Downloading Virus on Real PC (live)

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we have a camera set up right over here so I can show you guys that's the PC in the back you guys can't really so I have two I have two mouses this mouse over here I'm gonna take off my gloves because the gloves you know don't laugh at the gloves don't laugh at the gloves listen I have too much mice for my computer I have a Logitech one and I have a Razer one the Logitech mouse is going to be controlling this PC over here the real PC where I'm gonna be downloading a virus in a controlled environment this is all look at the bottom text the bottom of the screen this is all going to be done in a controlled environment um the internet is off on the real PC don't try this at home you can read the text on the bottom of the screen but um you can see that camera is set up so I can show you guys the entire setup I can showcase absolutely everything for you guys so what viruses will I download now I have a USB in my pocket now this USB over here if you guys haven't seen the last couple of videos um testing viruses against malware like I tested malware against antivirus sorry that's what the title of the video is I just glitched there I tested malware against antiviruses absolute Banger go check it out and then there's um I destroyed PC games with computer viruses too go take a look at those videos they're bangers I'm gonna be using viruses from that those uh videos but I'm going to be doing it on a real PC right now so switching to now I'm gonna just explain to you what you're looking at when you're looking at this scene over here bottle of water from staying hydrated don't worry about that um this screen the one over here this is connected to this computer so these two are connected together this is what I'm streaming off of you guys can even see the live chat right now popping up right so um this USB I'm going to be plugging this USB into give me a sec there's a computer now I'm going to show you where the real PC is let me just take this point down you guys can see the red can you guys see that red light coming out of there that's a real PC um that's where I'm gonna be sticking this USB inside and that real PC is streaming to that computer over there using Elgato so I don't know if you guys can see the Elgato you guys are probably not going to see it doesn't really matter sorry don't worry about the I I'll I'm like having a garden fever right now you guys can take a look behind me I have a lot of plants stop spamming the chat guys please so we have people inside the stream people collectively coming up two at once two at once I can do two computer viruses at once I can do that because since it's a real computer it's gonna be a little hard to recover the let me just fix this it's gonna be a little hard to recover the computer now I actually wanted to know I'll show you guys this little magical device here almost broke something one sec I'm gonna show you guys something real quick one sec so I have a little magical SD card over here and this SD card now it took me a while to learn how to do this but this SD card when I destroy Windows is 256 gigabyte SD card wow my beard is wild right now fam don't worry about that don't look at the beard this 256 gigabyte SD card it houses windows with all of my programs on windows so basically once I destroy the real PC oh hello wrong one sorry once I destroy the real PC that PC right there which is connected to the bottom like down here I showed you guys that already I can re-install windows with every single app pre-installed onto Windows go look out a video on YouTube if you want to learn how to do it it's it took me forever to learn how to do this but I could basically this right here is infinite Windows is Windows 11 isos or Windows 10 isos of all my programs pre-installed so I can destroy the computer uh send the computer to the shadow realm a real computer and then reinstall windows with this SD card pretty badass all right people are saying mems I can't do mems because if I showed you guys the screen right now this is the other PC this this little mouse tiny little Logitech mouse over here is controlling this PC now if I showed you guys I'm not connected to my internet internet is off because you know I don't have I don't have any Wi-Fi settings enabled there's no Wi-Fi settings enabled but um should we go ahead and get this started put a one in the chat if we should go ahead and obliterate a real piece with a computer virus two computer viruses three computer viruses and then maybe later on in the video will enable Windows Defender to see if the virus could be destroyed by Windows Defender I I don't know but put a one in the chat let's see what's happening we have one sporting good look at all the ones right here I can this is how I see the chat in case anybody ever wondered so we're gonna put okay this right here like I said this is the SD card with Windows ISO on it never gonna run out of Windows um where's oh no I just lost I actually oh never mind it's right here so this is the infamous USB that I'm going to be plugging into the real PC switch it to USB mode so this is Type C mode and this is USB mode I'm going to show you guys this now hold on let me just set up the camera so I can show you guys what it's gonna look like I'm a one-man show right now okay so don't don't come at me for for doing all this myself now I'm gonna switch to this sorry about the mess sorry about the weights on the floor don't roast me now I'm gonna take this oh I have to I have to disable internet after disabled I'm not sorry the virus and thread protection let's disable the virus interpret protection right now so uh virus and threat protection sorry I have to kind of like look look around the screen because you can so if you take a look every oh pillow oh you can't see it right now so I'll do this and I'll do that in a sec one sec real-time protection off Cloud delivered protection of automatic sample submission of tamper protection of yada yada yada now don't try this at home ladies and gentlemen now I'm going to switch to this camera over here wearing socks yeah don't roast me these are these different pair oh no I thought they were different pairs of socks never mind okay sometimes I like to wear different pairs of socks again don't roast me for that now it's plugged into the PC we have all the viruses loaded this is the real PC now I'm going to show you guys bring this camera back up it's a little bit I know this is a little bit wonky right now but you guys are gonna have to allow me now I have the the camera set back up here it's hard to see the computer screen but that's why I have this monitor over here I wear missing match socks too you're a good friend I downloaded the most dangerous computer viruses seven it's going to be coming out soon it's being worked on right now the viruses have been selected for number seven I like that you guys want to see it we had a Super Chat coming sorry about that I didn't even notice from KB Hawkins good to see you again Kev it's been a while I know I haven't been streaming a lot and I'm going to be streaming um I'm gonna try to stream every single Saturday so put that in your calendars put that in your notebooks whatever you want my beard is pissing me off look at this what is happening here it looks like a freaking Devil horn sticking out of my beard I I know I didn't groom today I just popped out of bed and I was like yo I want to go live and I'm gonna go live so put one in the chat right now if you guys are ready to see me showcase computer viruses versus a real PC let's get it oh we got one's coming in all right I'm actually excited I'm actually kind of nervous at the same time so where the folder where it says antivirus versus virus that has the bonsify but uh the bonsify that has muscovium that has mems it has Ico Ico Ico was a banger sorry I muted myself there for a quick second if you guys want to see me run remember the sounds that came out of the Ico virus yo I actually don't know if you guys are going to be able to hear it oh my God I didn't think about that oh wait wait wait wait oh look at this look at this the sound is disabled I didn't think about this oh my God are you guys gonna be able to hear it detecting problems um oh this is not good wait one sec one sec I have to oh you're not going to hear the virus real Tech yo where's the HDMI how do I find the HDMI because right now I wanna before I run this virus yo I have one chance of doing this right now I need you guys to listen to me very carefully somebody who understands peace like computers I have an Elgato oh my God are you guys gonna be able to see this over there but beside the zoom I have an Elgato hd60s that Elgato it's connected to my real PC how do I get the sound from this oh no this is going to be a nightmare oh this is gonna be a nightmare okay go to your programs and see if there's connected devices it should be there properly oh this is not good okay oh I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea so right here this comes with the Elgato it's called the chat link I'm gonna see what happens when I stick I'm gonna stick this in to the headphone jack of the computer oh my God this is terrifying what's that I'm just this is all being done right now in a controlled environment real PC let's see if I got it oh okay okay okay so I switched it look at this we have a volume setting on the bottom what just happened volume setting real Tech headphones oh okay I think I got it I think I got it now hold on hold up I have to make sure that the audio is going to come through here uh webcams hd60s yeah it looks like so now I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do a sound test how do we do a sound test oh no just opening up a DOT MP3 is there any MP3 files bro I have to I'm not connected to the internet people okay hold on let's see if there's sound test did you guys hear that yo you no that's not good you guys can't hear that eh everybody's saying I leaked that's not my IP try it I mean that's that's not it I have vpns enabled up the wazuka but how the right now my only question is can you guys you guys are saying you can't hear the sounds that's not good no sound no sound okay we're gonna figure this out we're gonna do this I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure yo stick around I'm gonna make sure I get this done and we're gonna figure this out together so sounds um it's on this computer now if I go to webcams audio properties down mix to Mono test audio not working it's not working so we're not going to be able to hear sound we're going to do a virus that doesn't showcase the sound I'm just trying to think of what I can do right now so the headphones chat link I can connect it to chat link oh that's a good idea of properties I'm gonna add sources so I think I think I have a solution to this I've got a solution to this I'm going to add a source right now I'm gonna hit audio input capture add source sound capture I think so let's just try now let's try a test now nah that's not working line capture so I'm trying to hd60s let's try this one test all right um I'm having a lot of trouble oh maybe there's another switch there's another switch right here what's this isolator on yo I'm having trouble sound sound capture okay we might be able to get this I still have one more shot I have one more shot at this let's hit test nah thank you so much for subscribing I appreciate that where do you want to hear your audio what is your audio input oh my God hd60s all right so it looks like I'm gonna have to Showcase a virus without the sounds for now and hopefully we're gonna be able to hear the sounds I'm not gonna have too much hope for this another option I have I do have an option I actually do have an option I'm gonna take my headphones oh my God all right so we're gonna be able to hear the virus we're actually arming oh ow that just hurt thank God that wasn't turned on to that camera yo put an F in the chat for the camera right now yo the chat is glitching eh yo how do I we're gonna go here browser refresh let's get it we got it I have an idea there's always a solution not every solution is necessary okay all right filters edit filters I'm gonna take off the noise suppression so you guys gonna probably be able to hear it now headphone jack nice let's test the audio this should work three two one eight all right so what I'm gonna do now now this is good this is good we have sounds we have sounds somewhere we did it we did it we're gonna put this over here we're gonna bring the microphone down all right now the microphone's closer to you this is good this is good we have the viruses now are you guys ready put a one in the chat oh we're gonna show this because this is the camera that fell BT dubs put a one in the chat if you guys are ready to do this um let's get it let's get it let's put the volume down oh my goodness now this is where what we've all been waiting for we're gonna take the Ico virus again do not try this at home whatever I'm doing right now is being done in a controlled professional environment I am not connected to the internet therefore the virus is not going to spread to any net any devices across my network um the the computer is going to be destroyed it like once the computer is destroyed I am going to be taking this SD card over here and reinstalling Windows with all of my programs pre-installed minus the viruses minus the malware and I'm going to be showcasing this virus for you guys so again do not try this at home don't try it at school don't try it anywhere no loopholes are you guys ready so we're going to take the we have the Ico virus we're gonna take it put it onto my desktop paste it now I'm going to disconnect the USB the USB drive hit eject perfect now I can take it out of the little PC over here all right I took the USB out Ico is on the desktop should I add disk I am disconnected from the internet I just want to clarify to you guys disconnected like there's no internet on the bottom right here I'll even put it on airplane mode to make everybody feel better airplane mode so you know bringing a real PC on an airplane you get it um what am I forgetting should I do should I put one more virus on the PC should I put this back in and do two viruses at once instead of one virus yes or no put a one for yes put a two for no or should we just do the Ico right now are you guys ready oh we have yeses we have yeses some people saying no some people saying yes now Ico is a pretty destructive virus oh my God we have a lot of ones and a lot of twos should I should I start a poll I can start a poll I'm gonna start a pool where's my cell phone oh my God my phone okay let's start a poll real quick live oh what's up everybody okay so I'm gonna say hi first just see if I'm in the chat hi perfect yo if you guys are using mobile I want you guys to spam the living expand this oh hello if you click this little heart over here you click it these are gonna appear spam your favorite one I want you to spam the life out of it first all right now I'm gonna start a poll while you guys are doing that live chat publicly as crypto NWA I can't start a poll through my phone I can't start a pull through my phone we're gonna be adding another virus screw a poll all right so let's just stick that baby in I want you guys to obliterate that let me see how it looks like are you guys even obliterating did anybody listen to me do I have any if anybody's watching on mobile destroy that little heart on the bottom of the chat by the way shout out to everybody that's in the chat it's gonna focus never gonna Focus shout out to everybody in the chat that little heart right here destroyed the living life out of that button it's a new feature on YouTube and it's a test and if you guys like the videos and you guys like the channel I know everybody's saying do it do it do it do it okay so the next virus we're gonna add so we add panko is a destructive uh dead fish Bonsai buddy okay we'll take bonds to fly it and we'll add Bon Supply onto the desktop as well interesting so now now we're gonna go and we're gonna disconnect the um oh boy all right um now we're gonna eject this I'm a little nervous guys let's get it all right safe to remove I want to ask a question do you guys click eject before you pull out something or do you guys just yank it out of the computer not giving that crap let me know in the chat right now yank it or eject it I just want to know that's that's such a that could be misconstruted as anyways everybody he's saying fake what do you mean fake okay I'm gonna show people that just started that we just got into the chat right now this is another this is a real PC right here that's a real PC I just connected this USB into that real PC that real PC is connected to that Elgato hd60s that hd60s is that PC right there that is how you guys are able to see that PC right there this is not freaking thing I don't want nobody calling this fake sorry for the yelling by the way this is not fake okay don't call me out like that because I am doing a lot to prove that this is real but being done in a controlled environment because take a look I'm disconnected from the internet I want airplane mode this is a real PC but it's not going to spread across the network once the PC is destroyed I'm gonna be taking this SD card sticking it into the PC reinstalling Windows from scratch and uh but not from scratch sorry with all my programs pre-installed so whatever you see on the screen over here where it says nordvp and WinRAR steam Microsoft Edge Google Chrome um VM all those programs are going to come pre-installed on this SD card with Windows it took me forever to do this but this is not fake so please don't call this fake I did a lot to prove that this is legit all right I know so let's just set this camera back up nice if that camera falls on me again I want 100 F's in the chat all right so now now that I got that out of the way you guys are gonna be able to hear the viruses should I I'm gonna start bonzify first ready run as administrator hello not found access is denied oh he's right there oh boy oh boy okay okay it's got 30 seconds left until I activate the final destruction 30 seconds y'all ready download yourself skip the installation I have to install something for Ico to work look I don't have the Internet connected look I couldn't it says I can't download it because I don't have the Internet connected that's a good sign but I can't run the virus oh that's not good so where did Bonsai go so the Bonsai buddy Bonsai buddy just completely disappeared I'm going to take this microphone before there's more ear destruction Bonsai buddy just what's he doing to the computer is he doing anything at all yo your mic had mad background reflection I know because um I long story short I had to Showcase this virus and I can't get the sound to come out of this PC over here that you're looking at on the screen so I'm getting it to come out of these headphones that's why you guys are taking this microphone I'm bringing it close raising the volume and playing the playing the the virus for you guys so what virus interpretation is off hold on right now I'm gonna I have to install Ico on the computer but the Ico virus is not it literally says an app on your PC needs the following feature I have to download NET Framework 3.5 skip the installation oh all right I guess I gotta add a different virus in I'm going to take okay oh wow this is terrifying I'm gonna add a different virus in because the Ico is not going to work all right we have that installed right is it installed why doesn't why is nothing coming up why is nothing coming up okay okay we have it now we're gonna add the Miss Colombian virus because Miss cobium is pretty there's a safety virus if have you guys ever wanted to see a safety virus you have to extract it foreign all right now we're going to eject sorry I have to like I keep I keep moving around because I don't know you see this camera this I have to like look around the freaking computer to see what's going on I know I have it the setup is not mastered yet but it's gonna be mastered eject now what it's currently news cancel okay I'm gonna take Miss covium I just hit it I just clicked it I just clicked it I just clicked it what's Bonsai Bonsai rules what okay that's the real PC that's what it's looking like right now [Music] what yo every what happened what happened what happened okay yo what the hell happened don't worry about the background noise I want you guys to hear the virus coming out of the headphones over here what on God's green Planet happened bro Bonsai okay this is virus versus virus I think Bonsai buddy just beat the muscovium virus I clicked the Bonsai rules Bonsai rules Bonsai rules what kind of nonsense oh ho ho this is a stream wpankosa yo this is pecosa responsible for muscovium oh yo Bonsai buddy Bonsai buddy discovian virus this is not a w to pankosa or whoever made oh this is terrifying hold on wait wait wait wait wait okay so right now I can just look at this screen let me see something actually what I'm going to do is right click this and hit is there a full screen mode there's no full screen mode on this okay that's cool that's fine why the hell is Miss covium not working oh W to Bonsai buddy so what happens if I open it again he comes again oh yo the muscovium virus is rendered crippled right now okay so what happens if I turn on viruses oh oh what what's blindsify continue I see already as administrator it's telling me to install this for Ico so bonjify is saying no suck everybody in the chat no suck no space s u c c oh my God sorry about that everybody yeah I'm gonna be enabling the the noise cancellation because I know some people can't bear the sound of the noise background but now the noise cancellation has been enabled again okay um okay Windows Vista is my favorite operating system according to Bonza Bonsai buddy is a Window Vista is his favorite operating system yo what's your favorite OS in the chat if you say Windows 8 unsubscribe right now Windows 8 was trash put a put in one if you hated Windows 8 put a two if you hated Windows 8 and put a three if you hated Windows 8 I'm not accepting any fours if you like Windows 8 because if you like Windows 8 get out of my chat what is your favorite everybody say windows 11 Windows 10 11 95 okay people are saying Linux some people are saying Mac OS one two threes oh my God oh what do you think no stop Windows retry Windows is in danger according to bond Supply expand dong yo expand get this installation run as administrator it doesn't work anymore Miss Colby up does that hold on troubleshoot the program I'm troubleshooting what's the problems with the program oh hello the program worked earlier versions of Windows the program opens but doesn't display correctly the program requires that I don't see my program listed test the program oh okay Miss holdium are you sure you want to run the virus describes lbr this is the last warning the creator of this malware will not be responsible for any destruction caused by this malware are you sure you want to run it so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to disable guys I'm gonna disable the the noise suppression so you're gonna hear the background noise a little bit because bye-bye Bam Bam again Bonsai buddy buddy just beat the muscovium virus again again Vine sauce is my favorite anime he just said Vine sauce is my favorite anime Yugioh I'm a Yukio guy over here is Yugioh even a real anime honestly who do you guys consider that a real anime yo this is bad what does it say what did the Beavers say to the tree it's been nice knowing knowing you it's been nice nice Windows is in danger lemon mixed with milk lemon milk lemon mixed with milk yes free try no suck oh this is insanity Let's test the program again yes it will destroy the computer yes let's see if Bonsai buddy is going to win again [Music] fine sauce is my favorite anime oh my God Bonsai buddy just won a again yo everybody put a W for Bonsai buddy in the chat right now this is insanity so I took I have a USB plugged into a real PC right now that real PC right there has a USB I know that's a kind of sketchy looking PC it's in a sketchy looking place but don't don't mind that um that is plugged into again I'm just showing the new people in the chat that's plugged into the Elgato HD which is how you guys can see it right here this is insane I want to W for Bonsai buddy yo muscovium cannot even penetrate Bonsai body that is insane Bonsai is actually a giga Chad that is insanity abort no suck what did the beaver say to the tree it's been nice gnawing you oh this is insanity bro [Music] that's the real PC I just want to see the next oh my God oh my God [Music] [Music] oh no [Music] that's the computer that's literally what it looks like this is not a joke this is not a video effect that PC is being obliterated right now that's what that PC looks like Bonsai buddy is not winning this time oh oh oh oh the sounds are still coming but it doesn't look like yo W's in the chat epilepsy warning has been in effect the entire freaking time by the way oh my God [Music] yo [Music] epilepsy warning epilepsy warning please crazy bro this is a real PC [Music] foreign just ran into a problem and needs to restart we're just collecting some error info 81 complete oh no that might look Pro Series that's my motherboard MBR is corrupted by Yo shout out to that person who made this computer virus shout out to that person oh my God this is all being done in a controlled environment literally that's what my computer looks like right now that's what my computer looks like right now not even messing around okay so I'll show you guys right now hold on let's see how we can do this is there a way okay what I'm gonna do is switch to this camera the RX I'm gonna go down and hit oh how do I do this is there a better way I'm gonna hit reset on the PC there's a reset button here this is that computer I'm gonna hit this reset and see what happens I'm gonna move the chat wait okay I just hit reset HDMI port nice what's going on I reset the computer there we go it's booting it's booting again there we go it's so every time I'm clicking this this is switching between the scenes like this is what this scene looks like of the screen oh this is not good oh this is the oh I'm telling you guys this is actually I'll show you guys actually a live clicking so some people believe it look power it's restarting that's the HDMI logo that's the that's the motherboard again corrupted by the MBR are you freaking kidding me oh that's bad he's gonna reinstall Windows so this SD card right here some of you got that right um this SD card I have to basically I'm thinking right now so this is the keyboard ah I forgot to show you guys this this is a Infamous keyboard here that's this keyboard is plugged in so if I click enter enter oh nothing's happening this keyboard is connected to that PC the one on the bottom this little Razer keyboard I hope the keyboard's not corrupted that's impossible right they can't clear up the keyboard right imagine giving a keyboard a computer virus by the way somebody gave me an idea for making uh computer viruses versus VR headsets what do you think of that idea epileptic seizure full in effect um now I'm going to take this SD card stick it into the PC all right everybody's saying yes for that that's a sick idea I like that comment left by that user that was such an awesome idea so um now we're gonna switch to this camera over here beard is looking a little wild right now don't mind that now what do I do what do I do what do I do let me just think for a second okay now I'm gonna hit I'm gonna switch back to this camera what I'm gonna do is hit restart and spam f11 or F12 or whatever on this keyboard reset spam oh let the motherboard come back up spam f11 or F12 on this keyboard I don't know which one it is at 10 11 and 12 I don't know here we go bios what SanDisk partition one no mass storage SATA solid status oh I have a question can I not even use an SD card what if I click this please select boot device MBR is corrupted okay I don't even think I can use an SD card anybody who knows windows can I use an SD card for boot or does it have to be a USB because I can do either or you can't see the PC I know you can't see the PC because right now this is what the PC looks like them so um let's do this again let's hit reset f11 and F10 f112 whatever I'm hitting it on this keyboard over here I don't know which one it is better restart we're gonna see the motherboard pop up okay it has to be a USB only oh no so that so this is a SSD this is the USB with viruses on it oh no
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 33,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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