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[Music] yes [Music] [Music] hey y'all subox here welcome to the final dorm tours now i know i said three was gonna be the final one this one right here this is this is it there are no more this right here is the very final one now nine months whatever i finally think this is a good idea again i'm not gonna be doing it i'm i'm in it here i want the series to end with the bang i want it to be something memorable for this one we really did go all out i got a whole bunch of creators from the rec from community a lot of friends a lot of just personalities that you guys know and we brought them all into one singular video now before we get out and start looking at all the incredible submissions you guys put into this video let me show you around my dorm show us about show you the fox den my dorm is not only filled with stuff i've made but it's also been from creations people have donated to me we got a whole bunch of pops fox in of course how you doing we got this little dude right here he has been knocked out since day one and got the birds still going around us had a beautiful mustache by the way tons of logos people made funtastic fro-man turn into a fox you got mrs fox a whole bunch more logos up there we have my art studio which i have not been in in quite some time last time i was up here i was actually making ideas for videos got this gigantic piece over here that captain made for me thank you captain greatly appreciated we got the soul dragon that luke made the cyber soul dragon hanging out up there we got a few more creations over here i believe this one over here was made by stork this right here is the fox bot armor we got this made by zintro a little shelf to keep my little decorations people made a few doors leading out some of the rooms i created this poor fish that has been trying to get to this water since day one and yet he's still as thirsty as i'll get out i've got swords people made i don't know why you'll give me sharp objects i appreciate it thank y'all for giving me things to protect myself if people ever try to break into my dorm but i think i think i'm good we got we got we got many doors we're fine somebody breaks in they see that they're gone they're not staying up here we have the giant soul the giant yosh this is one of the very first things somebody ever gave me was by mr rex a good friend honestly i still love seeing it lastly we have disco floor that i made whenever the update first came out i wanted this place to feel funky and it honestly has ever since i even have the disco ball that i made it is definitely not great trust me it could use some improvements but it's been there since day one ever since i updated my dorm so guys thank you for checking out my dorm now we're gonna go out into the community check out all these amazing dorms people have made we're gonna end the series of the bang and at the end there's gonna be a surprise very special ending so uh i'll see you there have fun guys oh oh my uh larry [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that that's an interest um i think your room's got some kind of infection man something's something's going on here explain the theme explain what's happening here right this one is seen around an in-game element from the game tesla the element is called siva it's nanite technology why i built this in right now and in this time spectrum it was because of a storyline quest in destiny 2 about an iron lord that had fallen to see so a character in the game got infected they fell and they fell to this person you said was their name is skiva they didn't fall to well siva they felt the one who made the pro program to do it okay uh which was uh okay yeah yeah yeah so so siva the nanite technology from destiny has taken over your dorm it has infested everything the walls yes the tvs it looks like like everything is just yeah oh my so don't worry about the ghosts on the sides here they're just all leftover ghosts that neither harry or juju has picked up yet okay so they're waiting to go home and they're just hanging out in the infection okay basically also sans has been calming the affection as well oh no how did you get in here also this poor guy every single tour something terrible has just happened i am so you deserve better you don't deserve this i'm sorry friend every time man people just he never gets a break there's always something happening to him well the secrets secrets yes oh but first i do want to see this like not many people like you know take action over the dresser here because you know now we use the mirror but this right here this looks awesome dad and you've got your reward over here i love how it's like poking up out of it the tvs look really good with the animation like flickering and now now we get to the secrets well actually there's a multiple rooms in this place exactly the door over here okay the first order shall we go for the secret slater no no the second door is fine but we can do secrets later it's all good you lead the way this is your tour okay uh i will follow your lead and you don't in oh welcome to the server room this is where all the gamers come in wow and yes there's a lot of computers well this room is not very much it just keeps contained and well and basically handles the servers nice what beams do have though is a balcony over a bigger part of the server room which also hasn't had an infection of his own okay did you like take us to a room or what is this how did how did you actually put this inside of a dorm room okay i do see the tree but we are still here that's the proof that's the proof but wow larry what in the world man this room this specifically is from destiny 1 entire room from destiny 1 one of the final raids the raid was called the wrath of the machine and it was like splicers none nights big stonky stuff and it was this room the raids of destiny they're always filled with puzzles and just fun stuff oh yeah no trust me i love them the vaulted glasses that was i loved actually taking that on dude well done this is impressive oh oh what did i do you freaked out yeah i played destiny i played destiny 2 they were they were good they were good i really enjoyed them taken king wonderful love it loved it sweet it was great this baffled i don't i don't have words to comprehend what i'm trying to say it's just it's huge i think that's where i can leave it let's head back in and find some secrets dude what in the world also i see you have like a a maker pin up here that's actually been transformed dude that's awesome all right so these secrets where uh where should i be looking for these secrets you see all these buttons i do see the buttons some buttons oh okay yes i mean normally you don't touch red buttons but if you're giving the aok i'm going for it take a look around wait what hang on wait whoop whoop push another one push them ah there it is that's awesome oh this thing is huge what the world the next secret times be upstairs in the server room okay let's see some of these special servers i do i see someone having a little green indicators on a little green rectangle got some of the green touch some of the green absolutely what happens nothing okay i need more green more green hang on wait wait oh it's red why is it red that has a boss-like health bar but it didn't show the health but it was like funky huge right to show it it took like let's say every team to defeat him and so he kind of just picked up that name the random of the vandal was a nickname that the community gave him but that's awesome then bungie came in and being the madlabs they are they put them in the raid that's awesome i'm glad they like they took that they saw the community was making something like put in the game put it in the game it's funny that's great really funny it's a cool company right there all right well randall we appreciate you stopping by we're going to go ahead and send you home man thanks for being a part of dorm tours 5. you have a good one all right well larry i appreciate you happy ever man i love the mask i love the server room i love that thing out there that's impressive anyway man you have a good one thank you for having me thank you man see you around larry hey man how are you doing hey this is my 1930s so first i just made uh all of the original bops in the dorm it's black and white and i thought that wouldn't be an exciting like tour around i stuck in small animations and then i thought that it'd be better made tons of animations so it feels very lively yeah it feels like a live hated 1930s cartoon so i've got a lot of different shows around moving and on the walls of mario that appears sometimes he's over there right now oh is it okay so he moves around the room okay yeah oh yeah there he that is across here as well and then got tons of these little ink guys sitting around weekly also has color in it so i had to block it off oh okay very nice we're going to just add we've like transformed this completely oh my goodness yeah because that has colors if i uh press this it's just got different colors so right i can't have that in there and then i read the uh posters up here so this is the how to friend one you even like remade the dummy he's yeah because he's orange right so and then up here i've got the name i just got work studios oh yeah i didn't see the one napping up there on your on your pillow oh yeah hanging upside down he's got little bits of ink dripping from him that's so cool so yeah i just tried to remake everything i could and have no colours at all anywhere man it really turned out well and it's not only that but like there's so much here like i have yet to see somebody take like full advantage of all the animations and put them in the dorm room and you've got so much happening all at once and it all looks so smooth too like all of it's just so clean this is insanely cool ah color not the box no you're offline and then yeah if you have a lot of them it works pretty well because this is just going across this is just going to rhyme but i think it still works pretty well to make the dorm feel very alive yes yeah yeah jake i appreciate you having me over at inquark studios i hope you have a lovely day and i'll see you around man [Music] bye give me just one second i just gotta make sure i'm turning off live you got it all right move away from that all right good go ahead man [Laughter] that was the first time i've ever done that all right that was only slightly embarrassing hi how you doing i'm good uh welcome yeah man this is this is cool this is very cool go ahead and take it away so i themed my dorm after like an alleyway behind the rec center that you're not supposed to see and there's like a little noodle shop there's a soda you can drink if you're thirsty very nice because you know everyone's thirsty every once in a while um over here is one of my proudest builds it's a century from tf2 and now here's the biggest part if you want to enter the sewers absolutely let's just go for a swim ah nope yep no go ahead it's my friend uh jeffrey hi jeffrey i'll see where he lives i'll stay over here oh don't worry he doesn't fight a lot are you sure oh yeah this this took the longest to build this whole sewers area dude this is sweet i was expecting like some little turtles go swim by that's a good idea yeah i'm gonna do that a little tmnt man his name is jeffrey correct yes he is enough this is his domain this is this is his we should we should probably leave before he gets angry yeah he's just walk over the ladder and jump he is looking directly into my soul all right well yeah that's mostly it that's this is really cool not much but it took a while i like how you have the whole like backstory to it you know it's behind the rec center the alleyway and all that yeah it's like the back door you're not supposed to go through i also love this dude that's just getting constantly i joined in i thought you had like sound effects i thought there was like people fighting up here then i finally realized what was happening this man is just getting popped on the side just you know the slapping sound stuck in the wall now i realized after a while because his head at one point in time just like slingshot all the way across and went straight back and i'm like oh okay right right right yeah poor guy yeah well funky man i appreciate you having me this is really cool tell jeffrey i said i'll never be back all right man all right thanks for stopping by thanks for having me so this is my dorm as you can tell this is based on mario something mario related um there's four sections to my dorm so the first one we're in is kind of like the miscellaneous section it's just like a culmination of like a bunch of the games that he has not specifically like a specific like game from him so we're going to start over here so you can see there's three different flags because you got mario luigi and peach and then right here we got a boo but this is more specific this is uh based on uh the boo from super mario 64. okay and then uh this is a flashlight from luigi's mansion dark moon that i made into a weapon okay you hold it oh yeah oh geez let's uh skip the pipe for now because i want to kind of save that for last okay up there is a um he's imprisoned in a glass container king right here we got three different more flags we got waluigi wario and then yoshi and then we come right here this is the challenge but i just put it in no pipe but yeah it's pretty simple but no no this is this is actually one of my favorite things because i love whenever people actually do something to the weekly stand i have not seen this yet this is really cool here we got um a boot power up from super mario bros 3. i give it an animation to jump back and forth that's very nice uh right here we got two items from captain toad georgia tracker you got the pickaxe and then you got the radish that toad uses to throw at enemies plus they're both picked uh you can pick them up and throw them and then if we come over here i put the dummy into a dummy as you can see he's still here he's still there now we're done with the miscellaneous section let's get into like what would be better maybe i should like center something on a specific game and what would be best to go back to its root his roots and talking about platformers i decided why not super mario 64. so you can go first oh man this is supposed to be like a mini castle of the um peaches castle but these are all the paintings from super mario 64. that i just created and i also made a thank you i also made a painting of your your logo oh wow dude thanks that's that's actually awesome i haven't seen that yet but uh you might want to stand back because there's something about this painting that's just not right boom oh wait no you can go on oh that's cool you can go through it oh [Laughter] so after looking all these paintings is like you're just like can this get any better maybe so if you want to come down here there was there is um two more things i want to show you but the first one we're gonna go right there so as you can see there's two pipes with uh two rc car controllers and if you want to pick get up you can go ahead yeah absolutely yes and as you can see this is the mario kart track in my dorm that's playable okay that's cool uh i have no idea how to actually turn in this game i'll be honest i've never figured that out for the rc cars this track is based on mario kart 64 the moomoo farm oh come on it's even in there nice nice now can this get any better i don't know man what if i want to get physical what if i want to play a game that's not just racing or not just platformers now you know mario has a lot of sports games and the most popular one is indeed mario tennis so if you make your way through this pipe oh dude oh my goodness did you see the bottom of the plane no no i didn't what's on the bottom of it oh you'll see you'll see when it comes back okay okay this is a delfino plaza court and i couldn't do everything on the outsides because ink is the issue but everything's recreated as best as i could i did make the pianta statue oh before oh geez dude nice yeah so each of the rackets are color-coded to a specific character you got waluigi in your hands there's also mario memorial can you get that yeah that's toadsworth he's sitting in his beach chair mm-hmm and then right here i last minute i added burno oh my goodness it's been a while since i've seen her this is great you like you made so much fit into one area we definitely got to play around though all right let's see first to uh first of two points all right oh okay all right all right you're served i got this oh all right it all comes down to this all right all right oh oh all right you got me that was good that was good con man honestly man this this is for me it's like a big hit and soldier like i grew up with mario 64. so seeing all the paintings and everything that was really really cool and i love how you made them like actually like kind of indented like kind of inward and then they're sticking out as well like free art almost enough it was this one they took me forever to make because you have to like rearrange them specifically in like positions so they're not like overlapping mm-hmm oh i think you did i think you did fantastic thank you anyway appreciate you having me man take it easy um you too all right jello hey how you doing man hello um welcome to my dorm this is based off actually a home in skyrim it's called the breeze home and i try to replicate it as much as i can and i think i did a pretty good job i think you did you know i grew up playing skyrim and this is pretty accurate it's very nice um so i was thinking we could like start off the tile to tile the tile and keep moving so we're going to start off with the most boring part we got this plate two chairs to just sit and chillax over here we just got some weapon stands so you can just you know grab your weapons and go off the battle whenever and now for this part the coziest part probably in this entire place the fireplace so you just got your fireplace the cooking pot you got plates uh you know feast whenever you're ready don't [Music] why are you leaving this is your house i should be leaving okay um so for you know the cooking pot stuff yeah you can grab the spoon you can surf up and these are the ingredients we got bob the fish we got some elves ears they're not actually ears they're just ingredients and some garlic you know i've been trying to make so many recipes and i just haven't been able to because i don't have bob the fish that's where he's been and then we also got over here just bookshelves and stuff grab these books but you can grab this book right here this it's actually called the book of the dragonborn probably one of the most iconic books um in the game i don't i've never really read it because it's like ten thousand pages long but it would be a good touch there is something special for you right here i call it soul deuce soldiers okay with tacos oh my goodness yes yes i'll keep that with me i'll take it home that is great and then over here we got these nice comfy chairs padded with some nice cloth those took me not too long but you know they still turned out really good you also got the nice rug right here and a little bench right here to just sit and look out the window very nice i love glaring right into the brightness of the day right here you got the nice food and table place with cheese and goblet plate and also a knife next and this is my favorite food in all of skyrim it's the boiled cream treat we got some cabbage right here and oh oh oh hang on wait no no no no no no you got it you got to hear here last one last one last shot okay hey hey pressure's on you the team needs you right now this is all you win or lose it's all down to you let's see it all right well it was a good tour i appreciate it you have a good one that's more juice very nice nothing comes out of that though so just putting that back we got a rabbit's leg this might just be because i'm old but i thought that was like pepto-bismol i'm just killing my taco juice no okay we're getting working and right over here you get the nice door it's very high detailed and all that but if you touch the door handle it brings you to the bedroom this is the shelf and my favorite stuff this is um a character of gravity falls um one of my favorite tv shows that i've ever launched um this is also a pizza roll because i love them every thursday i cook like 20 for my brother all right dude i'm not dissing pizza rolls are great my family just had them the other day you're fine right over here we got my nice dog snickers if you actually pet him oh oh oh oh happened now help help i did something i did something um i can fly back to the room jeez okay okay okay i'm my hands in my pocket so right here if you grab somewhere in the bed make sure you're careful with grabbing it just pull it out and read it it's something that i took very hard on and a lot of effort okay all right oh my goodness so that's what sent me out of the map i couldn't handle it jeez okay now back to the doll right snickers powder he's my dog in real life i also did some more detail right here oh yeah it even comes up oh my god the detail so i have to ask what is uh what is this writing up here oh this writing is actually the shout um forest this is right yeah it's one of the most iconic shots so i thought i'd just have it you know indeed i like it i like appreciate you having me i don't know how to sit in chairs properly but uh i appreciate you having me over it's been great i'm going to uh grab my taco juice my baguettes and i'll be on my way you have a good one man yeah if you do if you do grab the door it takes you to the rec center well i had a good time seeing you and you salute to you you see anybody good good show us around bob ross yes so you have my house oh i have like a computer with a view how did i sub the sofa that's nice wait they have a video you have to make a video what's up guys hair man legs here okay i can actually just sit down and watch this today i'm going to show you how to sub the soul fox here you're so nice go to the soulful subchannel click on the like and sub button he's a good guy he's a good guy here if you hold the button show you something oh oh hold it you said hang on wait there we go oh man that's a great view right there so now we can go downstairs they have one of my painting right there oh that's beautiful oh wow mm-hmm do you have a bowling alley oh well okay no you've got a full-on alien room like this is yeah that is cool okay you gotta go for it at least you gotta you gotta go for one wait i need a drink okay yeah can you hold me down for a second absolutely got you yep what is that okay [Music] oh wait oh oh four not bad not bad not bad so uh this this is a rc race track i'm on the oculus quest so i can't see like the leaves in the trees so i don't know how it you see like the tracks yeah no i'll see the trees but i think we can still make it happen you want to try yeah yeah almost there almost there and oh another tree hang on yep you're right wait i'm so close to the finish line i can see it hey there we go good race good race so now we will go to the stop button and that's the dorm very nice very nice oh we got a nice ham cooking up in here cool painting there another one of my paintings that's my first one i love how you actually made use of that too like you know everybody uses it for different reasons but that that's unique i like that it's holding the sticks that you got nice bed you got the dummy over here with a mask six feet my bad i'll stay back but yes i appreciate that if you go too close it will just oh yeah kind of like tells you to back on up and this room is the pinball map the people what what oh what in the world okay okay so do we have do we have some pistols up here some paintball guns yeah just going to go up and go to the living room so if you look the tv they'll have um things for for the match just come closer and look oh oh yes okay all right let's give it a go by the way love the curved tv that looks nice yeah and they have this little detail here oh yeah a little bit team battle well today i fight bob ross in a paintball match i did not see this coming oh oh he's so good hang on now hold up oh spawn like in my dorm oh no you're dead oh we're good oh nice shot nice shot what i missed all my shots what oh nice nice nice one minute oh we gotta go oh yeah i've seen the invincibility oh geez it's the afro he's just so aerodynamic so quick oh i went right back into it now i think you're ahead by one four three two one oh i was rushing it man i was rushing it that was good that was good that was good oh hey we got a box from it bob ross i appreciate you had me over thanks for the game it was a lot of fun i'll see you around man yes yeah you know you the second person i've seen do mario which is sweet i love seeing this this is really cool business guy take it away yeah hello so this is my dorm uh yeah so as you can tell it is mario uh we have a castle i didn't really know what to like cover up the bed and the desk so i just put a castle it works and over here i also have a nice little mini castle the ship right here the bowser's airship it's a reference to uh new super mario bros wii because at the end of every level uh at like the big castle uh bowser ship flies around uh the castle so it's just like a little reference oh yeah and i also have a giant one up in the sky there got a fire flower and we got uh mario and luigi from the third game and we got a the pipe little pipe right there you got a little koopa oh yeah you can pick them up get up and like throw it no way he's planning to uh put a flying disc in it and uh so when you uh when you throw it like it actually moves uh but that was a horrible idea and uh it still works i did not mean to like pelt you with a turtle i'm sorry house there we go yeah uh my carpet uh it's just mario luigi yeah that's pretty cool i i didn't plan on putting their faces but or like their eyes and their noses and stuff mm-hmm but i think it looks cool i'll link it like that and this right here this is like i made a droid i'm in this thing called a jedi uh it's like a maker pen class but it's very i've heard of it star wars fans yeah so uh i made this yesterday very cool and this is climbable oh yeah of course you gotta get to the top to hit it and then you yep slide down and uh we have um a clown car and in here oh another clown car i guess you could say it's a reference to uh the uh wii the wii version um in one of the coupling battles with uh bowser jr um you get to have your own clown car and it has mario's logo on it so yeah i put your logo on nice i appreciate that all right and uh over here we have these flower and the fire flower this took me a while to figure out how to do but if you hit the question mark block it spawns in a fire flower and this block uh gives a coin so uh up here we have bowser's castle i guess you could say so yeah and there's some more blocks right here um i made this one just like right before you came and instead of uh drawing the question mark block i just put the text uh the text thing i gotcha so i think it looks way better than the drawing it still looks good it looks good so i have a question yeah because if this was my dorm i would definitely be doing this a lot do you ever like line your camera up over here and just try to get that perfect picture of you just about to hit it i was planning to okay look we got we got at least try it once okay so you get under it i'll get the picture we'll see if this works go ahead no no you got it you you're mario in this situation so you're gonna jump i'm gonna count to three i'm gonna say one two three go you jump and then we'll try to get that picture ready one two three go oh almost your hand was in it we gotta get it right below ready one two three go oh no i grabbed it no you didn't grab it just grab one you know what you know what it works that looks good that looks good that was good that's good right on well businessman i appreciate it man you know mario was one of my favorite series growing up so like seeing these dorms i've been really enjoying it i think i think it's very cool one of the things that like really stands out yeah i know it's very like you know you said that you don't have the eyes or knows anything but i really like how it looks with the carpet right here i think that's very very cool so anyway man i'm gonna take this i'm gonna fly away but i'll see you around all right all right i'll see you see bud go ahead rex turn me around the door okay okay so welcome to my dorm room but before we begin i need to explain something this door may look ordinary to you every time you show you something it's going to get more random more awkward more intense i like the voiceovers again that was good that was good so so we can walk in this wall walk okay yeah no okay okay yeah no okay random i get it i like the bookshelf by the way that's nice that's nice um so then we have the community board which you can open up by pressing this poll we got a working coffee machine only there's a hole in the cup so it doesn't fill up so next wall you're going to walk into is this wall over here we just walk okay walking into walls all right uh gribbly are you good does coach know about this no no don't tell her don't tell me no i'm gonna call it right now then we walk upstairs i swear and you remember the einstein pixel arts it didn't fit in here so i needed to take a picture of it we're going to get back on that picture very sloppy because over here we have kevin i don't know where he always looks at i think he looks at the other plans even as i was holding him he will look down oh boy okay he's very he's very very safe and secure you know he gets nervous the second he touches you know his plan lockdown it's initiated yeah we got the this thing oh what in the world oh that's cool okay hang on yeah yeah got you i hit it too hard i would get the grave digger some of my attentions and this oh that's interesting and this here no i'm okay what are you saying oh you want so [ __ ] he wants you no no hi no it's yup no okay we're gonna go with personal space hey buddy there you go but you can also just put them on here and let's go have some fun what in the world okay that's that's interesting is different so now the next random thing is einstein touch touches nose just touch oh don't touch the nose oh goodness gracious what the world okay so don't touch the nose i told you to not touch it okay now for the most random thing in the storm you need to go to the toilet and wait and wait okay oh i just have to walk in okay cue the uh elevator music while we just sit here patiently oh oh what uh hello oh oh this is lovely normally people want to do this outside but i mean what's happening i'll be honest i kind of want one of these in my house now this is this is lovely i've never been able to oh okay all right you know um well this is awkward okay well besides all the randomness i also gotta say the plants they look lovely i'm loving the mustache the art that you have hanging around is very very nice overall top-notch storm really enjoyed it rex thanks for having i'll me you around bye hey infinity hey so long time to see it's been a while man how are you i'm doing good how are you doing great i'm doing great thanks for uh thank you for having me over at your place yeah no problem so uh go ahead man take the lead you're good um yeah sorry so yeah so this is uh my dorm room it is supposed to be uh themed like a uh new york style apartment um it was originally built for the pizza enthusiasts clubhouse uh it was going to be one of the rooms that sat on top of a pizzeria um but i don't know the progress so far of of the project it's it's kind of just stopped and i didn't want it to go to waste so i kind of just repurposed it as my dorm yeah i got a dining room over there um this is actually from the soul fox tail i repurposed the bench and made it into a nice um you know set uh we've got the we've got living room over here um some furniture themed uh from the rec center uh nice entertainment center um tv this is also used from the um the soul foxtail the youtube uh ui um we've got a uh display case which shows um some awards that i've accumulated over the contest that i've participated in um we've got now this may look like an art center but i don't do art so this is mostly just decoration um got the code of conduct because yeah why not um always gotta remember it this is yeah uh um this is a door as of now it doesn't do anything but this will lead to the mirror um you know i haven't dressed up the dorm to look like um the same style as this so as now this doesn't this doesn't do anything um it doesn't matter containing thank you yeah um shelf over here um this is something made by takukat um and this is uh tardis that i made on my free time because i'm a big fan of doctor who i'm with you um yeah long time fan and then yeah just got a calendar because i i lose track of the days very easily and it's good to have something to put my two dudes on and then um just you know keep track of the days and projects i'm working on so yeah all right well very nice also this did you like this this is really cool yeah um yeah that's a monochromatic i made just kind of like abstract um i got bored one day and i wanted to put paintings in my dorm um so i kind of just made that um it was actually i didn't create it wasn't an original style i actually found something very similar on the internet it was different colors it's like red blue and yellow but it's kind of matched the gray walls of my dorm i tried making a monochromatic based on similar colors so very cool and then lastly over here the the windows i like that yeah it's very cool i love the little like lines on them yeah i'm hoping to eventually put some kind of skyline or something you know to make it feel more like to feel like new york i do a lot of my homework in vr um you know i put up white boards and everything and you know like i'll just uh do it but you know to kind of put that immersiveness by putting like a skyline in the background i think that would be pretty cool too absolutely you know dude i love like all the little details you have in here like the wood looks good you got them going all the way across up here you get the lights the windows have so much detail in some like the siding here everything is so like there's so much detail in the little things definitely it's kind of a blessing and a curse to put a lot of detail into things because one you have ink and then two um you know it makes things look nice and like you know i try not to i try to stray away from like doing things like using like the textures and stuff for like brick i like to actually like create depth uh rather than just having the 2d um texture so like those things they they sell the fact that you're you know in a place like this you know it just like further enhances that immersiveness um but yeah i mean when you when you have ink and stuff it's definitely you have to sacrifice so much it's a limiter it's a limiter but with what you have man you you did great so infinity i appreciate you having man honestly it's been it's been lovely and it was a good season man thank you i'll see you around pc there we go what's up man how you doing hello my phone thinks i'm talking to no i didn't say siri i said pc sorry go ahead man welcome to my dorm room this is lovely man it's lovely thanks for having me first off imagine it has been raining all night long now it's morning the sun shines glisten and now we get a vibe i like it i like it it's shining down you know the water's making everything so bright shiny and nice this is like an old london themed dorm um i'm like really trying to create a feeling that you're actually like there to like not make it actually like a dorm room but like different than a drone room yeah yeah no i get that like like you're actually in another place yes gotcha i didn't prefer this um no you're good you're good you're good a lot of bricks a lot of bricks i decided to actually like make my own bricks instead of the texture to make it look like more detailed and i actually like moved them a little bit with snap also it looks like oh yeah like very old it has been there for a very long time it's been pushed in a little bit in areas see that dude that's cool and then of course oh what in the world got the ring the detail it looks so good too like it drips out makes a little puddle i even mean that outside we did the buildings and stuff even the big band the big hey man right on okay yeah that's the way to see it oh uh i didn't i didn't know you had somebody else in the dorm hi how are you yes um he's kind of quiet he um he looks as yeah he's looking at us because he thinks we have money uh here you go no that's for you yeah we got a little sitting area um where you can just hang out a little bit and enjoy the view see i remember uh last storm tours you also made like another sitting area where had a nice view i like that but we actually do have money here oh you want you can give it to him uh yes don't don't be greedy don't be oh there it is no it like i i grabbed it and it disappeared i don't know where okay okay no no no no come down here you can actually give to him and he will say thank you if you put it in like in the cup but don't no no don't take it he's going to spit on you what are you supposed to be angry because you took it out right here let's try it again don't spit at me okay here we go we'll do it right here ready sir look you are not a llama don't you spit on me here we go okay he's happy now you can like see it in his eyes he's very right this is very deep and emotion filled eyes right there okay so here in the wall there's a brick you can take it out if you want oh right here i thought it was that one all uh why right there i i don't i don't know if that's safe uh nope uh okay why why why why yeah that's that's actually a question i'm asking myself here because why i just thought of it did you know about this and i was like why why did you warn me i gave you money why why don't you shake your head no you know what you did watch me no there's another brick right here in the wall is this brick going to get me have my hand no no there's a key yeah here's the key okay and then of course oh okay yeah oh wow okay come to the inside of the house thanks thanks for having me okay can i just say this for some reason i don't know what it is but like whenever people make stuff in rec room that bends it impresses me so much so like seeing the beams actually coming down is just man the satisfaction it's it's it's nice it's really nice let's uh start over here oh yeah we got a little canvas where i can paint who knows you write something i'll write something we'll uh we'll leave a message go ahead let's yeah nice so we also got this lamp like with the chains on the wooden beams i don't know why they are on because they're not wired to anything but you know i was questioning it but maybe maybe like the wires are going up the beams to the wall you know and we just can't see it that's part of the magic maybe maybe that's what i'm going to believe i like the bed i like that i like how it has a little lip comfy though it really does like i feel like i can nap here i love the storage space you have up under it also can we talk about the windows what did you use to make this i used a tube and then uh like um four faces and then um turn off a smooth tube and then it shoots then like the metal texture then it should look like this and then i just like scaled it up and yeah that's how you make it that's very interesting and then of course a couch with a coffee table and a very modern tv that's like 65 inches right there dude i haven't seen a tv like that in so long is that that's actually kind of nostalgic i like that and then the kitchen of course with the fridge oh with nothing inside but a light it's a good touch so whenever there's stuff in there you can see it yes definitely and then this is where i cook but i don't cook because i'm not hungry okay that's my dorm okay fantastic party cow as always it's been a it's been a pleasure man thank you for having me yeah sure i'll see you around buddy wait one more thing actually two more things so on the board here congrats first of all yeah then also um i teach a class and we were like making coffee tables and couches and i was like afk for five minutes and then this picture right here oh dude no you never afk in class oh he gave you a mustache the first semester of uh film academy there was a student that went afk he learned real quick you do not afk in class he came back with pictures all over him and all of us surrounding him taking pictures that's great we're great teachers we're nice here [Laughter] how's it going good how are you doing delco pretty good you know hanging out in the dorm very nice very nice all right man so if you want to just uh show me around see what you made well all right this is um this is my mini fridge because like you know winter came and went what was it gonna do with the snowballs moving over to this corner this is an on fire garbage can oh i like that that's a good touch yeah all right this yes we have oh this is the lamp you're going to love the lamp i'm loving this the lamp can you give me a thumbs up i've worked very hard on that all right all right this this this is the basketball hoop um okay i don't know what this is this appeared one day i never touched it this is where i practice juggling usually very nice yeah all right yeah that's oh this is this is the best thing i have this is my favorite thing i worked two whole weeks to get this yeah two weeks that's nice this is the jack-o'-lantern lantern yeah this is buster this is my roommate but hey buster has it going buster don't hit me a classic buster am i right classic buster up moving up here here i'll let you take the lead on this one absolutely be hold the red zone okay press the button i love pressing buttons here we go you have just entered the red zone yeah this is the the prime hangout spot but it's kind of dangerous here it's like the radiation levels are a little high we probably need to leave okay all right now i'm afraid that's about it but i'll show you the grand finale this is the mirror and the lights of this mirror represent the deep philosophical debate of wreck what what year is it it's it's 1987. oh that makes sense all right i don't know about that well i'm sorry there wasn't much here but you know it's been great having you i hope you enjoyed my dorm it's it's been um it's been good it's been good i appreciate you having me over here yeah thank you for stopping by thanks for having me i'll see you see [Laughter] you just go ahead and press the bell for receptions okay alrighty hello and welcome to the music dorm to be seated please press this button over here if you're performing take the door to the right and remember to respect all the viewers they'll be all alrighty let's grab c [Music] beautiful wonderful well done that was oh it was good that was um a recording of my actual plane oh really yeah oh that's sweet man right on this is this is really unique i've never seen like a dorm turn into i don't know if this right where the auditorium kind of like a place where people can go to watch music this is it's very different very unique i'm loving the seats i love the setup i love the gigantic piano down there like everything is so nice so for like other performances say if singing you can press the button over there have more space oh yeah i like how you still kept it you got the mirror you got the dummy got the board over here also why is my camera behind me what is this oh no okay that's fine it'll work i didn't realize my camera's behind me i thought it was actually in my eyes but that was awesome man that was actually really really nice so what kind of uh made you want to make your dorm like this what was the idea behind um so as a child my inspiration to being a musician or like professional player was actually listening to classical music so from classical musical i decided to choose like piano which was my main goal in life to become a professional pianist and so this was all my dream performing in a musical yeah that's that's actually really meaningful like you you're chasing after this dream and you brought it to life record very nice man well butler i appreciate you having me over man this is like i said it's been lovely so i'll see you around thanks man appreciate it hey how are you doing sorry it's nice to meet you nice to meet you good to see you this is really cool thanks for coming yeah thanks for having me over all right so wherever you want to start you just lead the way and feel free to show me right dorm all right sure um welcome to my dorm i'm princess hannah and um this is the front where you come in it's supposed to go okay it's just like kind of an entryway and then you can come here just like you know the mirror that has like french look to it this was supposed to be a narnia wardrobe but i made it white it didn't even look like it there's this fireplace i started off with this fireplace actually it makes it very cozy in here i like it yeah and i made the ceiling the way it is so it has this illusion of depth and and a little bit of something something and then just for you can hold on to it for now okay so you can open something there i love the design on it it's really pretty thank you um i'm not sure if i'm wearing it but i mean like you are you're matching anyway we're just gonna see upstairs absolutely oh wow and um yep and this is i just wanted to make a second level and um feel free to ask questions too yeah absolutely since like i had to make a second floor and they look at the bed this way and the other ones hidden there because i can't get rid of it um and this is my alarm clock my flip cloth it's currently broken and it's supposed to be a little easter egg um i don't know if you know the tv shows once upon a time and lost but um i'm really into that with my sister and well 15 is easter egg okay okay um do you have any questions yeah so what what made you uh decide to make these like what is where'd the design come from i really like it oh um well my room is supposed to be seemed like princessy um and also i like little details i'm like like i really love details so i wanted something i don't know if it's magical but like something nice like there's it's it looks like shells but it's really like flowers and i don't know where i've seen it for but it's supposed to be a decoration no it looks good it looks good like the rest of the bed too you have like the drape hanging down and then the frame up here like the headboard i love how you have your design up here your little logo yes and that is the [ __ ] i recently made it actually is part of the slope and the place for russian's birthday birthday rec room so i thought i'd change it up and put it there instead it's very cool it's it's a nice view do you want to go see that oh yeah absolutely i made a cake and i wanted to i don't know make it funny so i had this like break in the candles and therefore in total then you'll see that uh what do you call it emblem or something up in the front yeah now i love the uh the idea of that crack and actually holding the candles that's pretty cool thank you and then it looks like it's like made an imprint on the cake by accident oh yeah little oh it's actually a really cool detail i like that how like it's bigger and smaller as it goes away and oh and there's hardy up here um you just toss in some petals oh oh he actually has a heart too that's so nice we've got a heart and cheeks he's a very happy skeleton you want to open your present first oh yeah sure oh there we go there we go oh no no wait wait there we go i'm sorry oh that's really cool one is a wooden um plaque for you i made you and amy elizabeth aka mrs fox oh that's actually really sweet you're awesome i didn't know how if i was gonna make him her um like blue so i just put a blue um flower on her mm-hmm and yeah but that's you and her oh if she ever comes in the background i hope you get to i will make sure to tell her about that yeah um and you've got one more in there one more gift okay let's see there we go oh it's a whole box of tacos yes thank you so much that's awesome thank you for the gifts i really like that the wood like i've never seen something like that that's really cool lastly over here you have this little area with your friends and yes it's like kind of like my workspace steady space awesome radio playing all the awesome rec room music and oh yeah i'm really into this because again it's a once upon a time slash lust tv easter egg it's the chocolate and then here's my friends i just noticed one of the people in here we got harry we have oh he got red beer too well hannah i appreciate you having me over thanks for showing me your dorm yay oh well thank you so much for coming over means a lot it's really awesome to meet you this is great to meet you all right my head out but i'll see you around okay you have a good one hello howdy how are you doing emily i'm good how are you i'm doing well i'm doing well let me uh there we go okay so uh thanks for having me over i'm i'm actually you know excited this time we're not checking out just the door we're checking out the whole entire dorm so whenever you're ready just take it away all right so let's start over here i have a i have a little message for you over here thank you i love the little emblem that's awesome thank you thank you i drew i only spent like 15 minutes drawing it and coloring it and then i lost connection so i was like it looks so good and everything and i'm just like and this is this is it but that's okay it's just a whiteboard area i like to mess around with over here i never touched this punching dummy and when gearheart was here he put this little bow on it so it doesn't stay but it's got my bow yeah um i think a lot of people have this dresser um but i made it pink of course and up here is hatsune miku which is my favorite like singer so i love vocaloid so she's on my desk this is a dresser she's on my dresser with a leak and i just want to point something out we are both on the community board nice yeah i didn't notice so i was like wait a second we're both here how cool is that these doors um i got this idea from ikea's dorm i'm just like i need this in my life so we have doors to all my favorite places and this button is really handy so i can go to like a private instance of make your pen fun okay and i've got the music club over here that i'm an owner of so i can just hop right in and [Laughter] [Music] this is from the build battle with uh gribbly and dan um this was her please and i had a mousebot here before that and i'm just like i like this one more so that one's now here you can like throw it around if you want very cool now i really love what's over here um i've got all my friends every time one of my friends enters my dorm i get a picture of them and put it on the wall and as you can see up here got you from last time i know it's such a nice little light edition i think i said it last time but i love how you recolored each and every one i think that's awesome yeah make it customized thank you okay and i love this area a lot too so um i checked the invention store every now and then for my name and see what people have made and i just download all these cute stuff like it's waffle with my face on it and i have some gifts from friends myself like this is from forever summer sky this is from misery mel and this is from jeff and the rest of them are from the invention store oh wait i forgot i forgot up here we've got some like art stuff bender made this did lots of outlines people uh valhalla of course very impressive i don't know how he did that i'm starving a long time ago oh wow i actually like that that is really cool with the outlines that is awesome okay i made it for my birthday i think oh that's really sweet yeah up here is just for fun a whole bunch of the weapons that i like and then the video contest trophy i don't know why i never like see weapons uh like customized to different colors but the bow looks really good just pink i like that yeah except it turns into this one oh there you go yeah i just like to make everything pink if you can't tell a little bit a little bit it's okay though page is awesome yes thank you i appreciate that up here yes this was this was down there and what i did is i just i squiggled on it and then i colored it whenever i was like waiting for someone or whenever i was just had any free time in this place this actually took like a few months total because i never sat down and like actually did it all in one piece and then when i'm done it's here you can tell it's a whiteboard because up there you see something oh yeah oh it's upside down okay uh am i forgetting anything oh right this is from the the first build battle that i did with mama monkey and this is from lots of jumpertron which rob gave me yeah yeah makes me happy so they're both up here together i know i miss steve a lot he's a great little robot exactly heartbreak well that's about it it's just a very pink very emily and yeah it was once again i appreciate you having me thank you and i'll see you around yeah thank you all right so agent how you doing i'm doing fine how are you i'm doing good i'm doing good so this is uh this is your dorm and it looks like i see some scp kind of stuff going on here oh yeah yeah yeah so yeah i'm a i'm a big fan of the series so i decided why not make one in rec room so uh we'd like to follow me upstairs absolutely oh hey welcome back upstairs you've got this [Music] watch area down there you can see my little friend uh his name oh you got a friend here oh oh okay all right yup okay okay okay um mr big boy peanut yeah and then there i have if you would like to look in yeah yeah let's take a look let's take a look in here oh he seems very sad he's staring into the corner i think i know why though he's standing in jail i'm like it's just it's it's a bad day when you're standing a jam strawberry all up in there i see it if you'd like to make your way downstairs just press this keycard uh down down down there yes do i have to can we end it here can i do i have to go down there i mean i'll i'll go i'll go but i'm just okay okay spook warning okay please stand in front where the gate is uh hang on i'm gonna take a knee um go ahead [Music] oh jeez oh goodness [Music] oh geez uh hey your buddy got out he's hopefully in the future i'm adding more stuff like scps yeah no that sounds great um i'm going to run before he decides to come back because honestly kind of freaks me out anyway appreciate it man you have a good one thank you agent queen i'll see you around i'll just no problem i'll just i'll i'll take his accent i'll just you know try to not run into him lit roy how are you doing man what's up what's good i'm doing good how about you i'm doing good i'm doing good man i'm doing good i'm ready to uh i'm ready to see your dorm uh let's get started so in this area is just the general well living area we got a tv and that's pretty much it for this room but if we go in here the bathroom we can see that we indeed are vampires everyone comes in here just oh my goodness all right so now if we go over here we have the kitchen now most of this was made by my friend tortellini which we had made for a a series that inevitably got cancelled i shouted to him because he puts a lot of detail into his stuff he's a really cool person all right next room is over here which is the bedroom which is just full of stuff that some stuff i've made and some stuff that my friends have made like this is made by one of my friends hades now if we go into here oh oh yeah you actually went in there i i was questioning i was like did he go back outside where she this is nice nice pants pretty much an accurate representation of the only pants i ever wear so that's pretty much it for the upstairs area the main attraction is the downstairs when it's dark out you you would want to turn on the land right right would you like to do the honors absolutely oh okay all right all right i'll see you okay oh dang okay it even lives welcome to the monkey all right now these are uh very heavy doors so they would be a bit slow to open okay man you didn't even you didn't have to like push on it you grabbed it and just like you got some force in that arm that was good oh uh hi yeah smile you're on camera very nice vault control room or office okay now let's first go to the vault because there's more on this side oh cue the spy music here we go uh i don't know if you're gonna go over there i'm down i'm down the floor i'm going i'm going i'm below the red blow the wires no oh what in the world i did not touch that yeah it's not able to get you can't get through it oh and here i am laying on the floor looking like a fool all right well let me let me get up all right go ahead what i need is in the other room dang i really want to like spy my way through there all right this is the control room where pretty much nothing happens basically what i did for these is just remade the uh props from spillway it looks good right now pretty much i don't know if i have enough room to like go over it uh i mean i saw how well you could get to the floor so you try that yep we're going we're going all right there's there's a there's a good gap let me just oh up i believe in okay good deal all right uh don't don't pay attention to the like the crack from the wall that's really you don't know you don't have to worry about that that's nothing that's definitely not anything to do with the key okay okay at office but anyway we have a security system here you can try it out if you want and there's four different cameras around the facility so how do you how do you switch the other cameras oh okay oh that's cool i mean if this is my office i would like i put like a sandwich at the end of the uh the red lasers oh oh oh oh that's not supposed to happen uh-oh so uh as i was saying as i said nothing happened nothing happened you if you didn't notice there's a button down there oh no i didn't i didn't notice that i didn't notice that um as i was saying i would take like a uh a sandwich put it at the you know in the red lasers sit in my office and just watch people go for it maybe it'd be that that'd be what i would do also button what's that about huh huh oh it definitely doesn't have anything to do with the secret door huh what what i never knew i never would have guessed this was here oh broom button there's a broom oh oh oh geez oh no oh my goodness oh no no not the brooms not the bro oh not with the brooms what have you done we got work to do we need to clean up all this gold i don't know where we sweep it too we ain't got no dust pan there's nowhere to take it so i mean forget that only way is really the convenient button that says that the back button of course all right so now we need to head back to the vault because there was some there was a key in the vault that we needed to get for that okay lead the way basically what we got to do is just grab that hammer up there got it we're going to break it i'm no mechanic but i'm pretty sure you bash it into the circuit breaker okay i don't know that seems completely safe oh geez oh good yeah i should have warned you it would blow up all right so oh no there isn't a pub you just oh okay well here i'm sorry let me let me do that properly there we go all right now we go back all right you ready yep let's do it that worked definitely as planned all of the wonders right before me it's such a beautiful wall oh yeah okay okay then firefall working as well are these respirators uh yeah there's some noxious toxins in the next room oh cool nice what do you do don't press the big red button what was that don't press the rig button yeah the big red button that looks like that the one that looks very touchable very pressable shouldn't touch it i mean it looks pretty cool oh is that thing getting greener oh geez every time uh oh oh what oh uh appreciate you having me thank you all right we got to go hey man lex yo what's up seoul it's okay i have a special guest here too as well [Laughter] what's up man let me know when you're ready yeah i'm let me check everything real quick and i think we are uh i think we're good so harry take it away all right all right yo what's popping guys my name is soul fox gaming and welcome to my dorm anyways guys my name is harry manligs and uh yeah about that um uh yeah we'll uh yeah we'll talk about that a little later okay okay so this room right here basically if you guys notice it's a theme of high winds it's based off a promotion room made from rec room by marisa and her team um so what happened was mr rex if you guys don't know he's responsible for um taking all the parts from high winds and bringing it here so it just kind of captured the whole feel of it so you guys can hear we got our bank this is really cool and well detailed we got my little minifigure here that kind of represents uh you know just me kind of owning the bank there i don't know why um you guys came over here last time i don't know what happened but i think you guys put a shrek here yeah things happen man it was it was an experience i uh i i'm like usually i have to delete stuff afterwards but that that is just too beautiful so i just just get oh we got whacked the tail and of course you know it's me and the baja blast army right you got pink limited trash because that's where it belongs right in the trash right right okay beautiful and uh because overall just the city i love um what one thing that uh high winds doesn't have are spinning gears so we definitely want to put that in here in this room so it makes the room feel more lively yeah and uh and then also of course to get my special hairy hat you have to go to the church which is located up here on my drawer so it's a big nod to that and also the baja blast waterfall so oh that is a thing of beauty and uh for a dummy i noticed like a lot of dorm rooms a lot of people don't really pay attention to uh what i like to call it steve you know he's the the rec room dummy what i like to do and try to promote people to do is decorate their own dummies so it has a little bit more character so make sure you guys give steve some love and decorate him and make him your own character in the room and if you guys don't know this this right here the animation gizmo got going on here this is the the middle high winds waving high howdy guys how's it going and uh yeah just a big uh just a big character in high winds just welcome you guys there and everything and we have our barber shop here located in high winds as well so we're basically just giving you guys a little tour of high winds pretty much the floating car as well so one thing you notice like a lot of these rooms um there's a lot of the things that are not in high winds that we can put in this room this room just like all these gizmos and animations so that's really great more here as well and uh yeah you guys will notice right here is my logo stick figure made that for um my my in it was an intro animation and i decided that it was such a cool little intro decided to put it in there so yeah big shout out to the person who made that that's awesome and up here we have um artwork made from uh kiwi he does such a great job on that you know what i'm like that looks amazing so i'm gonna put that as my profile picture so big shout outs to kiwi out there for making that beautiful artwork and we got a as a neon outline of my face here so yeah mostly the second uh floor is mostly just kind of like um like a lot of fan art um but unfortunately i can't put everyone's fan art up here because my room likes so much so i can only put some tips yeah it's intense of course we'll get the door to high winds because that's like i'm really proud of that room um of course you know recently enough i made that room but i'm very proud of that uh you know i was like they uh they took my vision and kind of soared with it so i'm really happy about that and if you guys come this way this is my bed i'm not really proud of this but also i'm very uh yeah i'm talking about that anyways it's a harry manley's body pillow right please get what one of your own guys it's a it's free in the mention store so type in the hairy body pillow i've seen now a hairy body pillow and a barthia body pillow i haven't seen a soul now that i'm asking for one not that i'm asking but i'm just saying i've seen both of them i'm concerned mine might be coming at some point in time and i'm just not ready for it guys you guys know what to do your own soul body pillow guys leave like leave likes in the comments guys you guys know what to do all right yeah so bo got one i got one now you guys know what to do get a soul one and whoa don't touch my [Laughter] hat that's actually perfect timing so right here is uh is um so rex the master mastermind behind this he made this um this very i would say i don't know what to call it actually it's like a hairy pet yes that describes it very well i don't know what to call it after that it's uh yeah it's oddly disturbing but at the same time it's like i don't know it's just it's weird but i like it yeah i mean it's the point where you can't really look away from it you're just you're trying to understand it for so long yeah i think that's um pretty much about it for my room it's uh the whole point of the room was mostly just feel like at home and i feel at high winds it's just my home so that's what i really like about it it's like when i when it comes to rooms i really appreciate themes so my rooms are high winds themes yeah very nice man i appreciate you having me over and show me around oh absolutely anytime thank you so much so for coming to my room thanks and guys me and soul are the same person just let you guys know there's only one person in that mirror right there oh and also by the way guys if you guys didn't know this right here says sorry we had a party in your dorm room so i don't know what happened while i was gone for a bit but seoul and rex cro and uh was it fundamana crashed my room and had a party and they guys they put pink lemonade everywhere in my dorm room i will not forgive them unless you say that um baja blast is the best drink in the world oh ooh ooh okay hang on give me a minute i need to how you doing i'm so glad to see you man good brother how are you doing i'm doing good i'm doing good i'm i'm ready for the tour i'm ready to see what all your doors are this is it i feel really conceited in here but yeah there's it's me everywhere it is these people were nice yeah these people were nice enough to make pop dolls and outlines um captain though right yes that's awesome [ __ ] she also made this i had a i had a building competition that we did like a couple things on and she she made this it was monsters and it's a bow monster made out of a bow and she let me have it it was awesome of course i had a couple friends draw me some nice portraits i had to put them up this thing this room is so maxed out i'm at like literally 100 i feel your mind's about the same but i'm loving this man i love the art it looks really good right and i got this guy he's pretty cool if you just like stand right here and then just poke him in the eye there i mean it seems very brutal but you know what you asked me to so hey man push a little harder there it is oh oh geez oh goodness what in the world someone just recently made this and uh let me see if i can see who it is and give them the proper credit that is crazy you know yeah i just put that in here a while ago it's insane that is really cool it was made by spicy vr it's so cool there's a remote and rocco was in here earlier and he stuck the remote in his eye so normally it would just sit over here i like you have like your own little personal sentry so yeah of course we have all the pop dolls these are all made by people and i get as many as i can in here because it's just awesome i love how there's like so many different variations too like everybody has their own style like i've never seen one like that or this like with the rounded shapes yeah there's just so many different ways somebody even turned me into one of the the bats from crescendo about the only thing that i did in here was the walls and i made this tree i like i like beaches so i made the palm trees and it was supposed to kind of have like a beach theme the the wood is like underwater and the sand on the floor and then if you can see like the little breeze coming through oh yeah i'm seeing that now i like that pretty much everything in here was made for me by other people they turned me into a boo from mario series yes i got a centipede okay all right it was different but i love it and of course these are actually the only four pop dolls i've made there's one of me and my wife we got rocco and castle over here that's sweet i like that yeah we just found out a while ago that when rocco's in here is hanging out me and my wife are holding hands apparently they were holding hands too i had to move his hand and then i don't know if you know shadow 12 27 98 good friend of mine he's made me this arrow here he also made this jumbotron which i love it's actually got this the gun on it it kind of just randomly moves around the room looking around i made this this was way back when this was one like the first things i made a little triforce hooked up to a few gizmos to kind of rotate and move up and down and then the shadow made this again for one of his zelda rooms it's one of the one of the prizes you get if you can find it he's got it like super well hidden in there it's really cool okay i just now noticed like all the hooks and all and all the wires connected to jumbotron yeah his uh extension cords here didn't go all the way through the walls so i did i made sure they all went in and kind of copied it and moved it around a bit so now they snake out the windows and then come back in and hide themselves oh and then i got this guy too i'm also a shy guy these were also made mr afton made the booth ayah and the shy guy here because i like mario so he kind of mixed it in with me it's a good touch this right here that's actually really cool on your mirror yes yeah that was made by um watermelon gizmo he's changed i think it's watermelon milk now i don't know if you know him but uh yeah he's made that he made a bunch of cool stuff and you know he's one of my one of my top guys he's one of my mods helps me out a lot so you're a really good guy all right well bo i mean i love the place man like this you kind of have the same idea as me where you know you add stuff in people make for you and it's people's creativity it's it's very unique but it's also very generous so it's it's very yeah it is very nice to see all this in here yeah somebody took the time to make one of these for me i'm you know i want to put it in here i want to i wanna see it i wanna show it off yeah i get that anyway i appreciate man i'll see you around i thought i just lost my hand but uh i'll see you later yeah man all right man no problem we'll catch you later all right welcome to casa le corbins yeah are we still in the dorm room i'm sorry what corbin's you've been holding that you didn't say nothing about this what well uh it's it's a little it's a little secret i've been been keeping let me go ahead and show you around my crib and tv cribs so as you see uh this is the commander chair uh has my little logo somebody actually made a 3d version of it which i absolutely adore and uh if we continue on here's a drawing one of my buddies did uh of uh my record character and my actual like real life dog that i love man the best boy he's the goodest boy he looks like the goodest boy over here we have my little trophies that i won throughout rec room uh i know there's another one that's supposed to be coming in with this one but i'm just waiting for it but let me show you the best part if you want to have the honors you can pull the lever right there oh absolutely oh behold yo where are we at what is what yeah garbage we are on uh mars you're on mars it's beautiful beautiful i say hi to this man out here every morning he motivates me throughout the day corbin's who is he [Laughter] he's a he's a beautiful man a mystery man i mean no don't get me wrong wait he's he's got style look at that coat the skinny pants the shoes dude's looking good i've just never i've never seen him but like look at that stairs he just killed him he's ready for action yeah anytime anyplace anywhere mystery man of style defender of mars it's been great meeting you yes but yeah this is it uh it's like a space theme to it a lot of buttons and all that type of stuff and i wish these would work but unfortunately it doesn't soon though soon soon but uh yeah this is uh this is my dorm uh it's pretty uh what's the word uh it's pretty lit dude i'm kind of speechless no joke this is i seriously thought you had me in like an actual room not not a dorm room oh yeah i know this is a this is a dorm room i love it i'm with you i'm coming to visit this is great i gotta come back and talk to mystery man every now and then like he's motivation he he gives great wisdom he does really does he stares off in the distance and you can feel it like it's yes it's a wise man uh hi i'm will this is my doing boom i based it mainly on the custom laser tag maps i've been making uh here's the skill model for the map i like it man i like it i love whenever people actually like take intricate rooms they make and like size it down i'm loving the red burst blue over here yes ladies and gentlemen yes mascot mary his famous quote laser tag ha ha yes classic classic larry is the laser zone training zone trademark okay okay oh geez oh forgot they can't actually do damage to here so that uh that definitely spooked me but yeah that's nice you can actually train and yeah i think that's just it for me i tried to make it fit like the main template of the dorm without like changing anything too much so there's not enough stuff in me to look like no i i i think it works really well like i grew up really really really enjoying laser tag and not just in rec room like actually in real life and uh you know it fits that theme very very well i like how you brought it to your door and it looks good man so werewolf thanks for having me i'll see you around all right grenade spammer how you doing man yeah this is my dorm nothing really that special about it just see see you say that but like we're in a dorm right now and it doesn't even remotely look like a door number one oh hang on this is spectacular it's good for my first ever only me making stuff yeah i would i would definitely say so inside's basically just plain little little kitchen chimney little area with a tv just a little bedroom nothing really much just a little cozy little cabin where i could just sit with my friends i don't know you say it's not much man like to me like okay let's start over here let's start here the bed looking good looking good i love how you have the sheets they folded back you take care of your stuff it's very nice very nice get the light switch over here tv everything's set up i love the fireplace i love how it's all like rounded out like that but it still has the bricks with it i love how you have eggs on the pan over here that is very very very nice get some dishes we can do those later don't worry about it get frosty hanging out here a little bit of uh marshmallows in case you're gonna roast them but i have a question are these just sticks or like yeah they're sticks okay i don't know if they're like i was trying to make something where i would i would get like you would just go outside grab a stick you would go inside grab a marshmallow and put the stick on might put the marshmallow on the stick but the marshmallows and stick won't connect my mind was way way off from what i thought these were i thought they were like little baby frosty hands like because i saw him and i'm like where are the babies it's lovely man it's a very cozy place and i appreciate you having me over so i'm just gonna sip on this and i'll warm up and head out man so you take it easy okay see you around man i'm jane and welcome to my home yeah thanks for having me man and share if you want to share watch the movies and weapons up up here a bow and then like the staircase here very nice staircase and we've got like this and you can grab onto if you want to oh nice and let's pull you around like got inspiration from barryman legs nice it's just like little thing now and then we've got like a couple of doors if you want to come here through here then we've got like a little greenhouse area i guess and then some couple of bags of soil a little plant here and then that's it for this room i guess let's get there it's growing we've got like a little shelf some stuff and then some artwork from my friends and if you come through here you've got my like afternoon area don't drink my bath water um we've got like a shower some towels it's a bit empty but oh well and loads of toilet paper now if you come through here we go i like my bedroom i've got like some friends and stuff i want to build stuff a little lamp basketball dodgeball plant in my bed then we got like some pictures friends here and then we're gonna go upstairs oh you've got like a dining area here i guess a little another bench watching tv and then we've got like some seating areas outside with a sunroof or lighter frame comes and stuff then we got the kitchen i'm gonna sit down and eat some more artwork where my friend axe shower to act and then if we come over we've got like another area if you want to sit down or just fall asleep in this massive amount of pillows and then over here you just got something like plants here i'm seeing areas and pink on me sure you should like get below this stuff this this is actually really cool i love how everything's hanging out like including the tv everything is just having a good time hanging out also the trees above and the sky like i see your clouds out there moving around it's it's a nice little touch like you don't necessarily like focus upon it but you definitely see the background it's just it's it's good gotcha well man it's i mean yeah absolutely thanks for having me this has been it's been lovely so thank you and i'll see you around man take care all right i've completely forgotten how to leave this place oh there we go okay all right now i'm going that's it how do you how do you actually pronounce your whole name it's solid chorus who right uh uh solo nicaragua nicaragua okay all right i got you all right so um holy hotness um i was i was let me you know you go ahead and introduce yourself then we'll we'll talk about the greatness that is unfolding before me um go ahead man uh i'm sandi karasu i create a lot of rooms and lots of things and this is my dorm well the outside of my dorm uh i'll show you the inside which is right through here all right but this is just the lobby of it the real entrance is up here oh my okay here it is so this is just a living room there's all i added a lot of things have a kitchen we have some animals you have your soul fox buddy man what's up okay good man all right i was wondering where he was at he's been chilling with you there's a lot of things there i am i don't have words currently i'm trying to process things but this is immaculate it's dang hot dang this is awesome dude i can't process words at the moment but this is this is great like there's so much oh my goodness hello fox how you doing all these creatures or characters around my dorm represent my friends like this one represents my friend and this one over there represents eye view i like that i like how you have them all incorporated my favorite part is the kitchen because well you know i did a lot of details into it such as coffee and mugs the cookie jar if you want some cookies do you want to see i thought i thought that was a mug at first i was about to see you know mrs uh mr fox loves coffee that that'd be about the that'd be about the right size just right here this is a microwave some coffee beans i guess and uh even a fruit bowl as well oh you can actually pick it all up nice all right and i think my favorite part is the refrigerator so why don't you grab this handle right here oh okay all right okay we got cakes we got sushi man you cannot be doing this to me i'm so hungry like in real life i need i need food and this is i just [Laughter] all good stuff absolutely oh and now this oh goodness great clothes we can't we can't have it right now i need food all right go ahead all righty and taiko drums from a game that my friends loves to play and this photo over here is all of my friends basically right before we go through here i want to show you this room over here this is where my closet is okay oh wow basically where the regular dorm is got some costumes that i made some t-shirts giant crown if you want to wear very big crowd okay that is this is really well laid out so this is the closet and let's let's go back up alrighty and over here is just two rooms this one's the bathroom this one's my living room but just to show you oh uh i did not know somebody else was here hi okay uh we'll be we'll be out of here one second this looks lovely uh gigantic shower i'm loving it um yeah we use well i'm sorry we didn't mean to you back your business we'll be out here sorry about that this solid that's why you gotta knock man you get you can't just walk in on people neither did i we went in he was halfway into it who uses it like that he was literally in the toilet like down in it anyway anyway uh over here is my actual room sack boy what's up we got a giant giant bow because i like being an archer in a game that i play and over here is my desk and some polaroids of great moments got a little tiny squirrel from my tokyo oakland apartment room if you remember that i do i do and hey oh that drawing over there is a collaboration that damascus and i did the guy in the toilet but oh nice and over here is the balcony got a view of the city and the avengers tower over there i just don't understand how you fit the world inside of your dorm i i have my ways you definitely do what in the world very impressive man once again blown away by your work man thank you for having me and i'll definitely have to come back by to hang out this is great thank you i'm glad you liked it hey man i'll see you around oh hey chickens how are you doing oh good how are you doing i'm doing good i'm doing good chickens take it away man take it away all right so i've left my business you know what chicken's business gone fried chicken's gone i've gone into water business i'm not to help you today some random guy might come in so yeah just you know just wait here one second okay yeah i'll be back well no i won't be back right now yeah oh hi what's up yeah hey how are you doing who who are you welcome i'm your coach for today okay coach for today nice to meet you yeah but before we get into the flight i got a change all right that's good okay hang on wait let me let me get in proper tire i don't feel i don't feel right here i feel like i'm saying i'll wait wait let's go have it there we go okay yes all right i will be training you through this course first up we got a slide well like a slip and play whatever it's called press that button oh nice okay yep so just follow me i'm good welcome to the course oh first this is supposed to train out your abs and your biceps and everything so yeah this will buy yourself so yeah yeah nice nice all right next thing up we've got diving board let's go you got duck when you hit the bin duck when you hit the bank got it i'll i'll wait till you're out of it [Music] okay crouch down oh i'm good i'm getting tips okay all right next bit we have to work outside you know a little bit of a slide it might you know if you have any like do you have shorts on because it might burn up your legs like you're invisible like what you know again let's just go oh okay oh there we go okay i made it first draw your camera camera and stick it through that hole through the hole got it uh nice yeah well i appreciate it method all right all right yep see you in a bit all right i'm good i'm good oh he's here all right he's here sorry me sorry i was just uh telling tangi how to invest in um bitcoin he's not telling me i'm moving all my ethereal stock into dogecoin because it's a bit unstable at the moment okay all right fair enough thank you for the uh the info in the uh the stock market yeah so um welcome to my dorm um first off i want to give shout out to crafty sponge solid nicaragua awesome source for helping me out with it because i am very untalented at the maker pen um oh oh sorry you actually got your gift uh it's right right now yeah see it literally says a gift for you so you just let me just get that for you there you go man pizza i wanted to bring food my favorite absolutely i'll just go ahead and uh hold on to that for later and we'll we'll serve it up go ahead no problem okay so um first off i want to start with this uh painting on the wall is an invention i actually had to go to the store to buy this but it is beautiful i think i i'm a big fan of abstract art it's great now this kitchen is very minimalistic um all the cupboards are flush i do have burgers and chocolate cake just kind of laying around but that's normal there's one hanging plant atmosphere what's up what you going to talk about i've lost it all bro what how i was putting it into dogecoin and dogecoin tank bro we have four cents left i'm not going to be able to pay the rent for this place oh that's not your problem [Music] anyway um another piece of abstract art um this amazing light this is my prized possession best trailer time travel 2019 very nice very nice hoping to get another one this time around but that is my prized possession um got a few shelves got a nice curved oled tv i think yeah yeah beautiful room um now the view the view is just stunning it is absolutely that would have been the weirdest time for that not to happen um carrying on um we have an old film camera here it's a prized possession of mine actually used it as i filmed the trailer for the lost river delta room uh just got some trophies here my logo my prized possession logo the dodgy tours uh van we actually had scientifically down scaled just for this uh dorm um some great photos here this is uh me on the train track with joker in the background um when tennis always run the game and they turned into giant rocks that was that my first ever feature on the uh on the board and then the first time my video ever got featured on the board but how to make a square video right it's great um this i i still need to fill some stuff up but this is all the stuff that people make for me so i can have a little collection of it because it's really cool some of the stuff that uh people make yeah carrying on to the bedroom um there's a computer that i'm soon gonna get rid of um nice chair beautiful little balcony the viewer what are you doing out here i've lost it listen we'll talk about it later um probably not the best thing in his current position but a uh sheba a doge [Laughter] that's pretty much it we have a uh the dog's food down here if you just come through the store i'm sorry i got distracted by the gigantic carrot you have just sitting out here oh i just realized i'm still on a dress have you not known thank you i thought that was a part of the bit man i was just going with it i was like oh he looks good okay hey you can't call it uh he's so sensitive but yeah this is my little uh closet area pretty um pretty basic got a picture of call me blue and this picture is old i think it's over a year old unless you're wearing my old outfit in this picture oh yeah amazing um and then this amazing skylight and yeah that's that's about it all right man i appreciate you having me over thank you problem i'm gonna go so yeah uh you're gonna stay in that corner did you seriously lose our entire lifesavers it's not my fault bro those coins that is your fault don't make us keep an eye you're meant to keep an eye on the stock market okay and you let it you obviously weren't because it tanked i mean what happened quickly it happened that quickly you you're gonna pay for this i got removed man so y'all this is surprise at the end my good friends here we got party cal mr rex and luke fox they're gonna be redoing my whole entire dorm we're tearing this place completely down to the ground and they're gonna rebuild it in their own way so without further ado let's go ahead and just do like a time lapse and see what they make [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] normally since it's my dorm i will give you the tour but you y'all made this so please uh whoever wants to take it away please take it away all right so over here we have a door anyway yeah go ahead let's uh let's let's look around so come on in we have uh everything has changed it's all forest themed we got a dance floor it moves it is alive the funk is alive i love it over here we have a nice river with a fish fish about to hit a sick backflip right wait wait for it oh yes yes very nice very nice i like it over here we have uh oh i like that's actually really cool like the dots very nice guys very nice we got the new logo up here this person's smiling they have a little fox mrs fox we got nutter butters that has a trail going all the way over to this guy that's honestly really cool i like that oh geez i'm ah i'm everywhere i'm just staring into my own soul i forgot that was even made opal made that a long time ago so i have my own little art studio up in here we got a moving disco ball that isn't complete junk like mold one yes it's so nice very nice very nice and then up here we have can i climb how do i how do i bed can someone inform me how to bed there we go look at this bed i like how you actually kept like the the color as well like it stayed purple that's kind of cool i'll miss always something i can't wait put it on this oh yo that's actually really cute thank y'all this is this is so i can't wait till i actually load into the dorm like just this view right here looks incredible right guys this is this is it that's how we end dorm tours that's the fish what in the world it came up did y'all see that i didn't know we did that hang on hang on okay you know what no this is this right here this is how we in dorm tours go ahead fish take it away yes okay wait for him wait for him he's coming he's coming there he is wait wait hey [Laughter] here we go [Music] oh dude i just crashed him oh whoa what is that what is that oh my goodness it's a giant hairy leg it's smacking steve did we just break the game oh did i crash wait we're good no oh okay we're good that was wait where did that come from that's all that's that's your pet that's the harry potter are you okay that's a massive you oh yeah i don't know what that is sorry that was that was the that was the hairy pet he just grew like to the size of the dorm that was insane what are you feeding him i don't know i don't even know where that came from to be honest wait did you spawn that in there no i didn't touch anything no that was that was your that was your dude he just he spawned and grew see he's gone off the blimp oh wait that was the pet yeah that's the same there was a giant hairy leg it was that was him oh no i deleted him oh oops uh bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Soul Fox Gaming
Views: 702,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, soul fox gaming, soul fox, vr, virtual reality, dorm tours, dorm tours rec room, rec room dorm tours 5, rec room dorm tours, rec room, rec room soul fox, rec room soul fox gaming, soul fox gaming rec room
Id: 4yOUYFhA90Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 36sec (6636 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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