Doubling Our Fleet! - 2 NEW Purchases on the Farm!

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and i'm gonna do the 2630 uh update for the  display uh that's not really critical it's   not critical to be done today that's just  more uh just have it done before spring on   that tractor than it is on the 4650 we'll  be talking about that later in the video welcome back to warner farms guys  so i need to grab our starfire 3000   and our starfire 6000 globes i guess there's a  mandatory update for those which i did not know   that i knew about the updates i did  not know that they needed to be done   today so i believe the 3000 takes i don't know  i think like 20 minutes and uh the 6000 takes   half hour so roughly a half hour for both  and i'm gonna do the 2630 uh update for the   display uh that's not really critical it's  not critical to be done today that's just more   uh just have it done before spring but  they should be there's a six thousand and there's a three thousand so i gotta  take both of these i'm gonna go over to   our house and uh do it on the 8530 one because  it's easier to get to uh the bracket for the   globes on that tractor than it is on the 4650  we'll be talking about that later in the video and uh plus uh i can get that monitor updated  in that tractor at the same time i'm over there   all right got the globes so we had over the  weekend about eight to twelve inches of snow   we spent yesterday pretty much half today uh  plowing the farm out and over at our house out   and uh i guess they're talking more snow i think  thursday or friday and sub-zero temps uh actually   under zero probably actually down around negative  eight to negative uh starting sunday through i   think wednesday of next week so it's gonna get  cold as far as a spray tender goes uh some of   you guys were really excited to see us make one  uh dad and i discussed that over the weekend and   we are not going to be doing that this year why  well our theory is there's really no reason uh   to get hyped up about a spray tender just because  we did not upgrade sprayers that's something that   we will definitely be looking at doing possibly  uh next winter we'll see that is definitely on   the priority top of the priority list right  now as far as that and the bean planter goes   one of the things that i do want to look at over  here at our house uh while the globes are updating   um because like i said it takes a little while  to do these updates uh is i want to look at a   couple of things in our fertilizer tender we're  considering adding a couple of things to that so   i just wanted to take some measurements over  here and make sure what we are considering doing   will actually work which hopefully it  does and that will work out really well and i'm probably gonna need those we'll see how this is gonna go uh the ams guy said  he would do it for me for if i pay him 800 or i   could have our john deere dealers specifically do  it and have the service guys do it and i think i   have to pay shop rate and also per globe so you're  still looking about close to eight hundred dollars   there i was told that you can do this through  stellar support we're gonna see how it goes uh   i was told that there's potentially  i could get it run into some hiccups i think it's pretty cut and  dry and simple but we'll see all right that's latched on really doesn't need to be latched  on but i'm just gonna do it   that's plugged in all right now  let's get into the technical stuff all right let the monitor boot up  here and let me grab my flash drives that's the 3000 that's for the 2630   there's my 6 000. i put them all on separate  uh thumb drives uh software updates you know   i don't know they won't like i'm trying to think  of word here while i'm trying to set this up   i i'm drawing a blank but this should  not interfere uh this shouldn't interfere   at all because it's all on its own drive but  let's see why am i missing the drive here all right so let me grab you guys i'm gonna  need my paper too here oh all right so now we're doing usb drive through usb port 2630   insert your usb select menu message center  all right so we need to go here uh message   center message center why am i  drawing a blank right there god reprogram and gps receiver how about we go i'm a little confused because  that's actually the correct software and it's actually saying there's  no software updates available   in that it's supposed to be the 4.40 n  well it could have been remotely updated   because uh i believe you can do automatic  updates on these if i remember right with the   wireless data wireless data transfer wdt um i'm  wondering if it got updated last fall over the air   i don't know we'll see uh what the 3000 has to say all right so that's gen 4 all right here we go so what in the world oh oh oh okay i see so that's  how you select stuff all right so uh gps receiver so message center select reprogram i'm on the  right track select gps receiver select program   reprogram device and change ams guy not directly  on this scenario just on updating the globes in   general um and the monitor um i was told i  have to either have somebody do this either   from john deere or i could download the  update from stuller's support and i can   have it done that way and do it myself which it's  pretty simple as i can see to do but i didn't   i'm not understanding why everybody is saying  that this is a mandatory update you gotta   have this done blah blah blah blah blah and it's  already done i just hope we don't have any issues going into the spring with these being essentially  updated i guess i don't think we should but sort of calibrated ccm and pulling the tractor  out well tcm is not really critical whatsoever but   i can't get signal uh sitting  in the shut in here but i don't know it's kind of interesting i  guess we're good i did not expect that i   was expecting to stay over here for a couple hours  and reprogram uh monitors and all that good stuff   all right let's go look at the  fertilizer tender and one of these totes all right we've got about six uh cage tanks right  there and we've also got some in the uh dyke um   i would say probably about five  275 gallon ones and about four uh   330 gallon one just over the years from chemical  and fertilizer we're considering putting one   oh i don't know if that's gonna fit  through there uh back there where   that ladder is so let me watch this door and  i'll explain more what we're planning on doing oh man how are we going to do this you  want to put a cage tank back   in here probably well it'd probably be sudden  over here um because uh our micro feed for side   dressing uh we can either get in two by two  and a half's or a tote and our theory was   is that it would be a little bit easier  to have a tote in here with a meter on it   a 12-volt pump and then just pump it directly into  our inductor so uh we're also planning on adding   micronutrients to our two by two by two and our  starter we run infero and two by two starter so   some call primary starter on our two by two uh and  then others call uh infero uh secondary starter or   vice versa some like to flip that around and call  primary uh starter infero really doesn't matter   we call it two by two and spin for row so anyways  um we're planning on adding micronutrients to our   two by two which is two inches on either side  of the row uh with our dual through our dual uh   fertilizer injectors from yetter um we're thinking  of running 10 34 0 and uh 32 half and half with   micro so what we would end up doing is is having  uh two by two and a half's or uh a taupe if we   can get a tote which shouldn't be a problem um of  micros of a mix and again you know just have the   tote in here you know this tote wouldn't be coming  in and out obviously we would just get it in here   and uh have the pump on it and just pump  directly into our inductor but i don't know how easy this is going to be i  really don't want to take that apart it's one of those things where i wish we would  have done it last year when we were putting it   together but i short of getting something else  like a tank and putting in here i don't know   i'm gonna have to do some looking on enduroplast  and see if there's a small tank that we can put   in here instead of a cage tank it would be really  awesome to use a cage tank but i'm afraid a cage   tank would also take up a lot of room in here all  right i did some looking and looks like norwesco   would be the best bet because you can get a 250.  basically what i'm trying to get is something   that's uh under 40 inches in diameter so i can  get it through this opening without having to   essentially move anything that's already bolted  down and uh plumbed together anyways looking   for something that's under 40 inches in diameter  and it looks like norwesco would be our best bet   uh probably like a 200 anywhere from  like a 250 to 300 and some gallon   nothing real crazy over 350 anywhere between 250  the 350 would be would be adequate for what we   need because some of this stuff could potentially  go on at a gallon of the acre depending uh   because our use rate last year on some of this  micronutrients is like at 68 ounces to the acre   and uh potentially that rate might end up going up  to like a gallon to the acre uh from what it looks   like on some of these charts just based on some  trials that we did and saw and stuff like that so   uh basically it's just now just keep looking  and uh we'll work on that project within the   next month month and a half some of you guys were  asking me about this online uh through snapchat   and instagram that is a infero tank or well  it's a fertilizer tank that mounts on a tractor   or a planter or you can mount it wherever you'd  want i mean in theory i mean we were going to   mount it on the front of the tractor um more  specifically on the 8530 for an infrared tank   for soybeans um that's our plan like i was  saying before is to go to 15 intro soybeans   and run infraro and starter basically have an  infrared tank mounted on the front of the tractor   um or potentially on the planter  frame i doubt we would do that but   uh that would more than likely end up going  on the front of the 8530 but we bought that   three years ago on an auction literally just a  few miles from the farm on wasinski's auction   and uh went for a pretty good price that's why  we bought it uh it's just one of those things   that you know you're planning ahead for and we  know that nothing's going to change there don't   meyers having a sale on pumps right now i think  it ends sometime in february that's why this topic   got brought up because uh dad and i are looking  at buying the pump right now while it's on sale   to save some money there um we're probably going  to go with one of the higher end ones that has the   metering where you could just punch in exactly  the amount that you want the neighbor has that   and it's pretty slick i've seen that in action  and it works pretty good and it's pretty accurate   so that might be something that we lean  pretty heavily on that we'll end up getting   um like i said i think that sale ends sometime  in february we buy a quite a bit of stuff from   dalton meyer as far as spray stuff  fertilizer fittings blah blah blah   we ended up finding this company uh i can't  remember i think it's spray parts warehouse   in illinois i think that's the name of it um  we bought quite a bit of three-inch fittings   last year when we built that three-inch uh  fertilizer setup and uh it worked out pretty   well i mean they accept returns and all this  and that and uh literally next day shipping so   um worked out really well when we were putting  that together especially when we were having them   place multiple different orders multiple different  times because we figured out oh this fitting   doesn't work oh we need this fitting blah blah you  know it's just situations like that hey there axel   how's it going yeah i think he's uh how old  are you i think you are 26 weeks i want to say   he's getting to be just about as big as bella the vet said that he will potentially be  the biggest german shepherd that they have   uh have had into and uh that's if he  grows into all the schwab hey come on   let's go there's one the other one's not having it yeah you want a milk bone come here come  on there you go come on pick one out   yeah you up those things bayla never really used  to like milk bones that much and uh ever since   uh he started eating oak bones and has loved them  ever since bail has kind of caught on to him and   really liked them now so i don't know i guess it's  an acquired taste i don't know i'm not a dog so so   you guys have all been wanting to know what the  heck we bought back late december early january   this is one of two yes one of two this  is a 2012 freightliner 122 coronado sd   day cab this truck has 36 000 miles on it  and we bought these down and con we bought   this one down in kentucky for an extremely  good deal uh this was something that uh we   were planning on doing just one truck just  adding to our two trucks and running three   and i was looking for a truck on an auction we had  a budget i went on truck paper and increased our   budget a little bit i stumbled across these  trucks and i saw the one in the other shed   here or the other part of shed here i'll walk in  there and show you but i saw that one first and i   saw the miles listen it said 63 xxx and i'm  like wait a second and i scrolled back up   and i'm like that's 63 000 miles i'm like 63 000  miles that's that's awfully low for the price and   the price was pretty outstanding um we made out  pretty good between both these trucks because what   we found out was is that these came out of the  oil fields of texas more specifically in houston and there is truck number two this one has 63  000 miles and as far as the engines go that   are in these trucks there are detroit dd15s so  the 15 liter detroits uh ecms are set at 455   and uh we plan on setting those up higher  another big plus on these trucks 24 5 stand ups   that is awesome that is a more preferred  tire for farm use at least in our area   as far as that goes uh the tanks are 150 gallon  each uh that's i believe about the same size as   what's on the kenworth t600 that we have um we  are shortening the exhaust you guys saw that   in the shop we've got the exhaust  saw tour part on that one truck   and uh we're gonna shorten the height reason being  is just for the grain cart uh one they don't need   to be so stupidly tall and uh just coming over  with the green cart we would rather have them a   little bit closer to the top of the cab drawback  uh on these trucks is that they do have death uh   i believe after putting death in the truck in the  shop that this is a roughly 20 gallon def tank   we are not going to be messing with that i know a  few of you guys are asking me on that we are not   going to mess with that as of right now especially  with regulations and everything cracking down   um and also with it being harder and harder and  harder to modify that system um we are not going   to be touching that whatsoever so um but i have  gotten a few tips on what to do if you are going   to keep the def system as far as stuff to look  for uh say like on the egr and stuff like that   so a big shout out to those guys um fenders uh as  you saw in there if you're watching these fenders   uh we took off along with the bracket  and also we took off the mud flaps   so we are planning on putting minimizer fenders  on both the trucks uh also plan on putting   minimizer formats uh the minimizer in frame  toolbox and a few other things for minimizer   that's going to be pretty awesome so you  guys will be seeing that in an upcoming video also that one's a barker he really likes  to just go up on a tangent hey come here   so side note real quick before i go back in there  and show you guys what all we're doing between   both these trucks because basically what we're  doing on that truck is what we're going to do   on this truck as well uh we did get a  shipment hey hey i'm youtubing calm down come here yes yes you are vocal   anyways uh side note um we did get a shipment from  pioneer last week uh towards the end of last week   i think friday uh seed uh quite a bit of beans and  some corn back there we will be getting quite a   bit more as you guys saw last year this whole shed  got entirely filled up with seed eventually hey no   eventually someday it would be nice to have a  dedicated seed warehouse um eventually someday but   as of right now and for the next few years we  still plan on utilizing this as cold storage   slash seed storage lots and lots of polish work  i've got basically everything polished that needs   to be done tanks def cover hey no uh the steps on  the frame steps there all the steps for the tanks   and also the battery covers steps on the other  side um the heat shields basically everything   for the most part uh is setting over here that's  been polished i need to get this step done because   there was this one was bent up a little bit and  we straightened that for the most part um that   needs to be polished yet and uh the stacks need to  be polished got 15's 15 by 5 chrome ones ordered   we're going to take a foot off the exhaust here  on either side and get new chrome bands and clamps   and uh put this all back together um as you guys  saw on the other side we've got the mirrors tour   we've got the one mirror tour part uh we're gonna  get this mirror tour part they just need to be   replaced these trucks weren't very well as taken  care of as far as tlc and stuff like that goes   so we're just trying to get them go through them  all and get them up to our standards as far as   equipment goes so uh we've got mirrors coming from  freightliner three of them because the dealer down   in kentucky tyndall truck sales that's where we  got these um replaced the one mirror on that truck   so we still need to do that mirror another mirror  on that truck yet so we got three mirrors coming   um problem is they don't sell it as a complete um  mirror kit basically you have to buy everything   individually so we had to do that and freightliner  is the only place you can go through to get the   mirror you look anywhere online and you cannot  find those signature coronado mirrors with the   led marker lights in the top and the  bottom you could just get regular mirrors   but we want to do it right and uh make it look  nice those are going to be in on wednesday i   guess up at freightliner up in south bend so we  will be running up there wednesday or thursday   and getting those and working  on the mirrors on this truck   again same thing on this truck uh  fenders um slip plate in frame toolbox   floor mats and a bunch of other goodies for  minimizer so you guys will be seeing that in   a future video and also uh same on this truck all  aluminum rims and 24 fives on this one as well so   these are going to be really really awesome trucks  i cannot wait um as far as we're going to be doing   with our other trucks as of right now uh we  currently have four trucks we haven't calm down   um as of right now we are not doing anything  and no we are not going to run four trucks   um we talked it over and more than likely  unless planes change uh we're going to be   keeping the t600 which a lot of you guys like  um and we are going to be getting rid of the uh   blue freightliner i will be doing some  posts on that when we decide to sell it   uh it will be here shortly that we will be  advertising that eventually sometime when we   get both of these trucks road ready and cleaned up  and done um because we would end up pulling that   truck in the shop here going through it detailing  it and then getting pictures and advertising it so   i'm guessing towards the end of march first part  of april is when we will be advertising that but   most of you guys know what that truck  looks like if you guys are any potentially   interested whatsoever get with me on snapchat  or instagram or email me my emails down below   um we don't quite have a price in mind but  we kind of do again like i said we're not   advertising that right now but if you guys are if  any of you guys would be potentially interested   in the future of buying that you know i'm  just throwing it out there just get with me um   so yeah uh later today we're gonna go pick up  some stuff for these trucks uh at menards uh   just stainless steel bolts and uh nuts and washers  for the steps and uh work on slowly getting this   thing put back together and uh just waiting on  some stuff for minimizer and we can keep going   on this truck so so one last thing before i go  in the office to do some work on the computer   led lights are in and we also put probably  50 bags 50 to 60 bags of insulation   up above and also down in the walls because  that east wall really needs to be really   needed to be re-insulated so that will help  tremendously on the heater and eventually   i don't know if we're going to do it yet this  winter but we might uh we're going to tear down   the siding on that wall and put up new bats  on that side so we're going to we're working   on completely re-insulating the shop so  that will help take a lot of pressure   off the uh heater that we have in here so it's not  running as frequently because we did not realize   that that thing was gonna be as loud as what it  is we were kind of hoping that was a lot quieter   um and it's not but it's still really nice  well we got thing one and thing two up here so why does axel get to bed really he kicked you  off the bed what about seniority what the heck my goodness look how comfy you look come  on why aren't you on the bed oh jeez so so so wednesday uh we're having ken eating come  out and put a new furnace over at our house   uh nipsco is supposed to be coming out and putting  in uh the natural gas we actually have the natural   gas run if those of you remember that uh oh  i think it was sometime last year that they   trenched it in i can't remember it was quite a  while ago but it said it just needs to be set   up in the house and they're gonna do that on  wednesday the same day uh they didn't hurt us   so we're going to change our heater out in  the garage and uh dad wants the skid steer   over there to have me lift him over the uh  stairwell where it's because that would be   the safest and easiest way to do it so i'm  drilling the skid steer over to our house get   to drive this over two miles over to our house  and uh we'll do some stuff over at our house the last of our sandblasting pop parts came in  uh there's some in the box there some up there   by the paint uh dad picked up some high heat paint  for the exhaust along with some other paint that   we needed we only needed a few lenses but that's  the only way you could buy them from ids blast so   we got a stack of lenses over there our helmet is  sitting over here so we just need new lenses for   that we'll get that cleaned up and looking brand  new our blasting apron or blasting suit is setting   on this thing that i will talk about here in a  minute and then our air feed this is the hose that   will run from the air compressor our uh detroit  air compressor that we use to blow off the combine   uh that will run from that to the pot here and  then we have our discharge hose down below so   my uncle owns a sandblasting business and uh  he is helping us put this together with the   latest and greatest controls and parts that  we need for this to get this thing running   top-notch so he will be coming over we'll  probably end up doing it this weekend   and put the rest of this together and the  reason why we're putting our sandblasting   pot together not only so that it's put together  finally after the past couple of years of having   these half these parts set around here and  so we can blast tractors and get them painted   but because we need to blast this bad boy so  remember in the previous video when i discussed   that we were going to put uh custom-built cabinets  over there for a nice welding bench over there   that's what this is so we decided against having  permanent uh cabinets over there uh we decided to   build a mobile welding bench so we have a plate  a six by eight foot plate of half inch steel   here it was actually used to shut off a culvert  um way back in the day when we needed to and uh   ever since then it was never been it's never  been needed so we decided to repurpose it the   reason why we have all this tubing welded under  here to the underside of it was to help take   the bow out of it there was a i don't know  i'd say about three to four degree bow in it   uh we actually took the skid steer and  picked it up because this thing's probably   we're guesstimating i mean the  plates probably weighs about 600 700 pounds just guessing probably closer to  700. we picked that up and we have the excavator   down in the woods down there and we took it down  there and literally took the bucket and tried to   take the bow out of it we were flexing it well  over six inches and it was flat down there we   brought it back in here and didn't gain a single  thing so we ended up welding the tubing across   it definitely did take the bow out of it quite a  bit and actually it's level as can be now what we   plan on doing when we flip this over this will end  up being a shelf from here to here basically what   we're going to do is hopefully there's enough  corn crib wire down the barn that we can lay   across here and uh make that into a shelf but the  reason why we need the sandblasting pot working   is so we can blast the underside frame here and  get this painted satin black as you can see there   we got a can of that from over at our house so  we're gonna get this done right and uh get this   looking really nice so that will go over in the  corner here that welding bench we're just gonna   end up getting rid of the vise will get mounted on  there all of our clamps over there in the chop saw   right there and we've got a slot here that we  made for this cabinet that we're going to put   in here for all our welding stuff over there in  the welding bench old welding bench i should say   and put there so the shelf will also hold the  plasma cutter which we got the plasma cutter   wired up and ready to go we have not  used that yet we will be using that   eventually here pretty soon dad and i  have been dying to play with it just   we just haven't had time to really play with it  yet the casters these are cast iron we actually   got these from northern tool they're rated for  i believe a thousand pounds um i guesstimating   the weight of this thing uh total rough estimate  i'm just saying probably 1200 to 1500 pounds just   guessing could be more than that um kind of hard  to weigh something this size i gotta grab some   yield maps basically all of our past yield maps  from over the years ever since we started yield   mapping filing them on my side that way i've got  a personal record of all of our yield history   basically just duplicating them and also printing  off stuff from operation center i'm going to start   archiving hard copies of the side dress maps as  well just i just like to have hard copies sometime i think uh the oldest that we go back on yield  data at least what we have physically is 2005.   uh basically this was all done through  when pioneers started printing yield maps   uh back in the day before we ran uh the  2600 we actually ran a 2600 before the 2630   um we picked the 2630 up a couple years ago um we  ran a ag leader trying to think of the monitor uh i'm gonna look it up right now  trying to think of the name of it   um it was a i actually liked the monitor it  was pretty cut and dry and simple um it was a   ag leader i think it was like a  pf 3000 pro i believe maybe not probably it look it looks pretty familiar it  looks kind of like that um i'm pretty sure   that might be the exact one that we ran at one  time that was before we got into john deere auto   steer and stuff like that uh which we got into  auto steer uh with john deere that was john deere   was our first auto steer um in 2007 or eight and i  believe that was with a starfire itc globe um and   then we later went to the starfire 3000 i think in  2013. so basically what i'm gonna do is take this   stack here and uh go through and copy everything  out of these folders and file it away just to have   a second personal copy for reference and stuff  like that so um it'll take me quite a while i   doubt if i get through all this tonight but again  this is just for personal record keeping purposes   um it's not really necessary but again i just want  to have it for personal reference to refer back to   because our operation center data only goes so far  back i've tried uploading the data that we don't   have on our operations center um from our soil  guys but i think but i think it's an issue of   it coming from out of sms because they use sms and  coming back into op center where i've whereas it's   already come from apex into sms and it's trying  to come out of sms and go back in op center it's   kind of a triangle that does not want to work  so it's kind of complicated for most of you   guys that don't farm will not understand what i'm  talking about as far as software there goes but   it's there probably is a way it's just i don't  know if i want to dive that deep into it because   really it's not that critical um though we  are going to start making prescription maps   i'm going to play around with the  prescription builder from john deere   with a green i think it's called basically  on here i can make prescription seating maps   i can make prescription side dress maps  i can make prescription tillage maps   what i'm more concerned about right now  is making a prescription side dress map   um we have the capabilities now with the john  deere ray controller 2000 that we have on our   fast 28 applicator that i own to variable  rate our uh applications uh when we side dress   and we could have done it last year i didn't  want to get too deep into that i just wanted to   get a good understanding of how to run the rate  controller which it's very basic on how to do   uh looking back i wish we would have maybe had  like one or two maps i could have played with   prescription wise this year just about i would say  90 percent of the fields will have prescriptions   um i'm looking at trying to dial in some of our  fields a lot better on doing blanket applications   um i've played around with like in  these dry pivot corners um shutting off   dialing back the rate some because you can have  three uh pre-desired rates that you can click   and when i say get into like a dry pivot corner  i will click down into that lower desired rate   uh that we don't need such a higher that higher  fin field in irrigated rate on these dry corners   just to try and be more efficient with our overall  fertilizer use so i'm going to play around with   that i'm going to go ahead and end this video here  thank you guys for watching don't forget to like   comment and subscribe down below don't forget  to follow me on instagram facebook and snapchat   the next video will be working on the semis there  will be a few videos of working on the semis   um seed deliveries are coming from  pioneer so we're getting shipments in   anyways thank you guys for watching and  i will catch you guys in the next video   you
Channel: Werner Farm
Views: 34,103
Rating: 4.9253335 out of 5
Keywords: werner farm, agriculture, farming, farm, farmer, entertainment, farm equipment, farm life, john deere, farm vlog, tractor, field work, deere, gmo, harvesting, keith werner, education, planting, millenial farmer, big tractor power, pioneer seed, 8530, 8r, cover crops, discovery channel, farm land, 4650, logan ag, micronutrients, werner ag service, freightliner, 122sd
Id: _6mBKKXoIOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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