DOS & DON'TS OF WIDE-LEG TROUSERS | STYLE RULES (and a little surprise guest!)

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hello everyone and welcome back to my youtube channel i hope you are all well yes you are greeted today with a new member of our team so i just wanted to introduce you to our new little pup um he's eight weeks old he's a miniature black and town dachshund and his name is ottie um we originally thought otto because they're a german breed um but then we thought ottie because it's cute and snappy so ottie is his name which i don't really think he's learnt yet but he's only eight weeks um we've only had him home for a few days now um so he's settled in really well actually i've been you and i just thought i'd introduce you to him because he's just so cute and i know so many of you will love him so much where's the meta i'm gonna pop him down because he's just woken up from his sleep not long ago and i think he needs a little bit of a run around and to wake up again don't you so of course my videos will still be fashion content related but you may see a little appearance from mr ottie every now and again yes so i'm gonna pop you down let you go and play and i'll crack on with the video so tim's just taking him downstairs now but um i'm sure he will be appearing in lots more content slipping in now and again and also let me know if any of you own miniature dachshunds um and if you have any tips whilst we're a puppy we're trying to implement rules whilst he's still young obviously um he's probably a little bit too young to start learning yet but we thought we'll get get going from the start and try and implement as many rules as possible with him so so far so good um but he's just too cute we've literally wanted a miniature dachshund for years kind of since we first got together which is like over four is it over four years ago over four years ago something we said how cute they are and we came up with a bit of a name for him so we've had that in our heads for such a long time obviously now we're in a bit more of a place where we can get him we spend so much time at home and it's not like we go out to work for hours and hours on end so most of the time we're in the house and i just think he fits our lifestyle so well we're in a bit of a bigger space now so perfect timing we had the best breeder ever she was so good so kind anyway so now i've introduced you to ottie and we can begin with today's video um let's get back on track to some fashion and today i'm doing a deep delve into wide leg trousers i've done a dedicated how to style do's and don'ts kind of trousers before i could have even done a wide leg trousers on my youtube channel sorry on my instagram on my reels i don't know whether i have done or not um i've done a slouchy trouser video for kind of more of a summertime feel and i did that probably end of summer last year um so i just felt like i needed to refresh and what i really want to do now i feel like i've got a lot of the general themes um in place in my channel i've done a lot of kind of umbrella videos but now i think we can sort of deep dive a bit more into kind of specific things so i want to talk about wide legs slightly more angled for winter but these rules kind of apply in general um now don't take offense to the word rules most of you have absolutely no problem with this and find these videos useful um but i know some people get a little bit touchy about me using the word rules obviously you don't have to apply these if you don't want to but i just find i liken it to something like interiors you look at a room and some things kind of work together really nicely they complement each other well and some things just don't as much um and each of those things are catered to our own tastes and style well that basically is the same as fashion if you look at it like a room and how to decorate it some things work some things don't and i just think that's how we look at clothing and proportions and balancing and it's not to say you can't break those rules or that sometimes they work better and sometimes they work better on different body shapes but i think it's just good to have a general knowledge of things that kind of on on the whole work together and don't so that's what these videos are for just to give you those have basics and kind of springboard off because it can be so difficult pairing things together and balancing those proportions so that's what i wanted to do um in this video so let's talk about chunky boots with wide leg trousers now these are something i actually don't often pair that much with wide leg trousers i often find them a little bit too trinky and you'll see in my first cutaway um why i'm here saying that so my first outfit my first don't are these big black chunky boots with the black wide leg trousers and then the lighter tighter top so there's a few things we can kind of get into here the first is the chunky boots with the wide leg now like i said i do often avoid this but i'm going to show you a way i think it works but i do find that the whole black look around the bottom is very very bottom heavy so then contrasting that with the tighter lighter top you have no balance and it's all very much like your outfits at the bottom and then the rest of it sort of gets lost because you've got nothing balancing it out on top with that top being a tighter fit and also being a lighter color so that's two things at play there which makes this can feel very disproportionate um i do think the rounded toe chunky boot can be quite shortening so i think if you are petite that is personally something i would avoid and maybe go for like a bit of a cowboy boot something that's just a little bit more pointed um i think just brings the leg a bit more down however i didn't want to rule out the chunky boots altogether because i know most of us own a variation of this style of boot we don't want to be buying new boots for every shape of trousers we've got so i wanted to show a way that i think this would work so what i've done in this case is kept the black trousers on but then paired it with some lighter colored chunky boots now you don't have to do this but i do think that lighter color just kind of creates a bit of a lift and just takes it away from being so bottom heavy um as i say you don't have to do this because i think the next tip will help you balance it out even if you're wearing black boots and that is to go with something boxier on top in my case i've gone for this structured shoulder slightly slouchy camel blazer so a few reasons why this works one is that it balances out the chunkiness of the boots so i definitely think if you're wearing the black boots then it will work to wear that blazer and a lot of people kind of say to me well you're wet you're styling it with a blazer so i can't wear that indoors but i personally find that blazers are an indoor piece um i think you can definitely wear them indoors and let's face it if we're talking about shoes and boots um then it's more than likely that we're going to be out and about with a blazer on anyway um if that makes sense so i think a blaze is you can kind of use it like a top um i know a lot of people think that you have to take your blazer off inside but that's just not the case um you can leave it on as part of the look especially if it's like a lighter blazer i think i don't think it looks too heavy it's not like a big thick woolen blazer so that's the proportion side of things at work another side of things at work is the color sandwich um i've gone into depth about this on instagram at lady jane tomlinson if you don't follow me on there basically it's everything i do on youtube condensed into short snappy reels i often repost them on my youtube as well so you can catch them on there but they're all on my instagram all in one place so color sandwich we've got the lighter color boots and then we've got the light color top and then all of a sudden we feel like we've got our outfit in balance so i think if you are i'm thinking about how to balance those chunky boots and wide legs think about your colors as well i think if i were wearing black boots i wouldn't go for the light blazer i would actually go for a blazer sorry my camera just overheated then but what i was saying is that if you are wearing the darker boots then i would go for something that's slightly darker on top a blazer with a bit of darkness to it maybe um have a herringbone style or um houndstooth with flecks of darker just to keep that balance or even a black blazer itself so that's what i would do to balance out dark boots with the wide legs so when we're talking specifically about these do's and don'ts for me everything boils down to proportions and balance which is why um i wanted to talk about trainers in a bit more detail as well as coats so kind of combine the two of these together in my next do and don't so um how i wouldn't style or the kind of trainers i wouldn't pair with a wide leg or tend to not pair with a wide leg i do see some people pulling this off a bit more but for me it just just feels really not flattering and that is wearing quite a chunky trainer with the wide leg i just feel again it's quite shortening i don't know what it is but it makes your foot ankle area look quite stumpy and i don't know it just doesn't i feel like it's quite jarring to me um with the chunky trainer i know some people really pull this look off but it's just not for me and i just don't feel like it's flattering um and the same goes for this kind of coat so this is like a shorter thick woolly blazer and i think with the chunky trainers and that shorter blazer it just feels all a little bit too wide and chunky and you've got nothing really that feels very streamlined or elongating in the outfit and i sometimes find it really hard to put into words um so i hope the pictures and kind of before and after will show you the difference because it's sometimes something you kind of know um instinctively but it's quite hard to break it down into individual things so hopefully i've managed to describe that to you so by contrast let's show you how i would do it so you can see the difference um in terms of trainers i would go for something kind of slimmer with a kind of almost finer fabric to it so something that's not very padded i've gone for my high top leather converse you could go for something i'm just like a stan smith or um anything that kind of just minimal chic i have classic trainer something like a superga um just something very kind of non-padded and chunky and works i think better it just feels a little bit more elegant against that wide leg and feels like it brings your foot down quite smoothly if that makes sense and then the same concept works for the coat as well as the trainers so instead of the shorter chunkier boxier blazer i've gone for something a little longer and again more streamlined like the trainers it's a little bit kind of straighter smoother as are the trainers straighter and smoother and they help to balance out that wide leg we've got going on um and just kind of keep it a little bit more elegant and sophisticated and that's why i've gone for this longer coat i will be linking the pieces below just to note um but some of them are older as well so i'll link some alternatives so let us move on to the next tip but before we do don't forget to hit that subscribe button whilst you're still here it would really mean so much to me um we are creeping up quickly we've surpassed 350k which is just crazy to me that last 50k has just flown by so hopefully we can get to 400k soon um but yeah just thought i'd ask if you could sorry i'm having a bit of a nightmare with this camera the memory card just went off as i was saying don't forget to hit that subscribe button let's talk about oversized shirts and tops so i think a lot of people avoid a shirt um and in my kind of don't um this is definitely how i would avoid styling um a shirt with wide leg trousers although i do think some people can pull off that all over size look i think in general it's probably better to avoid it and i do think that's probably why a lot of people stay away from the wider legs with the shirt because it can look very oversized lots of fabric going on so here i've got this oversized shirt on with the wide legs it looks like i'm drowning in fabric and the same would apply to any kind of oversized long top so what i would do for your oversized shirt um you know don't rule it out we need to maximize your wardrobe and make your pieces work as hard as possible so what i would do and then you can do this with jumpers as well or longer tops it's just took in the front half of the jumper and you'll instantly find that this completely transforms the piece you don't need to tuck it in all the way around i think um people get a bit confused but not confused but maybe a bit reluctant to do that but it really does create um the look that you're going for anyway even if it was all tucked in if anything it's more flattering because you've not got loads of fabric sticking in into your trousers so um i would just leave the back hanging out but i just kind of tuck it up a little bit and just make sure it's not kind of all billowing i often find that they kind of stay tucked up if the front half is in anyway and another tip would be roll the sleeves up it's all about just kind of creating those more flattering points on your arms on your waist and just creating a bit of definition maybe you don't have it buttoned all the way to the top but have it a little bit looser creating those points of contrast between your figure and the fabric um so i think that's a really useful tip to get more out of your wardrobe and more out of your oversized tops with your wide leg trousers so i actually wanted to touch on wide legs in the evening as my final tip um so i love a long boot tucked into trousers especially for the evening i think it looks so chic however i think with your wide legs it's something i would personally avoid um in the winter i know it's nice and warm to wear a longer boot but i just instead go for a straight leg if you want to tuck them in and create that look or even something like leggings to create a bit more of a streamlined look um but i think the wide legs are just too billowy to create that look there's too much fabric and the fabric all gets pushed up to the top so that's something i would avoid in the evening another thing i would avoid in the evening especially with these light coloured trousers so it's all about colours and it's all about balancing so with these lighter coloured trousers in particular i would avoid these block heeled boots with the square toe not only does the black look very very heavy against the um have light trousers but with the shape and style of them they feel very clunky and heavy and again don't create that elongation that the wide leg needs and the square toe kind of stops it short whereas i think the wide leg needs something to run on a bit very much like the slimmer leg trainer so i would avoid kind of those very clunky boots with the wide legs i think it just feels very jarring even the block heel as well doesn't feel very elegant with the wide legs it feels again very bottom heavy and i think you'll find that these themes have repeated throughout the video and no matter what occasional look we're going for so instead what i would do in the evening is pair my wide legs with something pointed um pointy toe stiletto and it works really well and this is quite nice for when it's a little bit colder but you don't want to wear a boot but you also don't want to wear a strappy sandal which also compliments the wide leg trousers by the way if you're doing this in summer spring or summer um i'd go for a strappy sandal because it's a bit more delicate but also the pointed toe as i said brings the eye right down and feels more elegant against that wide leg i think the wide leg can feel a little bit more masculine so to contrast that with the very dainty pointy more feminine shoe and creates a nice look together and doesn't feel all too clunky and masculine together and so i think that's why that works really nicely with the lighter wider trousers and that rule applies to any kind of shade of white like trouser i would say so thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed it and enjoyed the little intro to our gorgeous new puppy um i was so excited to get him on screen because he's just too cute so thanks again for watching give it a thumbs up if you like this video if you like this kind of deep dive into a specific style of clothing i'll do more let me know what kinds you want to see do you want me to do a specific shape of cardigan or a specific style of top tighter tops white like looser tops i don't know you name it and i'll see if i can do it so thank you so much again and i'll see you in my next one bye
Channel: Lydia Tomlinson
Views: 203,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wide-leg trousers, wide leg trousers, styling trousers, style dos and don'ts, styling video, styling tips, fashion dos and don'ts, lydia tomlinson, styling wide leg trousers, how to style trousers
Id: ob_-sjyGTD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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