Doug Batchelor : Noah (part 1) - An Ark of Salvation

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many people believe that the story of Noah and the flood and the ark is a fable it's a fairy tale like Mother Goose but indeed it's a very real event that can be seen not only in the person sitting next to you we're all related to Noah it can be seen in the geology and it's seen in the cultures and the histories of virtually every people around the world coming to you from the capital city of California amazing facts presents the everlasting gospel we're gathered with God's family of faith at the Sacramento Central Church together we will explore the Bible with teacher author evangelist pastor Doug Batchelor in the atmosphere of heartfelt prayer to our Savior and Lord move by songs of love and praise for God in His amazing grace and inspired by the dedication and personal witness of our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ we will study the timeless everlasting truths of God's Word from messages which inspire us with the hope and freedom we have in Christ to practical down-to-earth sermons which give us the tools to live godly lives in a secular society as well as messages that give Bible answers to our spiritual questions and look at what God says about the future there is sure to be something for everyone so we invite you to join our family and experience the transforming power of God's Spirit in your life this morning we're continuing if you happen to be visiting a study on the subject of Genesis and today we happen to be in Genesis chapter 6 going to be covering basically one chapter Genesis chapter 6 chapter 7 overlap and we're continuing our study dealing with Noah today it's the Ark of salvation now because this is such a big study and it's so important I'm really breaking it up into in this presentation we're going to talk a little more about the ark and you know I could go on for weeks dealing with just the subject of Noah and the Ark and the flood and in our next presentation we'll talk a little more about the flood I want to read something to you I thought was interesting the company library of the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company in New York City has one of the most complete sets of records of maritime disasters outside of England the completeness is so legendary that someone once asked Atlantic if it had a record of Noah's Ark in due time The Inquirer received this information this is what they had on record at this insurance company in New York City built two thousand four hundred and forty-eight BC gopher wood pitched within and without lengths three hundred cubits with fifty cubits height thirty cubit three decks cattle owner Noah and Sons last reported stranded on Mount Ararat now you know we're laughing because we think that an insurance company that records a maritime disasters would actually have a record of Noah's Flood but they're just doing their job because it's real many people believe that the story of Noah and the flood and the ark is a fable it's a fairy tale it's something that we would incorporate in nursery rhymes and children's stories and people have a lot of fun illustrating the idea of Noah and this boat and of course you've always got the giraffe and the elephants sticking out people think it's a story of fable like Mother Goose but indeed it's a very real event that can be seen not only in the person sitting next to you we're all related to Noah it can be seen in the geology and it's seen in the cultures and the histories of virtually every people around the world one reason that I take the story of Noah very seriously is because I believe in Jesus amen I believe in God's Word Jesus spoke of Noah and the event of the flood as a fact not a fable you can read about it in your Bibles in Matthew 24 verse 37 through 39 and one reason we are considering the story of Noah today is because Jesus tells us that we should he tells us the story of the Ark and the flood is there as a reminder of what is coming in the future so we do well to reconsider the events of Noah and the flood Matthew 24 verse 37 to 39 jesus said but as in the days of Noah were so also will the coming of the Son of Man be for as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and he did not know until the flood came and took them all away so also will the coming of the Son of Man be now is the second coming a real event that we should look forward to and anticipate Christ tells us that what happened in Noah was just as real and it happened as a sign a symbol for what the future holds open your Bibles now with me please there are three arts that are mentioned in Scripture of course Noah's Ark that we are getting ready to consider and in Noah's Ark there was life saved an ark means a box a chamber it's a structure that can it's a container that's the best definition for an ark then of course you've got the ark that baby Moses was placed in and then the Ark of the Covenant that the law or the Word of God was placed in a savior in one hour the Word of God in another Ark and the saved in the Ark of Noah that's an interesting combination these three arcs that you find in the Bible sometimes people get the two confused in interesting ways someone once was preaching about the rocks in the Ark and someone thought they were talking about Noah's Ark and they thought they had the story all wrong people get confused Genesis chapter 6 we're going to take up where we left off beginning with verse 5 a little review if you are not here for our last study when the sons of God the descendants of Seth that worshiped the Lord began to intermarry with the daughters of men the descendants of Cain they lost their distinctive worship and reverence for God and soon because they were unequally yoked the whole earth became corrupt verse 5 then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually all the day perpetually now that does not mean that the people who live before the flood the antediluvian ran around with machine guns shooting everybody they saw it does not mean it was one constant orgy what it means is that the thoughts of men's hearts were very much like they are today people were entertained by violence would that be true of our day and age yeah if you scan the TV go to the average movie I'm not recommending you do this I don't go to movies but I do go to Taco Bell so I know what's in the movies because they advertise whatever the latest movies are at Taco Bell and people are entertained by violence how many would agree on television murder violence shooting is very commonplace you know before the fall of Rome people were being entertained by an increasing number of gladiatorial combats started with one or two people fighting on special occasions it got to where hundreds were fighting on a weekly basis because they needed more blood and more car and more violence to maintain that level of excitement and entertainment and I can't help but wonder if we are drifting in the same trend today the thoughts of men's hearts were only evil continually means selfish continually somebody observed once that the most popular magazines 50 years ago were look and life and now the magazines are glamour and self we've become a very introverted self worshipping society evil selfishness violence Jesus said that people married and gave in marriage the sanctity of marriage and adultery became very commonplace all these factors seem to be pointing to our generation that's why the Lord said as it was in the days of Noah so will it be when the son of man comes and this is one of the most profound scriptures Genesis 6 6 and the Lord was sorry that he made man that ought to cause you and I to shudder the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart you know if anything ought to bring us to tears it's when God is brought to tears God was sorry that he made man here he designed this paradise and he made these creatures that he loved desperately in his own image and they had turned to what he hates the most evil selfishness continually so the Lord said with a broken heart I will destroy man whom I have created sounds like Jesus weeping over Jerusalem I'll destroy him from the face of the earth both man and beast creeping thing and birds of the air for I am sorry that I have made them does that do to you what it does to me to hear God say he regrets that he created our world but you know God so loved the world he said I'm not going to completely destroy him because then the devil would be right then the devil would look like he's right he would look like my creation as a failure the reason God continues to save a remnant is because the devil wants to destroy and disrupt God's original plan I've got news for you if you ever want to know how it's going to end up it's going to end up like it started God began with a paradise and these perfect creatures made in His image living in bliss it's going to end that way God is going to restore paradise God is not going to let the devil completely turn over and obliterate his plan God is going to bring it to pass so God needed to wipe the slate and start but he didn't start completely he still used the original world and he still used the original people he said I'm going to prove that this planet and these people can be holy and so he decided to clean the world from all that was defiling the Bible says he's going to destroy it all verse 8 but Noah now Noah is brought up earlier in verse 5 during the genealogies but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord why didn't know find grace was it because Noah was better than other people you know the Bible tells us that grace is unmerited favor but if you read on it tells us that Noah was unique he walked with God and he was perfect in his generations so did Noah find grace because he was good enough to find grace now there's another verse I think that bears this out first Peter chapter 5 verse 5 God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble if you read the book patriarchs and prophets and I recommend that you do in the chapters that deal with Noah and the flood it tells us that the people who live before the flood had become a very selfish violent in proud people Noah was humble he walked in humility with God doesn't say Noah was sinless he obeyed God but why did he find grace because a humble heart invites the grace of God and the humility of Noah in this wicked proud generation got God's attention he said I can work with him because he's open he's humble God resists the proud but he shows grace unto the humble so no one was a man that God set aside he looked down he said I can use him and he chose no now there's several characteristics that we find out about Noah first of all keep in mind though Noah could not necessarily communicate with Adam Noah could communicate with Methuselah now how long did Methuselah live 969 years a lot of people know that number it's interesting you ask how long Adam lives and a lot of people don't know that number it's 930 years ask how long Noah lived you know Noah live longer than Adam but people know how long Methuselah live look at this of the 969 years that Methuselah lived his life overlapped the wife of Adam 243 years how well could you get to know somebody who talked face-to-face to God in 243 years and the life of Methuselah overlapped the life of Noah 600 years Methuselah lived all the time Noah was alive and he died just before the flood matter of fact I understand the word the name Methuselah means when I die it will come isn't that interesting his name means when I die it will come of course Methuselah was the son of Enoch his father walked with God I believe Methuselah walked with God there were some godly people back then but only a handful got on the ark some died and some were caught up they were translated as interesting because those things will be repeated at the very end the Bible tells us that Noah was a preacher now in the last days God needs people who are willing to be preachers I'm so thrilled when I see people like Mike who come to the Lord and they decide not to just sit on their heels but to get the message out in a very dynamic way but Noah was someone who brought his preaching into his occupation and if that's the case everybody here man or woman child aged you can be a preacher in your own respect it does not say that Noah was a pastor of a congregation did you catch that but he was a preacher of righteousness you can read about that in 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 5 and it says he did not spare the ancient world but he saved Noah one of eight people a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly Noah mixed his ministry with his occupation now the Bible tells us Noah was a man of faith that was in our scripture reading of course Noah was a man of faith and he mixed his faith with his works he mixed his word with his occupation and he mixed his faith with his works James chapter 2 verse 17 thus also faith itself if it does not have works is dead and we read there in Hebrews where it says by faith by faith Noah being divinely warned of things not seen moved you know what real faith does real faith is not just mental activity real faith moves you to do something show me your faith without your works I'll show you my faith by my actions by faith he moved with godly fear and he prepared an ark to the saving of his household now how does that relate to us today how many of you believe that Jesus is coming soon are you moved by that truth are you so you believe that so much that it influences and affects your tangible daily decisions how do you think Noah invested in the building of the Ark if he's smart he ran his credit cards all the way up and took out a lot of loans right then they had a hard time collecting I don't repeat me on that I'm teasing please I just realized some of you might say pastor Doug said no I don't do that I just that was my warped sense of humor kickin it Noah invested his means in building the ark because he believed that it would have long-term benefits to not only saving himself but to saving much life to saving his family are you investing in building an ark you know our sermon is an ark of salvation not only is Jesus of course an Ark of salvation his church in one respect is like a ship in this world and it is an ark of salvation and we should be investing in helping people get on board before the storm comes amen the Bible tells us that if Christ is in the boat we'll make it through the storm so Noah he acted on his faith the Bible tells us that Noah's faith and his message was not popular how popular do you think it was when Noah began to build this edifice that was obviously designed to float within it without line with pitch on dry land during a time when it had never rained before you remember in an earlier study it says that up to that point until the flood it never rained but God caused a mist to come up from the earth into water the ground and Noah is preaching to this wicked generation repent turn humble yourselves join me in this project of saving much life there'll be room for you and they were mocking him I believe there probably when he first began preaching that folks said you know he's right it is a wicked generation the Spirit of God was striving with people but they resisted the preaching of Noah and as time went by you know how it is please II ask these I forget what verse it is but I'll quote it because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the hearts of the sons of men are fully set in them to do evil if God had brought the clouds a few years before he bought the rain and if there was this constant view of evidence of impending judgment the people might have repented out of fear but God wanted them to believe the Word of Noah a lot of people are going to repent when Jesus comes when they see him coming but it's too late then probation will have closed and so because as time went by the birds kept seeing the Sun kept shining the bounties of the earth were abundant from year to year and the earth back then was nothing like it is today people began to say you know it doesn't look like a floods coming it's taking him forever to build the ark one reason it took so long God said my spirit will not always strive with men matter of fact I've got that scripture coming here yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years God was not outlining that lifespan of man this is Genesis 6 verse 3 he's not outlining that the lifespan of man was going to be a hundred and twenty years he's saying that from the time that God declared he was going to bring judgment on the earth and he called Noah until the flood there would be a hundred and twenty years why did God give them 120 years one thing he's merciful God is patient sometimes we abuse his patience and we presume that he never will bring judgment another reason it took 120 years is because Noah was building this massive vessel using trees that had a grain that were so tight it resembled stone in nature can you imagine cutting down trees that did not grow but they were created think about that probably most of the trees that Noah incorporated were not trees that grew you wonder what the Rings would look like in trees like that you know the growth rings because if you've got a perfect climate the rings and trees are because of the variations in climate during the year you wonder what the tree green would look like and you're not looking at trees that grew you're looking at trees that were spoken into existence and even with their superior strength I read in patriarchs and prophets it took extraordinary effort for them to work this gopher wood which was what we probably call Cypress now and that's virgin Cypress that came from the hands of God probably nothing like anything in the world today and it took a long time to build this massive vessel he probably had to support himself also while he was a self-supporting worker you might say building the Ark and trying to maintain an occupation to feed the family it took a long time but he did not grow discouraged he continued following the Lord he was mocked second Peter chapter 3 verse 3 and 4 do people mock us because of our faith today knowing this first that there will come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation as generation after generation went by the people continue to mock Noah and his sons for their project probably folks that were involved believed at first but they get tired of the ridicule what was it that made Peter denied Jesus the ridicule of the people around do you have the kind of faith where you will firmly believe in the imminent coming of the Lord in spite of the ridicule oh yeah y2k uh-huh tell me about it Jesus is coming again nothing happened all things continue as they were from the beginning stock market goes up and it goes down it goes back up life goes on eat drink and be merry will you continue to cling to the belief in the imminence of Jesus coming when people mock and scoff your faith that he's coming you got churches to continue to set dates and they create a sensation for a while and then it dies out again but friends it's going to happen and you know when he comes and when it does happen it will be too soon for most people the Word of God does not fail Jesus said I will come again and he will come again and there's going to be a storm before he comes in the same way we should not be detoured or discouraged or depressed because people scoff and mock the reality of his coming now when we deal with that scripture that said man's days will be a hundred and twenty years I want to go back to that again there is a passage turning your Bibles to first Peter chapter three verse 18 to 21 during this 120 year period of time when Noah was preaching to the wicked the Spirit of God was striving with them they did not watch Noah start to build the ark and immediately begin to mock him I think many were convicted but as time went by they resisted the spirits urging listen to this scripture is often confused 1st Peter chapter 3 I'm reading verse 18 to 21 for christ also suffered once for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the spirit now this is talking about the Holy Spirit that brought Christ back to life by whom now here by by whom is it talking about by the spirit or by Jesus by the spirit let me tell you why some people think this verse here means by Jesus he also went and preached to the spirits in prison some people believe that after Jesus died on the cross he went down to a place called Hades and he preached the people who lived back in the days of Noah to give them a second chance how many of you have heard that matter of fact is it the Apostles Creed that some churches reach and says he went and preached to those in hell and rose a third day is that what it is the Apostles Creed I used to go to a Methodist Church and they'd read that everywhere every week Apostles Creed has some good things in it but that's an error Jesus did not go anywhere preaching anything after he died on the cross this is a misunderstanding it's telling us that by the Spirit of God he preached the same spirit he preached back in the days of Noah what's that talking about you remember where we read here in Genesis chapter 6 verse 3 my spirit will not always strive with men but I'm going to strive I'm going to preach through Noah preacher of righteousness for 120 years spirits in prison what does that mean Doug it's talking about people in prison by sin that's what the Bible calls it people who are liberated Jesus came to set the captive free exodus is salvation from slavery it's talking about the people who were imprisoned by sin back in the days of Noah the spirit preached to them it's not saying Jesus went to some dungeon somewhere to give the people from Noah's day a second chance would that be fair that contradicts every other teaching of the Bible that says it's appointed unto man once to die event judgment for your life doesn't say you're going to get another chance to hear the gospel what will people think if pastors tell everybody well if you don't respond to the altar call while you're alive Jesus will come and preach to you after you're dead and why would he only do that for those who live before the days of Noah why not the people who live between the time of Noah and Moses or the peak time of Moses and Jesus it's an absurd teaching that is spread through many many churches that Jesus did not die on the cross he just went through it metamorphose so he could go preach to people who are in hell it doesn't make sense friends it's a misunderstanding of the scripture it's telling us by the same spirit God preached to the people living back in the days of Noah and it gives you the verses where it says my spirit will not always strive or preach is that clear to everybody now I wanted to make sure I nailed that real good before I move on now let's talk more about the ark I this is fun Noah's Ark people questioned whether it was something really built how big was the Ark well these are averages because it's based on cubits according to the Bible Noah's Ark was a large barge constructed of cypress wood and sealed with the mutant now we're not sure whether he used tar let me tell you why where do the oil fields come from in the world today from the flood all of this copious vegetation that existed matter of fact even the evolutionists agree that in the ages of the dinosaurs the vegetation was so much more prolific than it is today there must have been more oxygen you can find these fossils of enormous ferns as big as coconut trees in Siberia of all places the earth obviously from the fossil record went through a radical change in climate it used to all over the world it used to be like a lush garden these large masses of animal and vegetable life were covered and compressed and through the pressure in the heat they're turned into oil that's where you get oil and tar so when the Bible says that Noah pitched the boat in and out that word pitch there can be translated to mean many things he may not have used tar all it means is he sealed it with something that was waterproof we don't know what he used it might have been the resident of a tree or something that concocted from a fruit or a plant but they used some very durable obviously because the boat wasn't 40 days and 40 nights our next study will talk about it almost a year it was floating and so it had to be some very thorough sealant so they built it and they sealed it let me go on the dimensions of the ark we're talking about it had it was about 450 feet in length 75 feet wide and approximately 45 or 50 feet high with three interior dicks the decks were probably not all 15 feet they probably had a larger deck and then two smaller decks to accommodate some of the larger animals when full it probably had a capacity of 43,000 tons in a draught of about 25 feet a window appeared to be constructed around the top now the Bible says a window one cubit and you'll often see these little cartoon pictures of York where you know everybody sticking out one window of a cubit it's telling us that the window would be a cubit high but it went all the way around the ark the reason for that was that it was supposed to allow light to admit and through convection it had a natural ventilation which you would obviously need with all those critters in there of the interior so the light that came in from the window one cubit all the way around the top allowed light to light all the chambers it sort of had like an atrium in the middle that made it possible for them to throw the food down from one location like they used to do in the old barns and feed the animals and so there's probably an atrium through the middle that allowed ventilation allowed access to the animals and allowed light to admit all the chambers which you also find supported by a patriarchs and prophets the ark was the largest seagoing vessel known before the 20th century and its proportions are amazingly similar to the large ocean liners of today it's total deck area was the equivalent to the area of about 20 standard college basketball's courts or 36 tennis courts the world had to wait until 1844 before the Ark's size was exceeded in shipbuilding when the Italian liner a Torah was built now a number of skeptics when they hear about the dimensions of the ark and incidentally we don't know how long the ark was it was probably larger than 450 feet because the Bible says cubits now we don't know whether they're using the Egyptian or the Babylonian cubit the cubit is the distance between the elbow and I think the first knuckle someone might correct me but it's supposed to be approximately 18 inches the people who live before the flood were they bigger or smaller probably bigger they live 900 years which would make their forearm what bigger would they be using an Egyptian or Babylonian cubit before there was an Egyptian or a Babylonian probably not so we're not exactly sure how long it was it may have been 500 feet all we know is that there was plenty of room on that mammoth vessel not only for the creatures but for many many people a number of the skeptics also have said no ships some engineer one time did this study he claimed to be an engineer and he said the Ark has got to be a myth because there has never been a wooden vessel over 300 feet you cannot build a wooden ship over 300 feet an engineer said that and everybody repeated it it's a not true it's a myth and have you ever heard that before they say because when a large ship made of wood gets on the crest of the ocean swells they have to bend and it would snap in the middle as it was straddled by these different ocean swells there'd be too much stress that is a hoax it's not true they have made ships for years that were that big I found something in history I'll admit I first heard this listening to the History Channel I thought I got to find out if this is true and I looked it up in history books and it's true there was a man named King hole a Chinese sailor who led the largest naval fleet for thousands of years and you almost never hear about him in history because the records were largely destroyed let me just bear with me as I read this to you and this debunks that myth about the ship couldn't be any longer than 300 feet Ching Howe was born in kun yang in the Yunnan Province of China in 1371 he was captured and sent to the Chinese army under to tie in 1382 there he helped Chu ty become Emperor they named him yo lung of the Ming Dynasty in thanks Ching home was made the grand Imperial eunuch and his name was Chiang changed to Xing he young lo you still with me shows Xing who's also ching-he to head a series of naval naval expeditions to ports all over the Indian Ocean I'll just call him Ching Ho to simplify things had diplomatic scientific and commercial goals while traveling farther than any other admiral in history at the time he visited more than 35 countries during his voyages zheng took more than 100 ships and about 28,000 men in this armada of exploration around the indian ocean that's a big fleet in his grand fleet sent by the ming dynasty the largest vessels were the treasure ships four hundred and forty four feet in length more than one of them and it doesn't say they sank more than all of Columbus's ships put into in the fleet visited most of southern asia and then it goes on to say he died because of the change in chinese government they had an isolationist view and they destroyed most of the records of his expedition but some have been retrieved a ship wooden ship 444 feet so they did have these very large vessels have you ever seen the Spruce Goose they said that you couldn't make an airplane that big out of wood it's a myth it's just not true Engineers can do it so when you hear that argument don't fall for that please the scale of the ark I think is very interesting now this next picture I'm going to show you is probably the closest thing I have to what the Ark actually looked like it did not look like a Motorhome that floated it probably looked very much like a warehouse that floated keep in mind that the ships that are built today and I've got a picture here in the modern ship they are designed with hulls because they are going somewhere they are designed for speed to go a destination horizontally the ark was only designed to go vertically you understand that it didn't matter whether it was bobbing backwards or forwards side-to-side it was designed for stability in a storm now I found something else here in history I thought was very interesting dealing with the scale of the ark there was a Christian ship builder who lived during the 17th century in Holland his name was Peter Jensen he reasoned that if God had designed the Ark obviously Moses a shepherd probably knew very little about shipbuilding if God living in the deserts of Midian I don't think so if God had designed the ark then it should probably be an ideal plan so this ship builder built a ship on the same scale as Noah's Ark but obviously not nearly as big but to the same proportions six times as long and is wide and the height was one-tenth over the length though it was ridiculed while under construction it was later found after launching it that it would carry 1/3 more freight would sail faster and was much more stable than the old design and today with a little variation all modern ships and tankers are built on the same general scale as Noah's Ark isn't that very interesting to consider God knew what he was doing amen something else that people often misunderstand when it talks about the ark the Bible tells us that God told Noah that he would bring the animals into the ark some people misunderstand that to think that Noah went on a big old rodeo roundup and he had to go for years and years and try and capture these creatures God brought the creatures to the ark matter of fact I believe that was probably one of the most supernatural signs is when suddenly the heavens grew black with these birds and all these forests began to part as these creatures great and small began to Thunder the way towards the ship oh this ship led by some divine hand God worked all this out now not only to God breathe bring the creatures some people say well how did he fit these big creatures on the Orca doesn't say they were all mature adult creatures the average creature though there are hundreds of varieties are no bigger than a sheep when you think of all the big gear in small creatures in the world we always picture the ark you've got your elephants you've got you giraffes as the hippos you know we've got these big lions or on all the pictures of the Ark's because we are these big creatures the average animal that God made is smaller another misunderstanding is that God had to take two of every variety of every type what I mean by that is you can't just have two wolves you've got to have two dachshunds two beagles two Labrador Retrievers no there were two dogs how many humans did God start with look around you do we have variety today all came from two in the genes of the original was a great deal of potential variety God did not need two Siamese cats and two calico cats and two you would have never had a room for all the varieties inherent in the breeding potential of all these are early varieties was a great deal of potential for diversity he did not bring them two by two you know that song we all sing animals came walking by two.hoorah you know that two by two but we all sing those only two by two and I always like to stand up and let people know it doesn't say that the Bible tells us that he made a distinction there were male and female that duality was consistent but the amounts of creatures were different varying on whether or not they were clean or unclean Genesis chapter 7 verse 2 in verse 3 you shall take with you seven of each clean animal a male and his female two of each of the animals that are unclean a male and his female now notice this also seven of the birds of the air male and female whether they're clean or not the birds came in sevens and I'll explain that in a minute now when it tells us the clean animals were taken in seven I've studied this I'm giving you a little trivia I hope you enjoy this a little deeper study into this because you've heard Noah's Ark before some have wondered when it comes to sheep cattle goats you don't have seven Rams and seven yous all cooped up together they don't marry that way you've got one RAM and seven years or six years for a total of seven you've got one bull and six cows see what I'm saying with some of those clean animals but that's not necessarily true of all on there maybe some domestic animals where it was a male and female they were monogamous and they they went on the ark that way I've heard all kinds of study some said there were seven male sheep seven female sheep a total of fourteen sheep others said one male six females a total of seven and you can weed it either way in the original I don't know my personal opinion is the animals where you had one bull seven cows that's how God are six cows that's how God put them on the art but the clean animals came in larger proportions why one reason is only clean animals can be offered to God first thing Noah did when they got off the ark was they offered sacrifice there would have been an extinct species if they had been allowed to offer the clean animals another reason I want to emphasize this is people think the distinction between clean and unclean is a Jewish law that God gave them Moses and God doesn't care whether or not Christians eat unclean animals today that's baloney pardon the pun it's not true Noah stomach it's like your stomach because he was your great great great great great great grandfather and if God made a distinction between clean and unclean animals to be offered to God and your body is a temple of the holy spirit you don't want an unclean offering in your temple either amen and I think it's strange that even the Muslims and the Jews still abide by this and Christians think that our bodies can eat scavengers so he made a distinction in the clean and the unclean why did all the birds come by sevens and most birds are monogamous to geese mate for life and likewise with the Ducks and many evils and many of the other birds what do you think helps pollinate the new vegetation life birds help pollinate not just hummingbirds the other thing is without birds around you know how many how quickly insects multiply and after the flood if you didn't have abundance of birds we're the birds along the ark you would be very thankful that they were on the ark with all those animals because all the creeping things were on the ark not only did they have the animals there were bugs on the ark how God brought two beetles two mosquitoes I I wish that the mosquitoes had been eradicated there on the ark but how God did it I don't know you notice it talks about the creeping creatures and the flying creatures it never mentions the swimming creatures because obviously they were in water you know we have trout you might wonder how did they survive the flood with all this sediment that was turned up got a little creek by our home up in Colville oh and in the summer when it's flowing clear you see these little mountain trout that are there they're not very big but in the winter it rains so hard it floods the water just turns like a milkshake and rocks are rolling and you think no fish are going to survive I'm sure enough next summer little trout there and you think how do these crawdads and trout's survive and God has a way of protecting them out on how they do it but enough of the sea creatures survived the incredible turmoil of the sediment from the flood to perpetuate the species after things settle down and the water cleared before the flood we believe the water was probably all fresh water the flood turned up the great salt mines of the earth and there's a large element of saline you know the salt water and the earth the content of salt in the ocean is very similar to the content of salt in your body evolutionists love that that means we came from the oceans no it's the same as the content of salt in your tears and when God says that he was sad that the world was wicked the ocean became filled with tears it's like he washed the world in tears you ever think about that so people like to sometimes twist the lessons I think God has for us someone wants to know how did the dinosaurs fit in the Ark how many times have you heard that question first of all Deb do you believe the dinosaurs existed yes I believe they coexisted with man I told you I've been to that park I showed you pictures earlier where I've got my footprint right next to a human footprint which is in the same strata a few feet away from multiple dinosaur footprints I believe that they coexisted and people build this whole house of sand of evolution on dating methods if you take away the dating method it falls the dating methods that they use are very very undependable and the evolutionists do not even agree with themselves so why don't we have these large dinosaurs today well first of all I personally believe some Christians disagree with me they think the dinosaurs were all bad and they were big and so God didn't put them on the ark be careful what you say God said two of every creature and if he says two of every creature it means two of every creature right these would be the creatures that he created some things may have been amalgamated before the flood they probably did not have pitbulls on the ark people reread them later people get upset all the pitbull lovers come to me after I say that pit bulls to me are Exhibit A of something that's an amalgamation a mule is an amalgamation mules cannot reproduce very rarely you get a mule from a donkey and a horse there may not have been some of these amalgamations but I believe there were some very large reptiles that God made before the flood and I believe that they were all on the ark probably because he didn't take the great big brontosaurus and some of these large creatures but the eggs are very small specimens why did they not live afterward could be that I mean if you begin to multiply with your family and there was a wild Tyrannosaurus Rex running around after the flood you probably would have rendered them extinct pretty quickly another thing and this is a good theory that I've heard something radical happened to the atmosphere during the flood the heavens were broken up the Bible says we never had the same kind of prolific vegetation some creationist scientists believe that the atmospheric pressure of the world changed which changes the size of the creatures and the oxygen content these very large dinosaurs who maybe did not need such big lungs before could not oxygenate their tissues afterward when there was less oxygen or less pressure in the atmosphere and they died off and everything became dwarf look at the fossils everything was bigger the Lions were bigger the dogs were bigger the mastodons everything that the pachyderms they were all bigger before the flood something happened to the environment that dwarfed everything including you and me amen we're going to grow up the Bible says in Malachi after we get back to glory the important thing I want you to know and you know I have not read right through but I wanted to spend more time actually reading all the instructions that God gave know about the ark the Bible says Noah found grace how many of you would like to find grace for the next storm that's coming God destroyed the world last time with water Peter tells us the next time it's with fire then he makes a new earth except you're born of the water and born of the Spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of God you have to be born of the water born of the fire Jesus baptized and fired Pentecost the world was washed in water baptized Peter says back in the days of Noah it's going to be washed in fire next time in the same way Jesus said we ought to remember Noah because it's going to be a symbol for what happens in the last days the Bible says Noah obeyed God God is going to redeem a people that are saved by grace but they obey a lot of people are stopping with the grace part the Bible says Noah was saved by grace but he obeyed same--in just make me feel but even if you don't believe it you at least acknowledge it's true it's very consistent here first of all we read Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord and then the next verses he was a just man perfect or blameless in his generations and he walked with God you can go on to chapter 6 verse 22 the last verse thus Noah did according to all that God commanded him Noah obeyed God and then you can go here to chapter 7 verse 5 and Noah did according to all that the LORD commanded him the Bible says in the last days the dragon is especially infuriated with the people that keep the commandments obey do the commandments of God we like Noah are going to be saved by grace nobody's going to get to heaven and boast Noah was a sinner like you and me but by the power and grace of God he humbled himself he turned from the sin and he did what he could to obey God and we need to be a people who are willing to obey God and to prepare a very sober point that I need to close on the Bible tells us that there came a time when everybody got on board you can't wait forever and watch you cannot wait till the rain starts before you get on the ark you cannot wait until the heavens part and you see the glory of Jesus before you repent now days just like today are the days to get on the ark to get on board someday the door of salvation is going to close one day Noah stood in the door of the ark and he pled with people to get on board but you know what they looked and they saw the Sun was shining the birds were singing the butterflies were flitting around and they thought not now I mean everything is going ok I've got plans I'm eating drinking building marrying why get on a boat get cooped up with all these smelly creatures now because the door was going to close you can't do it when it's convenient for you you need to do it what God asks you and there are some here who still have not gotten on board with Jesus and his people because we're waiting until a crisis comes you don't always have that kind of warning sometimes it happens suddenly and you cannot always schedule when you're going to repent because repentance is a gift of God amen Genesis 7 verse 16 so those that entered male and female of all flesh went in as God commanded him gods commanded us to go into the ark it's an ark of salvation and the Lord shut him in Noah could not close this massive door God did it and no one else could open it I want to pause right here and read something from the book patriarchs and prophets verse our page 98 patriarchs and prophets page 98 mercy had ceased its pleading for the guilty race the beasts of the field and the birds of the air had entered the place of refuge Noah and his household were within the ark and the Lord shut him in a flash of dazzling light was seen in a cloud of glory more vivid than the Lightning descending from heaven and it hovered before the entrance of the ark the massive door which it was impossible for those went in to close was slowly swung to its place by unseen hands Noah was shut in and the rejecters of God's mercy were shut out the seal of heaven was on the door God had shut it and God alone could open it so when Christ shall cease his intercession for the guilty men before the coming his coming in the clouds of heaven the door of Mercy will be shut then divine grace will no longer restrain the wicked and Satan will have full control of those who have rejected mercy they will endeavour to destroy God's people but as Noah was shut in so the righteous will be shielded by divine power as it was in the days of Noah it's going to repeat itself except friends the Ark of salvation now is not a literal boat the Ark of salvation is Christ Jesus tells us John chapter 10 verse 9 I am the door if anyone enters by me he will be saved he's the only door one day that door is going to shut and when that door shuts the Bible says Christ will declare in Revelation chapter 22 verse 11 and 12 he who is unjust let him be unjust still Spirit of God will no longer strive he who is filthy let him be filthy still he who is righteous let him be righteous still and he who is holy let him be holy still behold I am coming quickly my reward is with me to give to every man according to his work are you helping build an ark better yet are you on board are you in that Ark of salvation God is going to shut the door you know there's an interesting verse in the Bible jot this down because many of you don't know it Isaiah chapter 26 verse 2021 come my people enter your chambers and shut your door behind you hide yourself as it were for a little moment until the indignation has passed for behold the Lord comes out of this place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity the earth will also disclose her blood and will no longer cover her slain a time of judgment is coming and God is pleading with you and me to enter in and to shut the door we need to be in Christ if we would be saved amen he is the door he is the Ark of salvation the church is the body of Christ and so as the elementary first step to escaping the coming storm get in the body of Christ amen it's the the first stage of the arc you might see but make sure that you are in Christ when that storm comes because the day is going to come when he declares the door shut the cleaner clean the filthy or filthy and Michael will stand up and there will be a storm a great time of trouble such as there never has been and the only way you and I are going to survive that time is if we are in that arc of salvation if our lives are hid with God in Christ and you know that you are under the wings of the Almighty these lessons of Noah are not a interesting study of an ancient fable it really happened back then and Jesus said it's going to happen again do you believe in friends I want to be in that Ark of salvation when Christ comes if that's your desire please reach for your hymnal our closing hymn is under his wings 529 let's stand together as we sing this under his wings I am safely all by though the night deepens and endless sorrow and still I and trust him he will keep me he has read and I is child is way Faison is way James who from his love of cancer I'm his way is my soul show and safely bah for before we sing the last verse I want to extend an appeal there maybe some of you here today who have not yet made a decision to be part of God's people to be part of the body of Christ to be in his church as a very start and you'd like to know more about how to do that you'd like to say done Lord I'd like to be in your church if you'd like to indicate that then we invite you to come forward we'd like to talk to you and pray with you there may be some of you who have not yet done the most important thing and that's making sure that your life is in Christ you are in that Ark of salvation you've gone through the door and Jesus is the only door he is the only name given among men whereby we must be saved if you'd like to know more about how to have that assurance that you are in Christ we invite you also to come we'd like to have prayer with you perhaps you could talk with one of our elders who are upfront here about that decision but most of all we want you to know Jesus is coming very soon friends it is going to happen the Bible tells us the Sun may keep shining for seven days even after the door of mercy is shut we know right now it's still open don't procrastinate today if you hear his voice don't harden your heart following our prayer if those who have responded would like to speak to the elders we invite you to stay by and they'd like to pray with you Father in Heaven we want to thank you for the simplicity of this message that reminds us that the story of Nora of Noah is not a dusty part of history but is very real and vital truth that applies today I pray Lord that these truths will come alive in our lives now as the spirit again strives with men before probation closes help us to enter in through that door of mercy while that time of grace lingers please bless all of these people and if there are any who are procrastinating the decision to get on board before the storm comes I pray that you will wake them up and get their attention Lord any way you see fit that you might save us for eternity please bless us all according to our respective needs bless these people and their families and our health in our occupations that we can be witnesses for you while we build an ark these things we ask it's name Amon you
Channel: Amazing Mission
Views: 23,947
Rating: 4.7818184 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, angels, light, earth, death, rage, animal, Satan, demons, human, ark, Noah, love, salvation, judgement, new earth, destruction, care, waters, dove, olive
Id: Hnx3S5FkxDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 02 2014
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