Don't Visit Egypt Until You Watch This - Pyramids BEWARE

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hey guys we're ian and anna from the other side vlog and if you follow us on instagram you know by now that we just spent 15 days in egypt it was an amazing experience but did not come without its challenges which we are going to be talking about today another big point i want you guys to understand is that we're focusing more on cairo and giza where the pyramids are located because that's where we found most of the scams to be so i don't want to generalize egypt and if you guys are interested in watching our other videos on egypt we're going to have five in total there's gonna be a playlist right up here when they come out press on that definitely experience our fair share of hagglers scammed many times like we are king of being scammed we've lost so much money so we are making videos to help you guys we've learned you know you usually have to not really engage say no and keep walking when someone's trying to get something from you but here it was completely different they did not take no for an answer they would come after you they would follow you uh very persistent people and it wasn't just once it was every single time so exhausting it can ruin your time with the pyramids we just got used to it i acted like we didn't speak english at some points but let's just go over each one let's paint our first picture which is heading into the pyramids the first time that's we did our very first day many men at the pyramids have ids on them and they'll just splash out you see no no i'm not tour guide i'm not tour guide i work for the government they try to butter you up and you know what's going on you're not dumb then they're like oh let me go take you a picture of you by the inside or whatever they're going to take your phone take a picture of you and then they're going to ask for a tip actually five steps later we were approached by a man on horses and he wanted us to go horseback riding really no we don't want to go horseback riding he follows us just antagonizes us please please please and ian over here thinks that if he becomes friends with these people that they will leave him alone let me tell you i am somewhat of a people pleaser so i'm always willing to stop with locals no matter what i was freaking out because he was like oh just take a picture of my horse i'm like i don't want a picture with your horse i'm just trying to go see some pyramids leave me alone but ian's like so the guy's like oh no you can wear my hat with his turban takes the phone out of my hand takes our picture and afterwards the demeanor changed it went from hahaha to oh please i need some money for my horse they need to eat i gave him a five which isn't a lot in egyptian pound he was like i'm not taking that i'm like okay bye we also learned a term halas halas that means enough so they'll back off they're like oh gosh they know a little bit of arabic which is kind of scary we didn't know it at the time we learned it later so now you know but that is just one example guys it happens every five steps i don't think you understand when we're saying this it is the most exhausting place to travel to in the world everyone's messing just you've never been to india far we think it's second worst it's so hard so many people are in your face the whole time trying to give you things trying to make you do tours and they're all just scams trying to ride camels which by the way we are against for tourism purposes not for your daily life purposes but in terms of tourism you just know that the animals are abused and you will also see that in giza you will see people whipping their horses and their camels and the camels are always making noises because they don't want to get up because their bodies hurt and it was really really sad the animals are not fat enough in most of these places even down in luxor you could see the horse's ribs and it's super sad i'm like okay you're getting all these scam money put some money towards your horse so it could at least last longer another great one at the pyramids was a security guard a security guard like very official this guy comes up to us he's like go go sit on the pyramid us as hikers try to be as eco-friendly as we can we learn it's not good for the actual pyramid because over time if people are climbing on it it could deteriorate i don't know if it's illegal or not i saw a lot of people climbing on it anyways he pretty much makes us go climb it ian took a video of me and then we get down and we're like walking away and the security guard asked for a tip so anything that they're making you do it's in the best interest of their tip one thing we haven't mentioned is if you work with a tour guide or a local this will not happen to you when we hung out with our local friends nobody bothered us same thing when we had a tour guide nobody bothered us so really really keep that in mind for sure everyone that talks to you in cairo and giza just realize they want your money yeah i don't care who they are even if they are the nicest person ever at the end of the day they're trying to get some type of money out of you i get that there's very good tour guides out there but do your research beforehand so you don't have to get scammed it's so hard to say that because we do love locals typically and we actually made um some great local friends in cairo women cover up i actually was covered up for the first time no i really did know to cover up you just get called shakira all day oh shikira and like you think it's okay they're calling me shakira but then they call everyone shakira we heard it a couple times with a different tourist there too yeah i was like oh you're calling her shakira they're also going to cat call the entire time first of all they said i was a lucky man all day i am a lucky man i heard it over a hundred times also they try to sell camels to own anna which is super sad i'll give you 10 million camel for her which is like funny but we're able to learn annoying we're able to laugh about it but it is really disrespectful and uncomfortable so get ready for that if you're not used to getting cat cold oh my god go get your mic go get your mic you guys are going to love this so this is our microphone that goes on top of our camera and this is a muff what do they call it the cat yeah it's a dead cat dead cat basically it was so windy that you can't really talk to the camera without this luckily we snuck in these microphones but what we're trying to get at is this is the enemy of cairo they hate reporters they don't want you to go in and vlog or do anything they're really really protective drone was first i didn't bring mine to egypt because it's illegal this is second this tripod this tweaks them out so much that they won't let you in certain museums they won't let you anywhere with them go get the little one we're going to muhammad ali mosque which is a very also touristy place he opens up this little pouch in my bag like microphone i actually started dying laughing he thought this was the devil he thought this was the worst thing in the world so get ready for that if you have any audio equipment also it's not a scam but get ready for at every airport every tourist site every museum anything you go to there's always gonna be a security checkpoint with tons of security in the airport we have to go through four three to four security checkpoints so put your bag through security three or four times each one freaks out about a camera bag cairo this scam i caught on like that this guy we're crossing the street and he goes wait don't cross because in egypt traffic is crazy so they try to get the tourists and they say don't cross don't cross they pull you in you're like oh thank you look here i'll help you cross the street this guy actually did something very interesting he walked away so i was like oh he was actually trying to help us walk across the street comes back he's like hey are you guys going to the museum you know you can't go alone right now you have to hire a guy i'm tour guide museum and i'm just like are you freaking kidding me i'm not stupid i know i can go to the museum right now you can't tell me that only tours go best part was on the way back different guy same speech wait wait but he messed up there were no cars there were no cars coming so i'm like why is he telling me to wait so guess what i did i walk guess what he ended starts talking to the guy are you freaking kidding me ian so i plump i say walk away like you have to have a thick skin put your head down these people do not care about you you're not hurting their feelings put your head down and walk away and don't say anything another one specifically in giza that we got into was a taxi driver wanting to not let us out of the car at our apartment keep them in the car for as long as i can so i could charge them whatever i want at the end of the ride sometimes they're gonna try to force you to stay in the car take you the wrong direction charge you astronomical rates so huge tip here in egypt we used uber as much as we could especially in cairo and giza they have uber another one in cairo there's a famous nile cruise tour they give you a buffet there's dancers it's fun but then the alcohol on there is super expensive and we only had about two or three drinks the person tried to charge us an extra 15 to 20 same thing happened to us in costa rica i think people think when you're drinking that like you're just not gonna check the bill which is hilarious it's like maybe if i'm super drunk it kept going it was every day no matter what ian and i have such great conversation and are such airheads that we like forgot we were at the airport we were having coffee and then we realized we almost missed our flight so we're running to our gate and some guy saw us running so he tries to help us and then he lets us know this is a fee for helping us and wanted us to tip and we were just like are you kidding me you're gonna take advantage of us right now when we're trying to get to our gate i think there's a huge difference between people trying to sell you something at their store or you know haggling you to come to the restaurant that is totally different than what we are talking about that's just a salesman we are talking about people making you think they're doing something for you and then trying to get money from you the airport worker made sure to follow us into a hallway that no one was around he went into my wallet and took two 100 egp or 200 egp out anna freaked out i started screaming that's ten dollars i'm not giving you ten dollars you're doing nothing i can find the gate myself trying to make a problem for you that you don't need solving i'm like i i was literally fine i did not so right after anna freaked out the guy was like scram he was like super nervous he gave back the money to me he's like no no no but the rest of time we were at the gate he would do this to us right below his leg he would just keep doing this and looking making us feel super uncomfortable we didn't give him money because the dude's an a-hole my friend amanda who you've seen in our greek video they were in egypt and i called her about all this stuff and she was like okay so this one was her worst story you know when you're in a lot of foreign countries you have kind of like a security before you even get to get your ticket she's putting her stuff in and the guy has her passport and asks for a tip what what are you doing i just put my stuff on the conveyor belt and i have to give you a tip for that and she was like i literally had to give him a tip because he had my passport he held it hostage until he got a tip go through youtube you see egypt scams all over the place this happens all the time and you just need to keep spreading the word to fellow travelers be ready for this when you come to egypt it's an amazing amazing country with we can't wait to show you the other places we went to egypt i think by knowing the very little uh con artist scripts that we have taught you today you might even enjoy it like oh ian and anna said that once so now i like you might get excited definitely message us on instagram if anything goes wrong when you're in egypt and let us know we love hearing stories like this make sure to subscribe below are you kidding we have so many fun things planned for this year in the next four years four to five years that's so much fun here like i just don't understand why you're not subscribed we gotta say one two three woodwood you can do it all right one two three one we will see you in the next [Music] one you
Channel: Ian and Ana
Views: 454,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: egypt, cairo, egypt scams tourist, cairo egypt, cairo scams, pyramid scams, pyramids egypt, egypt pyramids, egypt travel, egypt cairo, how to travel egypt, egypt travel vlog, egypt travel 2022, egypt travel tips, travel tips egypt, egypt 2022, pyramids of egypt, pyramids, travel egypt, egypt tourism, Egypt, egypt tours
Id: aK9-PLgV4pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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