DPS Lucio VS Bronze Overwatch 2...

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don't worry man you'll be here until PVE comes out that's soon right [Music] oh man I've been stuck in Kingsbury for like almost two weeks now man what am I gonna get out of here what is that PVE gonna come out hey frog man it's me so you remember yes I remember so uh some funny news about that it looks like you're not gonna be leaving you for a long time but however I'm gonna let you go for a mission you have you have to do something terrible wow what are you talking about um you're gonna have to make a YouTube video of J free no please [Music] I'm going over the rooftops and I'm just gonna like one shot someone I don't even know how much the damage does there's a tour though and I'm already upset at the same time what is this why do they have a life guy whatever like where are they huh okay yeah actually like wait I get rid of tall turret that's one that's one that's one all right yeah I'm getting the uh I'm getting the symmetria symmetry down now I'm on the uh whatever song yeah yeah I didn't realize you do so much damage wow this is crazy froggy you'll get your time when you play against the silvers if you want to do that get out of the cool what's going on I'm driving live with me real quick I'm just gonna do a quick oh wait I'm getting a pig go to one go one go on I'm alive he's dead oh my God so ridiculous right I got to be I Got the Beat wait I can get a Boop here if I'm lucky oh my God I accidentally killed him but we can stagger wrist hurts okay leave it leave it oh [Music] I'm more scared of them I'm gonna break oh no she has a shield all right I'm uh I got a pig two down three down wait Sims off I'm gonna kill no way oh my God wait no one right there we're gonna we're gonna coordinate like double boops I reckon oh my God you're right I reckon I reckon if like okay wait okay like volleyball foreign [Music] they're all down ah wait that's so low I'm beating waiting that's all you no we killed him sorry I got my special move it's okay we can survive toblo I kind of want to look oh okay I was gonna say I kind of want to stall it out to get try and get a like double boot kill we're gonna like sneak through we're just gonna like go through the left side we're gonna do a double moon walk okay okay I'm gonna go first like you conga line behind me basically I don't think they see me yet I'm right there there's no way bro there's no way look at this oh they're just they're moonwalk no I've just totally messed up the angle we're gonna go we're gonna go he's down okay I'm gonna like move him out towards and then they have a hole okay and then wait we can move we can be pogging get him right there it's only Minnie Mouse get him okay I poop him okay no that didn't work we can still get this I've been once okay I'm going for bring now I'm going for a break before once oh it's fine I know what I just that was really silly oh my God your app damaging Me by so much jeez all right we've been told oh he's like solo wait I'm gonna go for a break okay oh she's one oh my God stop no I'm getting rid of Marissa and then we're just gonna go I'm knocking 12 into the air you ready are you ready no way I'm catch him yes what dude there's another tool why are there two tools okay it doesn't work out I have it now I have it now okay pooping it worked hold on wait everyone's just so close to the edge right now come on no no oh that's so messed up oh wait we lost point yeah I did not even realize I'm punching them I'm diving into this one right now watch this but wait wait we don't want to give a point I'm going for the spawn Camp again sliding off the Rooftop foreign Keith lived in a graveyard Lucio one I'm going for him ah yeah yeah wow what a great kill ER Frogger [Music] like how many environments do you guys want to go to 1.5 are you let's go let's go to one times the stats man listen you guys played with your food too much okay he's just running around he's having a good time this guy's movement is insane I can't hit him awesome wait wait wait wait wait lock it down look at me I'm locked in boom Oh No I'm trying to like move him okay wait wait wait I can move I can move her she's off she's off that's it that's it okay all right let's go double beat I was gonna hide in the spot this guy's tea bagging me you go through the window I go into the map oh yeah I know that rolling anyway I don't I don't want to do it though I don't wanna yeah yeah yeah yeah I I assume that that's what I was I I knew you wouldn't want to but that you can do it so all right amazing first oh God that's too much speed oh my God they're gonna go the other side they're not gonna even gonna go Bridge we're gonna like okay I'm gonna like Get Low take a bit of damage I they didn't take they didn't shoot me at all wait booming Ram once oh maze off nice yeah you better run get out of there all right she's got the moves all right this is it this is our time to shine let's go wait I think we got him yes get it slow yourself nice we need it oh no they're just gonna go left wait wait maybe we set up on the left side maybe we're just set up on left oh yeah and then so if they try to walk through it I put them off see you later and if they try to rotate to the bridge move them off we can't let him process so we have to do the best double boots ever she's off no the Ram's getting through no five bronze players one against two top 500 lucios that's crazy what are you implying um if you ask me if I'm gonna be quite honest it's very ridiculous but a loss on it but hopefully they fix it soon wait they're so late oh my God I choked this kill so hard that would be so good for my Tick Tock oh no get out of there on the Deaver one nice just I can't I'm gonna go do something I'm coming in from behind oh my goodness get out of there yeah oh wow this is one of the best Rolex ever don't die don't die I will I will but this mortar is is in my aim is not in unfortunately and I think I might potentially die no you know what no I lied oh we've lost the lead that's quite unfortunate [Music] um a ham and sandwich with double durb sauce wait I can beat this I'm so smart why would she tried to squish us definitely watch his highlights oh no I give it not this time it just has way too much help yeah we need to stop being educational though so what I'm doing here is that I'm shooting a diva um wait you can stall the cart right here oh turret [Music] Winston Winston Winston Winston Winston he's trying to have at me that's actually terrifying I'm actually so scared right now nice shooting on the brig on the May oh wow oh supersonic speed yeah you got that oh she went oh my God Frogger is staggering a Moira this is so funny he's just punching her don't you need to grab the health pack I swear all right whatever I'm beating in this all right give me a second I need a Reload there we go we did it didn't take that long can I get a double Winston sandwich extra dip sauce jetpack Style voila the skin is so ugly why did Mercy get like a really pretty majory skin and we got poison dart frogs such a terrible person for saying that Jesus poison dart Lucio is Peak you know what's his Peak play averse environment let's talk yeah oh no they're stealing the bot we should do something I think it might die I actually get in a little bit of fear in my life I'm actually no it May's actually cracked it's scaring me the 1v1 he's yeah you better run you better run Mario yeah I'm a heel bot Lucy are you scared I'm gonna walk at you okay I didn't even do anything she just jumped away she was terrified oh they're gonna set it up they're gonna set up an ambush chat they're gonna set up an ambush look at this they're nice on the main oh I'm on the torbjorn torbjorn guys nice oh my God I'm dead the second I hear a Moira oh she's looking to get a little bit silly and so am I oh there's four of them oh yeah but now there's gonna be four of them all right on the mercy well she's one you want to hear those yeah those earphones oh this is so scary guys start using apple juice to clean your floors sticky Moyer behind us Batman's on the case [Music] good luck go back no survivors wait Batman doesn't kill why do they kill her oh what the heck Batman that's another one down on the count and this talk dirt is like terrifying all right I'm gonna 1 before it's time for me to shine let's see one let's see down jump on the wall thank you mate for the help go in go on the mate flip to me punch once going in again Moira shazini I shoot I punch she's down because why I'm the one punch man oh get rid of him okay now I go into this spawn and locate an enemy Mercy she's standing still this will go great on my tick tock I won't be running RAM and spawn he's got no big arms so now I'm gonna you know big old kiss on the lips for me oh [ __ ] I could have beat it I didn't realize we lost the lead because I think I think you guys could have won that but a little uh trolling was that was done we have two top 500 Lucio players Frogger and SK with 1.5 times the stats this is a rematch against five bronze players [Music] I'm getting this all I got bro what are you talking about okay I'm going for the super roll out this is my super roll out I mess it up already oh wait my PC's dying wait I got the key okay of course I cry we're gonna oh my God oh my God oh my golly goodness oh my goodness gracious me all right buddy I got beef okay yep on Kiri she's gonna tip you away no never mind got it got the tour got the toys down I'm on me one may still okay I'm gonna believe who I'm shooting at I think you're shooting at me got it oh my God I almost got the free piece chicken oh my God okay I'm going on the tour when I'm going a baby oh maybe push me 12 get a little bit silly with it come on yeah it's okay we're good can you cry on me I'm here no it's fine Industries okay round one point we've got a good point yep good day nice Ram down huge oh God they're gonna be so scary that could have been ending all right nice raising the volume healing it up gonna get ready to beat soon oh I bad news I'm leaving going to kill him wear one break nice on the Moira I just said nice to myself yeah I think about a bit I'm getting slammed oh I got bad news I got a tall turdy all right talk to her down that's like start Ram down this holds left click it's terrifying I'll go over that beat all right don't turn it down yeah they thought the cops they're all invincible this is terrible all right hey one me one me one way down nice going in Greg oh I'm on Moira I have bad news my mom break with you okay nice why does the top chart just come back so quick that is not 10 seconds I don't believe it it's not true it's factual oh my goodness I go kill the tour really quick yup on RAM they should do like a Bowser skin from a mantra because it's like hides away any shell I didn't learn I made a cry if you want to jump on it I'm on it right now she's so low okay I gotta get rid of the storm track gotta reload down oh I think I'm dead what a b wow all right I'm on RAM right now okay playing Street Fighter six let's go oh my goodness on the tour oh my god oh I am it's actually doable uh only another 60 60 meters yeah I think that's fine I think that's doable right behind him oh I almost have beat I do too no double beat yeah it works out oh we're gonna get Soldier we're gonna go solder on their mind I'm terrified I'm terrified wait we can go Brig maybe oh no no no no I don't know where she went uh Melo wait I'm getting soccer I have her I have part you can yeah nice size I want my one nice oh no they're just running for these Shield already this is good we just kill him I'm happy huge oh wait I'll say point no oh my God that's impossible so hard I don't say once I had them mailed it's all over you can't do anything who would afford the biggest count of a Lucia was a tourbillon turret [Music] I can't believe I lost the five bronze plays dude yeah but you're doing it again next week against 10 people oh what the [ __ ] hello man I can't move [ __ ]
Channel: Frogger
Views: 324,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frogger overwatch 2, frogger overwatch, overwatch, overwatch 2 frogger, lifeweaver overwatch 2, overwatch streamer, lifeweaver, lifeweaver frogger, froggerow, frogger_Ow, frogger, lucio gameplay, lifeweaver gameplay, dps lucio, dps lucio meta, overwatch 2 ranked, PRO OVERWATCH 2, overwatch league, jay3 bronze, jay3 bronze vs top 500
Id: 92ArUlZvpz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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