"Downpour Worship" Steven Willoughby BOTT 2008 BOTT 2008

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what a church this man and his wife Barbara had built now he don't want another oh seven either but he said quite a revival would you help welcome to this pulpit my very dear friend brother Steve Willoughby come exalt the name of the Lord [Applause] [Music] go ahead and lift your voices and clap your hands all ye people make the joyful noise to the Lord hallelujah who would deny hallelujah that were standing on holy ground that we've been invited into the holy of Holy's hallelujah to feel his redeeming love and power and grace and strength hallelujah Jesus you have brought us into the kingdom for such a time as this and we give ourselves unto you holy hallelujah with our hearts and ours mind and our strength I am of the opinion that it pleases God if I approach Bo TT as a gift from God to me and if I do that I believe that if we do that that we can leave here with balance that you have to take part if you want to leave here with balance you have to take part as a whole it's okay to have your favorite and discuss what you thought was best for you but to fully benefit you need to take but as a whole I think that you need to review and go over and listen to everything that's been said and so in this great tapestry of artful God designed ministry woven in to of 0:08 I bring my thread of exhortation and together when Uncle Jeffrey says the last word tonight we can have a pretty complete idea of how to pursue Jesus into 0:08 that's what I believe I believe that you can find here what you need in your hour of need so with that in mind Acts chapter 15 can I talk to you a little bit about downpour worship downpour worship can I tell you about my journey to attempt to become an extravagant worshiper acts 15 in verse 15 and to this agree the words of the prophets as it is written after this I will return and will build again the tabernacle of David which is fallen down and I will build again the ruins thereof and I will set it up I don't know if you can find any more I wheels attached together than that why is God so passionate and so I will on this matter that the residue of men might seek after the Lord and all the Gentiles the hell oh the Gentiles every continent every people every language every dialect every tribe every tongue upon whom my name is called sand the Lord who doeth all these things you may be seated out of all that God has ever built as far as I know he has only one reconstruction plan in progress this pattern is so perfect that it doesn't need refitting it needs rebuilding it is and will be as I said and as the scripture so emphatically states it will be built with you or without you with me or without me it's going to be done by someone so I decided it might as well be me I might as well get fully completely immersed and saturated involved because if you can find out what God is doing if you can find out what's on God's agenda if you can see what's on God's day-timer and if you'll cooperate with God you are guaranteed success and I love success because I serve a God who succeeds he's not into failure it's not on his agenda and so it shall be done says the Lord Almighty but it's not built with state pomp and ceremony or predictable outlines and immovable service orders now this place is built with freewheeling whosoever will break out break loose break free wild abandon 24/7 365 days a year any time anywhere any way workshop and of course I'm talking about the tabernacle of David but the tabernacle of David wasn't just a place it was a lifestyle David's commitment to worship permeated his whole life David's commitment to worship superseded his position you want to see greatness bringing the ark into Jerusalem one of the first acts of his kingship David catapulted his popularity when he took off his position David elevated the posture of praise above position or title David took off his royal robes that announced his position because he knew that position entitles with all their dignity and decorum had the potential to stifle worship I'm not just talking about superintendent or press for the positions I'm talking about if you're a business a CEO or whatever you think your title to making you somebody special yes but David said I won't live like that he said you never get too dignified to worship and he built a tabernacle in testimony of that attitude because david knew that worship is the great equalizer extravagant lost in the spirit act to impacts ik ated lose your position worship is the great equalizer well I can never live in a foreign country like Alan Sean he just happens to be one of my personal heroes if I can use his name no but you can worship like him I can every curry and work with weird cultures like Bruce how does no but you can worship like in rather Jeffrey and I say that very affectionately I've been a Jeff Arnold groupie since I was a boy uncle Jeffrey I might not be able to preach like you I can't crush a softball like you I can't put the spin on a ping-pong ball like I remember how bad you beat me when I played you at youth camp one time you didn't let me score a point but I can tell you this uncle Jeffrey I can match you on the Boogaloo yeah I can't do all that other stuff but honey you said the Boogaloo bar as high as you get it get it up there in the stratosphere and I'm gonna be right there beside you and anybody else that has a mind to you're not limited you can do it it's just a matter of do you want to preaching is an invitation not extended to all but the call to worship is an open whosoever will preaching requires a calling worship requires a willing all you need to be a great worshiper is a word directed will david showed us that not everybody can wear the royal robes but everybody can be an extravagant worship her everybody nobody's disqualified if you got a won't to if you got a desire if you understand how great how awesome how noble how perfect this Jesus bow to his name and to his glory to his power and to his authority well you saying I don't have the youth or the strength well then do the Freddie please Freddie was 88 years old Freddie was 88 years old an ex nightclub singer the first time he ever set foot in church he had a Filipino housekeeper that found Jesus at tabernacle joy and she wanted Freddie to get what she got Freddie was frail and can barely walk it was slow going for him to negotiate all the stairs in our auditorium it would have been much easier for him to stay at the entrance level because you come in and in our place and then there's there's a whole bunch you have to come down a bunch of steps to get to the front row it had been easier for him stayed at the entrance level but in those days at tabernacle joy we had a habit of announcing at the beginning of the service and we point to this area here and say ladies and gentlemen the dance floor is now open I'm talking about two stayed Chinese that just you say well generations I don't have they're not open to that kind of stuff honey this isn't this is an American culture we're talking about this is Bible culture this is a man at your own heart David God directed word wield culture now Freddie had heard the invitation to the dance floor before but he never heard it in church but some got a hold of Freddie and Freddie Freddie started like this is about his speed and he'd had to come to the steps and he did negotiate and the little finger plain-old hold his hand and he'd shake and he'd come down the stairs and he'd come over there and he'd come all the way all the way over here to the front though because he wanted to be where the action was when he was a nightclub singer he wanted to be where the action was so he's gonna be a one God Jesus name I'm talking apostolic Freddie decided he wanted to be where the action was so Freddie come down them stairs and he get there in position and we crank up that youthful music that old people shouldn't lie but Freddie started doing what I came to call the Freddie are you gonna have to face freddy in heaven you go ahead to explain the dog why Freddy 88 years old was willing to make the trip down trot to do what he could do he wasn't gonna just sit there and pattycake he was doing the Freddy so don't give me no belly aching excuses of why this or why that if you've got a won't to you say well bread and belly with me I understand where you come from it's all about dancing with you huh no it's about giving honor and proving lordship ultimately worship is about lordship who's in charge flesh and logic are spirit and word it's about to whom am i submitted am i submitted to place and face are the holy and mighty am i submitted to polish pride and self presentation where am i submitted to the worship commands of jump shout clap deal Wow Wow it's all about honor it's about worth how much is he worth to you how much is it worth for your wife to be healed of cancer what does it mean to you for God to step into the middle of your storm and say peace be still what's it worth it's taken me 15 years to get comfortable with the dance there's some areas that I'm having to work on I found out here cuz we're not comfortable with them Oh sister man can ask us what would happen if we all did the O and we're and we're going oh god goes sorry I'm not impressed didn't seem that pay I mean if I remember what I wrote down was with all your heart all your strength oh I'm sorry but uh oh you said well you're trying to program us to be like you know you don't have to be like me I was it brother had the priviledge beard with brother Williams just recently I come walking in he likes to crank it up you know and then you come walking in and when we came walking in he gave I I've been with him here this before but we came walking in and the music was already playing and he goes yeah yeah and when he did the Holy Ghost we're loose and that congregation knew that he had invited the presence of the king that the pastor had come into the house of worship and yeah yeah this is what it's all about this is what we do it we're giving honour and glory and majesty and power unto the one who sets up on the throne I don't care how you do it just do it [Applause] yes are you Jesus for you Jesus for you it is for you yes yes we honor you we praise you we magnified in order to prove honour and worth it is my feeling that there must be a physical emotional and material response physical is action that's the voice the body the music the instruments emotional that's the motive that's the heart and then there's the material that's the giving that's the putting your money where your mouth is let me say it another way the key emotion of worship must be love foundation the key attitude of worship must be surrender the key act of worship is obedience I do what I do because I love him and it pleases him not matter to me whether you like it or not' as long as I'm getting his favor as long as I'm getting his smile as long as I know Jesus is into it that's what motivates me it is love my whole attitude is what do you want me to do give go stop start talk listen I'm trying to let you understand I understand that it's more than this my whole act of worship is obedience to giving giving my praise and worship that's for myself and for him giving my time in ministry that's for the body of Christ that's helping my brothers and my sisters you hadn't worshiped until you've done what sister Miki just talked to us about and then there's giving giving my finances why would I do that because that's for evangelism there is in spite of what everybody is saying and some people are so stinking negative but there is a spirit of giving that is coming on the church a spirit of financial lordship that is all about his it's his and he can ask for it when he wants to and the spirit land God induced Jesus inspired sacrificial moment when the body gives without reservation or logic it's happening it's already happening it's not coming maybe a quit griping and grumbling it might come to you hear me it will happen because worship giving launched the New Testament church in the hyperdrive that's what happened in the book of Acts and it's the same thing that will teleport us to the New Jerusalem honey we're not going home until we learn to open our purse strings and get the gospel to the Lost what good is it to have the truth and know the truth and not sin the truth bottom line it takes money and money comes by giving not keeping you don't get more do you giveaway well if I had money I'd give no you wouldn't [Applause] I'm trying to curb my tongue because I wanted to say something that I might because I curse because it's just not true because the scripture says give and it shall begin honey you got to start the process [Applause] people say many interesting things to me and sister barb we get sincere compliments people come up to us and say I really enjoy watching you to worship I understand that I remember at world conference in Manila in 1985 my first trip out of the us watching brother tackle Mariam knowing that he had lost a child by somebody bashing the child's brains out the enemy soldiers had tortured his family knew something about that to see him worshipping so extravagantly high I remember how that moved me but here's what you have to remember watching someone worship may bless you but it won't liberate you or deliver you or empower you or healed you to get those benefits you'll have to worship yourself there's another statement that people sometimes make that I understand but if you say something like this then it makes me understand you don't understand and it might be a comment like this well I wished I had your energy to worship is that what you think do you think I do this because I have a super abundance of energy that I just need to burn off I hate alarm clocks what a passion and that one this morning I wanted to send it into eternity my body is saying if you got a lick a sense you just roll over and go back to sleep if there's an abundance of energy flowing in me it was absent this morning I made a statement earlier that all you need to be that all that you need in order to be a great worshipper is a word a Bible directed will don't let your will your your your will direct you let the word direct your wheel set your wheel according to the word that change for me came about ten years ago because honey I didn't start out this way I didn't get the Holy Ghost from here from age seven to 12 because I was too shy to raise my hands I didn't I was called to preach when I was 18 didn't tell anybody to that's 23 I've already wasted 10 years caring so much about what people thought and letting how people viewed me or how I thought people viewed me to keep me from doing the will of God I don't have ten years to waste I don't have ten years to teach an Asian group of people of how that go into the throne room boldly how they can come into the house of God boldly that change came for me when I quit view in Psalms 149 3 let them praise His name in the dance and psalm 32 and 11 shout for joy all you that are upright in heart as worship suggestions previously I thought extravagant worship was like an extravagant yellow canary paint job on a Lincoln Town Car it could fit a few personalities but not mine you follow me then one day the whole ago spoke to me and said stay Willoughby you could catapult your life and ministry into another dimension if you treated worship as a command and not an option options are according to personal preference and taste commands according to law and principle you think dancing is like seat warmers in a car you can have them or you don't have to have them but you've still got power to go places it just feels comfortable you know makes me feel good to have these seat warmers on a cold day but God said I want you to think of worship more like the engine and the gasoline that powers my presence if you start thinking of worship and praise and thanksgiving as it's the gasoline and the engine you're gonna realize you're not going nowhere you're not having any revival you're not having any victory if you don't get plugged in know what to say it the word of the Living God you can understand extravagant worship equals extravagant presence I inhabit the praises among people how much presence do you won't Steve will me David wanted us to understand that worship in Thrones Jesus is the king of King and worship is what in Thrones him Kings do their best work setting down from the throne they dispense justice they make royal proclamations of power and authority they extend remember extend the Royal scepter and royal favour the King sets everybody else stands valves kneels except of course the pretenders to the throne they don't like bow any meaning we've got to remember this church a king no matter how powerful he is cannot enthrone himself what makes a king a king is the voluntary enthroning the lifting up of the people in honor love and respect making him their Lord if he and Thrones himself he's a dictator and so what we do what I undiscovered is is if I worship Him he shows up and when I realize that he showed up it's my job to show off you're not gonna get complicated from me folks it's gonna be pretty short sentences he shows up I show off I don't broke it down but as simple as it can get if you understand he is not 18 he is the king of all kings and the lord of all lords so when he shows up and I appreciate it I start showing off I start talking I start bowing I start kneeling I start dancing I start shouting thou art worthy worthy worthy is him who sets up on the throne to receive honor and glory and power and majesty well well you know I'm just not sure I just don't know I'm I'm not that easily convinced well while you're making up your mind because here's what I learned extravagant presence brings holy conviction you can't have a holy God show up and manifest himself and unclean sinners comfortable we had too many people visiting our church and not touched clothes the King wasn't there if the king is there they'll go away talking about who they met you know I don't believe what happened to me when I was this last Sunday I went to this church and the King of Kings showed up so while you're making up your mind about whether this is good or bad please don't mind if Tabernacle enjoy in Singapore if we continue to act lunatic in extravagant worship and on Christmas Day just in 207 when we had a hundred and twenty visitors who were invited to a Christmas party get bushwhacked my divine conviction resulting in 55 receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and 22 baptized in Jesus name upon me I'm sticking with the program I'm sticking with magnifying him glorifying him let each sinners know there's a real true Living God he's a lover he's a forgiver he's a savior [Applause] yes yes yes yes yes yeah yes we need a yes in our spirit yes take that hell what are you gonna do with that hell simple definition worship is the visible overflow of love what love has no evidence without a visible manifestation God so loved that he gave love devayne demands manifestation during our honoree 6 + 5 foundation of loan and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might I'm not a theologian either birthday me but I got a computer also and the extent I'm pushed to own an off button that's about pop-up a couple of windows I hit that Strong's Concordance on the word heart and right beside it it said mind and understand me with my mind I understand from God's Word the value and the importance of worship then I clicked on soul it said appetite and desire what am i hungry for [Music] then you see because I understand my emotions become involved I'm thankful appreciative loving joyful excited some of us just start with the stop with the heart will I understand that he's a great God you haven't fulfilled the law until you get your soul involved and they don't even begin with just your emotions it says might this one really fascinated me it says vehemence vehemently by implication holy speedily diligently exceedingly fast louder and louder quickly it is by mite that I display exhibit demonstrate that I understand his value and that I feel deeply about it and I do it vehemently speedily exceedingly louder and louder so I'm not apologizing I'm not apologizing I'm not apologizing for spinning or dancing or leaping for shouting I'm not apologizing because I want to get my heart my soul and my right I want Jesus to be clear on something I love you I love you I'm willing to show it I'm willing to demonstrate it I'm willing to put it on display it's not just lip service I mean but the color might be from all than I am from all that I can be come on one more time one more time [Applause] haha I'll complete this part just saying commands of worship or action commands you may be seeing the Bible's worship commands are inclusive not exclusive make a joyful noise it didn't say make a joyful noise in G minor or D diminished I wouldn't have a clue that that's what it says but it says no ways the craziest thing you ever seen in church is when sister Mangan invited me to get in the microphone where the last night apparently she don't have a clue that the winner beside of the family can't carry a tune in a bucket but honey fire I can make a joyful noise and so I'm qualified so are you so are you let everything that hath breath it didn't say let everything with an IQ of 300 [Applause] know the big qualifier is are you breathing cuz if you're doing breathing you can do the Freddie you'd at least there's the Freddie if you breathing if you can't do that do this the main thing that excludes worship is pride and reason pride and genuine worship cannot coexist simultaneously when one is present the others absent because worship neutralizes pride and I'm going to conclude with explaining a little bit about this worship is both the prelude and the postscript to victory in the middle of Barb's fight for life God woke me up wide awake at 4:30 one Sunday morning when I awake that quickly that wide-awake I'm reasonably sure it's God cuz I don't normally have trouble sleeping and God said to me my first waking moment very very distinctly it was with a gentle yet a commanding voice you need to get to know God intimately enough that you recognize the tones of his voice and he said this is the word he said I woke up and he said ask me for length of days this is after six months of struggle this is after six months of the doctors saying we're not trying to cure you we're just gonna try to keep you around as long as we can so I did exactly what God it laying there in the bed I said God I ask you for the length of days for Barbara and then I got up to find the scripture scriptural precedent and so I found in some 21 and for he asked life of thee and thou gavest it him even length of days forever and ever I started it looking before and beneath looking at chapters 20 and 21 it is believed that in Psalms 20 that David is going to war and that in his wisdom David understood that victory comes out of worship David knew that the depth of my worship determines the height of my victory David didn't do his biggest damage with a sword nobody extended the kingdom like David but David did his biggest damage with a harp so David went to the tabernacle of David because before I go to war I go to worship and he arrives at the tabernacle and there David would pray and the congregation would in agreement say yes God bring our king home safely bless our leader when he goes out to battle and then David would make another petition and they would echo back and it was and it was back and forth standing there before they Ark of the testimony standing in the presence of God we're only the high priest had been allowed previously but now David said we can come boldly into the throne of his presence and he was teaching the people that he's accessible to the little people and the big people you know whatever your status it didn't have anything to do with status it had to do with desire and then if you reach up to 21 it is believed that chapter 21 is after the victory and David is returning to thank God for the victory achieved that he had previously prayed for and believed for so what's he doing he's sealing the victory with worship victory comes out of worship but he knows that the next victory comes out of Thanksgiving oh oh we're not running the owl's now if you're having trouble with your next victory you might want to go back and check your last Thanksgiving it's not enough just a petition and ask and believe but when you get what you asked for you need to be thankful grateful I didn't get it because I deserved it I didn't get this because I've been good enough because I've been holy enough cuz I have no righteousness except yours I have no goodness there's no good thing in me I didn't do this because I'm a giver I didn't get this because of this reason or that reason it's because your merciful your gentle your kind your loving your extended into me your grace it came by your grace not by my goodness and I'm thankful I'm thankful I'm grateful I know that I'm dependent upon you I know I can't build a church without you I know fifty five can't get the Holy Ghost except you be the altar and you draw them it was from this passage that God spoke to me the congregation was with David and agreement they were saying of their King we he asked you see this is talking about when it says the King it's saying our King asked you and you gave him length of days just like he asked you preserved him in the battle and we're grateful we stand together in this and God said Steve asked me for length of days and I'll give it to you so I didn't question I asked but after I asked I said God why would you do that and in verse 7 21 for the King talking about David trusted in the Lord and through the mercy of the Most High he David shall not be moved God said you have trusted me I said oh if that be true would to God that that would be true I remembered God took me back to a few weeks before I remembered a gut wrenching conversation I had with God a few weeks earlier the one that prompted it was good barber said to me she said Steve I know God can heal me but I don't know if he chooses to you say is that faithless well it was kind of based on experience I've got several friends the fellowship prayed for them but they buried their wives guts that you're gonna be okay I told God I I don't want to just be okay but for six months he'd been silent we had this conversation because when we gone to the doctor the doctor had started prompting Barbara with with what she could expect when paralysis started because the cancer was right here he started telling her she like have numbness and her fingers have started going through all of that stuff about what he anticipated because her pain was keeping her bed fast 20 hours a day and I told God at that time that I wanted her to live and I told God I said I'm from my vantage point I just simply can't live without her I told him that she was important to me to her children to the church and to revival in Asia but others have said that same thing I said God she must live but if you decide other the hardest words I've ever said but if you decide otherwise I will love you and I will trust you and I crumbled to the floor in the agony of what I had just said but I made sure that I meant it before I got up now I don't know how God makes up his mind about stuff I don't have a clue I don't have a clue I don't know how he decides who will have the testimony of deliverance Shadrach Meshach and Abednego or who have the testimony of Hebrews 11 others the only thing I know is either way it requires and proves trust and that's what he's after you ask a question brother Anthony where are the prophets that prayin cancer's defeated I want to say that they are arising just a few days ago before our December deep call of t Palin Shum called me from Pakistan he was being very soft-spoken he said Stevie he said I've been like a dog chewing on a bone praying for Barbara for about 30 or 40 days now and God spoke to me yesterday he said I I'm coming to DCD because God spoke to me he said I'm not the most qualified he he started wanting to kind of let me know that he thought they'd be more important people I said no no I didn't want him disqualifying the word that he already had in his mouth not that I could teach him but I I and I said brother Shaun say what the lord has told you to say and he said I'm coming to Pakistan coming to Singapore he said in God had commissioned me to lay my hands on Barbara and say it's enough it is finished he said I know that it's accumulated prayers of literally thousands and thousands that have been praying and to the body of Christ I would tell you that we are embedded to you beyond your ability to comprehend or my ability to really understand myself but we are indebted to you and he said God is going to bring this trial to a conclusion and so he came he prayed and I promise you God shook the house and I had a vision the way that I see things and I saw myself sitting in the chair in the doctor's office and I always said in the chair and barber sets next year he and his desk is in front of us because the doctor told us from day one I can't get you back to the health that you had last year I can't get your tumor marker counts back down to what they were much less to normal he went even talking about Norma he's just saying to what they were in 205 he said you can't expect that and I saw him slide of report a blood test report and when I looked at the number it wasn't we're just into the good like it was an o-5 it was back down into the normal range and in my vision when I saw that I stood up and I declared this has happened as a myth because it is a miracle from the Lord so when brother psalms are praying and I'm a seein I go and get me a microphone because what I've learned to do is before my flesh chickens out I put my mouth and my testimony on display because if I think about it a couple of days I might talk myself out of it and say well that was just a feeling that was just me eating pepperoni pizza or something so while it's still hot in my spirit I get my mouth to declare the word of the Lord so I walked over and I got the microphone and I announced to the entire church what I saw in the Holy Ghost you say well aren't you afraid you're going to have to eat those words what if it don't come true here's what I decided and I'm closing with this I'd rather eat a prophecy unfulfilled than a promise unclaimed [Applause] so you want to know what I was doing last night when sister Bonnie and brother Eli and better Anthony was making that declaration you want to know why I came out here acted like a fool because I was singing it brother Eli with a dance oh yeah honey I got a word from the Lord and before the devil had time to put it down I said no you know I'm sealing that with a dance honey I got scriptural precedent that's what Jesus did the disciples came back the Devils are subject to us in thy name we were astonished the Devils are subject to us in thy name and Jesus said I saw Satan fall like lightning boom when 70 nameless nobodies started operating in the power of the name Satan failed like I and the scripture says that same hour Jesus rejoiced the English translation doesn't do this justice because when you look up that word it means leaked it means spin it means jump for joy it means that Jesus literally done like that why did Jesus rejoice what did he see that got him so excited he saw the promise of possibility those seventy nameless nobodies were a experimental prototype a dry run if you please of the blood washed Jesus name and powered Apostolic Church and when Jesus saw how well his experiment worked he could only imagine how bad it was going to be for the devil in 208 when his endtime generation kicked in the deal in the gear so Jesus sealed it with a dance he started spinning he started rejoicing oh come on if you got a word from the Lord and bought so far if you ever got it you give you got one you need to give him you need to seal it with a dam you need to seal it with a leap you need to seal it with a shout if you ain't got word do it in anticipation it's coming it's coming he said we're going to the other side he said it's ha fire not my power or my might but by my spirit say oh yeah come on come up put a dance to it put a shout to it put the cloud to it do something you never done to get something you never got because the glory of God yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah to him who sits upon the throne be honor and glory and majesty and power and praise forevermore [Applause] dancing
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 13,361
Rating: 4.8965516 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Steven Willoughby
Id: FDOrCCcvMe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 53sec (3473 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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