DPS Lucio gets BUFFED...

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[Laughter] 7 days it has been 7 days since the Lucio Mafia has encountered the Widowmaker which means I now have no purpose this feels like a terrible dream that I haven't woken up from yet but I'm hoping I wake up soon unless guys they've finally gone Widow it's been 7 days since I've seen one now Focus 3 2 1 there's no one here okay the Widow's dead she respawns on Widow nice this is perfect this is good this is good my team will be right without me they're not going to be right without me where is she did she just walk past me oh wait she hasn't even left spawn yet was like hello there you go guys I'll be back just give give my team the beat and then uh hey hey it's me again oh are you poor what are you are you poor who asked someone that are you broke no no I don't I don't say no like that I say no no no see now you're just being australiaphilippines like the two people I hate the most in this game is like you and like newish does that mean like I that's like all of Australia what are you what the hell yeah I'm just kidding I don't hate anybody I'm just kid I love you so much what is she doing over there oh well guess we get to spend more time together what is she doing what was she doing that's it pal see you soon see you soon buddy where is she I don't know where she is cuz I don't know if she's playing with a okay what is this where is she I just felt a tickle me where is she oh was by Abraham Lincoln is she behind us there she is yeah stop running that takes you nowhere oh wait that does take you somewhere one one one wait what if I just punch her to death oh God I'm not good enough what his punch okay progress on his own little adventure oh my God okay back to it fellas I honestly think she she's just giving off like we already kind of stomped him I just feel like she's sitting in spawn right now or she's like Crouch walking out ofy are you kidding me what is that what is that bro I'm going to still find this it's definitely no no no no I can't take the help pack bro r one r one you guys good over there can we be can we beat I be can we be can we beat Bastion my team is losing am I just that useful as a player they've gone back Widow again maybe widow's right here she is get her get her get her no she gets no help help help wait she just threw the game all right guys content's over no more Widow no more Widow guys content's over everyone go home I have no job again going back to McDonald's guys skate says seven and seven nice TW Lucio when he's going 12 and [Music] 15 woo that's me baby on the Widow dominated map as long as my team doesn't feed uh which is happening we should be good okay so I have bad news my DPS are dead oh my God oh my God bro she's killing everyone and it's all my fault guys it's getting real bad this group is fine should go next up again no no it's doable it's doable I swear like just go hard right now look ready see she's dead easy that's it we won only costly like 400 Old that one see there we go oh we're so back fellas nice rock buddy where'd you get it um rock land okay that was so bad I'm sorry all right let me get let me get this hter real quick no he gets gripped away I hit these he's onesies nice nice nice where's the Widow at oh I'm coming up with you bro and you're going down me ah oh my God wiw is she just ignoring me am I just that little of a threet oh wait he's one oh you would you would bro you would no no no no he gets gripped away damn we can win this we can win this I can touch I'm on it h one H one oh he gets gripped no oh God please don't do it on me no no h one oh he's one he's one how many times does he need to be W Jesus I'm in the zone dialed in I need to get L Wei wait widow's back yeah grapple away okay my aim is so bad in this but I got her I got her I got her I got her we can do this fellas stop gripping him bro wait no more Widow no actually I can still Farm Hanzo I believe in myself boom boom boom boom boom Oh wait come on one one one yes off guys dude the pools it's so annoying come on Ki I'm going to get alone and then she's just going to like get gripped away oh wait somra dodge run in here grab this and then oh where's she gone no no no no no oh all right now all we need to do is push all the way there that's pretty easy right never give up last minutes oh God today's the day today the day boom okay bro my boot just like sa what the why is it why are railing so powerful in this game bro if I Bo someone they should just go fly Master at work wait no no I wasn't fast enough all right guys let's see it boob City yeah Boop City fellas okay my R just fell off the map Boop City there's a geni somewhere geni Mr geny we're going to carry this game pillars it's the only way wait look at their positioning look at this look this this is so important to the story ready yeah wait is that actually one yes oh my God wait no you know what that counts that counts that teamwork group oh my God [Music] wait nah that's actually crazy that's actually crazy I didn't even think I I was going to land that I haven't done a spawn kill Bo in ages guys are we just going to lose this no wable wable wable wable wable wable what what why does Bri so much damage sorry I'm darling in fellas don't mind me oh my God bro how much health does she have bro come one yeah let's go no see fellas I told you we only lost first round it's all part of the plan it's all for the story purpose oh my God she is flopping like crazy but at least we got the Boop kills yeah I keep losing games man I'm really sad I'm just kind of existing in this fight maybe I jump this Lucio here and just run around and chase him wait I hit these oh ooh I see it you see the vision I see it it's coming well they're all going right side wait this is going to be crazy oh never mind yes hit those those oh my God I missed the bo myself oh my God bro what is s up to I'm just going to follow him explode him oh he's going in him it go so yeah yeah yeah yeah Super Punch oh i' I just messed up so badly oh jeez it's okay I can do a wrap around and then b boom wait I actually got it it's going to be boob City fellas it's going to be a little bit of Boop city today it's okay look ready they're going to push up Bastion oh I'm looking this is a little bit devious all right come on guys Walk Up Walk Up Guys all right mate can you relax I'm busy here what is she doing there we go all right I'm just going to jump her yeah get get in the ice block no come here bro there's no way guys I feel like we should break the pylon here oh boom wait oh are you is this all this game is going to be bro of my thing just get in there just get now I just come back super quick and then I just yeah oh then I just come back and go yeah okay I just poed into point and then I come back and I just go yeah yeah I just come back and I go yeah okay I'm just I'm losing it bro then I just go yeah woo yippy all right then I just go boom boom boom boom boom I don't know why I tried that hold on wait come out come out I'm so done bro I'm so done bro uh is that it okay that's it that that's it guys VI all right guys so a little bit of update um little bit of an update guys I'm now 4 and 12 in placement uh surely it's not going to get any worse I have plans that I can't share with you yet but there's something very very special for me screw it we're going I messed up wait hide quick I was so back back okay wait yeah I told you guys I had plans but wait it's not over yet never mind is is over and here we go guys three two one swap oh my [Laughter] gosh wa go away oh no oh help help Jesus Christ oh my god dude this war running bug is terrible yeah we're so back fellas I am so tired of junkrat players man I don't they all do this and I fall for it every single time too they went Bastion oh my God God that it's just literally the orisa of DPS man what is that guys I have bad news I have real bad news here's my over much hot take I don't think junkrat should be Australian anymore take away his australianist it's going to happen again where is he yeah that's what you get that's what you get you're not getting away with it this time see I'm smart do a little funny fade get out of here oh God I wasn't looking ooh ooh o a little bit of game of Super Mario shall we I can't shoot him he's just cheating duck oh my God this is so scary I can't get in there bro no just going to do a little funny fate again okay don't okay don't say anything about my aim please I win these bro is she like in god mode or like what bro she has 20,000 orbs get out of me wait I'll catch him I'm going to do it I'm falling for the Trap again oh my God wait wait maneuver perfectly around here I'm behind him but now I'm in front of you I'm behind you again wait now I pretend I'm going this way but then boom guess what D he has a trap there this is unfair oh guess what buddy I'm behind you now I'm in front of you again wait he's one I can get it this time again I got her right before the round ended okay what is junk up to now oh man I just know I shouldn't go into a tiny room like an Australian but like I'm just going to do it man yeah grab that heal pack and now what are you going to do dude I'm so nervous against a junkrat I did it you know what let's go spawn kill the junk all right what the hell why am i n bro why am i n bro now I'm nervous let's go baby yeah I'm so tired of this character like if I can't Farm widows anymore I'll just Farm junkrat like what is this positioning up here bro's one yes guys I think I'm more scared versus junk than any other hero in the game cuz at any moment I can just get one tapped Widow Hanzo not that scary like look at the confidence look at the confidence look at the confidence look at this W oh that was cool oh the junkrat's flanking us isn't he he's going to go fire in the hole I told you and I just saved his life oh I just know you're so mad bro I know there's a trap here when watch my echo just get exploded wait oh got him it's so scary man for how it worked it definitely wasn't like that yeah I I see you bro yeah but look why could he do that oh but if Lucio boo someone an extra centimeter that's a problem but if junkrat could just accidentally do the like craziest like roll out and kill I'm getting solo tied this is it fellas where is that junk at there he is yeah get out of here bro get out of here let's go crazy now let's go crazy mode Let's Go Crazy mode Let's Go Crazy mode I'm coming woo we did it fellas if this me dying mid beat we did it guys 5 and 12 what the [Music] hell your boy going to be a BlizzCon this weekend so um motion uh anyways if you want to meet me and say hi to me and take a picture all that sort of s or just chat uh I'm going to be there if you don't know what it look like cuz people think I haven't done a face reveal on this channel this is what I looked like this is the most recent photo I've taken myself um okay this is not what I really look like but yeah if you see a guy that looks like that you know that's me come say hi uh much love guys I'll see you in the next one peace burning through like a knew this Char to me
Channel: Frogger
Views: 400,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frogger overwatch 2, frogger overwatch, overwatch, overwatch 2 frogger, lifeweaver overwatch 2, overwatch streamer, lifeweaver, lifeweaver frogger, froggerow, frogger_Ow, frogger, lucio gameplay, lifeweaver gameplay, dps lucio, dps lucio meta, overwatch 2 ranked, PRO OVERWATCH 2, overwatch league, rank 1 lucio, best lucio, lucio guide, LE SSERAFIM, LE SSERAFIM SKINS, LE SSERAFIM overwatch 2
Id: mjuTa7djyPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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