Budget Family Home Makeover - Double Your House For Half The Money - S03 EP8 - Interior Design

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[Music] on average uk house prices have risen  by a massive 10 percent over the last 12 months   making it the biggest jump in years what do you  feel when you walk past the house i look happy   who's going first meaning more of us than ever  before are choosing to build rather than buy   our ideal home how hard can it  be cut to a scene of the house   they're gonna have to rip the guts out of this  house i'm actually sweating these builds can be   the chance of a lifetime the whole thing is being  designed around your wheelie bin as crazy as it   may sound yes there are risks fingers crossed  the bank gave us the money to finish the second   floor so why is the ridge not sitting on the  oak theme it's been cut wrong but get it right   and the home of your dreams that is a world  away from the run-down house it once was could   be right on your doorstep oh this is brilliant  that's what i always wanted her family um oh   no what's good about it they're happy tears  aren't they because it's so fabulous [Music]   it's a common problem that houses seem to  shrink as families expand and children grow   up but for homeowners who can't afford to buy  the dream home there is another exciting option   when individual or family requirements change  and no longer suit your living arrangements   you could be creative with the home  you've got and make it work for you all   which is exactly what these two families  intend to do in wales darren and tracy have   big plans for their three bed 1930s detached  home and even bigger creative differences   the style i'm looking for is very clean  very minimalist and very white you know   it just shows a lack of i know creativity in  my opinion no it's stylish that's the issue   but first i'm off to a village near milton keynes  to meet medical recruiter russell and his partner   carmel and their young son freddie they have  this turn of the century two up two down cottage   in pretty bow brick hill which is worth 250  000 pounds what initially attracted us to this   property was the fact that um the golf club is  two minutes up the road russ this is very true   and the whole country cottage feel to the house  and the fact that we couldn't afford somewhere   with land but yet when i look at my bedroom  window i've got a green field in front of me   it may have history and charm but with baby number  two just around the corner and russell running his   business from home the interior is just too  small that way can i take your email address   okay as we are growing family and you know spaces  is key due to the nature of the house itself you   know the way it's been put together over the years  it's a bit of a jumble the garage it's unused at   the minute apart from our junk basically it's a  shame really to not to turn that into usable space   russell and carmel are planning to make more  room the floor plan of the house is kind of   going to be what it is but extending an old  higgledy piggledy cottage is rarely simple   so i want to find out why they fell in love  with it what an amazing place to live have   you always lived around this area yeah it's an  area that we've both always lived in it's just   an area that we both love ten minutes from both  sets of grandparents i play golf for the local   club at the road and we've got the you know  milton keynes which is the local city to us   so we've got all the amenities that you want  really but still in a rural location it's got   the country cottage chocolate box house and  the local schools it's village life basically but living in a picturesque village  surrounded by open countryside and woodland   only 50 miles from london doesn't come cheap the  average asking price here is half a million pounds   which russell and carmel simply don't  have if they did this is what they'd buy   what is it you like about this oh it's beautiful  and all the periods and character features that   are in the house so you're quite traditional in  how you would like things to be yeah you can go   into some of these new developments and buy a  house it's a bit like a box we like something   with a bit of character definitely your house  is currently worth about 250 000 and this house   is probably worth about 575 000 so you'd need  to find another 325 000 pounds and how much   have you got that much we've got about 50 000.  that's not really going to cut the mustard is it   russell and carmel's dream home would cost 575 000  pounds their house is worth less than half of that   leaving them 325 000 pounds short and they've  only got 50 000 pounds to create this from this   their hard-earned savings are going to have  to stretch a long way to create russell and   carmel's bigger family home as if an impending  baby and tight budget aren't challenging enough   this house is a very difficult one to extend it's a really sweet little cottage but it's  going to be tricky for them to build up it's   very unlikely you'd ever be allowed to raise that  ridge so that they don't avoid the houses behind   losing their view so the only option in terms of  extending is to go down and dig into the hillside   which may be sensible but it's inches away from  really quite a busy road with a lot of traffic   and that is going to make  building really complicated [Music]   and inside between the garage and the cottage  is another busy thoroughfare so you've got this   twisty little hallway which is actually the  external outside path really yeah from the   original house so here's the original house and  someone at some point just covered over the path   yeah we don't really know what they're thinking  when they put this in so what do you currently use   this outside corridor for storage of prams golf  clubs the freezers out here so nice view as you   walk into the house lovely yeah perfect the  actual cottage is charming but very small   this is the cottage really isn't it yeah so why  does it not work for you this space we seem to   sit here watch telly freddy plays freddie eats  wee all in one little cramped space really so   it'd be nice to make that individual move of  eating the kitchen living in here only really   upstairs the cramped layout  is causing another problem   it's a lovely bedroom but that's the only bathroom  so you have to walk through freddie's bedroom   to get to the bathroom yeah i have woken him up  on various occasions you're trying to keep a child   asleep not wake him up so it's not ideal no with  another baby on the way it's going to be more and   more tricky coping in the space yeah definitely  because where's the other cop gonna go and from   here you can really see why why presumably you  bought the house what an amazing view [Music]   not being able to afford a house with land but yet  when i look at my window i've got it so yeah there   may be a great view at the front but there's very  little space at the back where they plan to extend   because of the hill this is much more complex  than it would normally be because otherwise you   just strip it back to the boundary lines  and you bring it back into being a garden   but the major issue here is digging  all of this take the whole lot away   enormous amounts of your budget is going to  be taken up by a digger taking your house away   that's kind of scary it's an ambitious  build for first time project manager russell   and carmel to take on [Music] they intend  to knock down the double garage in a hallway   and replace them downstairs part of what was  the garage will be linked the original cottage   to create a large family kitchen and at the far  end of the extension will be a study for russell   while upstairs the new extension will be  used to create a third bedroom a master with   ensuite for the couple but i fear carmel and  russell have forgotten one important element   they're digging down and building into the  hillside so they need to think about how to   avoid it ending up like a cave the only question  mark that i have is that there's no windows you've   got a bit of garden at the back here actually  there's no reason why you can't dig out just give   yourself a little bit of space which will enable  you to have windows at the back which would make   all the difference in the world because otherwise  it's going to be like just moles house otherwise   would i just be looking out at a retaining  brick wall is it just more it's just going   to let light and air light in air rather than  nothing is is good have you ever thought about   doing any of these things it's something  we haven't haven't looked at to be honest they're gonna have to rip the guts out of this  house and i don't think they realize quite how   much time or money that is likely to take  both of which they don't have very much of   do you think the study needs to be as big as  it is or i am worried that i've only really   opened my eyes to the plans and the garden  and actually the extent of the work and how   far they're going to dig down so i probably  am a little bit more worried now i'm actually sweating [Music]   next i'm off to wales to meet telephone  engineer darren and his wife tracy   who desperately want to stay in the area they love  land off near cardiff i was looking at to go to   school here as a child and i always swore that i'd  live here one day they have a 1930s detached house   which they share with their eight-year-old  daughter isabella and ten-year-old son byron   with growing children they know they're going  to need more space for family man darren it's   a galley kitchen that's the biggest squeeze  the only stories i have for pots and pans are in this one in this one here the only  place i have for cutlery is this this tiny   little drawer here it isn't fit for purpose  anymore not for a family it's too way too narrow   but it's isabella's bedroom that's the real bug  bear for tracy it's very very small and totally   impractical she just hasn't got any room to  maneuver it's just awful they love the area   but they can't afford to buy what they want  we couldn't find anything within our price   range that we thought we'd just move into without  spending any money on [Music] not wanting to leave   their beloved town of land f darren and tracy  decided to put all their savings into creating   rather than buying their perfect home but if they  could afford to buy here this is what they choose   so what is it that you like about it in particular  i really love the what they've done internally   with the the open plan living inside and  they've managed to maximize the light feels   really bright and airy so that's something you'd  like to try and have is a light and bright house   exactly we'd love to maximize the the use of light  in our house this would be worth probably about   six hundred and twenty thousand and your house is  worth about three hundred and twenty thousand so   you need to find another three hundred  thousand yes and so do you have that [Laughter]   so how much have you got we have a  budget of eighty thousand pounds okay   it's a challenge ahead to buy their dream home  would cost six hundred and twenty thousand pounds   but their home is worth three hundred  and twenty meaning they'd need an extra   three hundred thousand pounds unfortunately  their budget doesn't quite stretch to that   this house is actually lovely from the outside the  problem with this though is that it's only skin   deep behind the facade there's not a lot going on  darren and tracy's house has space to develop at   the back and also at the side if the ugly lean  two currently uses their dining room is removed   they'll have to be careful building into the  north facing garden as they could risk excluding   valuable light this is great so let's have a look  around the house has a generous entrance hall   typical for a 1930s layout as is the large  living room and small kitchen at the back   so you're planning on going back a little  bit and out sideways in both directions   i've always wanted a long island  where the children can sit   while darren's cooking because he's the  chef so while he's cooking the children   can do their work around the island i can  be sat on the sofa with a glass of wine upstairs are the children's bedrooms a decent  sized family bathroom and what is currently darren   and tracy's room but not for long this will be  isabella's room because this is you know she's a   girl growing up now and she's in a tiny  little bedroom believe it or not there's a   shower in here in the cupboards it was so sour  cupboard tracy on our plan says ambitions of   making it an ensuite would be great for a girly  mates when they go anyways come for a sleepover   they're all self-contained if i'm honest you  said i think it's a bad idea and we have constant   arguments about this i think it's too narrow  i prefer the storage because we don't have any   storage in-house really be no bad thing to have an  extra extra little shower i'm siding with you here darren and tracy plan to transform  the back of the house with a massive   two-story extension on three sides so they'll have  to make the most of every penny in their budget   downstairs the existing galley-style kitchen and  awkward lean-to will be removed and replaced with   an enormous l-shaped kitchen diner and lounge area  upstairs they'll rework the layout to incorporate   a more practical ensuite from that minute  shower cupboard in the new extension there'll   be a large master bedroom and a further bathroom  but darren and tracy's dream of open plan living   has thrown up a problem because it's a  wraparound extension we need to hold up   the corner part of the house which means we have  to have a supporting pillar and unfortunately that   will be in the middle of our new dining room  the posts can work if it's a natural point for   a divide into another room but it's not it's in  the middle of the space it'd be like a maypole   if you bring it if you want to do pole dancing  but other than that i do have a bikini [Laughter]   you don't have to have a corner post holding the  corner of the house up the corner point of the   house can bear on steels rather than on a post  it won't be cheap sometimes it's not worth it   in this situation i think it'll be a  real shame not to spend the extra money   when you're creating a home it's essential  that you spend in the right areas the idea   she's come out with today we wouldn't  have thought of and she's just you know   put it all into perspective for us really  today and you then say no to sarah [Music] i'm with two growing families who are desperate  for bigger homes but can't afford to move   it's a really common problem  as children grow up in a family   the house can often feel smaller and smaller and  smaller and at some point something has to give in wales darren and tracy plan to transform  their 1930s detached house with a huge two-story   wraparound extension as well as working as an  education advisor being a mum of two and running   a tight ship at home tracy's taking on the role  of project manager herself it's her first time and   she's in charge of their 80 000 pound budget i'm  the one who's sort of going to be on the builders   constantly it's going to be me that's going to be  the driving force downward to be footing the bill in buckinghamshire russell and carmel have just 50  000 pounds to convert their tiny two-bed cottage   into a spacious three-bed home for their expanding  family just weeks until the new arrival and the   build expected to take at least four months  it's crunch time original plan was that we'd   get the majority of the house done before the  the new baby arrives i don't think i can take   a start of a new build and going into labor all in  one day the hope is now to get the the birth out   of the way settle into having a second child and  then hopefully um you know get the bill started as   soon as possible after that [Music] but in wales  it's full steam ahead as the demolition begins well she's not daunted by managing the build house  proud tracy is worrying about one area i really   detest mess i just can't stand it the reality now  of the mess and the carnage that's going to ensue   is hitting and it's not just the dust tracy's  cleaned up the plans too by choosing to install   supporting steel work instead of an unsightly post  which would have broken up the flow of their open   plan extension but it's not a cheap option this  cost me 17 000 pounds ultimately we're going to be   living here for a long time and if the extension  is going to look amazing the polar had to go it's   an awful lot of money but it will be worth it we  just have to cut back in other ways see you later with the finances pushed to their limit  tracy is facing some tough choices   do you remember we were talking about the  shower in the cupboard the good old shower   and the cupboards yeah yeah yeah and also want  to try and do the porch but obviously because   the budget has gone up because the steels we're  just really wondering what to do considering   that you've got two kids and knowing that  you're quite a fan of things being quite   clean and tidy yeah i would probably not bother  with the ensuite and i would go with a porch   i think everyone can dump their stuff there's  a place full of coats to go and and it will   make the house function really well thank you  very much sarah for your time take care bye bye   i'm hoping choosing the porch over the  new ensuite will go down well with darren   it feels like a little victory for the men in  the house that we're removing the shower cupboard   it is the only victory my husband will have  during this build i just like to reiterate that   after four months there's a new  arrival in the brazier household   russell and carmel have moved in with russell's  parents and it's finally full steam ahead   converting their cottage it's really exciting time  and then obviously we've got this going on with   regards to build but we've got the new arrival of  olivia a new addition to the family so it's just   fantastic but obviously a few sleepless nights  makes things a little bit harder in the morning   when you're trying to do some work so but it's  all good fun but it's not plain sailing for long the removal of the garage exposes some large  cracks in the wall and russell has to call in   a structural engineer to assess the problem we're  going to be in danger of undermining this wall the   issue is going to be when we reduce the level here  this retaining wall is going to become unstable   because there'll there's no earth in front of  it to stabilize it so the risk of that failing   is quite high we've also got the contra there's  a house there which is city higher than those   who's also supported on this earth yeah we don't  want that house to start migrating onto our site   so what would you kind of recommend would be the  best protocol for it then the simplest solution is   probably to install sheet pile with any wall  okay along the boundary here which you could   drive to a lower level that will stabilize the  boundary of your property and everything inside   that on your side will be future-proofed until a  retaining wall is installed russell can't lay any   foundations for the extension [Music] so no sooner  than it started the project grinds to a halt   shocking news you know i've got no idea how  much these sort of things cost to get done so   you know that's quite worrying and after receiving  several quotes for the suggested sheet piling work   russell's worst fears are confirmed  the best quote we've had in so far is   around 22 and a half thousand pounds not  including vat it's a big decision to make   that extra overspend but you know the reality  of it is that if we don't do it the the project   in its current form can't go ahead so we'd either  have to review the plans or how we're going to   extend the house or just stop it the walls  are set to cost nearly half their budget   this could mean the end of their  dream of a bigger family home [Music] while the fate of the project looks gloomy in  buckinghamshire in wales i'm concerned about   darkness of a different sort in their vast new  extension darren and tracy and their two kids have   completely outgrown their house  but getting the space they need   whilst not losing the light they need  is going to be a very fine balancing act   the lean 2 has gone the foundations are in  and the walls are about to go up but since the   extension will be north-facing and huge they'll  need to boost natural light as much as possible   there are a few tricks that you can use  which are not that expensive and actually   quite effective in terms of bouncing the  light stealing the light effectively and   throwing it back into the house and they're all  based on reflection really the first of these   reflective balls which are about 30 quid for a  set another option is this which is an acrylic   sheet this is light mirror but it's 80 lighter  it pulls the light down and will push it in   other directions so that will really help i also  wanted to show you this which is a heliostack and   what it does it takes the sun from one direction  and you can make it point into any of the windows   of your house or into the garden so it effectively  is stealing the sun it's a little space age isn't   it it looks like we could track the hubble  telescope but um you know i think it's a   fantastic idea and it did shed a lot of light into  the house didn't it so but something's certainly   something worth thinking about yeah i can't like  that it's a very good way of having a sunny room   if nature just won't do her stuff gonna be  a fantastic talking point as well sometimes   it's the quirky solutions that can be the most  effective and in this case enlightening [Music]   and things are moving in bow brick hill too where  russell's found a much less costly retaining wall   by going down the method of having the the  concrete blocks it's infinitely cheaper than   sheep highly [Music] it may cost less  but concrete takes longer to install   as it has to be done in stages still  it's what they can afford [Music] this   was always a complicated plot because the  road and the hillside that it was set into   however they have had endless delays and now six  months later with the pitter patter of tiny feet   they finally hopefully properly underway [Music]  as the diggers move in it's all systems go on-site you've been doing some serious digging here  haven't you yeah it's pretty epic we've still   got probably another seven eight grab lorries  to go and i mean they're 18 ton of time and it's   we've probably had 10 12 of those already it's  unbelievable this part of the build is engineering   really do you think that this first phase of  actually getting a site that you can build on was   a bigger job than anyone any of you really  realized yeah i think first project went into   it naively and thought you know it'd be okay  it's been quite tedious just the process of   how they've had to do it you decided to delay  the start of the build until your baby was born   didn't you yeah i think if i'd been pregnant and  came and seen this i would have given birth here this build has thrown up some problems even an  experienced project manager would find a challenge   and with weeks of delays the end is still nowhere  in sight this was still building in a year's time   would that be all right would that be no no i  wouldn't it wouldn't six months okay i don't   think i could cope with that and so for me and  for russell's sake the quicker the better because   because you're gonna kill him yeah i think you'd  be lucky to be in a couple of months at this rate   however this might be a solution to get you in  quicker [Music] a modular loft system is a great   way to speed up a build rather than building on  site entire roof sections are engineered off-site   and craned into position the cost of a modular  loft ranges depending on size and specification   and although they have a lead time  of eight weeks they can be installed   in just two days if you went ahead with this the  first floor and roof can be built at the same time   as the footings are being poured and the ground  floor is being built because otherwise you've got   to build the ground floor then you've got to  build the first floor and then you've got to   build a roof and it'll just take a lot longer in  the big scheme of things yeah i mean it's been a   struggle at times to get some of the materials  on site and also where we put them so yeah it's   a fantastic solution the advantage of a modular  loft is that it can be built off-site whilst   the braziers have over 300 tons of earth removed  but project manager russell is a bit overwhelmed   i think it's going to be a question of spending a  lot of time up here in the evenings and just doing   as much as we possibly can to kind of get it as  ready as possible for the trades to come in this   building site is finally underway there's been a  lot of problems with with getting it to this stage   and i just slightly worry just how long it's going  to be until it actually gets finished [Music] in a village outside milton keynes the braziers  want to convert their tiny cottage into a   three-bed family home for just fifty thousand  pounds after lengthy delays eight months since we   first discussed their plans the concrete arrives  for the foundations great to see it going finally they can kind of crack on now with actually the   building phase of it it's a big  relief really big relief [Music] over in landau near cardiff darren and tracy  are using their hard-earned savings to renovate   the 1930s detached house they've owned for 10  years the block work is underway and steels   are going in but how is project manager and keen  cleaner tracy coping on the home front [Music]   so how have you found it having a smaller  kitchen that's effectively now building   site-ish it's not been too bad because obviously  it's been boarded at the moment it's containable   but once they do the knock through um i  know it's gonna be carnage what what do   you do when you're really stressed drink wine  [Laughter] i wonder if that's in the budget   back in buckinghamshire russell and carmel have  chosen not to put windows in the back of the   extension the fact that we've got a three metre  high retaining wall behind us it's just it'd be   pointless well he wants to look into a concrete  block you know without being in a prison i wonder   if they might regret their decision but i do have  another way to lighten things up so i wanted to   show you one option for artificially lighting  a room which instead of looking like artificial   light actually get the same effect as daylight  so these are led panels and um if i plug them in   you can get them in cool light which is more like  daylight or warm light white which is more like   artificial light as we know it the two options  once you've got these panels are either you can   put it behind frosted glass so behind a window  and you end up with this effect or you can use   just a diffuser which is this so you can put  that over the top and you lose the effect of the   the squares the led squares so actually they  make a huge difference in an area like this   you can see actually it really lights up  well it's they're really powerful yeah   so these would be a really simple solution to  bringing daylight and if that was the window there   it's really convincing sun's always shining oh  yeah you can buy custom-made led panels online   with prices starting from just 50 pounds  which must be fitted by an electrician   i think they will totally transform the way the  extension feels and with the build finally taking   shape things are already looking brighter i'm  just delighted that we're not digging muck out   anymore because that was just soul destroy a  month after the concrete foundations the steel   supports are going in you slide it the old beams  are coming down getting bigger every day and work   finally starts on the roof bit of a big  moment really such a long journey to get   to where we are now it's just great to see that  physical shape of the the building taking place   after a delayed start this build  slowly the roof takes shape [Music]   but over in wales things are steaming ahead and  after nine weeks the abdullah spectacular double   extension is up [Music] i've come in from work and  they've taken off the back of the house with the   roof gone up it looks like a proper extension now  it's just mad it's amazing fair play more steels   are going in around her and she may be without  a kitchen but tracy's still a domestic goddess   and there we have it washing up and washing  multitasking and tracey's proving a tidy   project manager too despite it being her first  time we're bang on schedule andrew's promised   me wholeheartedly that he will be finished on time  we're in the home straights now it feels like you   know there's light at the end of the tunnel so  yeah it's very exciting time the abdullah's even   have time to think about some finishing touches  to put a unique stamp on their new dream home bespoke stained glass windows are a great  way of incorporating personality into a build   and the kids have brought along  some designs for inspiration   do you want to share your designs today  that's beautiful beautiful pictures   the normal stained glass that people start  off with is the hill the sun and the sun ray   so if you stuck to the simplest design you  could do a stained glass window for as little   as what um well a little panel for a front door  or whatever you'd be talking of about 65 pounds   when a family build a house the children  often get left out of the design decisions   and designing a piece of stained glass  is a fantastic way of having something   permanent to give them ownership of one section  of the house and it's really affordable i think   byron and isabella are going to be  pretty pleased with the end result a piece of bespoke artwork is a fantastic  way to personalize a space [Music]   the stained glass window is just one way  to give a room a character all of its own   painted murals are a great way of livening up  a room particularly for kids there are also   companies that can transform a cherished family  snap into an attention-grabbing feature wall   and a light installation can brighten  up even the darkest of corners   for more information about extending  your house or increasing your floor space   check out my scrapbook at channel4.com  forward slash beanie [Music] over in buckinghamshire the braziers  are a long way from decorative touches   nine months ago russell and carmel were  planning to convert a pokey two-bed cottage   into a spacious three-bed family home they've  been thwarted by delays i don't think i can   take a start of a new build and  going into labour all in one day   sweating they face costly unforeseen setbacks  the best quote we've had in so far is around 22   and a half thousand pounds it's a big decision  to make that extra overspend but they've stood   their ground the scale of the retaining wall  has just meant that we've had to take our time   with it and they've plowed on with their labor of  love first project went into it naively [Music]   it's been nine months since russ and  carmel were meant to start what they   thought would be a full month build but since  then they've been hit with delay after delay   i'm really looking forward  to seeing how they got on   previously their tiny hillside cottage  had a disused double garage next to it nearly a year on the new two-story extension has  replaced the garages and although it's unfinished   the shape of things to come is obvious instead  of a gouge you've now really pretty much double   the size of the house is it all worth it yeah for  me it's now getting exciting my hands have gone   from here to here now i can start thinking about  all colors and what we're going to do here and   what's going to go in this space because it's it's  all real for me now does that mean i can stop no inside that awkward corridor that ran between  the cottage and the garages has been replaced   by a new room opening onto the extension and it's  here that the real transformation will take place   what i love about it is that you've you're going  to have two separate spaces but you will have a   sight line from one to the other so it's part  of one room but it's not all one big open space   yeah i think we were going for like open planned  but still have like the quirky cottage feel to it   and have like the nook and cranny little corners  and stuff and i think we will have kept that will   you put led light panels in do you think maybe  for the downstairs toilet it's not going to have   a window so maybe in there well the best piece of  advice i think is to to have more rather than less   yeah because it's a lot cheaper than fitting it  afterwards and so out here is a new garden yeah   when finished it will house russell's office at  the front making the best use of the natural light   next to this will be the downstairs loo  [Music] and in front of them there'll be   a new utility room in hallway [Music] but the  real gem will be on the other side of the wall   when complete they'll have a  beautiful traditional style kitchen   with soft lines duck egg blue  units and solid oak work tops upstairs russell and carmel will no longer  have to creep through freddie's room to get   to the bathroom as they'll soon have their very  own generous master bedroom and luxury ensuite   at the back of the house the  dilapidated dangerous garden has gone and is now a safe haven that all the family will  be able to enjoy now that this space is a proper   garden being hemmed in on all sides actually means  that it's a really gorgeous little retreat rather   than a bit of a problem from what it was to  what it is now i can see ourselves spending a   lot of time out here now which is great but with  the house still far from finished have the last   nine tough months been worth it now it's  been a bit of an upheaval this hasn't it   has this taken a lot longer than you expected  it's taken a toll more than time um really yeah   going into your first project you're kind of  a bit blase about oh yeah it won't be that bad   if you throw loads of money at it then yeah you  could we could probably be living in it now but   that's just not it's not practical you were hoping  to spend 50 000 on it how much will you end up   spending do you think by the time it's finished  it's going to be end up around 75 000 to 80 000.   right so 80 000 probably by the time you've got it  all finished completely which is you know really   impressive actually because you've done an awful  lot of work although a lot of it you can't see   yeah you've had to do an awful lot of work their  dream home would have cost them 575 000 pounds   but their home was only worth 250 000 meaning they  would have needed an extra 325 000 pounds to buy   it but when finished they hope to have created  their perfect house for around 80 000 pounds   which is a whopping 245 000 less than they would  have spent on their dream home and they could   be on their way to making a tidy profit if you did  decide to sell it i think it would be worth 375   000 when it's finished so that would be  45 000 pounds of equity you've created wow plus the fact you've got a perfect house the  perfect house of your dreams will it be at   home for a long time do you think if we move on  it'll be because more children or more children ross and carmel had a real uphill battle with  this build which has meant that nine months on   they're still not quite finished over the next  few months though i'm hoping that they'll end   up with a beautiful home for them all to  enjoy but over in wales they are racing   to the finishing line and are almost  there it's going to be life-changing [Music] in wales darren and tracy are upsizing their  cramped 1930s house into an expansive family   home [Music] their huge wrap-around  extension is in the final stages   the windows are being fitted and the porch is  taking shape the porch i think is going to be   life-changing because it means this area here is  all going to be boxed in and then there won't be   anything anywhere else it'd just be a nice  clean entrance to the house it'll be great the old part of the house has been knocked  through into the extension and thanks to the   steels hidden in the walls and ceiling there  is no ugly post in the open plan kitchen diner   upstairs the plasterers are moving in and even  in the midst of the final push tracy still   has time to clean up uh you never be too clean  never you can never be too clean it's just you   just got to keep on top of it otherwise the house  would just look like a complete i know it looks   like a bomb site now but um oh it's just trying  to keep on top of everything in it and keep it   as tidy as we possibly can it's four months  since darren and tracy began transforming their   overcrowded two-bedroom detached house into an  open-plan stylish three-bed home of their dreams along the way they've made compromises an awful  lot of money we just have to cut back in other   ways they thought creatively it's a little space  age isn't it it looks like we could track the   hubble telescope and they've kept a building site  tidy i really detest mess i just can't stand it   and finally this house is a new home darren  and tracy were desperate for more space for   their family i just hope they've managed to get  that space without losing too much of the light   in their home a few months ago this house was  dark restricted and had ugly add-ons at the side that looks great the extension of the porch really  blend into the original house now they've given   it a stylish entrance and a huge sleek wrap  around extension [Music] hi hello how are you   very well thank you thanks previously there was an  unsightly lean to used as the family dining area   and across the rear of the house  was a narrow galley style kitchen now with the help of a few steels the rear of the  house has been opened up oh look at this amazing   and this modern kitchen diner has given them  the open plan living space they always wanted   it's a fantastic space and the light is  fantastic in here now it was quite dark   but actually with the roof flight flooding light  in from above and then the doors to outside with   of course the heliostat throwing light back in  again and it feels really quite light in here so   you've ticked that box certainly hopefully  for lights fantastic windows i love those   windows so those are the kids yeah yeah  originals they'll be worth a million and of course the other issue was  the post that you were going to have   it did cost more didn't it it did but it was  well worth it because the post would have been   exactly where that dining chair is by there so  we wouldn't be allowed to sit at a dining table   it would have been very frustrating  unless you were a maypole dancer and next to the dining area there's a  beautiful kitchen complete with seating area   and where darren's triumphed over the porch  tracy's come up trumps with her white kitchen   well this clearly works so much better for you  as a kitchen it's amazing and very white and   for somebody who likes like seems to be clean it's  exactly as i planned it to be oh it's a fantastic   space to be in even the morning getting  the children ready having their breakfast   it's quite civilized isn't it it's still chaos upstairs the shower cupboard has been removed creating a bright and elegant landing it's brilliant it feels like a much bigger  house now when you're upstairs it's great   yeah often people think that landing space is a  waste of space but it's completely changed the way   this house feels having just that little bit of  extra space and being able to have a chair on the   landing are you happy you ended up with a porch  instead of being a third bathroom yeah we are   and our ensuite is huge so you know we're really  lucky we've got a toilet downstairs as well so yes   the rest of upstairs has been remodeled to suit  the family's needs a new boutique bathroom a   stylish study and most importantly the children  now have decent sized rooms to call their own   so what do their kids make of a whole new house  do you think they absolutely love it because it   means now they can both have sleepovers so  in this room mine isabella's bed she's got   another bed underneath so it's you know  it's life changing for them they love it   they've transformed their cramped old house into  a beautiful new home but are they on budget when   you started this project it was worth about 320  000 pounds and you were planning on spending about   80 000 on it yeah how much did you end up spending  just under 80 000 pounds bang on yeah it's really   quite remarkable to have set yourself a budget  and then two have stuck to it we had a really   strict budget excel spreadsheet and it was down to  the last penny because you really didn't have any   careful citizen you were a careful citizen was she  was she very controlling darren and tracy's dream   home was worth well over half a million pounds  300 000 pounds more than their house was worth   but thanks to tracy's strict management of their  80 grand budget they now have their perfect   property for 220 000 pounds less than their dream  house would have cost and they've made money too   if you did need to get this valued i think it  would be reasonable to assume that it's probably   worth about 430 000. oh wow that's amazing which  would mean that you've created 30 000 pounds of   equity in the house wow is that good that's  good yeah we're up to barbados yeah excellent   cheers well done [Music]
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 11,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: budget home makeover, budget renovation, double your house for half the money, dream homes, family home expansion, home design dilemmas, home improvement, home makeover, home redesign, home renovation, interior design, property transformation, real estate, renovation, renovation tips, sarah beeny
Id: QPaZpjrV7vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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