Dr. Disrespect Ban For "Serious Criminal Issues" & Youtube OFF The Table

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1993-1994 Blockbuster video game champion in the I know everything I need to know about you what's 101 Jeremy are from the quartering and it would appear those that have alleged to know what's going on with doctor disrespect are now trying to distance themselves from it early on when doctor disrespect was banned without warning ban without ceremony ban without reason at least one given publicly there were a few people that came out to say oh well I know I know what happened to dr. disrespect but I can't say muhahahaha cannot reveal it to you why not because I would then have to kill you well slasher rod Breslau was one of them a former twitch employee was one of them Tim the tap man and Nick mercs both twitch popular twitch streamers have kind of alluded we saw that super chat come through from Doc allegedly to Nick mercs about being a scapegoat for twitch then we saw Tim the tap man kind of say it's gonna be a couple of months or was that Nick one of the two kind of alluded to things being a couple of months and maybe the two month thing is legitimate because we've heard absolute crickets when it comes to what happened with doctor disrespect and today we've seen several big media personalities randomly come out and say well actually I didn't know we saw rod breath I'll put up just to be absolutely clear Tim the tap man nor Nick mercs have spoken to dr. disrespects since the ban and to my knowledge no other streamer has either y'all are misinterpreting clips likewise doc has not responded to half a dozen personal requests of my own to speak since the ban now is this damage control did doc come out and say hey you know maybe don't say anything about it maybe he did give some sort of update but things have really cooled off in the doctor disrespect news snare and another person that seems to be distancing themselves from doctor disrespect at least from the I'm sorry not from him but from the in the know scenario was Tim the Tam man earlier today he denies knowing quote anything about doctor disrespect which ban now he did say that he had talked to doc I watched that happen in real-time on his live stream he said yeah I just talked to doc duck doesn't doc doesn't know what's going on now that does seem to refute what slasher said but this article on desierto says for two weeks to which the twitch world has been waiting with bated breath for any details about doctor disrespects reportedly permanent ban from the platform with no reason for his suspension available viewers have been flocking to those closest tack for any scrap of information they can find now look there's been a lot of theories all of which I discussed on this channel but debunked one was that doc was working on his own streaming platform that never made any sense to was that once mayor that he was um going to Spotify that never made any sense it doesn't appear to be the case either three which is possibly the most plausible outside of the whole if there was by the way the most reasonable RIA a Stu me continues to be that somebody high up in twitch got some very solid information about about doc in some sort of bad behavior with a female and that's why they banned them and they had to do it in exchange for anonymity I'm not sure now if two if doc if I'm a doc shoes and I know twitch can't come out and say why they banned me and if I know that's why I'm not saying anything either to be honest with you but nonetheless we haven't seen any other larger platform bans for him and we haven't seen sponsors drop him so whatever the reason is it is absolutely tight-lipped now Occam's razor might be that they wanted to ban him for a long time the only reason they signed him to that big money deal was because mixer has now gone kaput that's possible that's absolutely possible mixer folding up just last week having to pay out big money to shroud in ninja and in probably the best deals they've ever signed in their life now we saw a ninja return to YouTube last week so maybe that's a sign of something to come maybe that's just him streaming on a platform maybe that's him leveraging it was actually a massive stream with 20 to 30 times normal amounts for him but now Tim the tap man has come out into a twitch stream to say saying quote there are a lot of dock refugees in here I'm sure for now so I appreciate you hanging out in chat Tim casually said you guys are welcome here right after he finished addressing dr. disrespects viewers Tim realized that he had used a poor choice of words for now he repeated oh god dude here we go don't even clip it it wasn't a breadcrumb I don't know anything with rumors swirling about what's next for doctor disrespect and why he was banned on Twitch it's easy to see why for now comment could easily be taken out of context it wasn't a bread crumb Tim repeated I don't know anything I don't as it turns out Tim seems to have been truthful eSports journalists rod Breslau took to Twitter to address those remarks and others made in recent weeks again saying just to be clear Tim the tap man or Nick mercs have spoken a doc additionally he noted how doctor disrespect has not responded to personal requests to speak with me since being banned from twitch as people are desperate for news on the to time it's clear that streamers may need to be extra careful about what they say hopefully we get some information sooner than later what this mystery can be put to rest now here's an interesting theory if we're gonna go tin full tin foil I get the tin foil out here boys and girls is it possible is it possible that there are no coincidences is it possible that twitch reached out to the three prominent people who have said something about it and said shut up or you're cut off is it possible you know the way Tim responded so quickly realizing he had made a mistake maybe he didn't want to hear from twitch about you know possibly knowing something he doesn't know maybe twitch knows he knows and said hey be quiet about it it seems curious that both that essentially slasher had to issue a statement to say he doesn't know anything I mean it's been pretty clear to me that he doesn't know what's going on he had that one cryptic tweet saying like oh I definitely know doc is done but I don't feel good enough about saying the reason why maybe he was given information from that other former twitch employee who said you know I know for a fact because Donnie's da he's good he's done for good I don't know but interestingly enough doc did make a little change today doctor this also via desierto two weeks since his band doctor disrespect has finally removed twitch firmest stood about I don't know if doctor disrespect even manages his own Twitter account it seems unlikely that he would be you know managing individual tweets or the tweets of his account but interestingly enough if you go to his Twitter account he has changed it I just changed it to his YouTube channel now here's some interesting theories I think worth exploring one if twitch truly banned him for you know hey we just don't want this quote-unquote toxic person on our platform anymore well that would leave him free to go to youtube or to Facebook gaming now we know Facebook gaming made a gigantic offer to ninja would they make the same offer to doctor disrespect it's difficult to know but what I do know is that if the platform you take the money from doesn't pan out and doesn't bring huge numbers you've probably better off staying where you are we saw ninja go to mixer with relatively poor success having streams you know eight to ten to twelve thousand viewers regularly which is amazing for any of one of us normies for but for the biggest streamer in the world it's pathetic it's an embarrassing amount of viewers going back to twitch would make sense for ninja in my opinion but YouTube might be willing to fork out the cash we saw slasher last week say hey we don't he didn't think platforms are looking to shell out big amounts of cash for streamer exclusive deals but that doesn't mean they aren't that doesn't mean he's not you know quietly negotiating with YouTube behind the scenes we've seen YouTube they want to make plays in the streamer market here's the thing though and I actually had to amend this video today here on the 14th it's actually being now reported that doctor disrespect isn't joining YouTube displayed Twitter tease now they're still putting in question marks over doctor disrespect anti-shock twitch ban On June 26th as well as where the to time might land next well if not YouTube that literally leaves Facebook and boy I don't know I mean will doc get a big cash payout from Facebook I'm not sure if I'm Facebook - of my biggest competitors have now been removed from the conversation mixer from its own implosion and twitch because they literally banned him but now slasher who said in the very same day that he hasn't spoken to dr. disrespect has now said he won't be joining YouTube on any kind of exclusive deal however that's according to gaming insider rod slasher who spoke about Doc situation during twitch KO stream with platform Socialist Hasan pike I know they worldstar but he's not a star he's a [ __ ] in my opinion now no one is talking to doctor disrespect YouTube is not talking to him that discussion on joining I can confirm that is a that has not happened Brazil said during peckers broadcast The Insider also added that he heard YouTube already feels like it's in a pretty good position with who they've signed Brazil also confirmed Doc's disappearance is not a platform move instead it's a ban relating to a severe criminal element in pikers words at the time of the publication however there's been no registered arrests for Herschel beam now but Brazil confirmed that Doc's disappearance is not a platform move instead it's a band relating to severe criminal elements that seems really bizarre really bizarre unfortunately ruling out pops with platform deals for the whole doc doesn't put anyone any closer to understanding the situation Tim did weigh in on dr. disrespects donation and NIC mercs is according to reports the Aussie gossip site sausage roll god they're getting quoted in desierto donated $50 said here's a scapegoat it scares me to think that you might some of you are so stupid to think doc donated that to NIC that's scary to me because I'm really dumb right but I'm not that stupid Tim the 10th man said of the alleged donation so Tim the tap man is saying that no doc did not donate that with YouTube out of the picture Doc's options seem to be getting slimmer there were rumors that he had penciled a licensing agreement with Facebook gaming based on the leaked contract document but they have been ruled as fake others have pointed to Swedish music platforms Spotify who was reportedly in the process of setting up their own streaming services these rumors sparked after life-support to life after fans uncovered an old clip of dr. disrespects saying he had met with Rogen's producer Jamie Vernon for now fans have going to have to sit tight the doctor disrespect Bayon saga doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon well it's bizarre to me that they're talking about a criminal element there's been no arrests and no charges made or no charges levied so I don't know what's going on here with doctor disrespect I hope it's not that I hope it's just business because he's a platformer star and despite his flaws he is revered by many I wish him the best I hope you enjoyed this video we'll talk to you in real soon [Music]
Channel: TheQuartering
Views: 222,143
Rating: 4.7139692 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, mountain dew, game fuel, food, gaming, dr. disrespect, dr disrespct, twitch bans, dr. disrespect ban, streaming, entertainment, tim the tat man, timthetatman, mixer, trovo live, esports, streaming news, nickmercs, nick mercs, pewdiepie
Id: qmcN6zdlJls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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