Dr. Christian Meets the Women (1940) JEAN HERSHOLT

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i hope they're still there well henry i brought this bride of yours into the world i've just given her where the ceremony and if she isn't good to your henry just give her right back to dr christian you as a quarterback anyway i got the bouquet so did i well i guess it's a little late for introductions hello doctor christian still fellas how are you fine wonderful blood kitty bill was the universal blood donor at the medical clinic in chicago last year yeah i got my picture in the paper and everything by the doctor how did that fellow turn out the one i gave the transfusion to oh he got along fine but he passed off now bucka bessie she isn't dead you know well you just wait till you lose your only daughter i'd love to lose her oh i mean marriage of claws darling you can't surprise okay that's perfectly wonderful martha i'd like you to meet bill ferris oh how do you deal with your parents i finish away porter on this daily oh really well i hope no one's been murdered in river's end and i haven't heard about it i think you would have heard about it martha oh well i i'm not amazing or perhaps you've come to write us all up you're doing perfectly wonderful things here in river's end aren't we doctor yes martha wonderful uh doctor george has been complaining because you haven't dropped in for a game of checkers lately oh well tell him i'll be around one of these nights real soon and you must bring this charming young man with you mustn't be kidding oh yes yes of course thank you i'd love to come then it's all arranged a kitty we must hurry along be sure doctor don't forget real soon goodbye mr phillips goodbye i'd be glad to give you a lift you sure won't take care of your way not at all bill uh what are you going to do in riversand some special story for your newspaper oh i'm not with the newspaper anymore i'm advanced man for professor kenneth parker he's an expert on diet and physical culture whoa that's very important work what was the name of that woman and her daughter you introduced me to browning big shots and represent i suppose you might call them that george has the largest grocery store in town and martha works he's president of the 20th century foods club women's club book review society and all that sort of thing hey sounds like she ought to be able to do me some good she might martha's a nice woman say uh isn't this rather a come down from newspaper work you can't come down from newspaper work and where's jason a fire engine going to get you and this is going to get you someplace i'll look here doc every woman in america is diet conscious today you believe in diet and exercise don't you don't misunderstand me both are excellent in moderation well there you are i tell you there's money in this racket plenty i see it's uh ragged well everything's a racket and you ought to see this in operation that'll be interesting oh keep it keep it and uh you could stand to lose a little of that you know it's been such a good friend to meet bill let me keep it hello dr christian how do you do dr christian here you are girls all for nothing next week a set of dishes he's cute so it's professor parker and he's got muscle luck foreign um good afternoon is the doctor in these are the doctor's office hours is this a social call oh no i'm not at all well really i'm not i never know what to look at you hello kitty oh judy she says she's sick oh it's not that i'm sick i mean exactly well you can't be both you know you're either sick or you're not sick better make up your mind no kitty hello what seems to be the matter with you well i don't know i feel awful come on stop around sit down any aches or pains no i just can't sleep and i toss around all night you don't say well let's take your blood pressure take off your coat good afternoon girls wow you better try a single file is dr christian in yes you'll see in a few moments you seem to be bearing up pretty well for personal dust sleep well that young man i met at the train what was his name i mean bill ferris oh yes paris is he still in town i think so do you know if he's going to be here very long i don't know shall i ask him oh no and don't be imagining things you know kitty i think you are a very sick girl it's hearts robin oh dr kristen you make me so angry when nobody can keep anything from you bill ferris doesn't mean a thing to me it's just that and even facing rivers end is kind of exciting i wouldn't get too excited if i were you kidding sometimes we get hurt that way however don't worry cases such as yours have a way of curing themselves well thanks dr christian for your diagnosis all right darling goodbye goodbye hello girls come in oh it's mrs brooks no it's uh the mason twins oh damn it's cut kitty it isn't time to go home already you're right oh mother wants you to bring home some cream all right he really in a jiffy why miss browning this is a pleasant surprise why mr ferris i didn't know you were still in town oh you can't get rid of me that easy i'm going to be here for some time yet well how's the world been treating you i can't complain about a single thing oh that's swell dad uh this is bill ferris how do you do i'm glad to know you i i'm gonna be dropping in on you real soon if i may i have a little business matter i'd like to talk over with your mother oh why not make it now well uh why not come home with us for dinner oh really oh nonsense come on along one more lesson never makes any difference in our house oh gee that'd be swell i'd love to after all we get all the food i wish we did the way you and your mother eat you're really tired uh i didn't i wonder we should have taken that vacation early this summer oh i'm planning to get away in a few weeks now i had a letter from said the city today dr webster says he can take off on me while i'm gone well this time see that you do go is your favorite doctor well it's time you were resting now you just relax until dinner's ready oh i'm too lazy to read i guess well here it is getting sick of his muscles you're just jealous professor kenneth parker will arrive in river's end wednesday november 2nd to give a series of lectures on diet and classes and physical training listen to this the palm method guarantees to reduce weight 20 to 25 pounds in one month he doesn't say that judy it certainly does he look yourself hello yes oh yes mrs pearson is it urgent see doctor hasn't had his dinner yet i'll talk to her judy oh just a minute doctor's coming now find out if it's serious before you say you go you know the petersons live way out in the country yes mr peterson has a temperature pain the abdomen right the left side i see i'll be there as soon as i can make it uh use an ice pack did i get there here's your bag don't forget you still have your slippers on yes that's so but your again is ready put it in the oven and keep it warm till i get back well i might as well let everything dry up in the first place nothing's ever fit to eat anyway by the time he gets don't forget your shoes something you've been telling about professor parker sounds perfectly intriguing well parker is certainly a wizard on their reducing diet and physical culture business you should see some of the streamlined jobs he's turned out isn't that wonderful george i'd love to be streamlined again you never want to streamline mama you were fat even as a kid and i wish you'd stop calling me mama makes me feel twice as fat i'll give mr ferris some more chicken and fritters no thank you really i've never eaten such food nor so much of it in my life i'm warning you bill you better save room for annie's pie it's famous i am you better have some more chicken oh no thanks harder yet by the way yes when does professor parker arrive but the middle of the week which reminds me i wanted to ask you where would be a good place for the professor to lecture for the women's club by all means by the way i could arrange a meeting and get every woman in town to attend that would be splendid mrs browning george can you imagine me a perfect 36 again no hmm this is good oh what do you do in this time for amusement there's dancing at the rumble club that sounds great why don't we go i'd love to george dear couldn't we drop in later i've never remembered oh now martha wouldn't i look fine with a handkerchief over my hips and doing that hey you can really dance you're not the bad at it yourself would you like a cold drink i'd love it i have a barbecue beef sandwich and a double chocolate malt limeade by the whistle how do you do it do what eat again after that big meal it's none of my business but don't you think you're overdoing a little bit i'll eat when i'm hungry and dancing makes me hungry well then maybe you dance too much no kidding though you know you are a little bit on the plump side look you want to get your man don't you well here's the answer to all your problems what are you looking at jeepers you mean a girl was actually born like that no indeed that beautiful figure is a result of diet and exercise look at that they all go for us how are you going to be in town uh just three weeks from the day professor parker arrives why oh nothing i just wondered mrs browning may i present professor parker how do you do it professor parker this is such a pleasure i've heard so much about you thank you i have all the ladies waiting in there patiently remember come along fellow club members ladies it gives me great pleasure to present professor kenneth parker and his lovely assistant miss carol compton now if you don't mind mrs browning we're not going to be formal today i want to have a little chat with just you now let's talk for a moment about woman's birthright health and beauty you all have beauty you know that don't suppose some of you have noses you don't like or my own has always been a source of disappointment or perhaps our hair is not all that we could wish for but believe me dear ladies these things don't matter really they don't what matters is the radiance of the inner you the health and confidence the poise of the perfect body perhaps some of you have soft cute little cushions here there that you want to get rid of well we're going to get rid of them together with the help of carol here she conducts the courses in physical culture under my personal supervision of course she herself will tell you that she was a stylish stout before she fell into my clutches i myself was one of those fat awkward young fellows listless without energy until one day i said to myself i will not be like this i want physical perfection well i've tried and now dear friends that's all i'm going to say to you today i know we'll have other chats and get better and better acquainted in our quest for health and beauty and now miss compton will take over and give you some information about the courses thank you very much thank you professor you were only joking when you said that once you were fat and awkward oh i assure you dear ladies it's quite true well perhaps you didn't have the right tailor professor professor parker i was thinking of course i wouldn't want the chamber of commerce to know i said this but the hotel here in riverside well it isn't i thought it might be nice for you to stay at our house and while you're in town we do our utmost to make you comfortable oh that's really delightful of you mrs browning i'd love it and it's all settled and the course consists of eight lectures and daily classes and physical training now if you'll just enroll please is this all we've got to eat martha i think it's plenty dear don't you professor more than enough what in thunder what is this let's meet lost dear it's terrible george it's one of professor parker's pet recipe i don't care what it's one of beer's fairfax recipes i don't like it and i won't eat it now see here martha this is three nights we haven't had anything on this table fit to eat and i'm getting tired of it don't be hated like a child george we just can't have all that rich food on the table then kitty and i are trying to reduce i'm not reducing but it would do you good mr brownie you're very much overweight now look professor you're satisfied with your shape i'm satisfied with mine what's that health brand oh take it away eat your dinner honey oh i'm not hungry mother i had a lot of stuff this afternoon no she didn't mrs browning and she didn't eat no lunch no breakfast either oh no annie you don't know what you're talking about cry miss kitty you never do it this kitty says she's eaten that's all there is to it good evening annie oh it's dr christian how come he's doctor hello stranger we haven't seen you since the wedding when i was everybody how do you do dr christian professor parker sit here by me thanks darling uh doctor we're on the subject of diet what do you think of it well different people have different capacities or waiting and under eating are equally dangerous it all depends on the individual isn't that a trifle old-fashioned doctor i find that many old-fashioned things are just as good today as they ever will sorry i can't agree with you i can oh well watch for dessert martha no dessert no dessert so come on doctor i guess i've got to take checkers for my dessert uh with your approval of course professor don't mind george professor he's a little gruff but really the kindest soul in the world don't apologize please i've always found the men of the household a little difficult at first i'll put the ironing away mrs simmons you go on home all right annie if you don't mind annie you know that diet that mrs browning and kitty and all the rest of the ladies got from dr parker i i wonder if i could have a copy one of those oh sure there's no use paying for it it'd be all the same diet anyway thanks andy good night good night bessie there have you seen my book oh no dear i haven't oh you haven't oh well there it is don't worry i'm gonna obsess my room to read and dr christian you'd better let him beat you again it might put him in a better humor well i don't know he's only about 400 games off on me but this might be my night shades of him let's go here's your move no don't disturb yourself please i'm sure that's for me oh hello carol good evening good evening good evening i brought these things for you to look over well splendid we better take them up in my room so we won't disturb the game uh pardon this please oh what do you want my time is this all the salt you brought home i told you to bring a hundred pounds gosh martha what do you want so much salt for professor parker uses to rub himself with before his bath be sure and bring it tomorrow well what on earth would he rub himself with salt for he's afraid he won't keep i hope he doesn't this is the wrong kind of pie i asked for coconut the boy couldn't get coconut how are you getting along here fair the old goat's kicking up a rumpus oh is it evening excuse me hey what is this now george you know perfectly well that ed's the plumber yeah and also the problem what's he doing here this time of night but he's too busy to come in the daytime and i'm such a hurry to get the shower installed what shower our shower of course you don't suppose you'd be installing anybody else's shoes what do we want with the shower i just go on upstairs professor pocket professional ah just as i thought george be reasonable everybody that use anybody has a shower these days i'll answer i'll give it myself all right go ahead oh come in bill for mercy safe what's that thing what's the professor's rowing machine bring it right in we'll put it tumbling i don't know where we'll put it but you'll find it but yeah right there no no no no that won't good evening dr christian hello over here uh not out of the door uh here bill over here um uh this is the best place for bill will you help mr ferris move the piano right here it's the only place uh george it's the only place for it i'm so sorry oh oh bill hello kitty i uh as we haven't seen much of it lately well i've been so busy i hardly see myself professing yes the amazing girls are here can you come down oh certainly certainly the twins i uh suppose you're too busy to get the rumble club this evening i promise not to eat a thing as a matter of fact i'm taking carol out there tonight say why don't you come along with us no thanks i i think carol would have a better time if i stayed home well how are we getting along we're just mixed up mixed up on our diet professor i'm sure i can straighten you out very easily don't you worry or mrs browning yesterday um i wonder if there's a desk somewhere i could use well there's a one in the garage but it's an awfully old-fashioned thing i'm sure it would do very nicely uh ed uh would you want mr farris help me bring in that old desk from the garage okay oh carol would you bring down my diet papers please dr chris i didn't know you played checkers well i play added dear old dad was just crazy about checkers he taught us to play you must come over to our house sometime and have a game yeah right in this way right here come on come on oh where are you right here uh george dear i'm awfully sorry but i'm afraid the desk will have to go right here it's really a shame dr christian the way i keep disturbing you it's all in the interest of health martha bill bring me one of those dining room chairs bring it back in please a professor uh here's some more of your equipment oh yes that's my new exerciser uh just put it anyplace for the time being bill i think we better put the uh rowing machine by the staircase and the exerciser in its place yes ma'am ed are you hurt well what fun are you doing here let me have a look at that eye of yours ah little beefsteak is all we need oh the only thing we got in this house is that meatless meatloaf i'm gonna show you for damages oh ed you wouldn't do that this isn't mr browning's fault that's his house not anymore it isn't come on bill we've got to be going okay i better change your mind kitty and come along no thanks but i'll see you later don't worry kitty i think we've done enough moving for tonight twist two three four twist two three four twist two three four twist two three four twist all right ladies lie flat on your back swing the legs over the head touching the floor with the toes ready begin one two three four all the way back now touch the floor with the toes that's no no please now look let's try we must now please mrs baxter we mustn't give up please professor i don't intend to give up oh no that's a good girl now good all right up on your feet ladies please the next is the deep knee bending exercise hands on the hips ready begin please please a little more balance come come now see daisy thank you professor i'm terribly sorry but i got a crap on my lap oh too bad and you were doing so nicely too well courage courage oh so you want to be a doctor when you grow up no aviators and aviators hello elmo hello doctor not at work today not today though well i don't know baby he looks fine hey oh he's all right bessie looks sick well i better take a look at him hello bessie what seems to be the trouble i don't know doctor but she's been dieting against my wishes hmm one of professor parker's clients eh no i'm not the only reason she isn't is because we can't afford it but she got the diet all right from mrs browning's maid that's one of the dangers 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 19 20. class halt class dismissed how could i eat any less than i do i'm so weak now i can hardly stand up and you know tom is so mean about it i'll do what i do tell your husband you're trying that beautiful for his sake yeah i told him that he said i look perfectly awful oh just like a man they never appreciate anything you're trying to tell me great scott i've gained five pounds those little girls are getting nowhere fast oh my exhausted you're exhausted i'm the one that gets the workout getting them up onto their feet come in oh hello doctor christian thank you mr parker sit down won't you thank you i'm sorry you didn't come earlier i'd like you to see my class i've already seen a number your class this morning that's why i'm here i don't believe i get you parker i'm going to ask you to tone down your treatments a bit what's the matter are you upset because i'm stealing your trade my trait as you call is most active in fact i've never had so many sick people in my hands all at once frankly you're doing a great deal of harm at this time the first night we met if i remember correctly you expressed your dislike for the profession i represent i'm sorry to say i don't think you represented it's been my pleasure to know several men of that profession and admire them for the fine legitimate work for this wholesale business of yours prescribing generality regardless of the age or physical condition of the individual is all wrong now wait a minute be a little reasonable after all this is a four weeks course i couldn't possibly take these people one by one that's the point exactly can't be done that way these people are going overboard in this thing i give them the proper instructions it's no concern of mine if they go a little overboard apparently not and apparently you are not interested but i am interested these people are my friends as well as my patients i feel the duty to protect them against something i'm convinced is harmful so i'm doing them harm i'm a faker yes the way you're proceeding i'm sorry dr christian but i shall have to proceed as i think best i shall continue my courses until they're completed and i seriously doubt if it's in your capacity to do anything to stop me good day dr christian good day mr pogba he's still in there he's been in there for the last half hour after all george you can't ask a guest to leave the bathroom oh i could if he could hear me george the way you're acting lady makes me so nervous i can fly the way i'm acting the trouble with you is you're half starved to death and it makes you hard to live with well it's a fine thing when your own husband tells you you're hard to live with look i said it and i mean it look i'm going to be late for the store again i tell you it's got to stop can i tell you something if you don't stop this guy's complaining i'm going to leave the house well somebody's going to leave the house i'll tell you that much i'll tell you you betcha me um annie i want you to fix a sort of hearty tray for kitty this morning i'm afraid she's been dying too strenuously i said that a long time ago that will do it miss kitty come your mom says you're to eat every bit of this miss kitty thank you a good good morning to you mrs browning good morning professor parker what are you gonna have for breakfast this morning professor oh just a little raw spinach and lemon juice annie please same for me too please annie dear mrs browning the pardon me of my trespass but have you been crying it's george he's being very difficult now you owe it to your husband and yourself not to permit him to distress you he'll thank you in the end professor parker i just can't tell you how much i admire and appreciate your attitude not at all not at all i understand i'm sure everything will turn out for the best there isn't any doubt good morning all right good morning oh professor i brought these things for you to look over all fine we'll take him upstairs to my room where we won't disturb the household and if you ever did anything to disturb anybody in this household this morning we're at the irate husband tearful wife stage but all in all i suppose it's worth it caught cinema bill i told you to get butter horns well i couldn't get any if you don't mind i wish you'd get somebody else to sneak this stuff in for you i don't like it oh don't be foolish how was your breakfast dia very good thanks mother fine you know kitty i think you really needed that well i'm off on a few errands and then to the gym i'd rather you didn't attend class today darling just stay home and rest kitty i've never been so busy and so happy in all my life the house full of people dear professor parker and and bill you know he's in there conferring the professor parking now i'm just running on goodbye oh bye mother hiya kit oh bill can you get around early yeah you know me all business how do you feel i'm all right why well you don't look all right oh i don't well no you look as limp as a rag and lately i've noticed that you've been losing all your pep you're just accustomed to deciding miss carol compton that's all jealous i certainly am not if you think for one minute bill fast i can't what you do where you go who you go with you're very much mistaken say what's the matter with you you just don't have to interest me strangers if you seem to you know that's the way you feel about it well well it is oh gee kitty what ailed you i was only kidding oh go away leave me alone i wish you'd tell me why you're crying i can't go and leave you like this i i think too much of you uh coming my way bill yes look i'll see you later huh maybe we'll go dancing you're going a little strong for the grocery man's daughter aren't you kid i'm worried about her she certainly has changed since i first met her this is the first decent order i've had in weeks is business slack slack that's putting it mildly you can shoot the cannons with this store anytime and not hit a person everybody in the town's on a diet including me how are things at home just about the same honestly doctor i'm worried about kitty she acts like she didn't care whether school kept or not george if i were you i take a firm stand believe me i intended uh can you manage all that no easy don't weaken now you'll bet i won't hello doctor hello bill oh oh yeah you better let me give you a hand with these how could you mind if i go along with you there's something i'd like to talk to you about okay i don't have you hop in oh wait a minute bill only one here the thing i was telling you about kitty is that well she's just a different girl when i first met her she was full of life always laughing and having fun perhaps i better talk didn't see you i wish you would sir i'll try to get around here this evening swell come in doctor won't you come in tuesday thank you how are you fine thank you chris the mill is starting up in a couple of weeks now i spoke to murray you would yesterday and he says he's going to find a job for you guys doctor i sure appreciate that forget it tobacco for you grandpa just a brand i like but i i busted my pipe oh i think i have an extra one somewhere there you are oh my god it's a beauty oh thank you thanks doctor happy thanksgiving i see there's more for doctors to do than just give people pills not only doctors phil there's a lot for everybody to do you mean build up instead of tear down i got the game all set up oh do we move on to checkerboard tonight all over the house oh don't worry don't worry everyone will be gone from the house in a few minutes and then everything will be nice and quiet good good evening gentlemen relaxing after a hard day's work like to try it doctor no how about you mr browning makes you feel very fit i'm fit for almost anything isn't it time for your left your professor oh i'll just see a minute or two suppose i run along and get the meeting called order it's such a pleasure to work with you mrs browning thank you professor oh get that will you bill it probably for me anyway right yes he's here who is it mrs brooks oh what did she want what was it you wanted she wants to know she can use your rowing machine tell her certainly she can use this he says certainly you can use it she wants to know when she can come over oh anytime anytime at all he says anytime anytime at all she wants to know she can bring some friends sure tell her she can bring as many as she likes he says sure you can bring as many as you like she says thank you you tell her welcome he says you're welcome okay goodbye oh it's time we were going bill will you get my papers on tonight's lecture they're in my room don't disturb yourself don't disturb yourselves it's probably for me anyway professor parker yes my name is peabody professor come in please thank you what can i do for you sir i i just want to ask you a little favor yes see i'm the scout master at river's end and i want to know if you give my boys a little talk on physical fitness delighted just bring the little men to the house anytime anytime anytime swam thanks a lot get him out of here get him out of here get him out of here you don't mean that mr browning oh yes i mean and now clear them up clear them out scout's attention assemble outside that goes for you two professor get out and don't come back ever oh very well i never could cope with an elephant it's all over oh no it's not all over every one of them are out of this house dad don't say that look at you look what the diet's done to you get out well kitty there's nothing much i can say except that i'm i'm sorry for everything bye bill she's still resting quietly did you find everything you need or with the bread for some toast bread i'll get it you know i didn't realize kitty was that starved oh don't worry let's fix the toast what are these oh some kind of seaweed stuff parker reducing pills martha and kitty are taking them would you pour glass of milk oh yeah sure well let's get this food up to kitty and see the cheeks i'll take it or we're going to have a sick girl in our hands you don't look so hot yourself oh nothing wrong with me only i'm dog so we find how far is the dextronization of starch is concerned this is pure fallacy and ladies that finishes our little talk for the except that i'd like to remark that i'm sorry to see so many empty chairs here this evening perhaps that's because so many of your clients are sick in bed friends i want to take the liberty of saying a few words to you you all know that for these past years i've tried to advise you in the matters of health the best of my ability i want to advise you now to follow the course and show general senses advocated by professor parker is most dangerous drastic reducing such as this should only be attempted under the careful supervision of a physician now we see what he's getting at folks the doctor a good man but possibly a little antiquated in his ideas is alarmed for his own practice for your own good i urge you most earnestly to discontinue with these courses at once naturally you must realize that this is strictly unethical this is most unprofessional dr christian the first time you met professor parker in my home you were opposed to him what's right if you didn't feel like this well mother the right of your family physician i guess well you didn't bother about that any longer the next time my family needs medical attention i'll send for dr webster and that goes for me too dr christian this is brutal where will i eat my best i'd like to see them all so thin quick breathing here's dr webster this is a fine thing i thought you don't really live for your vacation i can rest here as well as any place there goes that phone again so you can rest here as well as any place eh i know you want to get me out of town so you can take all my patients away dr christian's office uh judy this is mrs browning kitty zill i have dr christian ask dr christian to come over right away please ask him to hurry how are your calls dr webster this one from mrs brown is rather urgent i believe or 27 oak street yes all right judy thanks oh doctor how do you find dr christian he's badly in need of rest that's exactly what i've been telling him working himself to death for a lot of fools i don't appreciate him the important thing is to keep him in bed i'll try but if he makes up his mind to get up there isn't much i can do about it well i can do plenty about it well i'll drop back later judy thank you doctor oh was you dr webster well where's dr christian i'm sorry mr bombing but he's very ill ill what's the matter with him overworked principally there's a limit to what even a doctor can take you know yes i know um uh please come upstairs kitty the doctor's here here's dr christian now now miss kitty you hurt my feelings you know i'm not such a bad fellow when you get used to me how is kitty today i just come down to open the store i'm going right home i'm sorry i do hope there'll be a change for the better thank you mr browning oh i know you feel bitter toward me and then i don't blame you but i do wish you'd let me see kitty for a few minutes i well she might like to see me well no one can see her that's out of the question what about the markham case she's doing it splendidly no temperature and kitty browning you see improving well i'm afraid i can't give you a very encouraging report doctor she hadn't announced a resistance yes i know she doesn't seem to be putting up any fight whatsoever though that's rather unusual to me than a girl of her a dummy that was your office on the phone dr webster about mrs bates oh yes that's a confirmation i'll have to hurry along she's taking the medicine and behaving himself so more hello yes this is dr christian's office oh mrs browning well dr christian can't possibly come he's very ill here's one a doctor kitty's thinking i'm sure of it i'd be right thank you doctor thank you miss hastings please call judy and tell her to meet me at the brownings as quickly as he can but you can't go out that's all there is to it it should be the death of you doctor's first duty is not to himself but to his patients please call judith me judy yes doctor i'm going out i'll be back in a few minutes you have to leave doctor i'll be back shortly i can't understand dr christian leaving kitty at a time like this all right bill now let me tell you something let me tell you something parker your whole setup is phony why if i'd really drop it will you drop it pour yourself a drink it'll do you good come in get your overcoat and come with me where are we going i'll explain the car oh it's urgent you seem unduly agitated doctor nothing serious i hope not to you maybe but a young girl is dangerously perhaps dying as a result of your treatments now we're not going into that again this isn't the first time i've had trouble with you country doctors i've analyzed the pills that you've been given these words and find that they contain pentatrine sulfate and pentadrine sulfate cannot be prescribed except by a registered physician i report this to the medical authorities and they'll see too that you do not practice your you are right any further in this town or any other town what are you doing here please just let me handle this come along judy so you dr christian i i'm so ashamed doctor you're a pretty sick man we better get back to bed don't forget you have bill to thank for the transfusion i propose a toast to dr christian if it hadn't been for him we may not have had this wedding at all a doctor uh how did you know about bill i mean the night you went out and brought me back to the house i'd like you to explain that too dr christian well it was one day in my office last fall when i discovered kitty had hearts robert me you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 33,749
Rating: 4.8015666 out of 5
Keywords: Edgar Kennedy, Jean Hersholt, CLASSIC, Dorothy Lovett, Dr. Christian, MOVIES, #classicmovies, Dr. Christian Meets the Women, MOVIE, FREE, DRAMA, classic movie, classic movies, filmstruck
Id: 9B2adNuSHWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 51sec (3951 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2013
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