Downloading LANDSAT 8 Data

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[Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to today's qgis tutorial in today's lesson we'll look at two common ways used by remote sensing experts to download landsat data in order to serve you better and be able to cater for all your questions and your special training needs we are launching wise js academy you can follow this link for more information you can also join our patreon by following the link in the description below let's go straight to today's exercise so today we're going to be looking at downloading lancer data data landsat 8 data is an american at observation satellite launch in 11th of february in 2013. it is the 8th satellite in the landsat program the seventh to reach orbit successfully application of landsat images include land use land cover agricultural management fish and wildlife science forest science watershed management climate change energy and mineral development defense urban planning cultural resources and management in anthropology archaeology education and then emergency or disaster management so let's look at the first way that you can actually download these lancet data so we're going to go to our browser in this case i'm going to be using google chrome so i'm going to open google chrome then in the search button i'm going to look for earth explorer and then hit enter then i'll select at and it will take me straight into earth explorer so you can actually see that i have some wild map here where i can zoom in and out and pan around so the next thing you want to do is you want to just select a region where we want to do our analysis or our we want to actually get the lancet data from so i'm just going to zoom into an area that i want to get my data off and i'm going to go to uganda here and i want a region around like albert here so i'm just going to zoom out a bit so this is my target area where i want to actually download landsat 8 data so the next thing i'm going to do i'm just going to make some nice polygon here as my area of interest i'm going to click on this first point here second point third point what point after selecting my area of interest i'm not going to go to that's data set and actually before we we select these i'm actually going to just scroll down here so that you can see the kind of features that are available here and you can see you can actually customize and say maybe you want some certain cloud cover range or certain results that you need but i'm not going to go into this first now that i have selected my area of interest i'm now going to go to data set so i'm going to click on the data set then there are very very many kinds of data sets that are available in art explorer but you're interested with landsat so i'm going to select landsat it's going to pan down like this a bit then i'm going to select landsat then i'm going to select landsat collection1 then i'm going to scroll down again and i'm going to select landsat collection one level one and within landsat level uh collection one level one you can see this lance at eight lands at seven lands at four five lands landsat one to five so what i'm interested in is i'm interested in the landsat 8 so i'm going to select landsat 8. once i have selected landsat 8 i'll go to the additional criteria and i can do a little bit of customization like for example i can say i want i can say i want the land cloud cover to be a certain percentage so i'm going to select land cloud cover then i'm going to say maybe say less than 10 percent then i'm going to also do the same thing to the sin cloud cover and i'm going to also say i want it to be less than 10 percent and you can actually do a lot of other customizations depending on how you want to get your data so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to click on result to get my results and it will start searching for my results and possible landsat images for that region so you can actually see it has given me some results here and you can look at them using the date here this is 2021 this is 2021 february the 9th of february 2021 that is when it was actually acquired and you can actually look and see all the other results so what i'm going to do is we're just going to scroll through and i can see actually there is some image here when i click on it it is it looks a bit clear and with less cloud cover so this might be interesting to me because i may be wanting to do some analysis in this area so i think i have the data that i want to download and for example if you want to just look at some of the data that is around the whole of this area because of the they have different parts and you can see this is path 173 row 58 and this is 173 row 59 we can actually click on this foot here to just look at their placement so when i click on this foot here you can see this is the path that it is placed on when i click on the other foot here on the the the landsat image above and you'll see it is now for this region so for example if i'm working on the whole of these two regions i can actually download both of these data and then merge the data and use it i can click on the other foot below here and you will see it actually is for the image below here so i'm just going to actually uncheck the two because i already just want to download only this image for this area then i'll scroll on my right and you can see there is the download option here and you can see for me the download option is active it is actually active this is because i have already logged in if you haven't logged in into earth explorer you need to actually create an account with at explorer but since i've already logged into at explorer i'm just going to click on download so that i can download my landsat 8 image so i'm going to click on download and it will load the options the download options for me so you can see the first image is natural color images yes natural color image is a thermal image which is very small 1.6 mb then there is a landsat look quality image which is also small inside then there is the geographic reference which is also small but what we're interested in is the level one jotif data product which is actually a big file so you can see for my case it's actually 815 mb so i'm going to click on download this is actually the file that has all the information that i want for my landsat 8 image so i'm going to click on download and then wait for it to start my download then i'm going to select the folder i'm going to start downloading it so i'm going to download it into a landsat 8 data folder that i had actually created and it's a star file so i'm going to click on save and then i'm going to click on start download and this is actually going to take some time so i'm going to just go to the next step see you when my download is complete we have our result which is a dot file so what i'm going to do is i'm in order for me to access the information that is in i'm going to unzip this file so i'm going to right click on the file and i'm going to extract it in this folder and now we can access our landsat files for the area of interest and you can see it has all the bands that are necessary for our different kinds of analysis so you can see there is band one band two band three band four band five one six band seven band eight point nine band ten band eleven then there is this band band bqa and we have the mtl file which is very very important actually going to be to to see its use when we are actually doing our next step so let's go to qgis and load our data so we are going to load our landsat data in qgis by creating a new blank project and then since it's a restart layer we're going to go to layer add layer address the layer they're going to browse wherever layers are data landsat 8 data and we can open the file and you can see we have all our data available so i'm going to actually just load the layers into qgis add close and you can actually see now we have all that such data in qgis so that's the first way of how to download landsat data and you can see the different ones that actually have some different kinds of information different depending on reflectance so the second way you can actually download landsat 8 data is by using qgis as the software so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just first remove all these landsat data that you have actually downloaded here so the second method that you can actually download your lancer data without even actually going to the at explorer site is by using a plugin in qgis called the scp plugin the semi automatic classification plugin so i'm going to go to plugins it's a plugin that you haven't actually installed so i'm going to go to plugins manage and install plugins then i'm going to go select all here and then i'm going to search for the semi semi automatic classification plugin i can see it's here semi-automatic classification plugin then i'm going to click on install and the smear automatically execution plugin is actually a very very useful plugin especially in remote sensing and you're actually going to be using this plugin so much in our subsequent lessons so it's very very important that you learn how to use this plugin it was developed by luca and it has actually so many downloads almost a million downloads so i'm going to click on install the plugin and the plugin has been installed successfully so i'm going to click on close and you can actually see the sap doc has been added here and above here you can actually see on the toolbar we also have some new functionalities here so the next what i'm going to do is i'm just going to close this first for me for the time being first here but you can still have a blank uh only a blank layers but i'm going to show you how we can actually return the sap dock here so actually on the menu but you can actually see the scp has been added here we actually want to learn how to download now the landsat 8 imagery without actually going to at explorer so i'm going to select the sap menu then it has actually so many functionalities that you're actually going to be looking at in the subsequent lessons but what you're interested in is we're interested in downloading our product and so i'm going to select download product and the kind of product that i'm actually interested in is there let me just uh pull this window here up so that will make this window a bit bigger so that you can actually see whatever i'm doing then the next thing you want to do is we want to look at the product what kind of product do you want to select there are actually so many products that you can actually download so for our case you want to download the landsat 8 data which is the l8 only data here i'm going to select landsat 8 data here then you can actually customize the dates if you want for specific dates you can actually customize here your maximum cloud cover you can actually reduce it to maybe 10 percent or 20 percent depending on what you want so but for the first thing we need to actually look at these tabs here there is the login tab the search tab and then there is the download option tab the first thing you actually do is you actually go to the login term and you can actually see there are three ways of actually logging in and downloading the different kinds of remote sensing data there's login here for landsat data and it is in there then there's a login for us and what is data there's the then there is a login for sentinel data and there's the copanicas you and you can actually log into these first by copying this link or clicking on this link and then opening it in a in your browser and registering then you can bring in your username here and your password as soon as you are registered in earth explorer if you want to get modis or asta data you can actually go to this link here click select all the all this link paste it in your browser then register you can also do the same thing for these here if you want sentinel data you can actually copy the whole of this link and paste it in your browser then get the user username and your password and then make sure that when you bring your username and your password here because maybe if you're working on your personal computer always click on remember password so that you don't need to actually enter your password every time you want to download any kind of data so you can actually put all of them here once you do that i've already done that for all of them so the next thing you want to do is you're going to select the download options and there are very very many downloads options you can actually put for the landsat bands you can actually decide the kind of bands you want to actually download if you uncheck a certain band here it will not be downloaded so you can actually just check the buttons that you want to to download from here you can also do the same thing for the sentinel data it actually uh select the kinds of bands if you leave them checked or if you leave all of them checked then it means you'll be downloading the whole letter for that scene that you have just selected and you can do the same thing for the sentinel the sentinel bands so after looking at the login and the download options we're going to go to now the sites now we want to search for our landsat data make sure that the product here is launched at eight if you are actually going to download landsat 8 if you're downloading any other kind of data just scroll and select whichever kind of data you want to download so landsat 8 data now the next thing you want to do is you can actually have the latitudes and length the longitudes for the upper left and the lower right but for our case we don't have the latitudes and the longitudes to input here so what i'm going to do is now i'm just going to introduce a base map here so that you can actually look at the area that we want to get our data from so i'm going to just minimize this first then the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the htmgs plugin then i'm going to introduce a base map and i'm going to just bring in the google satellite hybrid then i'm going to zoom in to the area i want to get my data here and it's around it's around like albert here in uganda so i want to get the landsat 8 data for this area so i'm going to now bring back my semi-automatic classification dock here now i'm going to now use these uh set area in the map so i'm going to click on this once then let's just minimize and you can see a plus icon appears so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select the top left by right clicking and then by left clicking and then the bottom right by right clicking and i have selected my area of interest so after selecting my area of interest i'm now going to go now back to this document you can actually see now the coordinates of my upper left and the lower right have been added here so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go now to the other criteria i can actually change the dates here to different dates so i can maybe say from any january 1st 2021 which is that to today so i want some landsat 8 data for that coverage period so then the cloud cover i can say instead of 100 i can say maybe say 10 again then i can click on find then it will start looking for my product and then you can see it has loaded actually some images here and you can see i only have three results so maybe to improve my result count i can actually just come here and save maybe the maximum cloud cover i can just actually increase it to 30 percent then click on find again and you can now see i have even many more results for that area of interest so the next thing i'm going to do is i can actually come under the download option here i can remove these pre-processing of the image because you're actually going to learn how to do the pre-processing of the image then load buttons to qgis you can actually load them directly to qgis if you want so i'm going to leave these only if preview in layers so i'm going to actually be able to just download data that i've already actually selected and previewed in my qgis here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select maybe let me select image 7 then click on the preview of image 7 and when i move aside you can actually see that is the preview of where my image is and if i'm satisfied with this image then i can just return here and because i have actually saved only if preview in layers i can just click on run here so that i can start downloading my landsat lancet 8 image here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to now click on run and i'm going to save it in the lan search landsat 8 data i'm going to select that folder again and my download starts so this also takes a little bit of a while if i minimize it you can actually see it's downloading my landsat data and it's at one percent so this actually takes quite some time to download because it's a big file so i am going to share the results of my download in the next lesson that's it that is how you can actually download landsat 8 data one by using the app explorer and two by using qgis scp plugin be sure to join us in the next lesson we will now go a step further and do the different kinds of analysis using the landsat 8 data if you found this video useful and you want to learn more on qgis subscribe to my channel for those who want to take up a complete course from basic to advanced years you can register with yes academies by following the link in the description otherwise i'm just happy you're here see you in my next lesson
Channel: WiseGIS
Views: 650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #qgis, remote sensing, #lansat 8, downloading lansat 8, open data, earth explorer, corpenicus, earth data, qgis for absolute beginners
Id: 0fJciXxh-BE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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