LIVING IN EGYPT FOR $85 A MONTH! | Solo Female Traveler

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this is Cheyenne an African-American woman who solo travels the world and she currently lives inside of a brand new fully furnished apartment just outside of el Guna Egypt not only is she giving us a full tour of her place she's also promised to reveal what it's really like being a woman of color living in Egypt it's all over the Internet Egypt is racist and sexist to black women what do you have to say about that a lot good or bad both shalawam it's no limit Eddie a 24-year-old American who's been living in Egypt for the last 3 years and I've documented every portion of my journey here on this YouTube channel if that sound interesting to you drop a like on today's video so YouTube recommends you more videos you'll love now I have to issue a warning this video may cause you to quit your job sell everything you own and buy a oneway ticket to Egypt because we're showing you a fully furnished one-bedroom apartment that goes for $85 a month let's get into it yo what's up hey what's up come on in all right I assume this right here is what the lobby yeah this is just the first floor okay got you and what's this big old box right here that is actually an elevator and we'll use that later when we go up to the rooftop and if you actually look right here this is a doorbell see what it's talking about okay I hear it like a bird chirping yeah yes and then I actually have a light up here this is like my night light but it's nice to have got you got you here we have my Wi-Fi router Egyptians don't typically care about Wi-Fi so it's common to have to install your own landline so yeah had to install my own yeah so in my experience like that's so true out of the five Apartments I've rented here in Egypt only two of them came with wifi routers already installed so they will no problem like drill the holes and run the wires and everything like that but you will have to buy your own box and you will have to pay your own monthly bill speaking of bills how much is your internet every month okay so I actually have a company called Wii I have my phone service and my Wi-Fi through there but for my Wi-Fi alone I pay around 320 Egyptian pounds which is around $66.72 USD and right above the Wi-Fi router is actually the AC which you definitely need during these summer months as you exit the hallway to the left you actually have the seated area I feel like I hear something behind this door yeah I actually have a dog and a cat what are we going to be able to meet them today yeah so when I show you the bedroom which is right behind this door you'll be able to meet them all right so I see you got like a nice L shaped couch right here and it's pretty cool like rock wall backsplash so tell me about this couch so this apartment actually came fully furnished so a lot of the things that come with this apartment I didn't even have to buy really mhm so when I put the deposit down for this place it wasn't even done being being constructed so I was the first person that got everything in this apartment so the fridge the stove the couch everything was brand new I know you mentioned that you pay your own Wi-Fi bill but can you explain to people like what utilities you pay versus what's covered in the rent okay so with my rent I actually pay for my water my trash and then of course my ability to live here for the next month okay and then what I'm responsible for is actually my gas and my electricity which is paid by meter okay so I know many of you watching this video have no idea how the meter system works so let me just show you real quick so this right here is her gas card gas is actually paid by meter flip it to the back let me show you guys see it's like the same thing that's on your credit card or debit card so you go to the store you put money on this card like a prepaid debit card this right here is a gas meter you take this card once it's loaded and then you tap it right there whatever balance you put onto the car gets loaded onto the meter and then you can use those units for your gas for your electricity so on and so forth now I don't know about you but I personally love the meter system it kind of makes me feel like I'm more in control of my utility bill exactly so me personally I like this method much better I pay around 200 Egyptian pounds for my electric per month which totals around $420 USD and then for my gas for about a month I pay around 30 Egyptian pounds which is a little less than a dollar so in my head I was doing the math mhm that means including your your internet you're paying $1 to $12 a month for all your utilities that's right so then right in front of us here is the kitchen so you got like a nice L shaped counter my preing you got a lot of space especi since it's just me everything fits all right and then I have these cabinets these cabinets actually are kind of like my favorite they open kind of cool so I like that they open kind of up instead of out this is my snack cabinet these are the cabinets for like my dishes and stuff that I put in here and then this is in every black household you know black people bags and beneath this cabinet you actually see that there is another countertop don't tell anyone the countertop is actually not big enough to cover the cabinet oh wow I see it and when I asked him why does it look like that or can he fix it he gave me the typical tion answer OV on this side of the world are typically half the size of the ones in the states I've been out the states for so long now I'm basically adjusted to it but it definitely took some getting used to how long have you been outside the states a little over 3 years i' say about 3 years and four months now I'm pretty sure like most of the viewers are thinking like America's a land of milk and honey why the heck have you left and why have you been gone so long freedom to plainly put it um I woke up one day and just realized that it was all a trap uh this whole 40 40 40 you work for 40 hours a week for 40 years and then you retire and for my generation I'm 28 By the way I don't think that my generation will be able to retire based on how high inflation is in America right now and I mean most people don't know this but this is on the official government website for Social Security that they put in plain English that by 2037 they will not be able to pay out full benefits for Social Security anymore and the thing is you I and everyone watching this video right now know somebody that's collecting Social Security so this is a big deal wow I mean that's honestly crazy I'll probably pop the article up on the screen and even leave the link in the description for anyone who wants to check it out now I understand you got the oven right here and then you got the washer boom here's the washer it actually came brand new I literally had to peel the plastic off still have some things on it that I haven't took off but it is what it is then we got the sink there's no dishwasher so you have to wash everything by hand so this sink is used to wash my dishes my veget my hands all that stuff so you just toured us around the kitchen but where's your fridge over there oh so you have a fridge it's just outside the kitchen Yep this is my office SL film setup Studio kind of thing my annoying little brother bought all this stuff before he left to go chase some random woman in Uganda and then he left all this stuff for me in my apartment you said your brother's annoying I mean I met him and he seems pretty cool I mean you're entitled to your own P now I'm quite sure a lot of my viewers are curious you left America at 25 you're now 28 still living out of America like how have you been making money while you travel so I work jobs my whole life ever since I was 16 I had a job never went without and that was something that I was used to and I was okay with but when my brother brought up the idea of actually moving to Africa he wanted to make sure that I had a financial means to move with him if I chose to he actually helped me open my first ety shop and that actually gave me a great source of income and that let me get my feet W an entrepreneurship pool and from there I started to expand get multiple Etsy shops and it was doing so well that I ended up going over to eBay and started some shops over there and that's where I all right guys so the same exact technique that worked for Cheyenne it worked for a 14-year-old who now makes two grand a month from his laptop it worked for latata it worked for Sam worked my trail work for shenita it works guys I've taught this same technique guys to hundreds of people and anyone who takes action gets results so if you want to get off the 40 40 40 plan and you're tired of trying to do everything yourself I have my course teaching you how to sell on Etsy Linked In this video description today quick rundown of of the office I got this table from Amazon Egypt I got this other table from Amazon Egypt bookshelf from Amazon Egypt I travel like this is you see some spots empty some of these books are at my apartment I have so many books my travel library is bigger than some people's main library um a fake plant that we got from Amazon Egypt as well and then this office share which came from Amazon Egypt and then this big old light box that I use to film my sit down talking videos it's a god do sl60w with a honeycomb light box okay so you showed us the kitchen the sitting area the hallway the office let's check out the bedroom so this is where the magic happens and by that I me sleep this is pops this is Oreo here we have my window it's pretty huge uh it gets a good Breeze throughout the day so I usually leave it open just to let the wind flow and then to the left boom we have the typical Egyptian closet which is a wardrobe compared to my body you can see this wardrobe is actually pretty big this is my bed well should I say beds it's two extra large twin beds that I actually put together so I merge them but each one is individually wrapped so this one has its own sheet and its own blanket and so does the next one but I usually only sleep on this side I don't know why I guess it's more comfortable all right so I know you say you push the two twin matches together because I mean it's just you living here right and so that reminds me there's been a lot of talk around you know Egypt being very racist and very sexist I guess in particular to black women so I kind of want to know your thoughts around that so me personally I feel like whatever you put out there is kind of the energy you're going to get back so I feel like if you come here with a wholesome Vibe and you're looking to to make friends with the locals and just live a normal life you'll be fine but I feel like when you come here with negative energy looking for it to be racist or already thinking these people are racist and stuff you run into problems like that of course anywhere in the world is going to be racism but for me personally I haven't experienced any racism since being here got you and you've been here 3 years yes a little so then what's your advice for women who black women in particular who are thinking about coming to Egypt but they're scared I say come um I like I said I've been here for a little over 3 years when I'm out and about I'm usually out by myself every once in a while I go out with my brother but most of the time I'm in a city by myself and I haven't experienced any racism I haven't experienced any dangerous situation where I feel unsafe or I feel like I'm being followed or any type of prees things happening to me so I say come this right here seems to be a dresser you just have your night products day products and things like that for your face and you also got a mirror yeah just look at this mirror this is where I get dressed this is where I do my facial care routine and start my day all right in this right here guys is the bathroom you have a water heater but with the temperatures being 105° you do not need that right now have the that shower head you have the toilet and then you have the bedet all right then we flip around we've got the sink okay so that's pretty much a bathroom very basic I know some of you guys are going to say it's all in one space ah so yes it is pretty common to have what they call a wet bathroom which means everything is pretty much in one large space and they make the floors to where tilt orients into the drains that are on the floor now I'm going to take you guys up to the rooftop all right so this is the elevator I was telling you about earlier so let's go this right here is actually the rooftop and to the left we actually have a view of the red SE it used to be a lot better but they keep building and building new building so you can still see it but not as clear as it used to be right right for sure and so I guess now as we kind of conclude to this house tour how much do you pay per month so I actually pay 4,000 Egyptian PBS per month which again is including my water and trash and that totals to around $ 8485 USD a month all right so I guess let us know in the comments guys is this apartment that you saw in today's video worth 84 to $85 a month if you enjoy today's video just know that my sister's uh Tik Tok is linked in the description you can check her out other than that we'll see you guys in the next one y'all willing shalom
Views: 218,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: El gouna, hurghada, Apartment tour, Egypt apartment tour, Furnished apartment tour, Moving to egypt, Living in egypt, Solo female living in egypt, Female solo travel, Solo female apartment, No limit eddie, Black woman in egypt, El gouna long term rentals, Hurghada long term rentals, Move to hurghada, egypt
Id: miu3-XAwCBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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