Bishop J. Drew Sheard & Lady Karen Clark-Sheard Interview w/Bishop Greg Davis//Word Network 2019

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thank you for joining us today as we're live in studio with bishop greg davis [Music] well this is the day the lord has made i will rejoice and be glad in it and we decree and declare as we do every day send now prosperity all over the country new york california and even 200 countries as we beam uh from this headquarters of the word network into the nations of the world thank god for all of you that are watching greg davis live and it is the holiday season as we get ready for christmas and new year wanted to do something different it is actually a honor today to have the guests that i have if you are in need of prayer of course eight five five seven three zero word is the number to call 855 730 word especially those of you that in need over the holiday i i did a post last night on facebook i don't go on facebook that much um i still on instagram a lot but i did i was led coming out of the restaurant picking up food to do a post to tell people to check on those during the holiday that have lost loved ones i know several people just this holiday that have lost loved ones mothers and husbands did a funeral on saturday of a gentleman that died the day before thanksgiving what is that to even have to remember your loved one during thanksgiving time that that that wife those family members will remember uh that etched in their mind and so check on somebody even i don't care how busy they look check on somebody else during this holiday season we're only a few days from new year a new decade a new year while we're sitting here today our country is divided impeachment is going on but how many know we've never seen the righteous forsaken nor is seed big and bred god is still on the throne and today uh we're gonna have a little fun we'll be a little serious i have friends with me today uh from the city of detroit um and we see each other often on the road but here today they're here and they are the pastors of well the pastor and bishop of great emanuel institutional church of god in christ his name is bishop j drew sheared and his lovely wife lady karen clark sheard welcome to sheard's blackley tv show y'all hey y'all bless you bishop hey hold your mic up like you know you preach with it oh man don't start nothing here i i want to i want to first of all apologize for my dress today uh you know uh i just wanted to be a little light today and the bishop told me right before we came on air look how you dressed what you gonna take his advice for he clowned me man how you feeling i'm great god is good to me bishop that's for sure it's so good to see you it's good to be seen and uh lady karen how are you oh good bishop good to be here we run into each other on the road and i'm finally glad to hear you and she let me tell you something when you get married i think you take on each other's spirits she walked in on the set everybody listened she walked in and said she said is this the studio where dorinda does her show i i said yeah i said you know dorinda extras she brings in her own furniture store she brings in a whole furniture store she said yeah because y'all said look cheesy she didn't say it exactly like that but i am i'm paraphrasing what she was thinking i'm glad to have you all bishop so what do you all do for the holidays oh rest well no my wife uh made a declaration a decree okay some years ago that we don't do anything on the holidays everybody must be home and for that to be said for my household because you know i travel she travel kierra travels of course jay drew doesn't travel as much as he used to but she just mandated everybody's got to be home so we're home we spend it with both of our families my mother and father and and her sisters you know we go over my mom and dad's house for a while then we'll go over uh to uh jackie's house for a while so what what what does a day like that look like what do y'all do do y'all laugh and joe oh man are you serious y'all in collars yeah the kind you got on right there okay man i run into you and your dad at the airport and if he finds us close to me your dad i mean y'all be yummy they be sharp in the morning well you know bishop it's a story behind the way i travel okay and the story is that i've had in the past not recently uh but i've had in the past my luggage together the old delta yeah you know it still happens sometimes to some people but i've had my luggage to get misplaced and didn't get it until after the service i have to go buy a wardrobe so i i always dress in something that i can preach in yeah so just in case just in case so you all you're dressed down and y'all y'all what i mean cause you got you got you know great preachers you got great singers and do y'all sing they all go around the piano they clown i don't know i've [Music] but we don't sing cause that's like working right exactly so we we but we have i mean this just natural fun and you know we even play games sometimes there's a part of her that the world and her and her sisters that the world doesn't know because they are really comedians no i believe it and i mean it just goes and once they get once we're set together at different places oh man once they get going i'm just like okay here we go right you know let's go yeah he's so slow he's so slow no because i was getting ready to get serious okay i'm gonna let i was about to get sick let me get serious for a minute praying for jackie yes i was out of town um the whole clay evans thing was at the same time and we were but uh praying for for jackie um of course in the homegoing of her husband and um i watched some of the clips and all that and i don't know have you all had anybody that close past in years since mama or yeah that's what i was thinking it hasn't been yeah actually um i see the this is i think that's why it was so hard right because it was close to us this time so i'm talking about other people and i didn't even think about that during the holidays that happened during the holidays yeah when you mentioned even thanksgiving day right it was thanksgiving morning about two o'clock we were all at the hospital wow and when you mentioned about calling a loved one in regards to if you have someone in the family it's so good that because we constantly have to embrace her you know and just because she had her moments we were out of town thinking that that would kind of get her away from the environment um we were out of town she would have her breakout moments of 46 years of marriage wow what you expect and that's the entire yeah you know so um it just we just embraced her and surrounded her let's deal with the elephant in the room and then we can move on with this interview okay bishop has been clowning me when i call him i did a certain show uh on the ark of the covenant on on one of the most holy of holy days everybody knows we were out in the hallway and uh the shofar had you know was posted below and and it it blew a little bit and then you know being who i am i said glory and then i said let's go so there's a joke in your family now and even in it's it's going around coaching going global bro so we just so when he said let's go and glory he's he's messing with me okay so i'm just you got that outfit i told all myself now you did you did so let's talk about the human side because we just talked about losing loved one i just lost happening with us recently um i it was a moment that we had because the day that he passed my sister jackie has always been the strong one looking out for everybody she's a nurse and she's just always you know finding out if everybody else is okay jackie's always been the the strong-minded one you know what you need and um coming to your rescue when i saw my sister at that moment just breaking down it was like oh my god what we're going to do she's our strength so we had to kind of you know it was like a real moment i'm like we're this is real this is really happening to us so death has no no respecter of person because it's just it's anybody it can happen to anybody so in knowing you know christ like we know him that's so important to have that relationship because in times like that in times of death you have nothing but christ to lean on you know i i mean god give us peace in the midst of this you know we need comfort in the times of like these and um i mean we've you know people see us like you say in the here there and everywhere but in moments like this this is life like wow we are really having this encounter have you ever bishop said god why how how did you let this happen too and now i know i know probably what you're going to wrap you almost lost karen and we talked about it in the green room and the whole all of us were praying because we we love we love your family but have you ever been like as strong as you are and and i've never said i may have said this to you you're one of my favorites you can preach in 20 minutes like my grandfather didn't destroy it you're one of my favorite preachers um and you'll be saying some in them 20 minutes so have you ever had one of those moments oh absolutely you know um um just talking about as my wife talked about jackie and and we saw jackie in a very vulnerable moment and she needed all of our strength and situation with my god sister i just talked to her saturday when she was just telling me what a great brother i was then she shifted and started talking about her funeral then the next thing i knew i'm rebuking her no we praying for you what are you talking about and she said something that i probably never i'll never forget she said okay and she said in the same tone but i'm ready and then that was saturday night monday she's gone yeah and uh i just couldn't i couldn't i didn't wrap my mind around because we wanted her to live so bad and um you know we talked about the future all the time and so uh when you lose there's some people in your lives i had a my honest been dead probably 15 years now but she and i were very very close but those when it's some key people that are called you the one god why and what why are you letting this happen to me i preached a sermon uh some years ago called temporarily confused and you say there's situations in your life you've gone through and you've been sick you thought god would heal you he made you take the medicine there's some people that were dealing unfairly with you you thought god would take care of them he let them hang around why does this happen well jesus said what i do now you know not but you'll understand it later and so uh we we have those challenging moments in our lives and uh we pray to god and say why but the main thing is you gotta trust him and know that he's doing what's best for you if you're watching now if you need prayer want to get a couple of calls through they're willing to pray for you today even your family eight five five seven three zero word eight five five seven three zero word you may have lost somebody during this time we're here for you dial the number we'll take a couple of calls i want to shift a little bit i remember the video when you would uh have uh kyra on stage and you tell us saying this and do the runs and all that did you ever think that j drew would be doing what he's doing uh cara would be the the gospel sensation that she is that you all like speak that into their life you look like you reflected not care did you did you because i see you doing with the grand babies now absolutely i'll be watching your videos on the piano so did you all did you all just like pray over them and say they're going to be this or you what how did that happen absolutely my wife is a praying woman and she prays over the children and of course i did too but y'all won't give me my credit but i started kiki to singing bishop i don't recall that i know you don't i know you don't that's what i'm trying to tell you we have proof no you don't have no proof of that because we was in the car no we were in the car i'm the one to train kiki to do the runs in there yeah well me man well i haven't heard your runs when you preach you sing like me you did old songs but no we you know i knew that um kierra always had a very strong will we raised her to be a very independent uh person and jay drew is a is uh you know he has nothing but go-getters around him so they had to develop and when they weren't producing we were there to say come on you got to do better than this come on and so and then constantly praying you know believe it or not kiara was my most challenging child and god so she's probably had a little bit more prayer than jj because she was the challenging challenger oh jesus [Music] j drew didn't become challenging until he turned 20. thank you and then he said okay i y'all done had all this goodness from me okay i'm going to show you something and but thank god both of them have come back around and uh and i'm just thankful to god of course i have my wife is super talented and uh and we they're both college graduates and and they're just phenomenal i run into kyra on the plane all the time so sweet so mannerable i run into jay drew uh sometimes i had concerts bishop yeah daddy is right there i same thing yeah mannerable i mean just exceptional and i want to say that to you publicly what we watched on you all's reality show uh praying over j drew and how real was that karen oh yeah that was real that was real because it was when you when you were raising your children you it's it's a certain plan that you have for them and you don't want to push them i've always been i don't want to push them to do something that they don't want to do because they may not you know do it to the fullness of so i i just said you know what i'm just going to i'll just make one step and see how they're going to gravitate even what i did with kiera but i prayed over um jay drew because it was a scary moment and i look at my husband and he was such a great role model to my son and i told him i said i said watch your dad i said he's he just has so much going for him spiritually and naturally so i said he's such an example so i didn't push it down his throat but now i got on my knees and he didn't know i went over to his house i was bleeding the blood i went all in his closet and his shoes his clothes i got some oil he didn't even i went over there i started playing the blood and i said god put the change in them i said so we don't have to work hard and you know as parents and when i tell you he started developing spiritually i mean working in the ministry because i always said you know i want my children to be in the church you know but i don't want them to be discouraged from the church you know i don't want them to us to push it in them and then they be discouraged and don't tell me about church anymore like it got scary on the show when you mentioned and j drew started saying something about the church and i said you're not going to talk about my church and everybody remembers that but i try to put it in them no you're going to respect you know what we live about because what we do is help bringing putting food in your mind absolutely that's the famous statement from all of us i said the same thing that's right my daughter one time said i had to church people i said uh what you're wearing right now is the church people right there so you're not gonna say that again we're gonna go to nina in tennessee you're on the line nina yes yes um i was calling to see if uh y'all could pray for my family my mom when we were kids should remind me of the clark family she used to make us sing and would go to church and i wanted um the devil has been trying to plague a family with illness but i'm trusting for a breakthrough i already got that coming through but i want us to be able to to serve god as a family again to pray for us to be whole my mom is saying like she used to again all right bishop let's let first lady pray father we thank you for this day and time and for our sister that's on the phone we know that your timing is always right even when we don't understand but father i pray that you would bring peace upon her right now i pray that you would bring all things together make all things well in her family god and i pray that you will give her what to say give her what to say and how to say it order her steps and order their steps to receive and we thank you in jesus name amen amen amen god bless you eight five five seven three zero word so how long have you been married thirty five years thirty seconds no because [Music] because i was thinking it's 35 and a half because we got married in june june 16th of 1984 all right and so this coming june it will be 36. it sounds like a man that got in trouble they couldn't remember in the past oh man i know i know and we dated five years before that so you heard the lady um called nina about family sure and i you know you're all a great example what has been if you could if you could both say one word carrying you first has been the glue that has kept you together just one word i know you it's um love love love bishop family kept us to get from from my point of view because i can could tell your story but it was family my kids kept us together when we had those tough moments of course it's all you know love you know you love a person but you get angry at a person you know you ever been angry you've been angry at character she's been angry at me oh okay i i figured so i didn't get well you see what i'm saying yeah ain't nobody expecting me yeah no she got angry at me you know and uh you've been really integrating before uh you have yeah you've had those moments i've had those moments when he hang his coat on the inside we didn't she was counseling me about my singleness and said that i'm getting too set in my ways i put what i know but that's that's just irritating i laid in the chair coming in like why hang it up i'ma wear it tomorrow i'm not talking you just gave the thing about nag and you said that i can't find anybody bishop i don't know i just go walk away and say jesus talk to the women right now just for 30 seconds why don't you nag you don't want to nag them because you'll run them away from you it's better to just walk away you know you can you can kill a person with kindness a soft answer turn it away wrath that's what i learned in marriages it's so important when you nagging them and nagging you get on that nerve and they're going to want to take a break and go and go out with their friends and say i got to get away from my wife don't run them away the ministry of donaire perhaps be quiet yes eric is on the line from michigan eric yes sir good afternoon welcome bless you and bless bishop and first lady uh you might not remember me but i served in poor gospel for one of our co-friends and pastors and okay this was when you were married but my prayer request from not just you but bishop here is for clarity and understanding i'm embarking on some big business deals the first of the year and putting some things to wrestling and obviously clarion and understanding to stay grounded i know better i serve for both of you in and like the main thing you told me years ago but stay connected all right and through all of my ups and downs and go to coaching i just need another confirmation from both of you bishop talk to you yes sir thank you we got it thank you dear god we thank you for our brother you know his heart and you know what he's been faced with now dear god we ask for your clarion direction that you will lead him and guide him into the ways he should go bless his efforts bless his heart bless his motive and oh god look out for him and be a hedge around him to protect him from danger seen and unseen and we thank you for the victory in jesus name amen you have a book sir yeah yeah i i wrote a book um i was going through some very difficult times in my life and i wrote a book called hang in there and it's called uh it's a book that a compilation of messages that i preached and i made them you know booked so you could read them and it's just talking about dealing with uh hardship and coming through it because uh turbulence is the price you pay for flying high so if you if if god is doing something in your life then you need to read this book and you can get it on my website jay drew shared go to jeju forward slash hit j drew sheared ministries dot com forward slash hit it will take hit it will take you right to um his book and then there is a new single that's out victory yes i hear it every sunday morning as i'm getting ready for church i love it thank you bishop uh encouraging the people to have victory in their life and you all are finishing the cd yes we're finishing up and um as a matter of fact we was in california and we got to say that it's on a family label carew records and it derived from my husband bishop j drew sheared and kuru is karen k.a and then mixed with drew d-r-e-w and of course he turned it over to my son who's doing a magnificent job jay drew and thanks to uh and and of course jay drew he made it emphatic that bishop is the what is it the chief fight that cl follows right but of course it's um it'll be out in um uh actually april and then march is the movie is coming out so um yeah it's called what are those called now biopics biopics and when that's coming out that's the movie's coming out in march and the cds come out in april now how long have you all been singing at least 45 45 how does this feel to like now hear people say legends wow bishop like for real yeah i i when i think about it i i pinch myself and i say well i'm honored that we have that respect now because there was a time yeah when we was like when is our time coming yeah we prayed about it and mom used to encourage us it's coming baby it's coming just keep pressing through and it's like when and now to see the respect that it's that that's coming and i mean from people the of great uh amazing caliber and it's just it's i don't know what i'm speechless like it's crazy yeah new cd in april and march will be the biopic that's what we call it on lifetime a lifetime a lifetime yes wow that is amazing and it's going to be i'm telling you it's going to be some wonderful it's going to be a wonderful stuff no it's going to be some wonderful dirt and it's going to be true y'all heard it right here it's going to be dirt too all right it's gonna be dirt too thank you all so much i mean it's gone already i need another 30 minutes thank y'all so much for sharing we had the ellis's on on monday and thank you all for coming and sharing i love both of you i love your families and uh thank you and glory let's go let's go listen you all good clothes happy huh you gonna use happy holidays to everybody i want to thank the staff the entire staff of the world network that makes this happen every day happy holidays everybody merry christmas happy new year [Music] this has been a word network special presentation brought to you by the friends and partners of the word network all over the world it seems a long way off but before you know it it'll be here and you don't want to miss it
Channel: BlessedByTheBest
Views: 17,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l4Ku5HsQLTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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