweet life a passenger for years and you have loved that family brother Jonah my heart just aches for you and Ellen I know you just had a brother-in-law killed in Chicago in a tragic accident last week as well our hearts go out to you folks these are good people I thought of your family back there all of you your sister-in-law and her kids I can't think of one thing it's ever been obstacle with you you've been such good people our hearts just ate for you I love you folks dearly let's take our Bibles turn to the book of Galatians and we'll prepare for the offering brother merchants would come and read the scripture and as he does we have done so well for sixteen seven sixteen weeks with the offering and for the first time last week it just really was terrible it's ten thousand shorten in general we need to get it back let's stand together please we'll get right to preach in just a minute I hope you'll come back tonight 6 o'clock service I hope you go out and get registered sometimes I wonder am I still registered well I am getting the information but it's not that you're a bad person we said we're told that 25 million Americans that are Christians don't vote I've got to get rid of a lot of these folks that are God heaters Chris como newscaster apparently on CNN said this week you people that are praying to God we don't need God don't pray to God it's within ourselves we need it within ourselves The Fool has said in his heart there is no God a bunch of people here governors in California god heaters Oregon Washington New Mexico much of the East Coast New York all over this country god heaters they try to keep us out of church meanwhile liquor stores are open and mr. newsome winery is still open we've got to stand for something about today's it only hope we have is revival please read the scripture so we have the ushers come and prepare for the offering will read our scripture text Galatians chapter number 5 Galatians chapter number 5 I'll ask you to join me as we read aloud we'll begin in verse number 13 and we'll read through verse number 15 Galatians chapter 5 verses 13 through 15 ready begin forever our Heavenly Father we thank you so much for the land in which we love Lord we're grateful that we live in a land that is characterized by liberty but Lord greater than the liberties that we enjoy in our land are the liberties that we enjoy because of Christ freed from the condemnation of sin freed from the control of sin and one day to be free from the very presence of sin lord I pray that you would help us to be willing in these days to stand for not only our national liberties but our religious liberties may we serve you with all of our hearts with all of our might Lord I pray that this morning that you will bless the offering bless each gift in each giver and Lord may you bless the preaching of your word and speak to our hearts today well thank you for it in Jesus name Amen you may be seated [Music] winds of confusion are blowing across our land some are searching for direction but I know just where I stand my faith in America and Jesus is not lost so I'll stand up for Old Glory and kneel at the crow the lady in the harbor still holds her torch up high so we're convinced the fires of Liberty will never die but there's one still lasting freedom and Jesus paid the cost so I'll stand up for Old Glory [Music] [Applause] the bro the flag won't weigh the blood still stays it Stars and Stripes forever till the anthem of the drumhead brings us all together America was founded on God's unchanging laws so I'll stand up for Old Glory and [Music] the wrong we [Music] so I'll stand up for all the Laurie [Applause] not wrong [Music] amen for so many years now have spoken us preached on the subject of revival and I've often given the definition of revival quoting Charles Finney from the 1800s the 3 R's recognition of sin when a people have revival they recognize this a sin in my life I'm going to plead with you today to come face to face with God not with me but with God what sin is in your life we are going to lose this country if there's not revival in the church so I must recognize the sin in my life and then I must secondly repent of that sin bow before a holy God here is where I'm wrong Finney said it might be wise Saturday night men's prayer we've been covering this he said last week and what thoughts we looked at it might be wise if you took a piece of paper and begin to list your sins that you know I've taken that to heart my old life friend we haven't arrived yet we recognize sin we repent of that sin and then the evidences that we have a renewed desire to serve God the church needs revival we must have a coming back to God do you realize it today that revival comes to God's people it does not ever come to corporations it does not come to government oh we got to get rid of these liberals we got to pray that gets saved men remind you government has never had a revival when God's people have revival it affects government but government does not lead the way for revival God's people lead the way for revival if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their my people their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and it shows up in government but friend we get the government we deserve God's people responsible I don't know how many in this very room did not even vote last time we just allow anybody who wants to become our president or vice president our Senate our house our governor's our mayor's do you even know who the mayor is mayor got in but just a handful of votes are you happy with the mayor's job mayor I wonder if you're watching right now I've got a feeling you are and they do pray for you you're my prayer list and your family and I pray for your safety I pray for your salvation but you have a job there and you're giving it over to the county supervisors in the County Health Department no no it's your job it's your child but I do remind you governments don't have revival and organizations don't have revival and businesses don't have revival and corporations don't have a pot revival and clubs don't have a revival and organizations like the Sir optimist club do not have revival revival is for my people God's people can you say that you're in a revived spirit with God can you say it can I say today that God has my heart I'm speaking this morning on revival is for God's people I've been reading and rereading a new book that I have again and I've read it many times but I have a new book on revival from 1904 to 1905 on the Welsh revival in Wales and a young boy just a teenager God got so hold of his heart and that little boy got along with God became very sick he had us what we call that sheriff moment I preached about it last week when he went to the brook cherith and God began to cut away on his life as a teenager God began to deal with him his health was broken he said to his mother and dad he said mother and dad they got weren't just parents I'm over here and pen the pen hold and they're gonna care for me mother was not happy with it I'm your mother I need to be cared for you he goes I don't know what it all is but mother I'm gonna stay right here God's dealing with me and that older elderly couple had been praying for him they saw it as well he became so weak he could not speak he could not write he could not communicate God got ahold of his heart and God was working on him and his brook Cherith and God so got all of him that when he came back and fell I saw a fellow young people fellow young people teenagers is where the revival started you listen teenagers many revivals begin with young people that teenage boy began to speak in 1904 and the power of God began to come down and in that community all of a sudden the reason around their wails the taverns began to close down the world the amusements began to close down atheist and infidels fifty thousand came to know Christ as his Savior just a matter of a few short months one hundred and fifty thousand people said in that sort of time we want to come and unite with the church one hundred and fifty thousand people by a teenager I want you to know revival and this revival of quoting they give credit to number one prayer to singing in the major government center that you can't sing in that amazing I'm commanded to say how much singing the Bible says I get to heaven I'm gonna sing about the holiness of God and the righteousness of God and he alone is worthy to be praised I want you to know that revival came to Wales through prayer and through saying they said what was the result of that prayer and singing it was repentance toward God it was confession of sin as walking humbly before Almighty God I passed her and I get attacked on this when I say this online for preachers I feel like I passed her the greatest church in the world I thought if I ever had a leave here I don't know than another church I want to go to I don't have another choir I won't ever hear saying I don't want to hear oh I see somebody else leading the music I don't want a different orchestra I don't want a different auditorium I don't want a different area this is the church it may not be for you and it's not find the church find the pastor but for me it is where God has planted me and I'll take North Valley Baptist Church over any church in the world I say that I can tell you where my last five to eight years have been I spend more time dealing with backslidden rebellious complainers murmurs people trying to come in and bring their new philosophy and they come in and creeping among us and try to corrupt people in this own Church here bringing their new Bibles bringing the new philosophy thinking we can drink liquor and drink wine it's acceptable it's not been acceptable forty-five years ago when we start started and God still says wine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise you're not going to teach Sunday school teacher here in this church and believe that wine and liquor and the movie house and filthiness is a way of life that's not on my watch you say well they'll leave I know they might they have they will I don't wish them bad but I wasn't you know though I pastor the greatest church that's not a day in these last five to eight years gone by that's not full of sorrow I'm sure no no no big deal I'm worn out I'm tired but I'm going to tell you something I've got enough strength and energy in me right now and monster drinks or whatever it takes I'm talking about the Holy Spirit of God I'm so fired up see this nation come back to God through the New Testament local church no I'm not quitting I'm not giving up I'm not thrown in I'm more determined than ever to see God do something right here may begin this sporty may we begin to use these all to say I need to get right with God in Romans chapter 1 you don't need to turn there either they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind because when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither we're thankful but became vain in their imaginations professing their heart to be darkened professing themselves to be foolish wise they became fools they changed the glory of God for this cause God gave them up they changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator like wise men burned in their lust bro as he did for a woman for with men one toward another and men working that which is unseemly women also we live in a wicked day today but that crowd in Romans 1 is not the problem the problem is where we find ourselves in Galatians 5 today it's God's people writers the looters the Liberals the sodomites are not the problem it's the sins of God's people we've become a babysitting services in our churches please please please will you come to church please please please well no I'm going to Southern California this week but you went there two weeks ago I know there's I got party down there I'm going there I'm going to the beach I'm doing the trend I'm not talking you can't have the vacation I'm talking about the fact we better get serious with God your kids are going to live in bondage mr. Caplin Acts said yesterday I'm revolting I'm not going to celebrate July 4th because of the atrocities of this nation now mr. Kaplan who used to sit right there let me ask you a question on several occasions let me ask you what country is better than America and if it's a better place why don't you go there and I would like to say this whatever country tell me they're not knocking down the doors of the walls of that country to get in America is the only country they're trying to sneak in crawl in of all nationalities of all races of all creeds they want to be in this country this bad bad country the forfeit life to get in here what a tragedy but again he stuffed the problem it's God's people it's God's people that did not even take the time to meet with God this more do you bow their knee before a holy God Oh God may the service warning tonight have your touch merit plaster had the power of the Holy Spirit upon his life most people don't even pray for their pastor my precious father-in-law died last Sunday night my wife's dad mr. strokes dad for 57 years he preached in the same church I wasn't there but years ago it may have happened in the late 50s early 60s I forget when but he's preaching I'm praying for your pastor she goes I have a job and he'd get a four o'clock every morning pray for his membership he'd walk with God from 4:00 a.m. until about noon he was just with God he preached like it - he just had the touch of God for 57 years the same church I want to know something once suddenly he was talking about praying for your pastor he said I know you pray for me there was dead silent and I said you do pray for me don't you it's quiet he said help me pray for your pastor this week no hands went up my wife was there they closed the Bible he closed the Bible the Parsis was right next door he walked off the platform walked home I want to say it was Lou your ranks I'm not sure if that's true honey now what no stairs bastard they're in the auditorium wait for you gotta come back are we are we fasting and praying over our children you know the devil wants to destroy your kids and he's got a foothold in almost every home in America he's out to destroy your kids not just when they're in kindergarten but even after they grow up and after they marry and after the God he's out to destroy your kids he's out to destroy your grandkids he's out to destroy their marriages their homes their lives he's out to destroy your marriage the devil is out to destroy this church be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil has a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour I'm not trying to be rude I'm I need to lose weight more than anybody here right now it's just sittin right there I know that but I tell you what the best diet program would be to walk with God and fast and pray and pray for our kids that are headin straight toward disaster our marriages was talking in one of our young boys that grew up here this morning on the text on the East Coast and he's just so burdened because of situation in his marriage only hope he has this prayer God can't change their heart that's all over this nation it's amazing thing how many times some that grew up he will call me or text me and say pastor I got problems client solicits your prayer and by the way if they ask I'll pray do you realize how crucial moment this is for your life to realize where we find ourselves in this country right now America I'm getting to my message was built on the church well I say the church is built on Sunday school and yet you can finally you can't find Sunday school in America we twenty years ago it got too smart for Sunday school and we start stop Sunday school all over America all over the America you've traveled not all over America we're just stopping it where we teach the Word of God we have little connection groups now all across America we come and get a coffee fellowship good time and thank God for a fellowship one on one but we need this fellowship right here with God I am so eager to get your Sunday School classes back for your children and adults as well where could teach line upon line precept upon precept America was built and revival is built off the church which is Sunday school Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday teaching and preaching the Word of God I leave yet we shut it down you can't hardly find preaching in America anymore you find lectures you find well point one on this on the board I want you see point one I want to lecture you little while the word preach is or K ruk Greek word which means to lift your voice to the Herald declare with authority I believe today IIIi knew it I knew it this week I believed all week that God gave me something that needs to be delivered I don't believe it's a sermon I believe it's a message from God God placed it on my heart and I believe there's an urgency of the hour and something has to happen today something must happen today we are built on the church we have built on preaching we have built built off scene but you can't hear the Sims and songs and spiritual songs it's all worship and praise today and directed to me instead of directed to him so well no I praise you lord I praise you lord I praise you lord I praise you lord I praise you lord I praise you Lord all friend that's songs at the main repetition there's nothing wrong with Rock of Ages cleft for me let me hi trust and obey there shall be showers of blessing I sing the mighty power of God holy holy holy there's nothing wrong with all hail the power of Jesus name that ancient party Paul bring forth the royal dad crown him Lord of all we are built on the church or built on preaching we built on Satan we are built on holiness we're built on young people surrendering their life first to God first God what do you want me to do not now in our churches it's all career my kids got to get a good career well it might be that your kids are gonna have a career they might be doctors and lawyers and nurses and executives and CEOs and politicians and that may happen that's wonderful but to give first your life to God mothers and dads you don't raise your kids for a job or for a career you raise them for God Psalm 126 they don't belong to you your children aren't heritage of the Lord they belong to God the sins of this world not the problem the sins of God's people we look at them and I'll be closing quickly chapter 5 of Galatians verse number 19 now the works of the flesh are manifest they reveal themselves which are these are in adultery in morality what the woman who's married she's got another husband she's got a husband and a man has a wife we feel like I have that right I just I just I'm in love no you're in lust and then he says fornication fornication is any indulging and physical immorality with another person then he says uncleanness what is uncleanness a filthy mind a filthy mind is uncleanness and then he says lasciviousness there's no restraints the day we live in as pastor you mind your own business judges 17:6 I'll do that which is right in my own eyes I want you to marry me I want you to bury me I want you to make a good program here so we have sports and we have teams and we have fun we have camps and we have conferences and we have good things to do we have music we have seminars I want all that but no that's where your life ends pastor give me all those things but I'm not I don't want preaching I don't want thus saith the Lord I don't want the authority of the word of God and that is the Civic's just no restraints that's all of grace it's all of Liberty I don't want you to tell me anything my job's put some boundaries up with God's people and whenever you put a boundary up that's where the battle is going to come you draw a line that's where the battle line is gonna be fought there's always a battle it goes on to say and I just want to say this about lesibians just most people don't want a shepherd a pastor long enough here to know that idolatry anything that's placed above God witchcraft is that Greek word pharmakeia from which we get the english word pharmacy which just simply means drugs and God says I'm gonna and these Christians are going to give themselves over to drugs hatred with hatred challenging others everything else has to be a debate with you why everything else has to be a debate with me why hatred is now I hate you it's not that it means I want to challenge you on everything I don't want to challenge you on it and you and you and you I want to challenge you on everything and variance which is strife and emulations Christian cliques you're not part of my club you're not part of my program that's one of the things I've been Byard about this church so much we generally have about a hundred different nationalities and countries represented in any Sunday morning service it's like the book of Acts chapter two over one Accord one night money the government is never going to be able to figure out how to legislate that we get along but that old-fashioned altar could change everything wrath is explosions strife is self-seeking it's got to be all about me and sedition is simply be discontent I'm gonna rebel against Authority I'm rebelling against my mother I know more than my mother I'm not I'm a rebel against my father I'm rebelling against the police officer Bell against authority I'm gonna rebel against everyone I can see I'm gonna repel against my teacher and then heresies it means to take for oneself it's all about me it's all about me we're gonna do it my way it's me then envious is jealousy of another verse 21 and murder is hurting taking the life of another and drunkenness is intoxication and revin leans as judges grudges I can tell you that the greatest privilege of my life is to be called pastor after being a Christian and a husband and a father I love it well I want you to know today there's more rebellion in the house of God worldwide nationwide today than ever before who know your pastors that are watching we have over 100 countries watching right now wonder what I'm you saw people come just at an altar just weeping before God well I want to get right I want I want my life I'm gonna talk about my wife getting white I'm gonna talk about my husband I'm not talking about my kids I'm gonna talk about my parents I want to get right with God God's people believe a new government is the answer when it's the new people of God is the answer I wondered in closing huh how many have prayed for revival this week we're seeing our our country fall apart we're watching him we're watching him I wonder if we recognize his only hope this nation has is what's happening in here and in churches just like this the only hope we have we can't even get along with one another in Christianity today I wondered how much you fear pray for revival this way I wonder how you mean just I'm speaking of myself and I'm speaking directly I wonder how much time you spent in confessing your sins there's 19 cents I think there I'm not sure I think there's 19 have you look at any of those are you the one that's always judgemental always correct and always having your way and always it's my group and I are you that one how much time have you spent this weekend either writing your sins down our acknowledging God against me and the only have I sinned and done this here's my sin I sit at my pride can we say we've actually worked to walk humbly before God and this week I wondering I know there's some I know I haven't had several couples in this church and for decades they get up at 3:00 and 3:30 and 4:00 in the morning very early and they pray for their past and their wife they've done it for decades god bless you no I'm not asking that but for the rest have even thought to think that maybe the old devil has his target on that lady right there and on this man I'm not saying it's harder for me than you but don't you think you'd like to knock us out of the ministry I'm so grateful you take such good care of us but I'm not asking for anything I'm asking for prayer would you pray for us I'm asking you today when was the last time second first Timothy 2 was the last time you prayed for our political leaders I don't want one ill thing to happen to governor Newsom not one bad thing to happen to him no no I wanted to be heard or harmed worse wife or his family or one political leader I don't want any any ill I don't want to speak unkindly toward him well the whole I tell you what they need Christ I mean what politician do you know in America we know a lot of them collectively who do you know that's in church today what governor is going to church what health director is going to church what mayor is going to church I know they're a few what president or vice president's going to church they're 9 chief there's nine justices this preper well what I don't think one of them goes to church far as I know what what what what Supreme Court judge goes to church what Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals goes to church what Mayor Sam Cisco the last 50 years is going to church what mayor San Jose California Santa Clara go to church I know all the mayors from all the years I've been here but I don't know one that action was a Sunday morning every single week Christian not one I've lived during 13 presidents how did no one present they never went to church it's a where they can't for security we should care for other areas every person needs the house of God when's the last time you prayed for our leaders what was the last time you prayed for laborers the laborers are few brother Luke flood I see you back there we get these buses rolling again you need some bus drivers we need some bus captains those bus kids and mothers and dads and the boys and girls and teenagers and a great crowd of teenagers come on our buses our bus captains have been there and they said please run those buses we want to go to church I'm talking about teenagers from all over this region that want to come to church at war to be in God's house that love it where the manual knows history true it goes into the hall to preach not been able to get in there it goes there's so many of those boys that are there said I Reese to ride the bus dumbest decision ever made to stop riding the bus and now I'm here so last time you prayed that God would give us laborers I mean faithful laborers that joined the choir and they're in the choir every time I'm talking about faithful neighbors that are soul winners I'm talking about when was the last time you left for America yes well but do you see what's happening to our country Alvin Roberts at teenage boy when his health broke that old couple just interceded for God to God for him rumors went out circulated that part of his brain was destroyed he he couldn't think and so that older couple was thinking for him and his he was paralyzed they said he was misunderstood the result of that Cherith moment a revival broke out into Wales and then 10 years later again in ten years later again this kovat thing this shutdown could be one of the greatest things that's ever happened to this country because God could be driving us to a cherith the brook cherith where it's you and God it's being God before we give an invitation I I would never want to be rude to you I hope I don't come across rude to you today I loved you folks and I don't feel like my battle is not you my battles so often I think Lord they they need somebody else they need they deserve the past and I don't need you to write me a note you're the best I don't need that more than ever in my life because there is a battle I'm asking you would you pray for us I'm asking who would you pray these men I'll guarantee it and the minute ladies that serve here are under the battle of their life these dear parents you kids you'd be so good to your parents your mother is going through the battle of her life with this ordeal your dad your family our father this morning revival comes to the people of God please send it pastor Cooper comes would you consider using this altar today be saved get right with God would you come altars open if you'd like to come pray just make your way up the standard feet if you would please folks are coming there's still room to come about it would just step out now altar is open there's two reasons to use an alternative eats your heart number two is played out as masked mutant may be here today I'm saying I'm in church today but I'm not sure I'm ready to meet God and YouTube to pray for me I'm concerned about eternity if you raise your hand right now on the bottom 40 pray for me please anybody like that today and anybody else away from me I'm not sure nobody else a phrase for another Jesus died for your sins on the cross it's the only way to heaven on one of the ways but the only way to accept Jesus is a few less than we would have if you make your way down we have men down front ladies down throat they can show you from the Bible how to be saved if you'd like to know for sure today you'll make your way down the steps it's on the bottom floor make your way I'm gonna pray let's pray down here there's still time to come Lord I pray that she bless this invitation today will render stand the severity of the moment the importance of the hour in which we live in our nation even moreso in our churches god I pray that she'd help us to walk in the spirit I pray that you'd help us to please use our lives in the glorified you afraid help us just to be right with you to get right with you to stay and live right with you I pray that you continue to speak to our hearts help us Lord to have your touch upon our lives I pray for our church as you put a hitch protection about this place I pray for the pasture pray first wife I pray that you give them they need spiritual appraises should keep them encouraged thank you for their vision you think you're being so good to us in Jesus name Amen you can pray to your through the need to keep praying you just keep praying [Music] don't hustle hurry this thing hustle that through I believe that this church is ripe for revival I love you folks I wish I was back in my toys come look forward to the life time with you again such wonderful wonderful people I cannot play with you man enough there's a person so many of you men have taken the burden of Saturday that men's birds encourage new bikes in this auditorium somebody man twice on Saturday Delambre ladies were gonna have to figure out I know Tuesday warned he used to be ladies super when he knew prayer and I figured out ladies when you can just assemble together this autumn have to service before service in an area at the altar somewhere in this room we're something about women's pliers would you please look like here she plays that some of you're accustomed to having family devotion time [Music] walls at night I was out playing ball after much diversity and call it would have to have I'd play the trumpet my sister play the piano mother sister play the organ my parents would say and my dad my mother would read the daily Bradley I still have all and we'd have prayer time oh my goodness I hate to became an adult [Music] I look back at those precious memories the one thing about family Bible time every night that I did like my dad [Music] I can hear her [Music] just because they're sweet mothers I thank you [Music] sir would you leave and pray with you why not we pray every night and I must tell you I do the brain is so pathetic my wife will tell you many times I fall asleep prey that's not because it's an error about three four five minutes into and three four minutes and fall asleep so often couple weeks ago she said I prayed I forgot praying about an hour later I start praying again she said what'd you do last night you prayed twice last night I said I thought I did no I'm not a great prayer we're like [Music] I need God you need God what I hope your marriage has its good all it shows hope your children have us gone only hope yeah god only hope your brain can't ask god bless you for coming today [Music] laid they're gonna have one baptism walk many I want to thank our friends for watching today today thank you for being part of the broadcast the 40 circles with us god bless you [Music] we're all
Channel: North Valley Baptist Church
Views: 1,506
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Keywords: Baptist Church, Jack Trieber, North Valley Baptist Church, NVBC, Preaching, Live Streaming
Id: _CskKxiDQMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 25sec (5185 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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