How the Rothschilds Lived: Inside Waddesdon Manor

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the Rothchild family was perhaps one of  the most influential and certainly the   wealthiest family in the world throughout the  19th century but have you ever wondered how   they lived hi everyone Ken here after receiving  many requests today we are traveling across the   pond to explore Waton Manor go ahead and  hit that like button to let YouTube know   you enjoy videos about historic homes and let's  begin exploring this house the Rothchild family!  originating from Frankfurt Rose to prominence  in the 18th century this journey began with Meer   Amell Rothchild whose foresight in establishing  network of banks across Europe through his sons   not only expanded the family's wealth but also  revolutionized the concept of international   banking this network impervious to the local  turmoil that had upended many before them   ensured the Rothchild Legacy would be one  of enduring financial and social influence   marking them as the wealthiest family in the  world by the mid 1800s among the Rothchilds   of this period Baron Ferdinand a Rothchild born  in Paris in 1839 exemplified the family's blend   of financial Acumen and cultural patronage  moving to London Ferdinand became a British   subject marrying his cousin evina de Rothchild  in 1865 unfortunately tragedy struck the next   year when his wife went into labor with neither  her nor the child surviving leading Ferdinand   to focus on philanthropy notably founding the  evina hospital for sick children in her memory   ferdinand's career also extended to politics  where he served as a member of parliament from   1885 until his death in 1898 however ferdinand's  lasting Legacy lies in his creation of Waton Manor guests from royalty to Leading figures in  politics in the Arts it was in this setting that   ferdinand's collections ranging from Renaissance  art to 18 century French decorative pieces were   displayed we will begin exploring Waton Manor  from the East Gallery clad in Richwood paneling   with guilted accents here sitting opposite the  fireplace we find one of ferdinand's most prized   possessions the elephant automaton set into  motion by a French clock maker in 1774 as we   travel throughout the house we will find that many  of the rooms were designed with the intention of   housing ferdinand's collections such as in the  smoking room where the grand architecture and   extensive relief work on the archways almost take  second stage to porcelain and tapestries though   not every room could be fit for a museum as they  had to be lived in for the few weeks out of the   year that ferdinan would spend in this vacation  house the dining room was meant to entertain   notable guests leaving a lasting impression even  on Royals Queen Victoria herself requested a visit   to Marvel at the beauty of the manor particularly  at the electric lights which have been made to   look like flickering candles the very view we are  seeing of the dining room chandelier was story to   leave her breathless when not entertaining such  distinguished guest Ferdinand would enjoy his   meals in the blue dining room fully embracing  the Ambiance of the latest French design being   considerably contemporary for the time this  French influence continues into the gray drawing   room doubling as the music room here we find  intricate plaster workor in the freeze where   figures nearly free themselves from the center of  each wall to gracefully rest along the ledge just   as was the case with the dining room for more  casual Gatherings or perhaps for Less rigid   living ferdinan could enjoy his morning room this  flexible space offered him the ability to not only   Lounge but enjoy his meals or tea while reading  one of the many books found in the glass pane   bookcases we can pause at the fireplace before  moving on remembering that this was a more relaxed   space than what we are about to see next we will  continue into the red drawing room guilded beyond   belief with gold leaf covering every architectural  element save the mantle if a visitor w not yet   impressed the unimaginable cost of this room alone  might leave them stunned The Manor was designed in   such a way that it carefully weighed a balance  between that which might be considered excessive   and what might be reasonably comfortable the tower  drawing room serving as the library is one such   space where this dichotomy plays out with grandio  architectural elements contrasted by overstuff   Furniture ensuring the room is still functional  despite its beauty with these thoughts in mind   we continue into the billiard room appropriately  scaled to accommodate the full reach of a queue   from the table to the walls and up to the ceiling  while each bedroom carries its own theme they were   each designed with only luxury in mind from the  gentlest of fabrics to the softest of mattresses   many of these Suites were planned to include  their own budoir and furthermore in a time   when indoor plumbing was still exceedingly  rare many of the bedrooms boasted their own   on Suites as well beyond its architectural and  artistic significance Waton manner encapsulated   ferdinand's concern for the future in Legacy  following his death in 1898 Waton manner was   left to his sister Alice Rothchild who continued  the tradition of custodianship and enhancement of   the estate ultimately its transition to the  National Trust after being beaked by Jamesy   Roth's child ensured that Watson would continue  to educate and Inspire future Generations today   Waton manners stands not just as a monument to  ferdinand's individual taste and vision but as   a symbol of the broader Rothchild Legacy of  contribution to the Arts culture and society   which part of the estate was your favorite let me  know Down Below in the comment section and while   you're there make sure to hit the Subscribe button  so you never miss an intriguing episode of this house!
Channel: This House
Views: 313,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gilded age mansion, lost mansions, Rothschild family, Waddesdon Manor, historic homes, luxury estates, wealthiest families, Rothschild mansion tour, secret mansions, hidden wealth, Rothschild legacy, art collections, luxury lifestyle, exclusive tour, historic mansions, Ken explores, This House channel, architectural wonders, philanthropy stories, power and wealth
Id: EOFkGM4Ks-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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