Tight Budget Transformations - Double Your House For Half The Money - S02 EP1 - Interior Design

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[Music] we all have our own idea of our dream home   but the reality is many of us have to put up  with houses that just don't work the kids are   living on top of each other there isn't enough  space to do all the things they'd like to do   by the time you've opened this cover in this  straw you can't move and nobody can come in but   it is possible to get more house for less money  transforming a house into something spectacular   might seem unaffordable but i really believe  it is possible to create your dream home for a   fraction of the price of going and buying one if  you get it right oh wow that looks really smart   last year saw a whopping 164 000 home extensions  successfully granted planning permission   but get it wrong and a badly designed extension  can knock thousands off the value of a house it's slightly nerve-wracking because this is  our house which could crumble any moment we   might be creating a monster in this series i'll  be following the fortunes of those attempting to   radically overhaul smaller homes for a fraction of  the cost of buying a bigger one the headboard of   the bed is going to be this far away from someone  else on the loo too close to comfort it's never   a simple undertaking that's a mission you set  yourself there's a mission here yeah to me with my   bar gcse maths it's four meters this is gonna be a  bumpy ride isn't it i have to brush my teeth in a   little small bucket it's been hell but the rewards  can be immense goodness me how utterly fabulous   don't really need the rest of the house it's got  everything we need just in this one spot [Music] recent research has shown that homes in britain  are among the smallest in western europe   with new houses sometimes being as small as  76 square meters but if you need somewhere to   live and just can't afford to get somewhere  that's big enough don't despair because you   may find you can get somewhere that's really  quite tiny and turn it into something fabulous   this week i'm with families who are hoping to  save cash by doubling their space for a fraction   of what it would cost to buy their unaffordable  dream home in maidstone how are you doing ben   and eloise want to extend the living space in  their cramped 1960s detached home i probably   am taking on too much but we need as much space  as we can get it's going to be pretty painful but first i'm off to ascot in berkshire where  helena and andy are planning to totally transform   their house i just take pictures of the room so i  can show dad helena and andy have just got engaged   four months ago they invested in this 278  thousand pound 1950s semi as their first home   buying it greek style my dad has definitely kept  it traditional and has helped us buy a house   in greek culture when people are getting married  the dad will present the daughter with a house   or with a large contribution of money to buy a  house thank you but they're taking greek tradition   a big step further helena's mum and dad  are moving in with them paris helena's dad   likes to have his great tv so we're making  a separate room especially for his great tv   it's a bit like my big fat wedding like he  misses home so he watches his tv just hoping   that my parents and i can come to a compromise  on design and layout and and the look of the   house because our tastes are quite different  what do you think of that one you like gloves   no i love that table i hate it some people might  think that it's a bit strange poor andy having   to live with his in-laws but i mean we would have  never been able to get a property ladder without living with several generations under one roof  doesn't have to be seen as a bad thing there are   major advantages both financially and socially but  if you don't plan it right and you don't get the   space to work in the right way it can be living  in hell building extension is the only way this   family can get the space they need thanks to  ascot's crazy property prices hi i'm sarah hi helena and andy have brought me to their ideal  ask at home if they had the cash so this is the   sort of house in terms of scale and size that  you'd really like to be able to afford it's   a very big house and there's a lot of space you  know we'd be able to fit four people in lots of   different like reception rooms so if one person  wants to watch tv quietly and other people want   to have a chat around around the table or watch  a different program and there's all that space   there which is kind of what we need this house  would be worth about eight hundred thousand and   your house is worth about three hundred thousand  definitely out of the budget yeah but you have   got some money haven't you yeah we've got about  120 from the bank of mum and dad so that's 420   000 which is a long way short of being able  to buy an 800 000 pound house true it is   but despite the gap in their finances helena and  andy still aspire to all this house has to offer   to buy their dream house would  cost eight hundred thousand pounds   their house is worth three hundred thousand  pounds so they'd need to find an extra   five hundred thousand pounds but they only have  a hundred and twenty thousand helena's parents   are paying for this ambitious bills so i'd like to  really check out the potential of their 1950s semi what's really exciting about this house is it's  one of the only houses left that hasn't been   extended and it's also the worst house on the  street it's a really good way of adding value   to your home because get rid of the worst  house in the street and the whole street   goes up in value [Music] the outdated layout  makes it tough to squeeze in two generations   downstairs there's a large reception room  with a kitchen loo and garage upstairs   three bedrooms but only one bathroom hello hi  nice to meet you it's nice to meet you hello   and so how did you decide to all live together  i think it's really important to look after your   family i mean i think it's a genius plan everyone  can be a winner but some people would think   gosh that's a that's a very brave thing and maybe  you're mad maybe you two are mad so it's actually   a lovely big sitting room and it's lovely light so  why does this space not work for you at the moment   do you think could you imagine living here with  all four of us we'd have to eat in here watch tv   in here and we've all got different tastes of tv  shows i could see that causing friction definitely   a few arguments next door they're planning to  replace the pokey kitchen with one big enough for   their greek family get-togethers [Music] but it's  upstairs that i fear might cause family clashes   do you think having a bedroom slap bang next to  your parents is going to be tricky or not there'll   be two bathrooms and wall space between us but  you know when you come out of your bedrooms in the   morning you're going to be bumping into each other  is that going to be fine it's nothing major that's   going to cause problems to be honest over the next  six months the family want to completely transform   their house with a two-story wraparound extension  downstairs their idea is to extend into the back   garden to create a huge open plan kitchen diner  family space beside a separate reception room   upstairs they're adding two new master bedrooms  with ensuites elena and andy are paying the   mortgage but it's paris and zanette who are  funding the 120 000 build from savings and a   25 000 loan but i'm a little bit worried their  planned layout could easily spark some family   fireworks i think the most important thing for  generations all living in one space is that you   have as many reception spaces as possible so  that you can be on your own and here you've   got this big reception room and actually i  think it would be better at this point here   and at this point here two sets of dollars have  two sets of doors so you can have it all open   or you can shut it off and you  can see in individual silent rooms   but i wonder if putting master bedrooms right  next to each other is that wise they are very much   next door to each other you're going to be facing  each other straight on first thing in the morning   do you feel me i had issues about the bathrooms  being side by side i can understand your concern   about it because you're going to hear every  single flush of the lavatory and everything else   a solution could be to move one of the  master bedrooms plus ensuite to the other   side of the house to maximize privacy so who's  project managing this i am so you're in charge   get it finished yes make sure that's  everything correct and the house i can   have an engagement party in by the time  that it needs to be finished thanks yes   it seems paris needs to step up to the mark  [Music] i'm not too fussed about being next   door to him i mean otherwise why are we having  it as one house we might as well then have split   it off had two separate entrance doors and name  it what it is two maizer nets or whatever but   no we want to live as a family i think  there may be some clashes along the way   although it is a strong family unit this  is going to be a rock and roll ride [Music]   while the iowa anita says mull over their plans  i'm off to maidstone to meet another growing   family ben and eloise need more living space and  fast i've only got a few days left until my due   date so i could go any day now which is really  scary salesman ben works full time in london and   runs his own part-time web business from home as  well as a new baby on the way he's piling on the   pressure by project managing the build himself so  that goes like that i probably am taking on too   much but we kind of need the extra space for  the baby i've got a daughter from a previous   relationship who comes to stay every other weekend  so we need as much space as we can get really because the baby is going to be  along literally as we start the build   i just think trying to look after my first newborn  baby with all of that going on be a bit stressful   it's going to be worth it but it's  going to be pretty painful two of   the most stressful things that people  do in their lives that have children   and do building work so it's madness that  they end up doing them at the same time ben and eloise live in a standard boxy  1960s detached home that's seen better   days downstairs there's a living room dining room  kitchen lou and garage upstairs three bedrooms   and a bathroom this sort of 1960s architecture  just isn't very fashionable yet and i'm not   sure it ever really will be so it will always  tend to hold the value of the property down   as you can see in other houses in  the street they have done the facade   which can take them into a different  league of home so it seems a bit of a waste   to do loads of stuff to the inside of this  house and not transform the outside too to buy a house in this area with the  space they'd like would cost a hefty   half a million pounds ben and eloise's  house is worth about 280 000 so they'd   need to find an extra 220 000 pounds trouble  is they only have 30 hi hello how are you gosh so you're hanging in there yeah tomorrow  tomorrow gosh we'll have to talk quickly quick   quick what was the dining room is now an  office for ben's part-time cartoon business   so you work full-time yeah and you have a  caricature website which is pretty busy as well   i'm pretty much a workaholic i drop  him off at the train station at 7am   he'll get back at 7 pm come home and he'll  be doing stuff on his laptop all night i   can't get away from it it's just here i see the  computer so you really need a separate office   where you go to the office and then you shut  the door and you leave the office and that's   work done yeah their plan is to demolish the  garage and build a two-story side extension   downstairs they're adding a playroom with a  new shower room and making their kitchen twice   the size but i fear there may be an issue  with their layout they haven't noticed yet   downstairs there's a kind of hole in your plans  and that's there's nowhere to put your buggies   and coats and wellies and all of that stuff you'll  end up with a hallway that you can't get through   and then a shower that's never used the flip side  of losing your garage is losing storage space   one solution here is to replace the shower  room with a utility room with storage you   want a downstairs loo because that's really  useful but you're better off with a big utility   space yeah upstairs they're creating a new master  bedroom bathroom and back ben has never project   managed a bill before along with overseeing the  schedule and contractors he'll have to watch every   penny of their tiny budget and you have got quite  a limited budget yeah absolutely 30 000. that is   quite tight isn't it yeah it's very tight it's  going to be tricky i know that but i'm going to   sort of use my negotiation skills so you're going  to be king of the blaggers yeah pretty much yeah the best advice that we got today i think  is the shower room for the downstairs we   don't really need a shower that badly it'll  be good storage space which i was worrying   about took the project on so i've got to just  crack on with it i guess there's no sort of   nothing else i can do really this is already  a really manic household there's a baby on the   way ben is a self-confessed workaholic he works  full-time and he has his own business as well   but on top of all of that they're about to  start a really big building project with a   really small budget of only 30 000 pounds this  is going to be a very stressful time [Music]   i'm with two families who are aiming to  radically transform their living space   without breaking the bank in ascot helena and  andy may be paying the mortgage but it's paris   and zanette who are spending 120 000 on this  build so they can all live together [Music] greek dad paris is in charge of the budget as  project manager he's overseen a bill before in   greece but daughter helena looks like she might  be as particular as any client dad that's actually   a lot smaller than we thought it would be no it's  not smaller no no it is although this is probably   a big space for most people and it is a big space  but just to look at it and think oh hold on this   is my kitchen my dining area and my lounge area  it doesn't feel that big [Music] over in maidstone   ben's also project managing his extension build  for his growing family but unlike paris he's   never done anything like this before i probably am  taking on too much yeah it's fairly scary you know   this is a big project for a first timer downstairs  they're adding a playroom plus a new shower room   and making their kitchen twice the size upstairs  they're creating a new master bedroom bathroom   and back bedroom but before the foundations are  even dug a different sort of labor is underway   six in the morning eloise has  gone into labor let me attend a few hours later there's a brand new barrett  maybe isabella barron born today at 2pm welcome   to the world isabella ben and eloise now have a  new baby and an extension to worry about there's   no paternity leave from this build i'm excited i  haven't had a lot of sleep obviously with a baby   and everything but there's no turning back really  so it's gonna be um three four months of uh chaos   with a tiny budget of just thirty thousand pounds  ben is relying on his gift of the gap to cut costs   on any build everything is negotiable  and there are always deals to be done   ben's doing well bartering a deal with his  builders ben's gonna do us a website it cuts the   cost down on his labour charge first i thought the  budget was unrealistic and i was really concerned   the amount of work that's got to go into this  build he wouldn't be doing this built today   without the deals he's actually  struck so um yeah well done ben   back in ascot project manager paris and daughter  helena still don't see eye to eye over their   layout if i don't like this size is there room for  changing it why because the console here no no no   what the length so if i want the room  if i decide i want a smaller bathroom   that doesn't matter this is here up to  up to me and or the builder and the new   mum and andy [Music] the family is spending  120 000 pounds to supersize their 1950s semi downstairs the rear extension will create  a huge open plan kitchen diner family space   upstairs they're adding two new master bedrooms  with ensuites it's great because things are   really starting to take shape i'm back hoping to  help this feisty family visualize their finished   build with an augmented reality app that will  bring their plans to life and highlight any   possible problems this is what your room is  going to look like with your current plans oh wow the bit that worries me is the wall between  the old sitting room and the new family kitchen   area i look at this and think it's going to be  pretty dark you actually see it on the screen   like that it's so clear it's just going to be  a very dark little box but there is a potential   easy fix to bring in lots of light and give  privacy what i'm suggesting is that you don't   block up the double doors down there in fact you  put more in here so there's two pairs of doors   that's an idea you can shut these doors but if you  want to you can open it up and you can bring the   light of the garden all the way through the house  our problem is if we are watching tv next door to   each other how would we block the sound out if  there are glass doors you can have soundproof   doors [Music] great it seems they all agree about  installing glass doors for the living room [Music]   but within hours family harmony vanishes that's  four meters yeah it's four meters two meters   helena and dad paris disagree about  the size of the doors for the kitchen   oh my god it's a meter door you're crazy meet at  the door i never seen my life it's a bi-fold door   oh i can't i don't i i'm i'm going to lose  my temper that's not right dad i didn't eat   snobby you know it's not big enough the plans  have bifold doors that are four meters wide but   project manager dad has only built a two meter gap  there might be trouble ahead on this drawing yeah   a centimeter represents a meter so if it's four  centimeters in length to me with my bad ucfc maths   it's four meters you've just told me this is two  meters so i was right there no it's not he doesn't   like bi-fold doors so it's when i'm not here  and i'm at work there's nothing i can do can i   it's done now one one moment because i'm going to  lose my debt but now you're not listening to me   i don't believe it it should be about  three take a breath take a breath [Music]   ooh it seems tempers are running high in this  family and they haven't even moved in together   yet what's a bi-fold door dad yeah but this is  the i don't want a french door like not there   paris and zanette are paying for this  hundred and twenty thousand pound build   but daughter helena who will be paying the  mortgage is set on getting the house she wants   helena is very inflexible she is either black or  white there's no shades of grey if it's two meters   you can make 50 centimeters each door it can be  forgotten listen to me can i say something to you   if you don't get this right with helena everything  is going to be very sour if you can adjust this   and make her happy with it she'll be more tolerant  for some of the other things you want to do i'm on my way back to maidstone a month  into bartering ben's four-month build   ben and eloise have a tiny baby but an  even tinier thirty thousand pound budget   and first time project manager ben  is finding it tough going [Music]   when i look around the site i can see that  there is an element of chaos everywhere yeah you know just three or four hours tidying up the  site would make a big difference because at the   moment you've got half the building sites inside  half your home stuff's outside it's all just   muddle up in one great big heap yeah it's driving  us crazy at the moment it makes it feel worse than   it is there are ways of keeping things tidy and  dust free without shelling out for storage fees   package up all your belongings and  put them into one space upstairs   tape up the door so that the dust doesn't  get in as easily almost like a storage unit   in the garden it's good to see ben is putting  some distance between his office and his house   with two jobs and project managing this build  he really needs a separate space to work   so this is the garden office brilliant yeah  it's amazing when extending your home isn't an   option but you're desperate for extra space  a garden room could be a perfect solution   off the peg modular designs cost anything from  between three thousand and forty thousand pounds   for bespoke models the sky's the limit aside  from offices uses include playrooms yoga studios   home cinemas and gyms and you don't usually  need planning permission as long as it isn't   used as a bedroom and the space is less  than 15 square meters and 2.5 meters high [Music]   for more information about extending  your house or increasing your floor   space check out my scrapbook at channel  four dot com forward slash beanie [Music]   in ascot the iowa anita's family are two months  into their six-month build and so time to check on   progress gosh this is getting on brilliantly their  open-plan kitchen diner family space is really   taking shape despite their little fallouts now  i know there's been a little bit of disagreement   hasn't there about the doors here what exactly  has gone on when i last came here to have a look   they were too small they're almost like patio  like french doors so i lost my temper in the   end we've actually made them bigger so we're  all learning to compromise yes helena yes   yes there might be another place their design  could be improved you haven't got any roof light   up there it's a flat roof and there's no roof  lights yeah i think you'll find not only does   it make this area dark but it makes the original  house the sitting room in there quite dark as well   so if you look at how it is now and  then hang on and wait for me to do this and here's what a difference a  roof light could make [Music]   do you see how much difference that  makes yeah yeah it would be much   lighter wouldn't it i'd make it good and big  and keep it that end well i hate to think about   doing that as well then maybe i think so yeah  in the old kitchen they've hit another problem   now this area here you've dug all the floor out so  what happened our builder found that the house had   been built on cement there's nothing to stop damp  coming up okay so he said it had to all be dug out   to be honest having a solid floor that has no damp  proof membrane is a disaster so he's absolutely   right and you were right to allow him to go ahead  with that but it obviously has come at a cost   and it's a big cost of seven thousand pounds  paris and zanette have no contingency fund but   fifteen thousand pounds of their hundred and  twenty thousand hand budget is earmarked for   fixtures and fittings and this is  where they'll need to claw back cash   if you can look at the budget and try and find  a way of cutting costs this is the time to do   it isn't it yeah yeah it's you that's going to  have to compromise more than anyone else isn't it   there's a lot of extra costs that are  coming up and the problem with that   is that the only solution is to reign back  some other spending from elsewhere i'm not   sure that compromise on finish is something that  helena's really going to be prepared to do [Music]   i'm with two families who are aiming to create the  perfect multi-generational homes without breaking   the bank in maidstone new dad ben is doing a  great job making deals to keep his 30 grand   build on budget would you be open to the idea of  doing a deal the answer would be yes he's talked   his way into a cut-price kitchen by offering  to print the showroom's brochures at discount   full marks to ben but whilst busy inside they  mustn't forget the outside of their house when   you look down the street it's very clear which of  the smarter houses and which the less smart houses   and you want to make sure that your house enters  the smarter house section of the street [Music]   cladding is a great way to smarten up your home   timber costs around 25 pounds per square meter  with upvc as a budget option at around 15 pounds as well as cladding they'll ideally need  to make the bricks of the extension the   same colour as the original house or  there's a danger it will look tacked   on it would cost you about a hundred pounds  to buy enough dye to do all of the new wow   it takes about half an hour to dry and in that  half hour process it lightens so as you can   see the original brick is this bleached  color these are your new bricks and this   is the color you can end up with right it's  amazing isn't it so we won't have any of those   sort of obvious lines it will cover it up and  yeah blend the old and the new together perfectly for more information about extending  your house or increasing your floor   space check out my scrapbook at  channel4.com forward slash beanie [Music]   ben is on a massively steep learning  curve as a first-time project manager   and is now making some debatable decisions  well i've ripped out the kitchen i went   a bit gung-ho and just done it in a  day just thought it'd be a good idea   but realized afterwards that i've got no  water i've had water leaks it's been hell brushing my teeth i have to brush my teeth in  a little small bucket before i go to work i'm   up at sort of 5 30 in the morning washing  in a bucket which is um it's pretty grim   and it seems that keeping the site organized bit  didn't go down so well there is mess everywhere   it's just chaos the builders and the trades are  in at the moment they're not happy with a mess   it's um it's it's a nightmare even i'm starting  to come to the end of me seven now i must admit   it's what it is i guess i've just got put  my head down and crack on with it [Music] in ascot the bank of mum and dad is in crisis  too build costs are rising but paris and zanette   don't have a penny more than their hundred  and twenty thousand pound budget the money   is going out regularly from the banks we just hope  that the money lasts so we could carry on paying when a budget spirals out of control one sure-fire  way to rein in your spending is on fixtures and   fittings one of the key issues now is saving money  because you've had extra expenses you weren't   expecting and if you can compromise on price on  the kitchen that is a key area you could claw back   a lot of the overspend that you've already had  this kitchen here would be about ten thousand   pounds so that's a bit more on the budget range  and look at that look at your father's smile   he's like oh that's perfect i really don't  like it paris and zanette may be funding this   build but daughter helena doesn't seem a fan of  compromise even if it helps save her parents cash   what do you think paris price is  right price is right for me surprise in britain there's a temptation to spend  an awful lot of money on our kitchens   but you can bag a real bug and if you  shop around for ex-showroom or end of line   and check out suppliers of  second-hand bespoke kitchens   to make a cheap kitchen look expensive the  key is to mix and match forecast on quality   worktops designer lighting and stylish taps  but you could save cash on carcasses and doors for this family i think it's time to sit down stay  calm and talk money with project manager paris   do you have an idea as to how much you would like  to spend on your kitchen well my budget is 8 000   pounds and the rest will be down to helena if  she wants to make up the difference and take on   an extra debt if 8000 only got us a kitchen that  couldn't be what i really wanted i'd rather buy a   more expensive kitchen that i would then pay off  obviously the attitude should be i find a kitchen   that i really like to the budget oh dear we seem  to have hit another family face-off seems to me   there is a fundamental difference between each  side of the table here and that's you're thinking   that you'd like to have it anyway and you'll get  it out with debt and pay it off in the long term   and you're thinking if you can't afford it don't  buy it that's the mentality my parents have always   had unfortunately i wish i did share it i just  i'm quite an impatient person there's a little   bit of me and things you've spent a whole lifetime  saving to make sure that you guys aren't in debt   so i think it's a little bit naughty for you to  go into debt i i totally see where you're coming   from and i totally understand getting into debt  isn't the best way to deal with a budget overspend   of course i'd love to spend only eight grand i  don't have to take any debt but we would like to   have what we want now it's got to be a compromise  because we've only got a finite amount of money   and that's always been our ethos we don't  we don't spend on things we can't afford   i don't really care anyone else thinks it's  about making us happy i think my mom and dad   think it's about showing off that i want a big  flashy kitchen so we can show off to my mates   i just want a big flashy kitchen because  i grew up with a really crap one and so   did he [Music] whether the family can compromise  and meet in the middle is anyone's guess [Music]   in maidstone it's taken four months for new  parents ben and eloise to transform their   home with a massive two-story extension but now  all their hard work is almost finished [Music]   ben and eloise took an awful lot on they had a new  baby a major build and all for a budget of just   30 000 pounds but i've got a feeling that  ben's gritty determination might have just   pulled it off back then the outside of their  1960s detached house was tired and dated   well that certainly now fits in as one  of the smartest houses on the street   cladding works the bricks all match in i  think it's been there for years [Music] now ben and eloise have supersized their  cramped house into a smart spacious family home hi how are you good how are you very well  thank you this looks absolutely fantastic   let me have a look inside before their kitchen was so tiny they  struggled to both use it at the same time but now they've massively increased its size  by knocking through to the new side extension   so this looks absolutely amazing and this  is the kitchen that you were hoping for   the drink kitchen the kitchen before was so tiny  definitely we have no problems about bumping into   each other i can empty the dishwasher fine  yeah this place is huge now i mean it looks   fantastic this is unrecognizable this used to  be your office here didn't it that's right yeah   the other end of the open plan was once their old  dining room and makeshift office for ben [Music]   but it's been transformed into a sleek new dining  and sitting area everything was in here you're all   working in here all the time yeah and now it's  certainly not an office anymore is it definitely   not that it must make such a difference a  massive difference yeah it was horrendous   ben and his piles of paperwork have now moved  to slick new premises in the garden office   you can just leave the house to go to the  office it makes all the difference in all   the world definitely and ben doesn't work  as much oh really yeah brilliant so when he   comes into the house is he off duty as much  as he can be i mean locks me out [Laughter]   downstairs in the new extension  there's a brand new playroom   next to a shower room where they decided  against having a practical utility room   having lost the garage space you weren't tempted  to have a utility room you thought a shower would   be better i think it was down to cost and  everything so we thought you know we'd just   uh have it built in with the kitchen  built in with the kitchen yeah [Music]   upstairs the side extension has given them two  new bedrooms and a bathroom our lovely bedroom   and lovely shower as well it certainly beats  washing in a bucket so this must be fantastic   to have because over the last few months eloise  you've been at your mum's quite a lot so ben   you've been up here yeah it must feel lovely to  be back together again absolutely yeah has it been   quite a bumpy ride do you think along the way yeah  definitely yeah it feels like a massive weight off   our shoulders yeah it's just nice to be able to  relax and not have sort of builders and chaos and   open your eyes and see something that  looks finished yeah it's amazing [Music]   despite the challenges ben and eloise have done  an incredible job the house looks fantastic but   did bartering then manage to stick to their budget  you set yourself as incredibly big challenge of   trying to do all this for 30 000 pounds  yeah how much did you end up spending around   40 000 so you did go over but that is still  incredible to do all of this for 40 000. yeah   if ben and eloise had tried to buy their dream  home in this area it would have been a whopping   500 000 pounds 190 000 pounds more than their  budget instead they managed to create their   own dream house for forty thousand pounds even  though they've overspent by ten thousand pounds   they've achieved an awful lot are not very much  money and there's more comforting news the house   was worth 280 000 pounds when you bought it  and you ended up spending 40 000 pounds on it   yeah that's 320 000. i think it would be quite  realistic for you to get 425 000 for it fantastic   which would mean that you've created a hundred  and five thousand pounds of equity it's amazing   yeah it's a lot of money we have our dream house  now and 100k equity fantastic fantastic [Music] i have an awful lot of admiration  for ben and eloise they've worked   really hard to try and achieve something and  they have achieved it and they deserve it   just goes to show that with enough hard work  anything is possible [Music] [Applause] [Music]   six months ago paris and zanette daughter helena   and fiance andy took on what might be  considered a project of utter madness   some people might think poor andy having to  live with his in-laws but i mean we would   have never been able to get a property out of my  family with helena and andy paying the mortgage   and her parents funding the hundred and twenty  thousand pound build the family wanted to more   than double the size of this house so they could  all live together that's actually a lot smaller   than we thought it would be no it's not smaller  but sparks flew from the start between helena and   project manager dad paris that's four meters  yeah it's four meters not two meters [Music]   now this huge build is almost finished and  there should be enough space for two generations helena and her family had a massive task they took  quite a small home and completely transformed it   so that it would easily and comfortably fit two  families living in it but from day one there   has been a lot of arguing and i'm just hoping  that they've all learnt to compromise [Music]   at the start of this build their  run-down 1950s semi looked very different   now that certainly isn't the worst house  in the street anymore amazing [Music] now they've created a spacious  21st century family home [Music] hi hello how are you how are you good to see you  what an amazing unrecognizable space you must be   before the main living space was an unloved shell  totally unsuited to multi-generational living but they've transformed the ground floor with  a rear extension and three reception rooms   are you pleased with the divides we're glad  that we've done it yeah and the glass doors   are a great success now each space can easily  be closed off into a separate living area   i think these different spaces will mean that you  can all hopefully cohabitate without any arguments   how do you imagine you're going to use these  rooms i thought the foreign would be sort of   like a more formal lounge and mum might have that  as somewhere she'd like to just sort of relax and   quite tranquil elegant and the middle room was  going to be for for dad so you could have like   greek tv leather chairs amazing  i'll relax the new boys room   i can see the football going yeah you'll  have a sticker saying no girls allowed a huge kitchen diner reception  is in the rear extension   and the roof light brings the sitting area  alive [Music] makes such a difference it's   really bright and light in here i'm so glad we got  it it's one of the best things we did and this is   a space that you two are thinking that you're  gonna use a lot isn't it this would be our area so the bifold doors look amazing   but who can forget the family's little  misunderstanding over the infamous four meters   there was a discussion about whether they should  be bigger or by far door gate yeah it opens up   there and i just i just love the fact that i  can look out into that garden so you're happy   right absolutely and you're happy that helen's  happy and i'm happy that they're both happy the rest of the open plan in the rear extension  is the family's sleek new kitchen diner [Music]   is this what you were dreaming of i love it  absolutely love it yeah it's amazing it's clean   it's minimalist it's got sparkle it's white  it's bright it was absolutely key getting the   right kitchen in wasn't it yeah yeah and it was  a another kind of slightly bumpy ride there yeah   and i think it's been easy in this field the  kitchen caused more family fireworks so have   they found a budget-friendly kitchen that  helena likes and how much was the kitchen   it was originally 900 and we got it down to 5  500 by cutting out lots of sort of extras and   not taking their appliances we basically paired  it right the way down we've sourced all the   electrical equipment separately a gorgeous  kitchen for under 10 grand [Music]   upstairs extending has given them two master  bedrooms with ensuites [Music] but they're   sticking to the plan of keeping them side by  side even after all their heated discussions   an amazing rollercoaster ride you guys have been  on a lot of it revolved around you because you're   a very hard lady to please i know when you  set out on this in the first place the house   was worth about 300 000 pounds and you had 120  000 pounds you're going to spend on it did you   spend that amount of did you spend yeah we spent  14 and a half thousand pounds extra parents paris   and zanette have spent all their savings and more  you had a 25 000 pound loan which was part of that   120 thousand and it's gone another nearly fifteen  thousand pounds over so now it's a forty thousand   pound debt yes that's forty thousand right okay  [Music] their dream house is worth eight hundred   thousand pounds so they would have needed another  three hundred and eighty thousand pounds to buy it   but they've managed to create their own dream  house for a hundred and thirty five thousand   even though they've overspent  by fifteen thousand that's less   than half the money and  there's more reassuring news   i think now what you've created would be worth  somewhere up to about 550 000 so actually you've   created a really big lump of equity over  115 000 pounds what does that feel like at the age of 27 i think thanks to my parents  we've achieve something that a lot of people will   never achieve so we're really really thankful  i wait for a long time for the compliment despite all the hard fought compromises and  sacrifices and overspends and turmoil times   and clashes of opinion this family have ended up  with a beautiful home and hopefully that will be   something that both generations and perhaps a  third will be able to enjoy in years to come [Music] next time joe and greg's  ensuite design dies a quick death   you've got something about  the same size as small coffin ridiculous really isn't it and there's a watery  surprise beneath the ridley's old cottage   first time i've heard of a house being built  across a well i knew there was going to be some   problems but i just didn't quite know there  were going to be a hole in the ground [Music] you
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 17,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ascot house transformation, budget renovation, double your house for half the money, dream homes, family clash, home improvement, home makeover, home redesign, home renovation, interior design, maidstone home renovation, property transformation, real estate, renovation, renovation tips, sarah beeny
Id: L0wzEDuExEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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