Dottie Rambo testifies about life, heartache, triumph, and family.

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Sharon let you share so much we've been on talking about the family tonight and if anybody can share light on the family sister daughter you can your songs have done it you have done it it's part of your testimony it's where you write can you can you share from your heart to help some maybe some I don't know why it's going this direction tonight but maybe for some struggling family out there tonight that it looks like the pieces are about to fall and it did awesome though that he is the only one that can pick up the pieces even if it does break we are vessels of God and even if we do fall and we break he's the only one that can pick them back up and make it I don't know if this is proper English but more beautiful than it was to begin with and and you know about that and you know share with us a little bit give us some of that wisdom that God has placed down inside of you Jason the Lord showed me something when I lived out on my farm I was getting ready for a new CD and I'd always heard about that and and that may be the right way what you're saying break and pick another piece it may be right but in my spirit for me right the Lord spoke and I started writing Lord don't pick up the pieces just make the picture brand new because once you can let it go the herd and the families and the broken homes and I'm a witness once you can drop it and let the stress go it'll kill you it will kill you I learned to cry like because I've always been a real silly acting girl that love God but when I learned let it go the Lord have begin to let me write don't make don't pick up the pieces makes a picture brand-new and I was talking about when we're put on the wheel again right he just it's all meshed he just grabs it picks it up Murray shapes it and we're new again that's why I feel new tonight hey God I am new tonight Paul and Jane has seen me when I couldn't hardly walk on the stage when my back had ten back surgeries and the doctor a heathen doctor messed my spine up and then I broke a leg and but that's healing thank God and I know about broken families I felt like Joseph yes ma'am I have been dropped in hose but go home and read about Joseph yeah that's the book excuse me the coat of many colors I had one of those and my little friend Dalek him on wrote it and when they dropped me in the hole I didn't have anybody except my friends that stood me and then two of them not my people but two people came through when I was flat on my back and got into my accounts and robbed me blind but God Almighty will restore he restores yes he does yes he does yes he does I saw one on the other day they look so pitiful and I said Jesus heal them take that stealing fingers take their white lord just taking away I this is just thrilling me tonight because the anointing is in this place I told us I told sister Caesar I said listen when I was a little girl at 12 leaving home I would stand back hiding somewhere in church or by the stage drapes or whatever I was doing and I'd always look up and I say Father Son the Holy Spirit and the anointing and angels I'm not going out there if you don't go if you don't go if you don't go all I'll do is sing and smile a little bit but oh god I give you glory Oh God I give you praise oh yes I do he's my keeper he is my provider and he gives me new friends he gets me new family is my land I could preach up my new hell haze God he's been my protector oh thank god he's been my Savior he's my lord he's my provider my land my land Paul Jan give us another hour please and to be with Martin Paul oh my land I heard it's gonna be here and I thought oh my god say when I see him every time I think they know more than I ever did started out at 4 years old I love more and Paul Whiteman's my land I love them they've raised some good-looking gifted kids yes they had good man Jason let me tell you something son you hold your family together as much as you can those twins love you with all her heart and the first time I saw you I thought well the twins look like the bookends you in the middle and they just standing all of you and there's only a time real quick Seth the Lord that the devil is gonna lie about them and he's going to want to pull y'all apart and you hear me when I tell you you didn't start without him you started with him so mama Rambo said remember that they need your strength yes they do oh my feels so good in here tonight Cece was talking about prisoners and that gets to my heart you know I was thinking tonight about Karla was her name that was on death row and I went to 13 prisons with the Mike barber it was wonderful and he said Dottie they want you to go over to death row and I said I certainly will and I walked in there were four ladies in there and they said what they were smiling and rejoicing and clapping their hands and a lady with a gun I'm I want to go over and pray for her you know but she meant well and the lay a barber said the girls have a surprise for you and I said good they stood up in their uniforms and sang and sign language we shall see him we shall behold he holder yeah and I thought isn't that something they knew they were right away gonna be holding and I remember Carla that's already been put away and already gone to heaven I believe that with all of my heart and miss Jan what - Sara prayed with her all the time but precious girl precious and the others were destined to be done the same way but you know we can be a prisoner and profess Jesus right but you I will tell you something we are free born children of God and I refuse I refuse to let the devil try to block my view home owner I refuse that I I love this surely said I love to go and be with the prisoners and sang for them and they all shout with me and oh my but my heart just breaks every time I go right but the reason some of you are in prison it's because somebody lied to you somebody lied big time to you and when they lied to you you thought it was the truth it wasn't the truth it was a trick right and there you are sitting there watching this you're saying what does she mean but some of you know now worth you tricked up and you're paying for somebody else's deeds right you joined the gang you got in the drugs but believe me it's a trick and if you have found Jesus if you know Jesus Jesus not lost we don't find him so if you got to know Jesus tell the truth and go before the Lord the throne of God because he is the great judge yeah when he set you free you know I was yeah go ahead you know sister Dottie you're going to sing here in a minute but we was talking about Joseph and we've talked about being locked in prison you've talked about being dropped in a hole you've talked about and it's so amazing that you know at the end of Joseph's life he said what did he say he said it was meant for harm the God meant it for good my lord I feel the finger it's just like a blanket that come over this it was meant for harm praise God he turned it around for the guy and at the end of our life what matters most is if we look at our hurts in our pass in our circumstance and maybe we've been dropped maybe we've fallen you see there's a difference some of us have fallen in a hole because of some of our choice but some of us have been dropped but it doesn't matter at the end of the day when we say yes I've come through some bad stuff I've been through some heartache I've been through some tough things but I went through it to give my testimony about how gracious and how good and how merciful and how true he is and that's what you're sitting here today saying even though he's you know I've been to those places but he still he's still good yes you know I for a long time I would never thought I would have been back on a 15 day tour and a bus forget somebody said you still traveling I saw your bus help ya I said you still traveling that's what I was called to do I just had to take a little break there you know but I'll never quit never quit as long as the Lord lets me right and as long as people want me to come and play with their kids and Sam see same for them I have little big kids to come to see me and teenagers or watching those teenagers just wrap them up how many songs have you written before you sing I know time's running out but I want to know just how many songs do you think you have written well you know Jason I don't really know a years ago I lost a book but the thousand songs in it I hope I can find them well if you find the mutant figure mountain have them hey but about 2500 I know and I don't not all of them have been recorded no but most I guess most them and now more people are recording them than ever before it's just coming out of the walls you know there was a big secret that was going around for a while some now don't get nervous it's not a bad secret but there was talk that you wrote two songs for Elvis Presley I've got to get you on TV and say did you do it I I wrote 12 and 12-8 he was my buddy for 18 years and I was with him my down to the end and he had just signed a contract with me came to Nashville and I had signed the contract he was going to record 12 of my songs that he loved and he was really sick when he witness to deal and he got one cut before he died and that was the one that needed to be said if that isn't love that's what it was that's awesome Dottie it's an honor to have you here to thank he don't love you and thank you for everything that you have done for everyone I mean you have spoken for a lot of us and written songs for us helped us and pulled a lot of us through and I want to thank you for that I'm glad that your story of Joseph did me in that's your up you said even though I've been here yeah you turned it around turn it around for the good thank God will pass for me yes it will bet will pay it has mostly passed
Channel: Mr. Scott
Views: 141,198
Rating: 4.8909092 out of 5
Id: tiZJFXK_1rs
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Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2016
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