Dora The Explorer Full Episodes Gameplay | At the Flea Market!

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backpack can you put all these things inside sure i can yum yum yum yum yum delicious [Music] right we have to go meet boots quick [Music] i wonder if anyone will take these hi boots dora hi did you bring your things to sell at the flea market yes they're in my backpack [Music] at the flea market i can exchange or share [Music] the things i don't need anymore [Music] i brought some things that i don't use anymore in my backpack what did boots bring [Music] right the boots oh ah those are boots favorite shoes the red boots right these are my favorite things this is my first pair of boots but i can't wear these boots anymore my feet got big and these boots are too small for me now oh boots i bought a new pair of boots but i don't want to throw away the old boots i really like these i hope someone will take these and love them like i did do you have something you really like [Music] i see if you really liked it you can't throw it away easily i'll never throw it in the way never i'll find a friend who needs these red boots will you help me dora sure will you help boots with me [Music] great let's go now come on let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] with zora the market is too big where can i find a friend who needs my boots who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go [Music] map right will you check the map you have to say map [Music] map [Music] [Music] at times like this it's good to find our close friends who came to the flea market here benny is here go ask benny tico is at the flea market too let's go ask tico wow there are the school friends they're exchanging their things let's go exchange boots's boots where do we go first [Music] [Music] how will i organize these [Music] hi benny hi benny you came to the flea market yeah i brought some things from home huh benny this looks new you brought a lot of things benny uh i slept in late so i ran out really quick i just grabbed everything i saw what i don't know what to do now should i sell everything no benny you have to take back the things you still use we have to pick out the things that benny doesn't use the things to sell at the flea market all right will you help me i don't use the long things [Music] will you pick out the long things [Music] which one is long [Music] i don't need the short things [Music] will you pick out the short things short great which one is short [Music] which one is short [Music] great [Music] color pencil tie ruler [Music] umbrella [Music] pants scarf [Music] belt [Music] wow we did it [Music] thanks for helping tell me if you need anything really yeah since you helped me i'll give it to you for free then i want the color pencil [Music] then i want the scarf [Music] thank you boots that's my favorite scarf it's too short for me now but boots can make good use of it yeah i really like it too benny do you need my red boots by any chance oh hmm i do want boots but they look too small for me oh right don't worry boots we can look for another friend all right all right we helped benny together and got the color pencil and the scarf we couldn't have done it without you thanks for helping [Music] but boots red boots are too small for benny where do we go next [Music] [Music] i really like the rocking horse hmm tickle likes my rocking horse too will you exchange it with my swing chair well i do want the swing chair hi hi i'm glad you guys are here what do you think of this wing chair does it look good oh you want to exchange the rocking horse with a swing chair yeah the baby bunnies keep fighting over the rocking that chair is long so they can ride it together i want that rocking horse too oh tico likes your rocking horse too but but the chair looks too old the paint is coming off and it looks dirty how about we make the chair pretty how we can wipe off the dirt paint and put on some stickers wow that's a great idea that will make it better all right we need your help will you help us will you use the sponge to clean the spot off the swing chair [Music] [Music] wow the chair is clean now let's paint it so its color will be nice and bright [Music] let's paint the swing chair this time paint the bottom [Music] wow the swing chair looks new let's put on the stickers the vegetable stickers for the baby bunnies yay [Music] it's pretty it's pretty wow wow put the stickers on the bottom it's pretty wow it's pretty yay wow it's pretty wow it's the vegetable pattern swing chair [Music] wow my baby bunnies will love this [Music] i love it um will the baby bunnies need my boots they look nice bud ah they will fight over one pair i get it dora will tico need my boots tico do you need boots boots maybe no those are too big for me boots tico says that your red boots are too big for him i see don't worry we can look for another friend right we made tico's old swing chair pretty with your help tico exchanged his swing chair for the rocking horse thanks for helping i'm the map i'm the man he's the man i'm the man tico and the bunny look happy but tico and the bunny don't need boots as red boots where do we go next let's go to the fringe too [Music] [Music] boots and i are at the market here i can give other friends the things i don't need and i can get the things i need from them i'll find a friend who needs these red boots i want scissors and a color pencil how about other friends i need that i like the picture book no not that i have that what do we do guys what is going on we can't figure out how to exchange our things with each other i have the picture book but i want to exchange it with the crayons i have the crayons but you want to pants camilla and i have the same problem we want to exchange different things with each other this is hard really hard let's stop and think let's just put our things together and we can find the things we need oh that's a good idea yeah yeah all the things we want are here [Music] [Music] wow wow there are so many things will you help us take the things we need will you bring me all the picture books good [Applause] [Music] where is the picture book [Music] oh that's great [Music] where is the picture book [Music] where is the picture book great thank you [Music] will you bring me all the pants [Music] where are the pants [Music] where are the pants where where are the parents where are the pants [Music] where are the pants [Music] where are the pants [Music] where are the pants great where are the piers great [Music] thanks will you bring me all the crayons [Music] try again great [Music] good [Music] where is the crayon [Music] where is the crayon where is the crayon wow thank you i want dolls will you bring me all the dolls [Music] where is the doll [Music] [Music] great [Music] where is the doll thank you did everyone get the things they want yes then i want the scissors [Music] and the color pencil [Music] great ah nobody took boots red boots does anyone need my boots no they're too old i looked and found the holes on the bottom oh right don't worry boots we can find another friend [Music] our friends exchange their things will you help us find a friend who needs boots boots thanks for helping [Music] i'm the bat i'm the man he's the map he's the man i'm the man everyone took the things they need but nobody took boots's red boots i love my boots dora nobody needs my boots boots cheer up hi dora in boots boots can you give me those my red boots yeah i was looking for those really but they have holes on the bottom oh really that's even better watch i put some soil plant the seeds and water them [Applause] wow i needed a flower pot i look at it every day place it in sunlight and water it that's great boots we did it [Music] we did it we did it [Music] yay we did it we did it we did it yay [Music]
Channel: Dora - Play & Learn for Kids
Views: 347,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dora, dora dora, dora and boots, dora and friends, dora english, dora telugu, dora hindi, dora buji in tamil, dora in tamil, dora adventure, dora buji, nick jr, nickelodeon, At the Flea Market!, dora the explore, dora full episodes, dora the explorer
Id: eUv7o5KpSCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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