Immigration consequences 'coming home to roost’ as Labor Senator calls for sanctions on Israel

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now let's talk about Labor Senator Fatima payman who is uh calling on the albanesi government to sanction and disinvest from Israel accusing the country of genocide against the Palestinian people how many mass Graves need to be uncovered before we say enough how many images of blooded limbs of murdered children must we see how many Horrors need to be repeated before we feel that this should end how many Palestinian lives are enough to call this violence against them terrorism kosha she also used the phrase from The River To The Sea which the Prime Minister has been clear to to condemn to say that it's a uh statement that promotes violence and here he's got a senator saying it he's got a problem on his hands as do his counterparts everywhere so I look at the Senator uh the same thing with the United States Congress Rashida Tali Elon Omar it comes Downstream from immigration that topic we talked about again this is some of those longer term consequences whether intended or unintended coming home to roost uh in many ways but right within the left side of politics and liberal democracies it's really coming home to roost because there's a a huge refracturing and realignment of the fault lines in that party and I think that colors what you see in terms of their positions with respect to Israel with respect to protesters with all of that because they're kind of speaking they've become a two-headed beast in a way and they're speaking to two factions that don't agree on this issue that's said the Biden Administration has got these issues as well and talking about the left of politics Senator Lydia Thorp has posted this image of herself with the message got my ciron for Parliament today power to all the students camped out and everyone that's been coming to rallies and standing up for justice shame on Vic labor for Banning C fears in Parliament there a real gam lot they are free Palestine uh really the Australian upper housee is disgracing itself what did Paul keing call them unrepresentative swill I think he was being kind uh now let's move on to albo evicting one of his tenants from one of his investment properties uh this is an incredible story Jim Flanigan was handed an eviction notice on the 8th of May to vacate the three-bedroom townhouse where he's lived for 4 years the pm has said I've had him in the property with the rent being about half what is the market rent to keep him in for longer so this is very interesting indeed the PM must be a saint just giving away free rent there essentially uh but I do question the uh the wisdom of evicting a tenant during his prime ministership you would just think yeah sure if you were an everyday ordinary person who wasn't in public office you may make this decision but the optic here are not great that's a very interesting point uh you could say that it's principled and he's saying hey if you know I want to evict my tenant I'm going to do that and I guess that's right you could say it would be nice if our leaders showed principal consistency on all sorts of other issues including ones that don't directly affect them but uh you know I think it's a fair argument on the facts of the case it's is right as a landlord to do that but uh the Optics are interesting and he's injected something that becomes a proxy story for all sorts of issues people have with housing and rent price and cost of living and all of that they can project onto that those pain points and he's invited that upon himself and this is very different to that image of himself that is cultivated you know he grew up in a commission house he's yeah he's from labor socialist left faction and yet he's got multi-million dollar investment properties uh I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that I'm just saying when you fight the culture wars and uh also you know paint this image of I'm fighting the Tories and the rich don't do this and the rich don't do that and you're part of true all around the world the ZIP code outside DC is the wealthiest zip code in the world one of them and it's the same same point absolutely now liberal Senator Alex antic has called out big tech companies who employ Former Intelligence um employees and conspire with governments to censor and ban speech big Tech is the perfect intersection between government the ruling class and the intelligence services along with their mates in big business you see what they want you to see Australia is at the tip of the Spear of the global censorship movement and I suspect that many who are involved are blissfully unaware and think that they're doing the right thing by shutting down and deleting so-called Miss and disinformation but let's be clear the government isn't thinking about your safety and it doesn't care about misinformation what it cares about is making sure that you see an approved message at all times what is said in Parliament this week uh has been established by inv itive journalist kosher including Michael shellenberger who we've interviewed on this program this is a huge issue because these platforms are now the digit digital Public Square this is where people discuss issues but this is where they find out information it is he's one of the few elected leaders direct enough and brave enough to say that it really is a convergence of all these power structures as you mentioned it's big Tech it's government people who Aid in aedit like the E safety commissioner and others uh and just other people at the top the ruling class um I think as he put it is the issue we've called it the battlefield of the century in a way it's another day in that movement the problem is that for a country like Australia certainly we shouldn't be aiding and abetting things like with the E safety commissioner but there's little recourse little remedy we really have in terms of trying to break up that power that big Tech plays in it since they're all headquartered in the United States that's the belly of the Beast where something has to happen along the lines of antitrust law along the lines of section 230 where they're not penalized we seem to be among among some of the worst in the Free World in uh uh suppressing Free Speech uh so not only are we not fighting it we we seem to be one of the worst in uh in um uh aiding and abetting it uh kosa thank you so much for your time this evening
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 26,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6353006188112, fb, msn, opinion, ritapanahi, yt
Id: _J9b2Tiy6gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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