Dottie Rambo - Heart To Heart With Sheila Walsh

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gonna be some word I'll have to crawl and there probably be some try I would never all the way please even me to you No Oh is why anyway laughs stew whoa before but I'll take it to come Oh Oh we are gonna thank us for digging up that footage over the past four years she has lived the words of that song physical complications with her back left her an intense constant pain the kind of pain I can't even imagine and many of us would not have survived to share with us more please welcome from nashville tennessee a lady I've been looking forward to meet for a long time Dottie around yeah southern Scotland yeah I heard that and it's funny when I was sitting watching your face as you were watching a bit of that I thought of a letter that came across my desk not very long ago one of the letters that I received either from back or from Donnie saying that it come to the place where what you were going through was just too much and if God wasn't going to heal you would we join with you in prayer that God would take you home and I took that letter home I had them beside my bed and I said God what I do here do you want me to pray for this and I couldn't I just couldn't do it I cannot pray that God would release this woman ain't never Savoy it ain't send her home yet do you remember those I mean that hide in the dark darn time you started me crying over agree Kiera I'm real sensitive where that's gonna sir well my family come to that Sheila you know if you watch somebody lay there and Hospital after hospital and surgery after surgery and they've gone through my throat and fused in four and five discs in the back that had ruptured and I'd already gone through that and not just one scar in my back there's 22 inches long they've opened that up five times I've had both hip bones partially you know pieces taken out for fusions in the spine and then the spinal course leaked for three weeks in the hospital by surgery before last they paralyzed me on the left side so I've had to learn to walk again and I'm still learning to walk with a great therapist and not able to go down or up steps too well and then they also this last January released my spinal cord that has attached itself to scar tissues four places it wouldn't float in the bag and great spiritual doctors in Baltimore dr. Davis an incredible man through a vision the Lord showed me that that man could free my back he did do it to the Lord's happened I noted his hands and prayed for him and he went in and no not once was it attached before times and they only could see one on the x-ray but during all this I kept thinking you know God maybe after this surgery that was last January of 91 I'll date that that I had that surgery is the pain going to be better will it get better no it got worse they had taken a rib out and that pushed me to the left so my body was shifting I was losing the right side and the pain kept increasing kept increasing and someone asked me how the pain feels and it constantly is with me except when I get in the anointing when I'm minister sitting talking to you and talking to people after they're watching I don't think of the pain I don't feel it I don't notice it but when I walk away and I get in the privacy of my home then I hide and cry and say I used to say why Lord and how long will it be but you know she'll I learned her a great secret when God told me that I was not going to die he was not ready for me to come home that he didn't need me in heaven there wasn't any sick people in heaven there was nobody there for me to pray for there's nobody that need to hear the songs he lands he just wanted me here and I said God teach me how not to cope but to deal with the pain so I deal with it every day and I focus in on the word and when I locked in Sheila uncovered it when I found out covenant then I found out with the Lord and cover and I can bear the pain and the Lord started giving me back the mind again when I went off my medication there's so much to tell I'm just going as fast as I can but I was on enough medication to kill a man that would weigh 300 pounds and this was permitted by all my doctors they would do research trying to find something to stop the pain they had not as yet found anything that will stop it but I was on so much the devil had found a loophole to get in to get my gift he was taking my mind see with the medication and giving me a thick tongue and I was losing months I was losing years but I couldn't remember things I did things I was doing or but I had said oh but my family right there undergirding me and and shielding me protecting me apologizing for me I wasn't aware of this you know but the Lord spoke to me six months before I oh absolutely decided to go Turkey cold turkey to Medicine 15th of September on bucks birthday I woke up in the morning and the Lord had spoken to me six months prior to this that he was going to do something incredible with me in six months and I didn't know what it was three months rolled around I said God what are you talking about in my spirit the spirit said you're going to go off all your medication in the daytime have to take some at night because I had to rest to keep my strength because I lost so much weight and appetite and everything I woke up that morning at 6 o'clock I told buck and he said oh there's no way you can do that you can't do that Dottie I said oh yeah the Lord is let me know I can do that I went off of it I stopped every bit of it I didn't perspire I didn't withdraw I didn't shake that was on Sunday on Friday I went to see my main medicine doctor he looked at me I walked around the room he watched my posture he said what in this world have you done I told him what I did he said you're an absolute miracle three hours three hours he examined me he questioned me he put me through it and my sister Betty was with me and to witness this he said what do you contribute to what you've done I said God Almighty and a husband that weighed 210 pounds that went to 152 pounds that was stressed out and is now recouping from what he saw me go through but when I went off the medication there was no change except I had a miracle I had a doctor to witness it was a miracle that says I'll put it on paper you have had a miracle of God to not to be in a padded cell somewhere you know to the notes have done what you've done well what happened then like my mind is just as clear as a bell songs are coming again but I still walk in the pain I still cry with the pain except when I minister so about three weeks ago I did my first service for two solid hours I stood and ministered and it was so anointed I never knew I had pain I wonder if you can help me with something I'm struggling with right now I have a friend who has cancer multiple sclerosis she's very sick very close to death and I I don't even struggle with the fact that God seems not to have healed her I do struggle with her incredible physical suffering and there's been nights when she's called me and I can tell she can hardly bear it the morphine doesn't take the edge off the pain and you're the only one I can ask at those times did you ever feel abandoned by God did you ask why the suffering continued because we don't talk about that the church you know you become an embarrassment to the church is that a shame the Bible said to make your needs known you know I was never ashamed to holler help you know if you're drowning you're help and I didn't care if it embarrassed the church you know I went down what we call the laundry list you know I said God I've been a good girl you know I'm walking in the Covenant you know I give my ties to you I'm faithful I'll write my music about you god I love you with all my heart I'm in covenant with my family why why are why is this happening to me God didn't talk to me about that and I honestly I would say God have you left me I looked for him do you hear me now I would say oh Jesus intercede to the Father my name is Dottie Jesus Dottie and I would take the morphine I would take the liquid morphine back up the pain was still there I would just be in a stupor and I would scream out like David in the songs I was screaming yes I felt abandoned and and I'll tell you the truth I almost wondered you know what is God doing to me I've been a Christian I left home when I was 12 years old to serve the Lord I packed my little cardboard suitcase and left home when my father asked me to when I found the Lord but later on I won my father to the Lord before he died and he found Jesus and loved my music but I just couldn't figure out why was going through that you know and it got so that I wouldn't say but pray for me I'd give his hand I'd say honey are you hanging and meant were you hanging with me he knew it was at a place that I could no longer bury past the ten mark you know and beyond and I would cry until you couldn't hardly see my eyes and my stomach before this last surgery surgery was like I was seven months pregnant it was blocked off where there's no blood or oxygen getting through so this last surgery took care of that but I would just cry too I think no one hears me and God doesn't hear me and in a vision I told her several times I was walking through this lush Valley this was during the pain God would carry me into the spirit in the spirit is the only release all I would have and I was saying God where are you where are you God where are you take me home I can't stand the pain can't take it I can't take it here was a patient's daughter patients patients daughter faith you want my faith not Messiah T and besides you're looking at me up this way look back this way I'm right here beside you look over your shoulder and Sheila I did it and there it was and when I saw him I knew whatever was ahead of me was all right that I could take it and it was really awesome excuse me when I think of Christ is being beaten and smitten I would see his shoulders I would never see his back and I didn't realize that so one day he said let me show you what I suffered and he was like a drape fullback and I saw every muscle every ligament every nerve ending where they damaged me where this evil doctor had burned 136 nerves and paralyzed my left side causing me now this has been two and a half years I've been trying to learn to walk again and I'm coming I am recovering I'm recovering yes I am but I I just thought you know I could I just could not bear it I could not take it any longer but when I saw his back and I saw those muscles dangling and the nerve endings going and I saw the blood gushing down around his waist he said this is what I suffered yes you had this yes you've had that to suffer with me is to reign with me so when I suffer I counted joy you know Paul you notice how he wrote he said hey wait a minute here I'll shipwreck I was in prison I wasn't change I was hungry I mean he didn't care to tell you and it's a shame that we can't scream out I need healing I need somebody to touch me I need the elders to come over lay hands on me I can't get to them but you know since I've been like this Sheila I want to go into nursing homes I want to I want to go anywhere I can just touch somebody like your friend with cancer and say yes darling you can make it yes God has not forsaken no he has not eat and he's not mad at you no he isn't but it's it will be purified we're being promoted I know that I know that the end of this is going to be glorious God let me know that no great name would lay hands on me and that end a wonderful healing but I had about eight great named ministers that you would know every one of their names that came into the city where I lived they didn't call her they didn't come not because they didn't love me but because God refuses to let man take glory what's going to happen to me and a new song I just finished it's called God's going to get the glory when great physicians do all they can and the help is beyond their skillful hands when fans friends and family make up their mind whispering scoff it's just a matter of time then I open my spirit carrots speak whatever he wills is the way it will be in God is gonna get the glory he will get the glory and I'll go ahead leave it to him as the church to me the church should be a place with a bunch of people a bunch of people who say my name is Sheila Walsh and I'm a sinner and I need you and you need me so we hold onto each other no matter what comes up yes you know we hold onto each other has it been hard for you to not see that happen the way it should if the church is working as the body of Christ yeah it's been hard I had you can ugly when you cry so no you get ugly anytime I had two little ladies that drove from Atlanta to Nashville when I was paralyzed and I was at hospital three months and then four months is an outpatient to learn to walk and those little girls didn't have any money they were not somebody anybody knew they clean the houses for living and they would drive every weekend and sleep in the chapel in the hospital to pray for me and to bring yogurt or something the church has lost sight of the vision of why we are here we are a hospital we must be a hospital we must be able to pick up that little lady that's giving birth an illegitimate child we must be able to hug that man a woman is dying with AIDS and not be afraid to touch their skin as I've done before with a wonderful friend of mine Cynthia characters husband died and now she works with AIDS patients it doesn't frighten me I'm covered by the blood you know it's not I'm not afraid the church should not be afraid if someone walks in and they aren't dressed in great attire and all accessories just right sometimes we tend to look at them and judge them and wonder can they give in our offering are they taking up room in our pews that a lawyer a doctor or a learning person should take up it's very sad you know I'm not against doctor and lawyer so my best friends are that but I'm saying the church should be an open light house it should be so bright and so open that anybody could run into it and feel oh I'm sheltered I waited for many people that didn't call my phone but thousands did call my phone thousands did check on me thousands do and still respond to my call this is the second time I've been on television third time excuse me since the last two months come back in just doing maybe one or two concerts beginning now a month as the Lord will let me go out with somebody taking and going with me and taking care of me to minister so I don't feel the pain but if the church could Sheila reach out to you you see I can look in your eyes and tell you that there's something deep inside a Shiva that needs to be touched today but because Sheila sets here on this 700 club and heart to heart and do the minister you do sometimes don't you find it hard to find an ear that will listen and you're saying Lord would I go who do I talk to I deal with pastors wives that can't talk their husbands are so busy with the church Dottie who do I talk to you know who the pastor's wife talk to everybody has a need and somewhere there's somebody sitting like that's bleeding spiritually to death inside and Jesus walked among the sinners Jesus walked among those that were sick he went to them they crawled to him they stooped to touch His garment but Jesus didn't care if the Pharisees made funny Jesus didn't care what they said about him he was where his ministry was see to me it's a joy just reaching graves might hug them in a lobby of a hotel when I see them hurting you can look in those eyes Sheila give me your hand because I know you have a need and I say in the name of Jesus i refresh you in Jesus I have the authority to bless you in Jesus to curse you I had that apart but I bless you I reach in the very innermost being excused this English but there's only one word for it cut into your gut level of your heart your soul and I minister to you out of your hurt your hearts broken for your friend with cancer be a source to her reach to take back this today and say Donnie Rambo said you can handle it and I'm gonna stand by you as a lighthouse but I speak to Sheila's need today I speak to that and God is standing right outside the door he's got a key for that lock inside of you and he wants to get just a little more in to turn it now I touch you as a point of contact and I minister to you out of my needs I've ministered to you now you don't feel my back pain but you can look at my eyes and in your heart you feel it but don't you feel god ministering to you now should somebody come up to you that's totally well totally financially was healed maybe they could touch you you wouldn't do as much not it's because it's daddy Rambo but it's because you know a little about me and I'm telling you about where I'm coming from oh that the church could take a hand oh they could learn to be Jesus as my kids say with skin on Jesus she look on do something please study in the name of Jesus I pray for every hurting person there for the nine back surgeries that I've been through I pray for every pain in your body to be released right now in the name of Jesus I pray for a woman the other night that had the same problem I had in T 10 and 11 discs that ruptured I prayed for her a few months ago I should say she walked away healed and I stood still standing in pain I don't understand that but God does now I'm praying for the backs I'm praying for lower backs that knots that are protruding and muscles that are jerking because that's what Linda's I pray for that friend she deals with cancer rise out of that bed get your focus on God get in the Unknowing if you had to go to church every day and be among anointed people in the name of Jesus pick up your bed and walk pick up your troubles and lay them at the feet of Jesus and don't go back and get them release him to God I've released mine to the Lord and he said he would not put more upon me than I could bear so through Jesus I can bear it god bless you I love you that was for you I want to put an address on your screen because Mike and Ollie have tremendous financial needs and I mean I don't know why we should even be embarrassed about hiding lies the church they have tremendous financial needs the surgeries that cost astronomical amount of money if two or three people try to bear it it will break them if we all as a church spirit together it's an easy easy load to carry so there's the address dolly ramble ramble evangelistic association post office box 504 7 8 nashville tennessee 372 oh 5 ask you to write I believe with all my heart the greatest songs are still to be written that God is doing in Dolly's heart soul and spirit songs that will break the yoke of oppression that lay on so many and don't God knew I needed you here today we taste of this year yes I don't have a trailer I was talking with Pat Pat Robertson an of God after God's own heart and you're sitting right in the place you need to be with him he's undergirding you knew him when buck was on this these shows we were in need of an automobile that would be on a floating I don't know I'm not a man I can't describe these things you remember that through what you did to Pat's permission what you all did I stood I wasn't walking hardly at all then but I stood it my bidder and I said god I don't like my ugly thing I don't want that vehicle but I need that so I released it now I'm not coming back to get that problem through what you all did on the 700 club and heart-to-heart in three days I had the vehicle and it was paid for my last surgery cost a million dollars and it's been five years since we've worked and used to be embarrassing I would never mention finances Sheila you know but 49 years I've been in the ministry and I've been faithful to God weeping faithful and now I say Body of Christ it's time to rally - absolutely I would rally to you I would rally to pact I rarely do a lot of them and I say God I will not be embarrassed you told me and Joel that I would not you would not let me be ashamed I would not be ashamed I'm not a beggar God's people don't beg seats in order I'm not begging for bread they don't do that but you make your needs known and they're great the finances are great and we are still sitting here and my husband is at home very stressed out recovering from what he's gone through with me so I want to thank you for being sensitive to our financial needs and the help that has come from the partners out there it's bringing us back in the ministry and God's just going to bless you for your faithfulness and bless us for our faith in doing it let me give you that address again because when I got off the air today I'm writing a check and I ask you to do it to please our friends need us so much so just write it today Dody ramble ramble evangelistic association post office box five or four seventy nashville tennessee 372 or five and i also want you to know that these great tapes are available a buck and Dottie reaching around the world boy has God allowed them to do that and the legend continues and those tapes are available today we have a toll-free number you can call its 1-800 to eight eight eight seven one eight hundred two eight eight eight zero eight seven and I ask you to please pray for back I remember the day he was with us on the club and and my heart ached for that man after I went home because it's so hard to watch someone you love suffer so much it's hard to stand out there on the front lines for years ministering and serving and then those that you've ministered to and served when it seemed to turn and walk away when you need them most to pray for him pray that God will send His angels to minister but you know sometimes God expects us to be the answer to our own prayers it's easier to say god bless their financial need God touched them maybe gotta say okay are you ready let's go he'll use you and he'll use me till the next time you
Channel: RamboMcGuire
Views: 50,051
Rating: 4.8996863 out of 5
Keywords: Dottie Rambo, Sheila Walsh (Musical Artist), Heart To Heart, Christian Broadcasting Network (TV Network), Gospel Music (Musical Genre), Christianity (Religion), The Rambos, Buck Rambo, Reba Rambo McGuire (Musical Artist)
Id: h6hrHlDCOhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2015
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