Dr. Doug Weiss' Life-changing Testimony

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[Music] so discover what's possible when you break free from fear and doubt Dr Doug Weiss uncovers the powerful truth about how indestructible you really are if you're enjoying table talk be sure to like comment subscribe remember to click that notification Bell to stay up to date on all of our latest posts [Music] [Applause] [Music] so how bold would you be in sharing the gospel if you knew nothing could stop or break you the truth is you are more indestructible than you think and with the help of today's guest you're going to find out why but first join me around the table is April are you glad to hear that you are indestructible I am so glad to hear it I'm so excited for the show it's going to be great yeah Anna Kendall I'm excited and you know this subject this topic makes me realize what a gift this life is it really is and you're all gifts you're all wonderful I'm so glad we're in the life together I know we're glad you're here too with your little bright self our little ray of sunshine Anna Dorothy Newton is excited and shining brightly right now because her grandbaby has arrived yes yes Natalia Christine Newton she is here we got a picture let's show the picture everybody let's see the picture beautiful so she's beautiful she's got my goodness she looks just like me [Laughter] lovey lovey I love all these neat Grandma names mine's Noni you know mine were just Grandma yes Cindy Johnson you're indestructible yes praise God for that and anybody watching today is going to realize the hope that they have yeah and that they they are indestructible when you know Jesus that's right for sure for sure and you're nice and bright thank you I'm Lula by the way oh Lula that is your your name I love that and Cindy Murdock your name is welcome to the table I'm glad to be here and I am I think like Cindy said and the other women we have so much hope today realizing we're indestructible and what can we do for the kingdom of God if we realize that for sure for sure well he's the clinical psychologist and the founder of heart the heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs please welcome our dear friend Dr Doug Weiss is here all right he's running again welcome good Smiles welcome awesome glad to have you are you still you feel you feel safe with all of these I'm always safe [Laughter] that's right but this is a bigger table than you've ever been at before there are more women at this table that doesn't change that I'm indestructible that was a good line you know for your topic today so well you know with the world battling so much fear and uncertainty many are desperate for an answer to their loss of Hope yeah many Believers are hesitant to share their faith because they are missing this one simple truth and Dr Doug is here to share more about that and what is that truth that we actually are indestructible that man is the first first and only creature that was made Eternal in time other Eternal beings were made Eternal in eternity like Angels yes we were made Eternal in time which means that we will outlive time we will outlive the mistakes of this world we will outlive what we call Sin well live all diseases well live all that because when God made out of me breathed eternal life into from being beginning and so every person whether they believe in Christ or not is eternal yeah and they have an end time assignment and an ex and an eternal assignment so um I would love for you to share a little bit of your story because there are people watching today and you say well you don't know what I've been through and because of that you know I'm kind of stuck and can't really walk into all that God has for me there are many of you feel that way but when you hear your story and hear how God took everything you went through and now uses it to help others he wants to do the same for a lot of people that are wrong for a lot of people I've worked with thousands of couples over 35 years women who've been sexually abused raped and abortions and divorces and neglect and being cheated on and you see these Souls over 30 years actually you fight through and get to the other side you're like what's going on with that there's something in them that they get through that and that's what really the basis this was my story was one as well I mean I was conceived in adultery I was policed in foster home when did you find out you were conceived in adultery like somewhere along somewhere probably my maybe 10 to 12 area I found out you didn't look like you're yeah I didn't look like my sisters for sure yeah and someone told me the story I don't even know who but you know she went out on her first husband and found a guy and he looks like me and so is a foster care and then I was sexually abused and then uh sex addicted alcoholic drug addict all that kind of crazy stuff in my adolescence and at 19 I came to a place where I wanted to die I just knelt down and I said Jesus I know that you're a God but I want to die today but I'm going to give you 30 days of my life 100 to be fair and I'll do a hundred percent of what you tell me to do well it's 40 years now and he sent me to Bible school three days after that and then uh he went to Seminary and got a counseling degree a PhD in Psychology and we've helped just endless amounts of people uh when in their in their marriages and in sexual addiction and intimacy anorexia in the Betrayal trauma you know and I'm also the president-american association for sex fiction therapy so I train counselors all over the world and so God can take no matter what pain you're in if you believe it's the pain that's gonna the hill you're gonna die on you could but if you believe that you are absolutely indestructible that nothing can stop you that this is just a scar this is just a problem this is just a passing Cloud yeah you're going to pop through that thing yeah and you're going to be stronger smarter and more capable to do what your assignment is yeah I was I had to go through healing to become a Healer yeah sure so how did you how did you you know in all of that pain how did you come to know the Lord though did someone point you to it well my mom sent me to a Salvation Army Camp when I was like 12. and I accepted Christ then so I knew the gospel but I wasn't following Jesus you know there's a lot of people who know about Jesus but they don't know Jesus right well that night when I wanted to die I met Jesus okay you know in a relationship and that would totally transform my life what do you say about people who have not gone through but but they are in the process of going through a lifetime of difficulty well I would say you know definitely get a relationship with Christ because you don't want to be alone and then get a community of people who understand what's going on with you okay so people can get through that to the other side they're going often they're going to get through it just depends how they want to get through yeah you're going to live eternally you get through okay the end is there's no end yes okay there is no ending okay but how you get through is up to you it's good you know and that's what we you really want to do well with now when you were 19 and you accepted Jesus did you have someone that walked with you discipled you Jesus he really did he really took me on like a son you know because I'd never met my father and he would tell me what to read every day he still tells me what to read I wake up in the morning he tells you what chapter to read and I read that chapter and like he's still disciples me and walks you but he would eventually you know I went to Bible school so I got mentored there you know when somebody I got some mentoring there you know and put some men in my life that were around me as a around 30 between 30 and 55 or 60. yeah I had some men in my life of really consistently speaking into me can you get in a church like after you got saved okay yeah I got radically in church I was in the choir I was singing 30 days later because I was so poor I didn't have a car oh I mean I was in a great church yeah they loved on me and I was in the choir Yeah Christmas musical yeah we had a great time I like how you said you can either die on a hill like a victim so many times we see people that have that victim mindset they're stuck in a moment they're stuck in the trauma and the abuse how do you get out of it sure well sometimes you got to ask the Lord why and he's not always going to tell you yeah but I can tell you that if you take what you're going through and and solve that problem God's going to use you to heal that problem in lots of people's lives you know I was sexually addicted I didn't know how to get out of that I cried out for four years in Bible School couldn't get out but in seminary he showed me how to get out and we've said probably oh 50 hundred thousand people free easily yeah okay and so in all our YouTube stuff there's and people getting free all the time and so I had to go through a process to be field so I could become a Healer and so if you're in a situation where you need to learn something learn it because God's raising you up to be teacher of it don't you think that you have to get comfortable with not getting the answers to some questions because some people women I know they get stuck on why did this rape happen to me why did I get molested they can't figure that out so yeah we have a whole YouTube that God was you know where was God when this happened and God was there he was watching the pain but because he gave free will he has to allow pain yeah okay now what you do with that pain that's up to you the person who sexually abused me I have healed thousands of people that have been sexually abused so I it you don't give the power to the perpetrator you give the power to the Healer do you know what I'm saying and when you give the power to the Healer you can heal and then you can become a Healer in his hand talk a little bit about how this teaching came about indestructible well the teaching came about by listening to women and men for 30 years who've been through kinds of trauma and abuse and abandonment neglect and rapes and abortions and all kinds of things and watching them actually get to the other side and I'm like Lord what am I seeing here because that looked impossible and yet this person is somehow getting through and then it was recently that God gave me this download on indestructible how when God made Adam he breathed his own life into him so every human soul even those babies that were aborted were indestructible they didn't die they just got to Heaven earlier okay and they're waiting for you so live a good life right and so you um if you saw that and then you see throughout the scripture where this whole pattern of indestructibles there you know Jesus he went to hell and preached the people that were still there you know they were still there they could hear you know Jesus talked about the Lazarus the rich man who had all of his senses you know hey could you have him drip some water down because I'm thirsty down here right and so like hell's a real thing Heaven's a real thing and and because we're Eternal Souls even though we were made in time we have an eternal location and that's what we need to get back to like we're not on Earth because to get a nice cappuccino we're on Earth because we were sent to Earth to get something done yes in time for eternity it is you know I was sitting here thinking that there's some of you watching and you're just kind of grasping that wow you're talking about living forever I've really thought about that I'm going to live forever but you're going to live forever and the reason we're sharing with you today is that we want to give you the opportunity to live forever in eternity with the Lord because he made provision for you through his son on the cross and you say oh listen I I don't know about religion Church you know we're not talking about that we're talking about an intimate relationship with your creator the one like Doug was talking about that breathed life into you and that you became an eternal Soul at conception that's why we talk about women that have had abortions and I'm not here to judge that because God loves everyone I don't know the reason why you did or did not make that decision but I do want you to know that that at conception a baby is an eternal Soul it's a it's a Crea an eternal soul is created at conception and um if you did have an abortion then you will see that child again there's an argument at the science of what you know yeah well the Bible is very clear that um I knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb so um we don't want you to feel that shame that is associated with that but really what's important here is are you ready for eternity so Doug why don't you lead us in a prayer a sinner's prayer some of you are like I don't even know what I'm doing right now just stay right there and listen we'll repeat after you and kind of explain why this is so important but well for me I'll tell you I didn't have a religious experience I had a Jesus experience there was no one there just being him and right now you're on your cell phone you're on your computer you're watching your TV you might be alone but Jesus wants to love you he really does he came he gave his life for you to die for you so you could resurrect with him in life and that you could be victorious over the problems that are in your life I mean it wouldn't be great if God Of Heaven and Earth will actually help you and he wants to and so right now I'm going to just say a prayer what I want you to do is repeat after me so I'm going to say a word you're going to say the same words okay say Jesus Jesus forgive me forgive me I want to follow you all my life all my life in Jesus name in Jesus name now right now if you said that prayer from your heart not religiously but from your heart Jesus I really need you I do I do I need you then he heard you and you've been saved now you might need to get some information you know talk to local Pastor you can call the number here you can you can get help this is really important because now you're on your Eternal assignment in time and those are the happiest people I ever met who knew why they were sent to Earth and today that can be you yeah you have experienced that prayer we've experienced a personal intimate relationship with the Lord it will change your life forever I don't care what kind of mess you're in today's a new day for you and just like Dr Weiss was talking about at 19 his life was transformed but you look at the mess he came out of how could he be sitting here like this well he prayed that prayer God can do the same thing for you the Bible says he's no respecter of persons and anyone who calls out on the name of the Lord he will hear you I always share about my grandfather as he had such a huge impact on my life but you know he was born his mother died giving birth to him at home so he never knew his mother then his dad committed suicide when he was six years old and then when he was nine years old he was you know sent between relatives to live they're very poor and he tells me about the same thing at 19 years of age at a tool and die meal in Greenville South Carolina he knelt down at the water fountain and didn't know how to pray didn't go to church cussed like a sailor it melt down and just said God if you're there I need you that's what he prayed God if you're there I need you that's all you have to do but it was from a sincere heart some of you your heart it has been crying out for help and God is like I'm the answer I'm the answer you know I'm right here for you all you have to do is ask and it transformed his life and our family the direction of our family some of you say well my family's a mess well now it's a good time to see that change and that direction change and it will change when God comes in but that is such a neat perspective indestructible because I think a lot of times we are encapsulated in time and I've interviewed people that have had near-death experiences and that's what they talk about is that there's no time constraints in heaven right yeah and then when you really get that that you're an eternal being you play differently I believe our born identity is indestructible no question about it but as humans we live the past the present and the future I believe a lot of times what happens is that people are stuck in the past I mean it's okay to reflect on the past sure how to learn from it how do we decipher the three so that we are in a healthy place that is a great question Dorothy because you know cars were not meant to drive looking in the rearview mirror right okay and neither were humans the eyes are not on the back of your head for a reason because you're supposed to look forward not backward okay and it's okay to learn from a lesson you made a mistake or someone in your life made a mistake and you learn from them that's called wisdom when you can learn from other people's mistakes okay um and to collect that data is fine but to to put your emotions and your heart back there you're driving backwards you know and so you're losing your present and your future because you're somewhere else you know you want us to God is a god of now and in the future he's not back there he already forgave that and so you want to stay in the present so if you find yourself ruminating get some accountability say yep I'm in the past forgive me and just start calling a girlfriend or a guy friend if you're a guy and say you know I'm going to work on this I'm going to work on not living my life in a life that already was lived I want to live my life in a life that can be lived yes you know and some people they get into that sometimes they get depressed or they just have a personality which is kind of Doom and Gloom but man you can shift it but God's not into that he's not into looking at the back right you know what I'm saying Jesus never reminded someone of their past he might inform them like hey you had five you had five husbands but that's just so you know who I am that's right that wasn't for me to shame you if you know what I'm saying right and so he doesn't go back there so why should we you know Dr Doug I wish you would just maybe share a little bit about The Story of Lazarus in hell because I was thinking about people that may think well why is it so important to pray the Sinners why is it so important for me to think of Eternity in heaven but we are indestructible in hell like you should earlier but I think about Lazarus story even when he was saying please tell them tell them this message yes well and in Luke it's Luke 16 it was the rich man who was in hell and Lazarus the poor guy who was with Abraham's bosom right right and there was this Chasm between them but the man who wasn't hell the rich man he could see he could taste he could feel so he was actually being consumed in pain so hell's real it's painful feelings you're you're feeling it you're feeling the pain all the time right God doesn't want that for anybody but uh but Lazarus was saying hey you know what send somebody back to tell my brothers and in the story Jesus says they have the prophets so you might already know enough to get you in serious trouble okay so you want to really walk it out really get in a relationship with him because Heaven's real yes and hell's real yeah and you know that the happiest people that I mean I've interviewed thousands of people over the last 30 years and the happiest people are those that are surrendered to God connected to him and serving people they're always the happiest people and I think it's important too you know we mentioned heaven and hell that God never the Bible says that hell has enlarged itself but he never intended really for or wanted anybody to go there that's why he made provision through his son and we all know that simple scripture you know for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him will not perish but have everlasting life and again we've done uh we've done programs on near-death experiences where people actually went to heaven and went to hell and the reason we talk about it sometimes uncomfortable for church is to mention that hell word but we talk about it because it's real and because we don't want you to go there we want you to spend eternity in heaven it's so so so important um just take a moment if you would and talk to people who have felt like they were destructible based on what's happened to them in life you know when you when you think about your life and time and you you hit a disease you hit a prodigal son or a daughter you you hit a divorce you hit abortions you hit rapes and traumas or financial ruin our career being devastated you know that those are all happening in time and if all you see is time you're going to say this this is extremely painful I don't know if I can make it but when you just open your heart to the fact that you're not going to be in time forever actually you're gonna be in time like that much of your life and you can get refocused recalibrated into like you know what this is not fun but this is not where I end because I don't end and you begin to get something in your spirit that says I am the storm and you get out of that bed and you get out and you can if you can only take one step a day you take one then you take two and if you can only pay back a certain amount of time you start doing it you start taking momentum towards the solution and your belief is the difference so believe that you can get through and you will because you can get through anyway you're going to get through how you get through that's up to you and you can make that shorter you can make that faster you can make it better if you really bring Christ into that but also bring some people into that and help you walk through this stop being so independent let people love on you you know when you're in that place because sometimes and I don't like it either I'll be real honest I don't like the humility sometimes of going through tough stuff I don't like it but if you let some people love on you it's like wow I know who my friends are so when I'm when I'm in a high place I know who I'm taking out to dinner you know and it's that kind of thing well and you know I'm thinking about those Church ladies that brought you food and gave you ride yeah I mean they wanted to be a blessing to you and so like somebody's saying well I just prayed that prayer what do I do tomorrow what would you say like what happened to you the next day and the next day and the next day as you were on your walk well somehow I found a Bible I don't know how I found a Bible but I got a Bible and I started reading the Bible I would say start reading the book of John I would say call some Churches in your area and see if you like one of them you know and talk to those pastors say I just said this prayer and I don't really know how to follow Jesus you know and they'll tell you that's their job okay they get paid to tell people how to do this so find a couple of local churches you can go to and find one you like and then hook up with those people for a while and really start reading and praying and seeking God he will direct you say God I need direction and you'll find like weird things happen to your life so good you know I think a lot of times I love how you do it you put you're putting feet to your faith and how important is it I mean we kind of know from scripture to write the vision down so someone is deciding this is not how my story is going to end they have to dream better bigger they have to write the vision down they have to have something to focus on that's not their past like Dorothy said but is a great future what would you say to people well if they're if they're into rest in pain they're they're trying to get out of it but I would say what would you like to give back after you're done hmm you know how would you like to help women who've been to abortions or how would you like to help of men who've gone through uh pain how would you like the people who you know how would you want to help people you know uh what would you like to write about this what would you like to think about this what would you like to do about this but just kind of keep it on the sidebar as you're going through it and write down the books that you get sent write down the people you get sent them write down your journey because those are called books later on yeah okay and it's good to go you know I'm not going to be here you know so many times you hear people who will go to the mad over something that's unimportant and I'm sure you've seen couples and we've seen couples that come in and they're just falling apart over unimportant things and in this whole just indestructible concept if we can just get people to say what does this count towards eternity and sometimes you're put in a spot because God wants to educate you and he wants to give you disciplines now Americans don't like the word discipline they don't no but sometimes you're given disciplines to create wealth in your life sometimes you're given disciplines to have a better relationship sometimes you're given disciplines to have better health because you weren't responsible with the health you were given yes that's good right and so you sometimes you the answer is the answer to your prayer is change your life yes and then he sends you people who tell you how to do that yes ma'am question this is a big one I'm sending people to church and the response I'm getting back is that they feel more loss in church what is what's going on you might want to pick another church but I think that sadly um you know we're not doing evangelism in church we're not doing we're not making disciples in church we're being entertained you know somewhere around 2000 2010 the church took a move some Churches not all took a move towards your coffee is more important than an altar call do you know what I'm saying our big screen is more important than really talking about discipling people or worshiping or worship music and yeah and so we went to to it we have an entertainment church right now in some cases and then there's really good churches who are on fire and the loving God discipling people but I would try to try to maybe gear them towards a church that has a discipleship program and actually has an altar call you know I went from one Church to another church and so because that church the the pastor had an issue and new pastor came on and there was no altar calls and so stayed there for a while but I'm like I need to be in a church that does that I went through like five or six charismatic Full Gospel churches that didn't do altar calls wow it had no discipleship program wow you know and so we're we're off base on some places so I find a place where it's kind of more centered on discipleship and and that for people that are getting saved for sure and the church that believes in the whole Bible yes but yeah I mean and the Holy Spirit can lead you he does he does and uh he will do that and you say well I don't know about this we'll just try that prayer thing yes what are we doing today and you'll be you'll be surprised that people that he'll send across your path and doors that'll open oh absolutely it will be amazing well we are out of time but I want you to remember that God created every person with an indestructible soul and that's why it's so important that we as the church don't shy away from sharing the truth of the Gospel think about this someone's eternity is depending on your boldness you think about those people that work around you those of you that know the Lord and for whatever reason you're shy or you don't want to share but I'm just telling you after you hear this today I think you're just going to have courage and boldness and the Holy Spirit is going to give you an opportunity to talk to someone and you're going to be like okay this is it I'm going to do it and you're going to do it God's going to use you and it's going to it's going to just touch your heart and God's heart in a way that you've never experienced before well if you're watching today and this message has stirred your heart and maybe you just need someone to pray with you today that's why that toll-free number is on the screen we have amazing prayer Partners standing by it you know we counted privilege an honor to pray with and for you so Avail yourself to that number if you get a voicemail sometimes everybody calls it once just leave your name and number and a real person yes a real person will call you back I want to thank Dr Doug Weiss for joining us at the table be sure to pick up the power book and video series indestructible it's available right now just go to Dr dougwice.com to find out more and let us know how today's program touched your life and leaving us to comment on Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube also call and let us know if you prayed that prayer we'd love to send you a free book entitled now what hey this is a new day I am so excited about what God is going to do for you in the days ahead be sure and let us know we'd love to hear the feedback from that thank you Dr Weiss thank you ladies at the table next time bye bye for today
Channel: Dr. Doug Weiss
Views: 112,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dr doug, doug weiss, heart to heart counseling, joni table talk, testimony, life, past issues, abuse, sex addiction, god, christian, joni, addiction, joni lamb
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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