Downtempo Mood / Digitakt Factory Samples Only

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hello world my name is ihor and today i would like to make a little track on the digi tact and i would like to use only factory samples and today is not techno but rather something at 1 13 bpm i'm not in a techno mode but rather in some sort of like down temp mode and i hope you're gonna enjoy it and you're gonna have fun together with me basically before we start i would like to set a couple of things up on the digi tact as usually so far i have like a blank project and i cleared up all the tracks and there is not a single sample in the sample in the ram so basically completely blank project so i'm gonna go and go into factory drums electronic and load this school kit this one so select all load to project these are going to be our only drum samples and then we're going to use also some synthesizer sounds as well then let's enable the scale mode per track which allows us to use different amount of steps per different track and also let's go into audio routing and disable kick drum from being sent into effects i don't want kick drum to be sent into delay or reverb when i perform so that's for this reason and i think that's pretty much it sequence is clear and we can start with our kick drum here so it's a first sample here so it's kind of a short one basically i can tune it down indeed pitch it down actually and now i would like to utilize high pass filter with resonance to emphasize the base part of this bass drum so i need to find where it resonates the bass line the sub bass of this kick drum yeah i think it's over here and then we decrease to about 40 or something yeah that's going to be good and also on the second filter i i'd like to cut high frequencies a little bit and then we can overdrive the kick drum as well and lower the volume and i think this is going to be perfect this one can have lower velocity and conditional trig to happen every second time yep and then another one can be here but maybe we can play it reversed but then we can also check change the length okay that works but now on this trig i would like to have a little bit of attack just not to have this clicky sound and i can also make velocity lower nice maybe a different start starting position of the sample itself yeah like this and maybe a little bit reduction on the sample for this just to add some dirtiness to it and maybe maybe overall no it's too much i don't like it maybe i i would like to cut a little more high-end yeah the introduction doesn't really work that well maybe just a tiny touch nice yeah this will work and now i would like to go to track number three and it's gonna be our baseline and i know which kind of sound i would like to use yeah this one's quite quite good one with lots of transient there so we saved the pattern now i would like to find a different node for that [Music] maybe we can use d let's go for g minor so i'm going to start with g here and we can again utilize filter as well with an envelope a little bit sharper so basically with filter i would like to change different like different steps gonna have different filter amount but then for performance purpose i would like to use an envelope so amount of envelope and also decay of the envelope to open up and close and filter is not going to be used because filter is going to be set per step not for all of all the steps but at least on some of the steps i would like to set it into different positions so that it kind of creates this dynamic baseline let's try to program something so i'm gonna i'm gonna simply put it like this as of now and then we can figure out what to change [Music] and then we can change a couple of notes in g minor [Music] maybe this one can go into [Music] maybe this can go one octave higher [Music] yeah and i'm going to lower the velocity [Music] because this one sounds together with the kick drum [Music] sorry about our amp envelope [Music] yeah like this overdrive and compensate with the volume what if we send it what if we send first one into delay if i go into delay make it wide and rotate from left to right and send delay into reverb as well and then make it darker a little bit [Music] and now in reverb i'm going to make decay longer no pre-delay also darker [Music] no shelf volume same for here [Music] okay i think it's good for now and then we can play of course with an envelope [Music] actually right now i think that the bar actually starts over here so i put like melody for bass line randomly and you know just worked on it a little bit and now if i start the sequence i think it's like one two three four one two three four one two three four and this we can change with the digit tag if you hold function and then go left it's gonna like move or nudge this sequence into the left or into the right if you use the right button look at the look at the triggers right now so if i go like this all the triggers they move left and now if we start sequence one two three four one again we we have to move it actually one two three four five six seven eight to the right and now it's gonna be one two three four one two three four and the same thing i would like to do for a kick drum actually so i would like these guys to be over here so let me move them a little bit like that [Music] yeah okay i like it and now if we go into track three we can [Music] play with an envelope a little bit but i'm gonna leave it kind of sharp and a little bit towards the closed part because we're gonna add some more things here i'm not going for some complex track but rather minimal track with with a good baseline that can can be modulated over time and and the rest of the sound is going to complete the bigger picture of this melody or of this bass line actually nice and the next thing i i think can be our club and if i go into samples there is no club actually but there is snare drum we can of course utilize this one okay i can overdrive it and mix with the volume make it short and then maybe pitch it down yep like this and here on the filter page on the second page i will remove all the low end of this one because i would like it to be like just you know short and sort of towards high frequencies and then if i use this filter with the notch i would like to emphasize some frequency that is gonna fit into composition better [Music] yeah i think this is fine and also we can move them a little bit with micro timing what if we move starting position no let's keep it sloppy it's too loud a little bit and then the second one [Music] can be with a longer decay on the arm envelope [Music] and we can bring some bit reduction here [Music] oh yes and maybe a little reverb [Music] too much [Music] some delay [Music] too much yeah just tiny touch so i hear this echo in left ear and that's pretty much it let's go into hi-hat so there was a head sound as well so we've got this one this one and this one so let's grab the this one the first one make it short yeah maybe pitch it down a little bit [Music] yeah like this is fine and maybe even shorter yeah overdrive and then volume some reverb and i think this track can benefit from being six steps long and then we can put a few triggers here and there [Music] yes save pattern maybe some velocities we can change [Music] and maybe some swing as well [Music] and i still think they are too loud [Music] nice now if we go into our seventh track let me find our other head the open head and this one can also be pitched down a little bit yeah like this almost almost there also overdrive volume and then delay on the last one [Music] nice next i think on the second track uh we can do some kind of noise so i would like noise to be sort of like rising over one bar and really really on the background and also fat into reverb so that it creates this kind of like a dirty background and i hope i i would be able to make it but let's see so sample wise we can go into there is toolbox and we have all kinds of different noises here i'm gonna decrease the volume because usually they're too loud this empty one is not really clean noise but it has some tone to it maybe we can use this one but let's see or grainy [Applause] let's use grainy instead i think it's it's gonna work better so i'm gonna go and decrease volume and also pitch it down yeah like this [Music] but instead we're gonna go and make it quite long so it's gonna be 1 bar or 16 steps and then we can utilize the amp envelope to actually make it raise raising [Music] yeah like this exactly not exactly i mean but [Music] overdrive with a second filter i'm gonna clean all the low end and now we feed this into reverb [Music] and with an lfo i would like to [Music] modulate the panning quite slowly and not too much or instead maybe we can do by trigger so it's the lfo is going to reset on the trigger and then we can use a little faster lfo and then with the filter with the first filter again we can utilize this one the notch and then use filter envelope to create this kind of filter swipe thingy into the negative territory so it's gonna go from right to left yes [Music] it's way too loud again it's just for texture [Music] nice [Music] nice [Music] we can also send a little bit of baseline into delay or reverb [Music] not too much just nice [Music] okay now we can use track number five for some percussive sound yeah maybe this one we can find a proper pitch for it [Music] we can turn this one into the [Music] and this one into the right [Music] nice together with delay create some kind of an interesting sound for me also with the second filter we can remove some low end same goes for hi-hat [Music] and for the other hi-hats [Music] i think kick drum is a little bit too quiet i'm afraid to clip right now the master because there is a lot of overdrive on it this percussion is too loud let's go back into the baseline and work on it a little bit before doing that i'm actually going to copy the pattern and go into the second one paste it here and then go back to first one just to save the the previous pattern so that we can go back and reload for example and let's work on the baseline on the filter actually to create a little bit more dynamics so i'm gonna leave just a kick drum and bass line and yeah let's leave clap as well so if we go back to sequence [Music] and now i go to filter the first one [Music] nice and on the track eight i would like to find some other melodic content actually let's go into into the synth and there are another notes [Music] yeah i think this one will work let's use this one let's pitch it down a little bit to g4 or maybe a sharp [Music] okay let's try to work on the sound a little bit [Music] yeah i don't want this transients i just want this sound to be like clean but then i'm going to introduce beat reduction [Music] so instead of having like transients and then cleanse out i would rather have it like the clean sound but distort it with bit reduction a little bit [Music] and here let's use delay [Music] overdrive [Music] and with an lfo we can modulate the amplitude envelope decay time which is going to give us different decays and hence we're going to hear different amount of like also like dirtiness from beat reduction affecting the tail of the sound so it's gonna be some kind of interesting and for that we can use a sample and hold mode so basically this one and then random shape [Music] yep that works [Music] i think we have too much of an lfo over here just let's use it just a tiny little touch [Music] and then on amp i can go and decrease then on this hi-hat over here let's use lfo on punting but in an interesting way um i'm going to go i'm panning then the square wave super fast like 2k fast and then this so it kind of distorts the wave shape a little bit because of the cuts that the the square wave creates and then punch the signal which creates this kind of a stereo wide situation and with the second lfo we can use sine wave here we can affect the speed or the depth actually of the first lfo let's do it so it's gonna always travel a little bit more into stereo and distorted part and then back into your face the this one open hat you can pan a little bit to the right so that they do not hit at the same like time together nice then baseline [Music] maybe with an lfo we can just modulate slowly the [Music] filter resonance maybe just tiny touch you know what let's use the first lfo filter resonance and then let's do sample and hold as well and a little bit of depth i don't need it to go crazy [Music] maybe we can go slower [Music] nice nice what about our clap [Music] a little louder let's find it to the left a little bit [Music] this frequency works [Music] noise is a little bit too loud is it [Music] nice [Music] and now let's use our compressor so i'm gonna remove the gain makeup gain and upper the threshold to the top and i'm going to leave it at default settings and then go into all compressed signal and now lower the threshold until the moment we see some gain reduction so now [Music] we see it and i'm kind of sure that kick drum is quite loud maybe in headphones it's not that loud but anyways yeah i think somewhere here is about right maybe a little bit more yeah like this and then we can gain a little bit back a couple of db [Music] okay that works [Music] nice i already would like to jam on it [Music] yeah let's actually do it i think i'm not gonna take time to arrange this track properly but rather practice a couple of times and just play with mutes and and different performance tools again i'm not trying to make a complex track but rather have fun and share some knowledge with you guys let's play it [Music] so [Music] [Music] i think that's pretty much it for today and i hope you enjoyed watching this video and i hope you've learned something new for yourself that you can apply to your own music production workflow [Music] and if you want to get the digi tag consider using the affiliate link in the description down below it's going to help my channel without extra cost for you [Music] and if you would like to check another video where i make beats from scratch on the digi tag with factory samples you can check this one or if you would like to learn my digitakt arrangement strategy you can check that one and until the next time have fun [Music] you
Channel: Ihor
Views: 2,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ihor, poplava, ihor poplavskyi, poplavskyi, igor poplava, ipoplava, track from start to finish, digitakt, digitakt jam, digitakt live jam, downtempo electronica, beats from scratch, make music fast, groove from scratch, minimal track, samples, dance music from scratch, how to make electronic music, drum machine, samples to flip, dance music, digitakt idm, digitakt factory samples, music from scratch
Id: IpWf6j5rpAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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