Dr. Jack Trieber preaching "Jesus" on September 1, 2021

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good evening and welcome to our midweek service tonight let's stand together grab your hymnals please hymn number 58 hymn number 58. 58 there in your song book let's get with it with a good song on the first lift it up together now and [Music] okay [Music] uh [Music] right [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] is [Music] um [Music] praise the lord wonderful singing way to start the service here at north valley baptist church it's been a tremendous day as we open north valley baptist school this morning we pledge to our flag one nation under god and had our principle open in a word of prayer and then to see the campus of golden state baptist college open again to god be the glory great things he had done it only gets better pastors preaching tonight and our church family is looking forward to hearing our pastor and we're so honored to be a part of this service together we welcome our guests and our college family back on campus here and all of the friends and family thank you for joining us literally up and down our state across the country and around the globe and we're humbled and honored to have you here tonight we're also starting our patch the pirate so we have a host of workers out this evening and a good number of young children kindergarten to sixth grade who are part of that program tonight we'll remember them in our spanish ministry as we pray together collectively let's ask god to meet with us in a special way together tonight our father we're so thankful lord for what you've accomplished this week and this day through the ministries of north valley baptist church and lord tonight we're hungry to be fed from your word and lord tonight we're thirsty to have your spirit poured out upon us lord our nation is in desperate need of revival and i pray god that you would touch our pastor's voice tonight supernaturally strengthen him and god i pray you'd use him as he declares your word use them in a mighty way may our hearts be receptive lord to what you have for us may we leave here knowing we've been in your presence move in the spanish service and our children's programs tonight as well for we ask these things in the precious name of jesus amen you may be seated thank you for standing yes redeem how i love to proclaim it 569 in your song but please join us as we sing this great psalm 5 69 on the 1st [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] me yes [Music] blah blah blah [Music] you may think you've gone too far you may think there is no power that can wash away your deepest sin there is hope for you my friend jesus died and rose again so that you could know the joy of sins for games [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] you may have some hidden sin you've tried to cover deep within and everybody thinks your life is in control you can run but you can hide god sees everything inside but forgiveness waits at the foot of calvary's cross [Music] [Music] your jesus [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] great [Music] that's wonderful somebody say amen to that that's wonderful thank you so much at the cross at the cross where i first saw the light 343 please i don't know about you i love these old ends i love that it still works today i'm the first together now on [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] flying [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] here [Music] is welcome to church on wednesday night we're so glad that you're here welcome to the incoming students and your families thank you for being here we're excited for a great semester at golden state baptist college i don't know if you've noticed so far we've sung old hymns we've some songs about the blood and we have a king james bible on the pulpit we're going to have bible preaching a little bit so if that's the kind of place you're looking for you're in the right place if it's not before your parents leave you should get in the vehicle and go with them but we're glad that you're here tonight and we're honored here i saw brother gruber i saw you i said i haven't seen your son in so long he was so cute the last time i saw him and he's ugly now my goodness you big too i mean you probably beat me up for saying that but i'm glad that you're here and it's good to have folks from all over the place ushers if you have these cars for pastors and workers conference as well as the bulletins if you need a bulletin tonight wave your hand but also if you're visiting with us especially would you lift your hand we want to give you one of these uh flyers for the pastors and workers conference you can mark these dates and that'll be a good time for you to come back and visit your young person in the spring in the month of march so if you'd raise your hand wave them down we want to get you one of these and make sure that you have that tonight let's go over a few announcements this evening of course this week we have our regular things on the schedule saturday morning at 9 15 a.m we have our faithfulness rally the faithfulness rally is going to be meeting downstairs in the teen auditorium it'll be easier for you if you'll park out front as long as those spaces are available then you can come in the double doors right by the teen auditorium and we'll meet there at 9 15 a.m just a real quick meeting and then we pair up and we go out and we visit in our community and go soul winning so be a part of that at 9 15 a.m on saturday nights at 8 p.m we have our men's prayer meeting and every man every young man you're invited and in fact encouraged to come and attend men's prayer meeting we've been averaging around 100 men on saturday nights praying and we see god do things on sunday but i believe it's a result of what men are doing seeking the face of god on saturday night we want you to come if you're a college young man you've just gotten here that's a good thing to do on saturday night if you're not working or dating and we know most of you won't be doing that joe moats has been here a year and hadn't done that yet so you want to come saturday night at 8 00 p.m for maybe you should come and pray for that brother moats at 8 p.m on saturday night number two here on your bulletin patch the pirate resumes this evening children sixth grade and below are already out in their classes i want to ask you when you go and pick up your young person please say thank you to the workers that have taught and taken care of your young people during this hour and that will be a blessing to them and you can see the pickup locations there so please don't forget to go get your children either okay number three uh we have the foundational brick campaign starting back up and if you would like to get one of these cards i believe the ushers also have these available tonight as well the bricks go to debt retirement 500 for a brick the ushers are coming right now if you'd like to get one of these cards you don't have to give tonight but you want one to take home and pray about buying a brick you can wave at the ushers and they will give you one of these cards we've not even started yet we've already had three bricks purchased for the brick uh campaign so you can be a part of that if you would get one of these cards take it home and pray about it and i said it the other day if you want to buy a brick for three million dollars we can end every campaign and then we can just start something different so that's available if you'd like to do that after the service tonight there'll be a fellowship for every golden state baptist college student and all of the parents and if you'd meet with us after the service this evening we'll have a dessert fellowship in the courtyard for our students and their guests and we want you to stay and be a part of that the faculty will be there to greet you as well number six mark your calendar for this on friday on friday at 8am the live broadcast with pastor and brother moyer and others will be focused on the christian school our christian school also started today and it was amazing to see all the families and young people there as they prepared for school today and brother fenir had a word of prayer with everybody and we picked up our son and the first thing he said is i love school i said well we'll check back in in a week but right now he's really enjoying school maybe he'll be like his mother and make it all the way through but there's a christian school broadcast at 8am on knvbc and you want to be a part of that back to school broadcast so tune in to that we've made mention of this now for a couple of weeks we need to buy 100 5 gallon buckets to put on the roof of our facility and that will seal it help insulate it and if you would like to buy a bucket there are two hundred dollars each you can give via the website if you'll go on the website you can go to the summer project drop down click on that and then you can give that way 200 or 100 what is it 200 for a 105 gallon bucket so i want to challenge you please pray about giving to that we already mentioned the faithfulness rally brother apusa and i went out yesterday soul winning door knocking were able to talk to several people i had a lady get the assurance of her salvation but brother poussin's over this number nine 72 000 or so i believe already bibles have been distributed in our area in 2021. that's a lot of bibles he's in at 72 000. if you'd like to be a part of getting these john and romans these uh the word of god out please contact brother apostate his email address is right here on the announcement sunday night this coming sunday this will be our final after church fellowship for the summer we're gonna have one more fellowship now it says hot dog fellowship i think here but it's not it's something even better than that we're pulling out all the stops we're dumping in all the money we can and we're going to do pizza all right so if you can come sunday night that's right i think we're even springing extra for pepperoni so if you want to come sunday night to the fellowship i want you to come it's the end of summer fellowship everybody is invited and you want to be a part of that i can see it now as the college men take boxes back to the dorm rooms and we'll have to watch them we have special services on september the 12th and i don't know if you remember i'm sure you do if you were alive there old enough to remember where you were on september the 11th we're coming up on the 20th anniversary already of september 11th and i remember where i was and i remember the way it affected me on that day in our little community we're going to have a special service on sunday morning september the 12th we shall never forget surface and i don't think we ought to forget i don't think we ought to get over it i don't think we ought to i was gonna say i don't think we ought to forgive that doesn't sound very christian like but uh i'm still mad about it and i hope you are as well and so be here for sunday morning sunday night is a special service for our church we're starting for the work of the ministry and pastor will be preaching on that topic equipping the people of god to do the work of god so come on that night be praying about what god would have for you serving here in our church ushers if you'll come sorry for the lengthy announcements tonight we'll take up the offering for this evening on sunday morning i preached on soul winning we had bundles of tracks across the altar i don't know how many bundles there were there were a lot of bundles of tracks but every one of them i believe got taken and many of you have already let me know i've passed mine out so far been faithful one track a day one track a day well we're going to just do that all the time amen we're going to start something called jesus every day you're gonna see a big display out here in the lobby in the coming days and it'll have the logo jesus every day and a track rack that's already been purchased and it'll be filled with tracks every week and that way as we exit we can be faithful and fishing for men grab our bundle of seven tracks and i tell you at the end of the year it's hard to tell how many souls will be saved or how many people god will just send to our church because we went soul winning tonight's offering is going to go to cover the cost of this we've already purchased brother moyer told me 25 000 tracks to get started plus the track rack and it came in right about a thousand dollars that's nothing you can't put a price tag on the gospel but if we could cover that tonight at least and i think we could cover that ten times or more over but we're going to give to that jesus every day and we'll purchase more tracts as they are needed and i'm looking forward to that in the testimonies of what god does through that so you give tonight and be faithful in it please and let's see how about brother burcham let's have you come and alliterate a prayer for us tonight if you would for the offering i can't alliterate a prayer when i try it just has to come naturally here's a thought though you cannot serve god and mammon but you can serve god with mammon what will you do with your mammon tonight heavenly father thank you so much for this great church thank you that you loved the church and you gave yourself for it thank you that we have the privilege of being a part of the church and i pray that tonight lord that you would help us to realize that the mission of the church is the evangelization of lost sinners and the glorification of jesus christ and you are glorified when we bear much fruit i pray that you would help us as we go forth lead us to places where the seed of the word of god would find fertile ground pray that you might use us for your honor and glory pray tonight that you might bless each gift and each giver use it for the furtherance of your work we ask in jesus name amen [Music] that's wonderful is a blessing how many bless tonight it's not because of you and because of me that we're blessed it's because we have a wonderful savior that loves us and bless us [Music] i want her savior is jesus my lord a wonderful savior to me he hideth my soul in the cloud of pleasure i see one clothed with his brightness transported high rise to meet him in clouds of the sky oh his perfect salvation and his wife [Music] love [Music] i'll shout with the millions [Music] that shadows a dry [Music] versus my life [Music] there with his hand and covers me [Music] [Applause] praise the lord i'm so glad you're here tonight thank you for singing thank you for your attendance and uh parents are glad you're here pastors missionaries our students and of course the church family well i'm so nervous tonight you won't believe that but i've been preaching almost 50 years and i've never gone through what i've gone through the last five weeks i've preached one time in these last five weeks i've enjoyed hearing the men preach we've been having revival around here i mean before the invitation starts they're flooding down the aisles but i uh i'm trying to make a trial run i want to get back to preaching sunday but if this is irritant to you it might be pardon me i'll uh i'll get other fellows to preach on sunday i don't worry i don't have covet and i'm not planning on sharing anything i have i'm not sick but i don't have a voice and i'm so sorry i felt like i was hiding all day from you today i didn't want to talk i was trying to preserve my voice i've had i don't like thieves you ever have those thieves cough drops i don't like them i hate them man i put i put so many thieves in hot water today and just kept drinking hot water with thieves my wife says let me give you some more i said i'm not taking any more tonight i'm just sick and my stomach i'll tell you watch you essential oils people i make fun of you all the time well about two nights ago i'm putting my lavender on my throat i put some marijuana and cocaine on my throat i mean i've put everything on i've just been doing everything and it's it's going to come back i did for the i love singing i'm not a good singer i love just saying when i read my bible and pray especially in the morning or if i'm studying i just love to sing and i sing alone because they've never put me on the cue card but but i i was able to sing yesterday morning entire song and it blessed heaven i'll tell you that right now the cows are moving up there whatever but i hope the lord can i feel so dull i can't say amen the music is going i want to sing and i'm just faking moving my words up here most of the time but i'm so thankful for you i love god's people you know i'm certainly not old my twin sister who's here is old she just had a birthday a couple days ago and she's old i mean she's old very old and her husband's very old too my brother-in-law who's teaching here this semester from uh he's from florida brother smith you know him he uh i said all it's always been my hero who knew one another as young kids his dad was my pastor but um he's older than i am but he looks everybody says he's older than you i i've been sick a lot i guess my whole life i'm not sure he looks so good and my sister i'm so glad they're here i want you to meet them tonight and uh but i feel so out of i'm really it's hard to believe that i'm nervous in my own church and i hope i don't shame you or the lord's name tonight i want you to help me tonight in fact the devil fought me i knew what i was going to come speak tonight for quite some time and i um i got it all done been looking at it and think lord they're coming to a bible college to see the deep things of exegeting the scripture and i'm not taking a passage and working with that tonight i want to give you something for these last four months of 2021 and i hope to be a help to you tonight thank you thank you the other thing that's happened to me i'm an emotional basket case all the time i don't know what that's all about but um i just you know i'm trying to hang on i love everything i'm not planning on leaving the ministry i'm planning on getting my voice back and do my best to torment your kids all semester you know young people last semester we had to meet in tents all semester and it was cold it was a cold winter we had fire pits going in tents and we taught in tents we preached in tents parents didn't realize there wasn't one complaint not by anybody a faculty member a staff member a student not one not one company a parent no one complained when they arrived on campus last january we were shut down first semester they could not even eat in the dining hall they could not eat outside they had to take their food to their room and about after three weeks they got thinking no one's dating and it dawned on me they couldn't even get together and date no one complained we had such a conquering student body last year we finished the year at graduation not one student quit not a student quit this is our 25th year not one student quit not one student was removed and quite frankly other than joe moats we didn't have hardly any demerits to give out i mean they just were perfect we didn't have one student drop out because being financially withdrawn i believe all but two girls of course those that graduate didn't come back i believe all but two ladies and i think four men all re-enrolled except for those two and four and two of those boys were all boys and i suggested they come into the church and be in another college locally here for some things they're looking at and we feel like it's going to be the same this semester pastor everson told me we're up over 25 percent enrollment that is good well let's take our bibles tonight and let's turn to the book of philippians please philippians chapter 4. i want to thank you so much for coming i can't do my own amen and so if you find something that's halfway good amen and and humor me if nothing else but let's stay lively and i think when a voice is not strong we think we all have to you know i find this i'll talk to someone i'll say i'm so glad you're here and they said we're glad we're here too don't do that tonight let me see if i can get an amen amen so there you go i don't think you've stood for a while let's stand shall we let's have a word of prayer together our father i feel so privileged to be in the ministry and be the pastor of this great great church i thank you for the schools that opened today we're grateful for the christian school now in our 45th year we're thankful for the college in our 25th year and i pray that you do great things lord the harvest is so plenteous but the laborers are so few we truly believe we're right before the trump of god we believe it's coming nigh or maybe even tonight but god i pray that we do our best to get another generation of young people prepared i think a church is all over that file in my office lord of churches that are begging for assistant pastors and churches begging for pastors and churches begging for school teachers and music directors and pianists i think of how many churches had no pianists tonight and they're begging for us to send them somebody who will go for us god help us tonight all of us as we look at this thought this evening in jesus name amen please be seated as you're seated tonight my favorite new testament book is philippians my favorite old testament book is nehemiah i love the text the 104 verses in the book of philippians there's 104 verses and 104 times paul who's in a cave in a jail 104 times she says jesus christ lord god our father why none of these things moved him his focus wasn't on the things of his life his focus was on jesus christ for to me to live is christ and as i look at even the things i've heard review back over the last week or so and you've heard them too and i have probably said some of these things we talk about the weather if we're not careful we complain about it we talk about covet we talk about politics we talk about the bungle in afghanistan the sorrow that happened there and it's happening we talk about pestilence and disease and vaccines and gasoline prices and and water shortages and i have to but you know i found out that those things basically are discouraging disgusting defeating distracting and they get our eyes off the lord jesus christ and tonight i want to come to you and guard you ask you to guard your thoughts and your words these next four months today is september 1st when january 1st comes four months now we would have gone through uh the finishing of summer now and the opening of the autumn season and we'll go through thanksgiving and we'll go through christmas and new year's and i want you to know that we're gonna have to guard our thoughts and our minds and our words and the only way i find i can do that is when the road is rough and steep fix your eyes upon jesus he alone has power to keep fix your eyes upon him i try and i have it for five weeks and it hurts me i try to sing to him every day i try to get topics of i have a whole rendition of songs on jesus jesus is the sweetest name i know and he's just the same as his lovely name standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find jesus he's the only one who cares and understands jesus jesus jesus and i sing all about this name that's the number one title in the index of our song book if you go to the letter j you'll find the songs that begin with jesus there's more songs about him than any other first title any uh title of any word and so tonight i'm going to ask you this these next four months let's keep our mind on him i think of my blessed redeemer i think of them all the day long i'm not suggesting i'm the best christian in the room i wish i was but one thing that's helped me is since the election november 1st i shut my tv off i've not seen one television report i've shut my radio off now i play some christian music or i play kmbc in the car but i'm not listening to one news report now i hear enough and i do have an app on my phone it brings up the headlines and i look at those headlines try to every day it shows me what's going on and i think i know what's going on but it just defeats me i can't i can't live defeated i have too many people that i love they're dependent upon being fed encouragement for the things of god and tonight i want to bring one word to you one name to you and that's jesus i want us to consider tonight jesus as you turn to philippians chapter four as you turn there i want you to know that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind has stayed on thee i want to do my best for four months silent to keep my mind on the lord jesus christ and i want to encourage you to do the same would you read philippians 4 8 and the latter part of verse 8 says think on these things let's read it together from the man that's writing from a prison cell chapter four verse number eight ready begin finally brethren what is god's people here tonight when you circle maybe that in your mind or on that page this these next four months just to re read that verse think on true things think about lovely things pure things things about honest things i must control my mind because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh matthew 1 2 3 4 matthew 12 34. would you always remember what goes in here is always going to come out here a couple's having an argument with one another and he says or she says later i don't know why i said that oh i do because you already thought it that's the bible our brain is two to three pounds it's shaped it looks like a walnut it's three divisions the brain and what division is the heart that's the real you and that division has to be very carefully guarded for that will keep him in perfect peace his mind is staying all day out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and so tonight there's one word and it's really based on john 3 30 he must increase and i must decrease jesus tonight i want to talk to you about him and i hope you can carry these little words with you this week i hope you'll memorize them in your thoughts tonight go back to philippians chapter one as we use tonight a little bit of the book of philippians and a few other places i'm gonna make much of jesus the next four months and so consequently one i want to live for jesus say it together i'll give you some elves tonight live for jesus don't live for yourself don't live for things don't live for possessions but live for jesus hebrews chapter i uh philippians chapter 1 and verse number 21 let's read it together shall we ready begin for today i think jill you went to camp when i went to whispering pines camp i still had my little camp book from 1961 i pulled it out this week and i was looking through it you know the song that we learned at whispering pines not very far from here that would have been oh my goodness that's 60 years ago you are old but uh when we learned this i wish i could sing tonight i'll live for jesus after day i'll live for jesus let come what may the holy spirit i will obey and i live for jesus day after day college young boy you're going to be placed in a position at work or somewhere where you can live for yourself and ruin your life destroy the life of your family i'll live for jesus day after day girls don't don't have us have to call your mother and say we're gonna have to send her home i'll live for jesus day after day i was preaching in a large city several years ago and a girl came and saw him and i couldn't recognize her she said here's who i am and my children i'm not married and she said i remember coming to golden state brother trevor and i remember i went to a mall and stole some things they caught me i was arrested and removed from college i'm not married but i'm raising my kids for god we don't want that testimony for you you high school teenagers don't don't destroy as old dr bob jones would say don't destroy the future on the altar of the immediate i'm talking to myself i'm not i'm not a right yet take heed to thyself he says place no confidence in the flesh you can't conquer the flesh in your own strength you're gonna have to live for someone who's more important than you i'll live for jesus day after day god live for jesus let come what man the holy spirit you know in 1915 this song was written it's in our hymn book living for jesus a life that is true striving to please him in all that i do oh man beg you in these four months young and old whoever you are in this room are watching tonight but beg you live for christ live for christ paul said i'm in jail my hand's going to be severed but for to me to live is christ and if i die it's gained live from the lord jesus christ you'll never regret it i want you not only to live for christ encourage you to live for christ i want you to look for jesus live for jesus say the first one together with me will you please live for jesus say it together live and then look for jesus keep your hand there we're going to come to this text here in philippians in a moment but i must remind you that god's word says in hebrews 12 2 looking unto jesus the author and the finisher of our faith spurgeon got saved that night in london as a young man he was searching for god he knew there was something missing and the big ice storm came and he saw at the end of an alley an old little church a little little chapel and he walked down there that night the ice storm everything was shut down churches were not open and that night he walked down there and the preacher could not make it in because the ice but oh what you'd look like a pitchfork farmer with his pitchfork and bibble balls and stuff there said the preacher's not coming but i'm gonna preach tonight isaiah 45 22 look unto me all you ends of the earth that be saved i don't remember i want to say maybe you could correct me afterwards there's only 15 20 people there and he said i want this congregation that's here tonight to look under jesus as the prophet isaiah said look unto jesus and be saved young man and he pointed them out young man you're troubling your soul i'll tell you why you're out on this icy night you're looking for jesus your man and come come unto jesus tonight would you come to christ tonight and charles spurgeon got saved and became a great preacher and shook that continent for christ in london for christ what a great man of god died at age 59 but he gave his life to god on just simply look unto jesus could you take inventory can i where are you looking these days what has your eyes what has your mind what has your attention i want to encourage us to live for jesus i want to encourage us to look for jesus look in your bibles in philippians in chapter number chapter 2 please philippians chapter 2. now let's go to chapter 3 i'm sorry let's look at verse number 20. for our conversation is in heaven you're getting ready to fill the word in from which we also look for the savior lift up your heads pilgrims are weary he is coming again this very same jesus rejected of men that song on page 2 32 in our book look and live my brother live look to jesus now and live the best life you'll ever have young people in this room tonight and i'm saying man if you get saved tonight dear lady the best life you'll ever have is not looking at drugs and not looking to drink and not looking to hollywood and not looking to the fast crowd but looking unto jesus for only jesus can satisfy your soul live for him live for him look for him look to the lamb of god look to the lamb of god for he alone has power to save you look to the lamb of god as the leaves on the trees will soon begin to change color and they'll turn orange and red and yellow and then fall the ground as autumn comes look for jesus look for him every day seek to find him seek to draw an eye to him i can remember our teenagers and our college students i say tonight i i remember going to bible college i left from right over here in a little city and i flew to wisconsin i went to bible college 52 years ago you know when i got there it was a wednesday and i got off the plane and we were on the bus we got off the plane and got on a bus and waiting downtown a little old downtown they came and finally got us and we went to the dorms i went my dorm everybody left for wednesday night church and a fella saw him he says what are you doing i said i just got in from california i just got into the call i just got in and i don't have a way to get to church i don't i i'm not going i'm not showered i'm not ready i've been traveling all day he was a dorm supervisor he looked at me and said you're from california aren't you he said i'm gonna have trouble with you all year i know i'm going to you california guys good welcome to bible college brother smith i went to college chapel i went to church that night calvary baptist my home church was calvary baptist i later learned to love that church and loved that pastor that wednesday night i hated it i sat there so homesick that church wasn't the same as ours and i got back to the dorm and i thought i was gonna have this nice private room with a spa there was about 50 some men in that one big room green locker army barrack lockers were dividing us and i'd never known what humidity was and that night all the windows were open no shades on them all the windows oh i couldn't get comfortable and i kept hearing these things called i'd never seen them before mosquitoes ah i was frustrated and i'm not saying i cried and cried but i got thinking of my mother and dad i began to weep i missed my parents little did i know i'd get home at christmas that'd be the last time ever to get home i went through that first year and the second year it was winter time because there was snow on the ground i'd go to music theory class and at seven i'd get done before eight o'clock i believe it was and i'd go back to the room nobody was in there every day i tried to read my bible the night before a college young man snuck out and he left college packed up and left and i've been thinking about that all morning i don't want to stay here i would not have made a good marine but i wanted to go be a marine i wanted to go to vietnam there was just something in me that that morning i i said i'll go ahead and go to that class and i'll go and take my hour time with the lord and i said lord i'm quitting i'm not going on with this thing you know my bible reading that dale's in jeremiah 12 and verse 5. it says if thou has run with the footmen and they have worried they then how can some contend with the horses i thought man if i can't make it bible college i want to make it in vietnam you know that one decision was the pitfall one for me all of us these next four months may just make the pivotal decision that changes your life for good or for bad make good decisions decisions based on living for jesus and looking for jesus i must he said let me get to number three i want you to see this what's the first one what do we do with jesus live for jesus and then look for jesus and then i want to encourage you to long for jesus look what he says in philippians 3 10 let's read 310 together shall we ready begin we live for him we look for him we long for him i recall when i grew up over here in high school we'd sing this little song written in 1941 i belonging in my heart for jesus i have a longing in my heart to see his face i am weary oh so weary as i travel here below have a longing in my heart for him i hope that god plants in the hearts of you young men and your mothers and dads are longing to pray for your kids your parents were your kids we we took pictures with the tk ford this morning to take that kindergarten i hope you have a longing over to pray for him and thank god for him for that day that god has put his touch on their life we have 14 grandkids and i take them each by name and every single one has a different need that i'm praying about personally i'm not saying they're wicked or bad or evil i'm not saying it's just some things i'm praying lord help this one and help this one in this area and give them wisdom and open their eyes that's wonderful you see god begin to work don't you long for god to do something you want your long present i had the sweetest visit last night with this sweet couple from center texas and their their their home church i think it's 6 500 people in that town right center center texas and their their home church was where brother bob hughes was out of that church i never saw bob hughes when about 45 40 uh 48 years ago he was dying of cancer they came home from the philippines i've heard his message as we played his message pleading with that raspy broken voice of his as his pastor with cancer please will you go please will you go come to the philippines take my spot that day brother rick martens turned his wife back he said we're going i don't mean this root i'll never be rude to a god man of god brother rick's about 138 pounds at the most right now 45 years ago he went over to the philippines and brother rick began to serve he said he said typhoid somebody just has so many so and he's a hard worker and they live in a i was over in his house over in the philippines brother martin let us let us let me send some builders over here we will tear this down let me build you a house the water runs to his house three days a week the open sewage is right out their window there's a little air conditioning in one room only they put a galvanized barrel in the bathtub just catch the water of the day it doesn't run in case it might just run their church is there everybody on their college they all walk by his house all day long brother rick and becky they start that church we build them a building it seats thousands i think they run about 10 000 on sunday he started a bible college and from that bible college you have 16 bible colleges i'm talking about in the philippines they all public school they all wear uniforms college they wear uniforms and it's just such a beautiful sight i've heard the choirs from all those quiet colleges sing they started over a thousand churches with their graduates in the philippines and they've sent missionaries around the globe why because a 138 pound man said i've got a longing to give my life to god teenage boy in ninth grade eighth grade seventh grade twelfth give god your life i envy you so much i'm way over here on this end of the spectrum of life and you're over here starting this is you're going to love the ministry i don't ever have to sit alarm i don't always get up at four but i wake up every morning in my life at four o'clock and much through the night i'm awake and they get up shortly thereafter i long to go to the bible i long to pray i long to be god i long to serve god i long to preach the word of god let god do that please every person here live for jesus look for jesus long for jesus listen to jesus i like what samuel says was told speak for thy servant heareth he that happened to hear let him let him hear with the spirit seth unto the churches speak my lord and of course speak my lord speak and i'll be quick to answer thee god your freshman year may put on your heart what you're supposed to do it might be later in the journey but don't miss it couples let god do something early in your marriage learn to say i'm sorry early learn to say i was wrong early i mean it learn to pray with your children early harm to have family bible time learn to do the things of god together learning to go to church together i suggest tonight we we listen to him i love when i hear you sing i heard the choir a few weeks ago he still speaks i know his voice he speaks in the sound of his voice it's so sweet the birds touch their singing i'm asking you tonight to live for him to look for him to long for him to listen to him to labor for him therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know your labor is not in vain i have so much i'd like to say about all these but i won't i'd say number six use your lips for jesus let's talk about jesus the king of kings is he maybe you're driving a young person an adult you're driving to work by yourself turn the radio off and just just say god i'm going to just tell you what i think about you you're a wonderful savior my jesus my lord you're you're almighty you're the bread of life you're going to feed me today you're the you're the christ the son of god you're the door you're gonna open doors for me and you're the door of my life you're everlasting you're alpha you're omega you're the beginning you're the end you're wonderful you're wonderful y'alls are there i call sometimes i can't just seem like i can get a hold of you beside your fault it's mine because your word says if i draw an eye to you you'll draw night of me and so apparently the problems with me and we boss god around get over here god i need you come on here help me out god doesn't do that he says you take the first step son you draw an eye and then i'll draw an eye i'd say let's use our lips for jesus and then tonight let's let's learn of jesus come unto me all ye that labor heavy late and i i will show you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me it's rather lengthy tonight all else i hope maybe when you get to your room tonight or your house tonight or you're staying in a hotel you'll write down i'm going to live for jesus day after day i'm going to look for jesus and maybe today i'm going to long for jesus i'm going to listen to jesus i'm going to labor for jesus i'm going to use my lips for jesus i'm going to learn of jesus well autumn is coming and with autumn things begin to change around here missions conference is coming next month in october 17th on a sunday begins let's look at things like this as a new beginning we just had a new a birthday to me it's a new beginning i said lord let me in this next decade if you let me live past gospel tracts every day let me just get them out i was seeing a doctor today early this morning he's been my friend he's a surgeon as i was talking to him he told me about some physical situation in his life they might be watching right now i said doc last wednesday with you had that heart problem had the stent put in how about it what have you died and gone to heaven or hell or don't you know where you're going we've gone over before even years ago he plays the piano for children's church he teaches ninth and tenth grade boys he's not a baptist he attempted to give me a good salvation testimony but i i still wondering i told him i still be praying for him we went over this track here i want to do my best and those nurse was behind me i didn't know she was there but i kind of suspected someone was there probably for 10 minutes she just sat there and listened christ is the answer he's the answer for the church he's the answer for the whole he's the answer for sacramento and washington d.c he's the answer for the taliban that would be you and me if we had been born there that would have been us but god and his mercy allowed us to come be here would you live for jesus let's make him preeminent for almost 46 years this has been our church theme our church is 46 years of age and about six months into our church i said that's the verse for our church colossians 1 18 that in all things he might pray of the preeminence please pray for me i want to love and better every d.a.y i need to i need to love them more today than i did yesterday you need to love them too our heads are bowed and eyes are closed pastor cooper is going to come and lead the invitation tonight thank you for putting up with this voice tonight as you hear the invitation song given could we have a prayer of dedication can we just give our lives completely make much of jesus let's stand together please pastor the altar is open why don't you come step out now and come and let's pray you who are here for college especially you got to come and go ahead and start this semester off on an altar and just say lord i want this to be about you i want to keep my focus on you i want to learn of you love you listen to you long for you every day that's the key that's the answer i think that's why paul could say none of these things move me he wasn't worried about all the things he was focused on that one that one thing rejoice in the lord he said always again i say rejoice his focus remained on the lord all throughout the book of philippians it's a book of joy in spite of circumstance because it's a book about jesus in the circumstance what about that tonight would you come he is the answer always has been always will be you pray it's amazing how what you dwell on and what you focus on and what you meditate on how it affects your how it affects your outlook it affects your spirit but i promise you it'll always affect it the right way when jesus is the topic if you're tonight you're not sure you're saved you heard about the lord tonight we're all just sinners saved by grace but you're tonight and say i don't know if he'd take me he'd take you whoever you are no matter where you're from or what you've done jesus died on the cross for your sin you're here tonight and you say brother cooper preacher i'm not sure i'm ready to meet god tonight would you step out now and come forward we have men here we have ladies that are prepared to help you they want to pray with you would you step out now if that's you he said i don't know if i'm saved i know this i don't want to go to hell why don't you step out now and come and let us show you from my bible how to be born again would you come it's wednesday night maybe you wandered in this place and that's why you're here god brought you here to hear the gospel if you need to come step out now please folks are praying they'll let you through if you need to get down here they'll let you get down i'll pray you pray till you're through lord thank you for the privilege to be in church here on sunday night or wednesday night thank you for a church that still has a meeting in the middle of the week god i pray you'd help us to take this message to heart and i pray that we would make you our focus our focal point i pray that we look for you and long for you learn of you i pray that you help us to live for you every single day i pray for this semester in the college in our school i pray that you'd anoint it that you bless it i pray that you give us a great spirit of revival in our church thank you for what you've done i pray for great days ahead in jesus name amen i'm so grateful you'd come tonight up the balcony of the lord of lords i thank god for all of you i i'm going to be out at the reception i probably won't talk very much but i certainly want to shake your hand and thank you how many parents are leaving tonight anybody leaving tonight one family god bless you and pray i've been praying for people i don't know just lord as you're traveling help me leave in the morning you leave in the morning how many going to be with us on sunday nobody well there's a family back there god bless you we're we're how many christians out of this church are going to be here sunday sunday school 9 45 big morning service at 10 30. i apologize for these it just happened about three weeks ago we had been free and uh it'd be okay you know most trooper and i we're about 50 miles away from here the other day and there's no mask over there most of the state there's no mask but right here we get this privilege and you watch you watch how god's going to win the victory you watch it's a test i hate them i'm so hot tonight i'm sweating here i guess but well thank god for your parents and pastors and students make your way over there and be sure to fellowship if you have time church members i love you so much i tell you the best and i thank god thank you brother cooper reminding us to say thank you to the patch the pirate workers and they're over in these rooms and buildings and so go get your kids right now god bless you you're dismissed [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] and
Channel: North Valley Baptist Church
Views: 1,092
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ZuhQ3iRTeUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 36sec (4476 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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