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hey everyone welcome back to the channel today we are playing ratty tatty along with the crew and this game we need to feed our mouse babies or they die very dice oh you gave them that's nothing you gotta give them a big pack of chicken now where did you get chicken nuggets from show me show me the way the chicken nuggets all right let's go and Drago and Rainbow are both cats and their job is to try to kill us I'm gonna catch you we can use us sneaky selves jump out away from me gold we gotta go make it to that fridge right there and grab some food but for those cats get us oh there's a parent roll bar now what does my baby like salmon hey hey mr. cat do you think my baby mouse likes am gonna oh my gosh these Twinkies whoa hold up they're called sweeties oh no no I swear to you guys my baby needs this please a bag of golden spud potatoes excuse me no no use me I know this spray can is amazing cold are you making your pets now they killed me wow you guys killed my friend all right I'm going I'm getting out of here with my golden potatoes all right let's go feed them to help my mouse okay Mouse baby eat this eat this bag of potatoes all right Mouse baby whyne Oh gold two of our mouse babies are gonna die it's okay I'll save them I'm bringing over something you see me what if it babies they're gonna die you gotta save that no bring it back a bunch of Twinkies oh whoa hi hi do you not care that my baby is gonna die like do you yeah whatever oh my god beating rainbows so easily cold why are you taking a train ship train trip it's not time to tour the house oh whoa whoa whoa hey I can't believe we're doing so good at this Oh Mel C need a fake of Twinkies oh good little mousy okay back out we go so we don't really need this spray thing anymore it's becoming useless to us we got a camouflage incognito in custody oh okay don't beat me with your hands hey but goats taking a train trip around how to fall over okay I'll be you know I'll be are you supposed to eat me since you're a cat don't I look tested to you me a girl I taken mousie Express to the fray way around your mouth you got some papers grab some food first apples interchange hey Barney yeah do you think you'd like going into the oven for me no well you guys are very bad at this look what is that raindrop is green apple flavor apple juice yeah it is apple juice yeah you baby drop it great Oh always spawn back with the nice gold if you die you come with it oh yeah that is so pink all right we need to take a new power may be doing our babies are not doing a very nice okay I might use my sneaky skills to sneak on over is there any other places except the fridge for food like come on don't we have other places for food then a net net what is happening on both what are you doing over there what are those mouse is doing I mean those cats why am i mixing you you clearly don't look the same I will stab you oh those actors oxes yeah I can see you like boxes you killed me in the fridge don't you find that disgusting that's cross-contamination I know I wanted baby Oh cold you could resume Harleys I am sitting in the fridge put a box near some pineapple and some sausages and on top of us is that tofu oh it's butter there's some butter in the fridge too so you help me she's real I'm a mini little mouse she's giving me the willpower two three hey get away from my box okay that's a I'm taking back this kind of super linen in it did it no wait Oh I got trade oh this is the fastest way of transportation by blips on a train [Music] rainbow rainbow I can't can i rez her even roast oh wow you guys are the words a gold welcome welcome we are now the tough cats and we're gonna go eat some nice mousies so according to my mouse ebook they crawl yeah there we go who threw that who threw that in my house this is my house before cat yeah we're protecting the house there's someone running right there let's just grab this umbrella let's show rainbows what happens with crazy Mouse's that come in here oh are you eating we'll don't eat her what are you doing oh it's a natural cat instinct chicken now get fall down from the fridge I have no idea see a mouse up there Drago the mouse are you up there no I'm on the table I'm game where is he hey stop putting sausages on the floor that dog is going to eat it there's no table only yeah that's right cuz we're too sassy for this both I'm getting on top of the counter and I'm picking up a pan cuz we're gonna teach them a lesson oh wait I could actually picture pick up this gold do you want barbecue today sure all right where's the toasty come on I've got a magic grew up that's ridiculous this day that's actually pretty ridiculous that is kind of true hey Drago salmon is pretty good you want some toast with that butter for the butter goal help me find them I got a lie yeah it's a barbecue you like such a silly mouse go bring your pan gone bring your pan I'm gonna pick up hmm let's see okay I'm gonna open up these drawers gold and I'm climbing up here because I'm gonna grab myself and not the pen do we owe I grab myself some plates never mind where those mouths wow they're actually very good at beating Mouse's I have to kill them I saw some Mouse on a Lamborghini where are you oh [Music] no no babies I hate I hate your baby wow what an useless - a gold come in him smashing Legos I don't know what else to do he's mousies are outsmarting us oh I see you have a boxing glove time to beat some mousies look what I found what is that a fly yeah I don't think I need a fan in good for you good for you I got you hey hey well where's this one going I handle these Mouse holes around you they're irritating me man wanna get in the car what is this what is this I see huh you got for it you got it for Christmas hey I'm not dying hey hey hey get out of there Drock oh we can watch TV all day but we can save our babies yeah let's just watch this TV I'm just kidding - my dracco we gotta go out of here we're funny you forgot your magic broom wait Oh over here left her magic broom right here straddle grab this way we're going out of here do you see the cats cats what a surprise to the judge I think they're the garage I hear the car alarm oh that's good for you this broom is very tricky to use get off get off Oh some eggs up here away our mouse babies don't eat eggs they're lactose I mean their egg tell us we can't yeah they're picky Mouse's they're very picky I only feed the best food for my babies excuse me where are they wow this is so please no come on track we'll bring home the food let's guys feed one baby up to full health person and we'll feed the other are you sure that's a smart idea for like feeding them all at the same time never doesn't mean that is true let's help mousie junior up to full health track oh there you go have some cheese which ones this one yeah what is that what are you feeding him cereal we need one why are you blocking the train track I see one of your babies are dying in there of course it's dying and it's food up what are you doing get out honey I'll distract them oh okay go check okay goodra hey get back here no one knows don't be a little hooligan Krakow is going to distract them damn mouth see time to save the day eh I'm saving the day oh I ran out of gas okay okay I Drive it no need to hit me with what is that ho well you are ridiculous we're back in our own house okay coach Akal I feed it our baby look he's so cute I can't get our mouse babies we got a run on out of here Oh awkward awkward awkward okay hey thank you letting me die on this beautiful peacock you revive you I got myself a vehicle yes no thanks that was the low this is monster truck Wow where did you come from wait why is she so angry I don't know huh dude I'm going upstairs nobody's a baby I would try to save way under construction I'm useless okay we've got to go grab some food but babies come on hey um can we make a trade deal here or something what if oh I just glitched something so if I grab one sausage I'll give you some fish a cat's favorite no funny I want you to play watermelon ball with me I'm bored oh okay oh okay I'll play with that I'll play with you really quick just let me grab you a mean cat I do not play watermelons all no no no yes that makes me so mad I'm gonna kill no babies well we go and Oh drag oh they're such a mess in here you catch you made a mess in the children's room there's a Lego everywhere is there any more Mouse holes here there's our mouse hole oh my leaf up Big Bear Oh No Drac who wonder why babies are actually gonna die you know what we'll just say where you feed them just feed them no no I'm just feeding this one we'll just feed one baby you will live in this caper I've to die either day yo week wait funny do you know the elevator is darwinism guys Oh jump wait what's - let's eat whiskey Oh Oh swoop it II do pity where are we now Oh what's this rice is brown fat okay let's go through this mouse hole oh and we just got thrown on top of the baby bed no one knows where we are what is that that elf on the shelf creepy Oh something rare it's too late now cool you smell looks like we'll have to kill them BIP BIP BIP BIP BIP BIP no you're lucky the driving physics are weird I know what's this bye no you didn't okay we got this you guys are the will give away your hiding spot how does it feel funny trucker you ratted me out dude now you have the recipe stop eating me with a fork I'm not tasty yeah yeah well you guys that is it for a tea caddy if you did enjoy it make sure to smash the like button down below for more which I need 10,000 amazing likes don't forget to join the crew and subscribe today thank you so much for watching and we will see you guys all in the next one bye guys now if you leave me alone the videos done go away [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 16,570,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Role-playing Game (Game Genre), roleplay, itsfunneh, funneh, mod, spotlight, showcase, playthrough, let's play, no cursing, no swearing, mmorpg, rpg, no swears, gummys, life, pvp, funny gameplay, funny gaming, gaming, hilarious moments, funny, moments, funny moments, funny gaming moments, ratty, catty, ratty catty gameplay, ratty catty game, funny moments in ratty catty, cat and mouse, hilarious, hide, and, seek, hide and seek
Id: r0QTJ75Qdsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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