So We Gave Reinhardt Blink In Overwatch 2 And It Was OP

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are you ready for this treat of a game uh uh I don't know am I um would you like to pick your hero or do you want me to roll your hero uh you can either pick it or we can let chat pick whatever you want we'll have somnus you want to play mercy again oh put me on my favor okay you want life Weaver all right zombies gets life Weaver and then Flats we can either roll Flats hero or flats is gonna play Hawk so I'm gonna let Flats decide on that one I would have chose hog you said Chad everybody typed hog of course they're gonna type the play hog I mean I'm a man of the people okay so we're doing hog life Weaver perfect this is gonna be great today we got Flats insomnous which I think is going to be quite the 2v5 right now zombies is gonna play mercy Flats is gonna be playing Road Hog so this time we didn't like spin the wheel it's so evil for making me play chat was gonna be able to decide and watch hero and we have roadhog and mercy so this is what we're gonna do so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the wheel and we're gonna roll the abilities for both of them this is also a 2v5 against goals I forgot exactly the stats are I'll tell you that 2.25 for Ability one for Flats Flats will be playing roadhog with all right with cryo freeze oh wait a second wait a second because because of the the hero limit in OverWatch we only can have five randomized abilities in 2v5 yeah so you get to choose one ability between the two Heroes to keep like if you want to keep like Valkyrie if you want to keep you know all like that type of stuff so honest you think it's more valuable for you to have Guardian Angel um um yeah since I have a partner this time it would be pretty good yeah because then you would probably stay alive a lot longer yeah I'd have to trust you to keep me alive well yeah but which I don't stay alive but I think it'd probably be smarter to give it to you so wait so then I have cryo freeze yeah you have crowns [ __ ] lovely Flats ability too will be laughs Diva micro missiles so odd all right we're Flats is gonna have Micro missiles and somnus is going to have junkrat trap Waits oh actually good unironically that's actually kind of good with the micro missiles all right so so that's the build there now we're gonna go to all of this with traps okay so four flats ultimate roadhog will be I'll be something good please no yes ramatra Annihilation that's what we needed we needed that I [ __ ] called for it and it made it happen the Mantra Annihilation insomnus will have the ultimate of I just want to say I called that no way congratulations on all the success [Applause] taking my dog on a walk don't you ever say that again wait look at my trap wait wait I'll put it down wait no I I have a plan ready ready come on we have to get there fast though we're a little blind if you if you put a trap in that little mini room you know what I'm talking about like the middle little mini room in this corner yeah I can walk up to them with micro missiles and burst them so either put it on this door or put it on this door whatever one you want oh wait they might open this up oh my I'm actually so tilted there's no way [Music] no my shift didn't go off oh no the stats right now are super randomized so we have no idea if it's really strong or really good so for some reason this one's really scuffed on this map then you'll get buffed the next one I think I think I think I got this oh yeah oh my god oh Lord are you dead stay alive I'm coming home down there I'm doing it thank you I can't get killed up this this I'm not getting killed this is so bad but I can't heal you all right no I know I'm not saying it's your fault I'm just saying that not gonna kill you is bad okay I mean not not bad for it being scuffed so we figured out what's happening by the way so the reason why you're not getting healed is because Samus is actually damage boosting slash hail boost and like the fake Diva I mean it's workshops and sometimes like scuffs things like that can happen so right now when when zombies well I'm just gonna play mercy 76. I was wondering why my old shirt's not going up I wasn't looking at you I didn't even realize it I was like damn this is someone someone will say on my channel you're not getting healed I was like what do you mean they're trying she's doing her best there's nothing I can do I threw myself I thought it would keep going even though it was in that you'll test these things and see if they actually work like that oh wait oh boy oh boy oh boy a big hole Hawk my dog out of reaction I am put a trap put a trap in this room put a trap in this room like right here we just play this corner we just run back in there every time actually wait a minute I think I feel right yeah okay I got this this is a good Strat blind took some pressure off you you're good yeah I'm gonna go get healed up be right back escalating a little bit lighting a little bit I'm gonna back away here okay yeah I need to back away it's gonna make me [ __ ] they lost you they watched you they watched you hello hello I have an idea I have an idea the cast is one okay we only need to win these you finish them you finish them I play this Mega uh you you take some poke there hey they walked up they walked up yeah yeah yeah job hog with a remote strong yeah maybe I'll just walk in actually almost says much dim as I do that's crazy oh now I'm damage boosting to vermontra by the way oh it shows you that now oh wait hold on wait it's hot wait wait wait okay okay I just cannot let go of you know hey so are you healing me now yeah yeah okay oh never mind I have Diva again okay he's got the whole time trying to get the hog finally get it and then Flats ice blocks and then loses I didn't know who would do that so you want to try again you wanna try again I'm gonna oh no no oh no you left me I thought we had a strat oh you got me let's go okay okay I actually will never look good don't don't even ice block okay okay I'm not gonna ice I'm just gonna Perma heal you you can like walk into them okay this is really some next level degeneracy oh my God I got antide I have to oh I don't lose you yeah I didn't I had to I was like I was too HP I think honestly you might have to be the one to push a cart because you're small and then I can kinda I don't know like I'll try to take my HP pool and run up the stairs because I have a module ready I have my old I'm gonna start W King you take car okay double okay I'm gonna go up and play this Mega okay and mercy go Grandma's easy nice job that was good that was good oh that was kind of hard actually but now we're gonna be re-rolling the abilities for both somnous and flats now first of all Thomas is gonna be keeping Guardian Angel so Flats is gonna be rolling as hog instead of cryo freeze will be having wraith form I like that Flats ability too okay so this is gonna be good it does work for both damage and healing what is this so we're gonna have hog healing we're trying to make the edgiest character and then for somnus let's see what happens Tracer recall okay you can heal me I'm gonna Frontline for Flats ultimate now you will be having Kitsune Rush your support I'm literally support hog and then Psalm this will be having nah nah any demand of recount we got scammed it was that all I'm scammed well good luck just watch your mercy recall on my brain just fell apart ah this is gonna be bad I don't know how we're gonna pull this one off I mean they have a regular hog oh no wait did it get unpause you wait for me did it get you dude I I threw it three times it didn't throw it until eventually the last one I wasn't looking at the wall in the corner anymore get out there nice Thomas hey there I'm going on the flank [Music] it's okay I'm doing it no no way oh this is evil on this map there's literally nothing we can do we didn't do [ __ ] for damage oh my God yeah I sold it more than you they already have point I'm raining down damage on them though you stay away I'll rain down damage you're weak I'm stronger [Music] you're a Healer what's that on the healing orb what are you talking about dude it doesn't do much I saw you use the damage your orphan's dad what's a Healer the thing that helps you live there [Music] another bounce off the walls let it bounce off above you oh really I've never played Mario before I'm immediately hooked up it makes you feel any better I did a 1v5 when this one time flats that was me the whole time yeah this it looks it is painful foreign outside of it what the [ __ ] you go after you alone don't say you're gonna be healing you're the support what's the only healing above you let's bounce put it on the ceiling I did finally doing something oh my God what happened to locking it in listen listen we we have to test out how it's gonna be with two times damage oh that was evil that was evil uh give me Ryan Hey Reinhardt yep with Tracer blink you want blink okay what do you want for Ability two here give me translocator okay that's gonna be that's gonna be funny to see okay so translocators you have blink Franz locator what alt do I want yeah uh I'll take EMP EMP yeah okay so we have Reinhardt with translocator EMP and blank yep I'll pick kirikawa okay you want to go kiriko okay yeah do you go on carico and then what do you want I mean I'm keeping TP okay so that's that's the ability one right yeah okay yeah and then I want Valk as my ultimate okay Valk is your ultimate okay and then can I see the wheel for ability to take a breather so we're gonna have kiriko with Swift step take a breather and Valkyrie okay I would take pity they hadn't hooked me in the hole like four times [Music] oh this is evil Walter Robin son that would be too funny but keeping Shield is funnier is the best that was pretty good this is this is purely just payback this is actually just evil where do you think you're going I'll be honest ride with blinking pretty good oh I'm dead solves the mobility issue with Ryan can you come pick me up because you have triple blink no man they're on point oh my God I'm ready [Music] Ryan with blink scary healthy it's literally terrifying please help foreign this is too strong double double I have an idea do you think you could win with this comp at two times yes what about 1.75 get ready 1.75 I think would actually be difficult and I'd be down to do yeah okay so what we're gonna do is you're gonna complete this map and we're gonna give you a rematch same map 1.75 times okay can I change my ultimate though I thought I would shoot as fast as a valve like it would give me but in the recalls right now Thomas absolutely cannot yeah you can this one's all about fun yeah whatever else I'm trying to think you have time yo should I take Arrow Shadow we can EMP Earth shatter that's evil I hoping foreign [ __ ] ER where you go now [Applause] [Music] all right so yeah we'll do that it looks really cool though like I looking at Samus when Thomas was doing Valkyrie there too it was so funny looking at like this the flying carico all right so you'll be at 1.75 we'll do so ooh Kings River again just because like obviously we'll see the difference in the stats and then somnus will now have Nano is that correct yeah but like someone in chat actually said Nano mind to be nanoing yeah you're right you okay anything else you want you know what I want to make this funny can I have Diva bomb yeah take action s I think I can actually heal you can you yeah oh that will be good can you stop crouching our County Pete wait what do you mean you can't see Peter me oh you just gave me away now oh they're taking the point thank you oh my goodness foreign good half bomb maybe you should say much better wait I was using take a breed though I thought I could live me I literally was shielding how did you die I was trying it out I wanted to try it out this is so broken you're actually so broken Ryan is like Unstoppable yeah well I only have 350 hp's my bad I thought I was in the pinky you know yeah it just need more tanky it's not even like it's it this is just such a good build it's like it's like ridiculous that was that was tough like this was such a good build like it's just like it's broken ironically I think I could probably do it on like 1.25 I was just gonna say I think you could actually go to 1.25 and you actually play it like in comms I think you would actually do it just so I can get the two top swings like I mean like I don't even need the extra health I can just use my shield run around it's really cool though it's like it's always it's really cool to like watch like players who play like it here they usually play also on top of that like you're just like I can tell your love of the blink I'm a little washed but I still got it every once in a while yeah there you go do the the classic King's Row strap through the hotel oh a lot of people thinks he's safe up there huh he is actually yeah no one saw that [Applause] I accidentally double blinked see y'all in a minute [Applause] [Music] come on yeah you can tell Flats was mad about getting hooked into the well about 10 times oh evil that's that someone doesn't like you survive in rank games this ball too I show the world what EMP truly does to a tank player oh that was perfect that was so fun [Music]
Channel: Flats
Views: 899,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flats, Flats Overwatch, FlatsOW, Flats_OW, flats bronzes, overwatch, Overwatch streamer, Florida mayhem Flats, overwatch 2, Overwatch 2, flats, florida mayhem flats, Overwatch, rammattra, ramattra, rammatra, flats overwatch, flats overwatch 2, overwatch 2 flats, overwatch 2 randomizer, emongg randomizer
Id: kqsg-o5WIlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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