DPS Virtuoso - The BEST Mesmer Build for GW2 PvE

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raids and Guild Wars 2 can sometimes have a lot of downtime because you want to swap your composition or build for a specific boss's mechanics and that's why the condition hybrid virtuoso build is very popular right now because it can cleave multiple targets it has range damage so it's safe it's also got a lot of survivability through its invulnerability and blocks it has CC so in this video I'm going to be going over the condition hybrid virtuoso build the gear and how to use it in a real scenario so first off let's check out the build this is a hybrid build that gets a lot of its condition damage from Landing crits so you want as much crit chance as possible as well as as much condition duration and condition damage as possible so how we get that is by going for the Sinister stats this does not give any condition duration but since bleeding is the main condition of this build will be getting our bleeding duration from the Rune of the crate and from the agony sigil so you only need around 23 percent condition duration and then we'll get the rest of our condition duration from a very affordable food the red lentil supposas that'll get you to 30 percent condition duration and then you'll get the rest of the way from your Rune of the crate and your Sigil of Agony so we've got a hundred percent bleeding duration now we've got 46 crit chance and you'll get a lot more crit chance from the virtuoso trait line and fury and then we've got a lot of condition damage so essentially we want a Sinister armor set with the Rune of the crate we've got Viper weapons a dagger with a Agony sigil a focus offhand with the Earth sigil and a sword offhand with the Earth sigil as well your dagger will be used in both weapon sunsets so you don't need two of them and then you want full Sinister ascended trinkets except for the Vipers ring if you can't get Sinister gear or Viper's gear then you can go for rabid because it's a very cheap option and it still gives you the two most important stats you're getting from your gear which are precision and condition damage and then the rest of your condition duration is coming from ruins anyways for traits we're going to go for dueling and Illusions because those two give the most hybrid synergies and Illusions we want shatterstorm because it gives you more F1 charges and your F1 still does a lot of damage especially because you give torment on all of your shatters and we go for a phantasmal force because there aren't really any better options here and this is just going to give you extra power damage on your phantasms dueling we get a little bit more Fury which is going to give us extra critical chance on our phantasms which is really important because our crits on our phantasms are going to bleed and bleeding is really important to this build so we'll talk about that in a sec but fencers finesse is just going to reduce the cooldown of Sword abilities and give you some extra ferocity not too important though because mostly we are relying on conditions then we go for superiority complex because ineptitude while it can be good if you also take blinding dissipation it's going to amount to more damage over time especially on fights where bosses don't have really high attack speed it's going to amount to more damage to just get more power Synergy but on some fights where conditions like confusion are stronger then you definitely might want to go for ineptitude and the blinding dissipation package but in general superiority complex and fenser's finesse is going to do more damage so one important thing here is you're getting Fury as well and fury is stronger on virtuosos because normally it gives 25 percent but on virtuosos it gets 40 percent and that's going to get us to like 80 to 90 percent crit chance and whenever you crit with a blade attack because of jagged mind you're going to bleed the Target and bleeding is not only 25 stronger but it will also give you a blade which is your clones or the ammo that you need for shatters every five bleeds that you do so we've got the Earth sigils we've got the phantasms bleeding we've got any of our blade attacks which are the shatters or your dagger attacks will bleed and that's giving you tons of shatters back and since the Shadows count as blades that's also giving you more bleeds and therefore more blades back your number one priority is to use any of your shatter abilities when you have five blades you always want to use your shadows at five blades because they're the most powerful then and because you can't gain more blades when you're at Max and when you gain blades you gain the compounding power buff so you want to keep that up Non-Stop and using your F1 ability also gives you the deadly blade buff which increases your condition and power damage so you want to be constantly using those prioritize using the F2 because that will give you the most damage and then you want to use your F1 which does less damage but since you have two stock of it you always want to make sure that that is always on cooldown as well if your F2 and F1 are on cooldown you can use Signet of Illusions and that will recharge the F2 and the F1 and you can use them again but you only want to do this if you have enough blade generation to use a five blade shatter otherwise you can use blade turn Requiem which will pulse AOE around you but you need to be in melee for that to hit the target and that will also give out torment because of the trait in Illusions after you've used your blade songs you want to use your phantasms on your five skill so the Phantasm on Focus does the most damage because it hits the most times which means it does the most bleeding and then you want to use your Signet of The Ether and get a second cast of that then you can swap to your sword and use the five for the Phantasm there your phantasms will also shoot out an extra blade afterwards so they're generally the best skills to use when you don't have most blades because they give you the most blades and then after you've got your blades on cooldown and both phantasms have been used you want to use your dagger abilities so your dagger 3 sends out a blade storm and this will pulse damage as it passes through the Target and it keeps going so the longer it's in range of the target the more damage it does so you want to use that far away and in a direction that makes it spend the most time near that enemy your two skill blade call is a shotgun effect which goes out and then comes back in so you ideally want to use this in melee range to ensure that it hits all of those hits and gets you the most bleeding as far as your utilities you always want to go for Signet of midnight hand Signet of domination because they increase your condition duration and damage but the active effects can also be useful situationally so midnight is a stun break and domination is an extra CC though you'd have to give up a little bit of your damage to get those effects actively because they would remove the passive the third utility slot can be Signet of Illusions but not every fight goes through your entire rotation for you to get value off of recharging your shatters so you can go for another utility there based on the situation like if you're in a fight where you need to do a mechanic really quickly you can take blink and that'll help you to do it very fast or if you're on a fight where portals can be useful take portal your Elite skill though you have the option between Cigna of humility which is just extra Cc or you can go for the virtuoso Elite which does some extra damage but is not really too important so usually if the fight requires any CC you want to take humility in any kind of fight though you want to get used to using your F5 skill and your sword 4 because these are blocks that will do damage and instead of using your actual Dodge you can avoid damage while actually doing damage yourself and of course in situations where there's a lot of things that will do damage to you you want to use your Dodges and your blocks so you want to make sure that you're using your sword for your F5 to block attacks and if you have full blades you can use a really long Distortion and just sit there and DPS while avoiding all mechanics the main appeal of this build is that most of your attacks will actually Pierce targets so if you hit one Target in a line it will go through that one and potentially hit another Target behind it but this really requires you to have good positioning and targeting because if you target the nearest Target then it doesn't pierce the one behind it necessarily but if you stand next to the one that you want to pierce and then Target the one behind it so that it goes for the the furthest Target then you can more reliably land your attacks on multiple targets and this is really good in fights where you have to choose between which Target you need to attack and it often means that it takes twice as long to kill both of them once you realize that you don't need to be on top of your target to do damage to it you'll realize that this is actually a really good build for doing a semi-kiting or tanking roll because normally you'd have someone who's very supportive do a tanking role but supports are not ideal tanks because you want them on the group giving them boom and heels so a class that is very tanky but can still do damage while doing mechanics is kind of Ideal for this rule sometimes and that makes this build an ideal tank because it is so survivable it has good sustain and it can pretty much do its job without requiring you to be with the group now this isn't necessary for you to play as a tank obviously you can just play it as a DPS but it is a very safe option for a DPS as well so this is why it's one of the best builds it can do multiple roles it has a very safe DPS rotation which is actually kind of fun and spammy and it's just in general useful to your team but if this content was useful to you then consider liking and subscribing to help me out check out the links in the description below and I will see you all next time
Channel: Vallun
Views: 23,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gw2, guild wars 2, virtuoso, virt, mesmer, dps, pve, raid, strike mission, strike, bladesong, bleed, hybrid, vallun
Id: fA3sA4fyqzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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