Chilling, Decay Effect: Photoshop Tutorial

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All stock download links are in the description. Head over and select the Quick Selection Tool. Carefully select the entire model. Hold ALT to subtract from selection. Head up to Select and Mask. Make sure Refine Radius Tool is selected. Select around the models hair. Output To: New Layer. Then hit OK. Head down and create a new layer. Drag it below the Background Copy. I will rename this layer to Background. Head up to Edit > Fill. Change Contents: White. Then hit OK. Have our top layer selected. I'm going to rename this layer to Effect. Right click > Duplicate Layer. Rename it to Man. Then hit OK. Hide our top layer. Then select the Effect layer. Then head up to Filter > Liquify. Have the Forward Warp Tool selected. Warp the model outwards like so. This will determine the size of the effect. When you're done, hit OK. Hold ALT + Click on Mask. Make sure the mask is black. Make the top layer visible again. Then select it. Head back down and select mask. Make sure our top layer mask is selected. Foreground color set to black. Then select the Brush Tool. (B) Select a particle brush. Open up the brush panel. I'm going to bring down the size of the brush a tad. Start masking the outer areas of the man. Use different brushes to better the effect. Adjust the size so the particles aren't too big. I will rotate the brush, so it doesn't look like a pattern. CTRL + Z to undo. I will speed this part up to save you time. Once you're done, select the effect mask. Make sure your foreground is set to white. Select another particle brush. Now we can add the effect. Increase brush ] decrease brush [ Take your time! Make sure to choose different brushes. I will speed this part up to save you time. When you're done, select the effect layer. Then select the Mixer Brush Tool. Wet: 25% | Load: 42% | Mix: 100% | Flow 100%. I want to mix some of the colors. So that the effect flows better. Just take your time and mix it up a bit. There we go, that looks pretty good! I'm going to clean up the image a bit. Click on our top mask layer. Then head over and select the Brush Tool. (B) Then select a small brush with soft edges. Make sure your foreground is set to white. Here, we'll be able to mask out areas we don't need. I will speed this part up. That looks much better. I'm going to add an ice texture. Make sure your Move Tool is selected. Then drag and drop onto our project. Center the texture. CTRL + T to select the ice texture. Hold ALT + SHIFT and drag a corner outwards to resize. When you're done, hit enter. Change the Blending Mode to Overlay. Then bring down the opacity to about 70%. Use your Move Tool (V) if you want to positon the texture differently. I'm going to rename our texture layer to ice texture. That looks good there. I'm going to add a second texture to the camera. Using your Move Tool. Drag and drop onto our project. CTRL + T to select the texture. Hold ALT + SHIFT while scaling the image to fit the camera. Hit Enter when you're done. Head down and hit ALT + Mask. Select the Brush Tool. (B) Make sure your foreground is set to white. Star adding back the texture. Change the Blending Mode > Overlay. I'm going to rename our top layer to Lens Texture. Head down and create a new layer. Rename the new layer > Flare or Light. Change the Blending Mode > Color Dodge. Change our foreground color to a nice blue. Color Code: 00c6ff Then hit OK. Select the Brush Tool. Click on the lens to add more color. This will make the blue color stand out more. If it's too overwhelming, bring down the opacity a tad. 60% seems to work well. Have our top layer selected. CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + E (Merge all visible layers.) I'm going to rename this layer to Merged. Right click > Convert to Smart Object. Head up to Filter > Filter Gallery. Click on the Brush Strokes drop down menu. Click on Accented Edges. Edge Width 1 | Edge Brightness 38 | Smoothness 3. Then hit OK. Hold ALT then click on mask. Make sure you're on the mask. Foreground color should be white. Brush Tool selected. Start adding the effect back. This way, we can do it manually and apply the filter to parts we want. I will speed this part up. I'm going to add another lens flare. Using your Move Tool. (V) Drag and drop. Positon it over the camera. Change the Blending Mode > Screen. I'm going to rename this layer to Lens Flare. I'm going to sharpen the image up a tad. Have the top layer selected. CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + E. (Merge all visible layers.) I'm going to rename this layer to Sharpen. Head up to Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen More. If it's too sharp. Bring down the opacity a tad. Thank you so much for watching!
Channel: Photoshop Tutorials
Views: 2,138,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photoshop Tutorial, Photoshop, Photo Effects, Decay Effect, Photoshop Effect, Photoshop Explode, Photoshop Chilling Effect, learnPhotoshop, howtophotoshop, Photoshop Tutorials
Id: Vfz0hDdYl0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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