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i i i can't switch fast enough i literally can't switch fast enough oh my gosh i'm literally trying so hard guys you have no idea i'm trying so hard to place this i'm trying so hard to place it hey what's going on guys welcome back to another video on the focus edition channel i hope you guys are having a wonderful day and if you are be sure to slap the like button and if you do slap the like button then my eyeballs will grow bigger guys today we're going to be checking out some crazy command block creations and some crazy things that you can do with command blocks guys these things are like next level insane i've never seen creations this insane but before we do get started i do want to credit the map creator which is just underscore de they also have a youtube channel and a twitter as well so command block creation thanks for downloading well i thank you guys for hitting the like button i hope you guys enjoyed the like button of course did you hit the like button did you hit the like button did you hit the like button he loves me hit the like button see see see that horse hit the like button why can't you you guys should hit the like button basically guys these are some command creations that are like next level insane shop whispers to you purchase failed you need at least one emerald i need an emerald what give me okay give me an emerald what if i get a whole block of emeralds fine you know what i'll just get a stack of emeralds just give me a stack of emeralds all right let's go into survival mode as well all right i got a stack of emeralds there's another emerald moving platform okay so this is apparently a moving try to walk over the moving platform without falling down tutorial for this creation available on my youtube channel okay so i'm gonna try to walk oh my gosh what yo that is so sick so it's basically you know it's pretty self-explanatory it's a moving platform and you could definitely use this for parkour maps or maybe an entrance to your secret base and under it you could put a bunch of lava and stuff but yo that is so sick so what happens if i don't if i do i just fall we'll see yep i do just fall and i can walk under it too oh that is so flippant sick so that is the moving platform let's see what we got over here command block moving oh so these are the command blocks for that platform okay so these are basically how the command blocks work yeah let me go into creative mode and show you guys this now you see here i am not an expert but if you look at all these command blocks it basically fills it with air and stone and it keeps going around so it's air stone air stone air stone which is moving the block from one to another to another so it actually is not that hard to understand but making it yeah it might be just a little bit a little bit a little bit on the difficult side so let's see what else we got here apparently there is six of them shop whispers purchase failed you need at least one emerald i have 64. that's not fair all right this one is called house protection this is apparently the command blocks for the house protection not too many command blocks wow only three command block comparator and a redstone torch as well so apparently this is pretty easy to make so house protection uh destroy slash place a block at the house a garden or open the door and you'll get teleported away and the house will repair itself okay so basically if you go up to this house and you try to enter it or break it it automatically repairs itself which we'll see about that let me get a diamond pickaxe oh yes diamond axe diamond pickaxe all right let's go into survival mode so let's first try to just walk into the house because normally you know you'd see a house and you're like i'ma walk inside i'm gonna steal his stuff so walk inside open the door and you're like what what hang on what if i destroy the door nope still gets teleported away all right what if i destroy the logs nope just teleport okay well you can destroy these but do these get oh my gosh anything you touch on this house you should get straight up teleport away let's see if i can take it to the ground nope teleport away and it fixes itself yo that is okay that's pretty crazy i thought it was going to be a little bit glitchy to where like okay come on like i can actually get through this no problem that is like the ultimate house protection yo what if i did this what if i did this and i hid these command blocks and i did this in the survival series and when moose or shark tried to troll me they physically could not troll me and i hid the command blocks like way underground so they had no idea what to do yo any block you break it's just instant instant you don't even have time what if i place blocks it even destroys the place block so if i place blocks you can't even oh that is so sick yo that is really really cool how that works oh my gosh okay so if i place another door just destroys it instantly any blocks you play so even if you try to let's try to place tnt let's try to play cnt and ignite it so we got tnt and i'm gonna do this in creative mode too so like even if someone tries to mess with my house in creative mode oh i i physically can't it's not fast enough i can't switch fast enough i i i can't switch fast enough i literally can't switch fast enough oh my gosh i'm literally trying so hard guys you have no idea i'm trying so hard to place this i'm trying so hard to place it oh i got it i placed it did you see me look i placed it and it's gone it's just gone it doesn't put up with it it's literally impossible to destroy the house what if i go in creative mode i'm just like okay well i broke a lot of those buttons um hold on i think i broke it hold on hold on hold on hold on i think i think i broke it yeah i i broke the land blocks i don't i don't know what i did maybe it got really confused when i went to survival mode but i have broken the command blocks switch the lever to activate or deactivate the house wait hold on oh you can turn it on off wait did i turn it off on accident no okay so that's off this must be on okay so that that is on okay so now the protection is on will it fix itself no i i broke it i don't know what i did but i broke it but you guys saw how good that protection worked it worked absolutely like flawlessly so let's go on to some of the next creations and let's see what we got here so this one is custom mobs okay so this is the command blocks and stuff for these custom mobs well there's some over here as well so see what this first one is so this one is a zombie pigman with a steve head on okay that's interesting i wonder if they do different things or do they just act normal i'm pretty sure they act normal what is this one this is a now he's got electro wings on oh snap okay now we're talking we're literally like dressing this guy up now he's got diamond pants on oh my gosh i want to fight this guy after it's done now he's got golden boots on nothing else has changed and for the last one he's got a command block oh snap okay let's see if this guy can fight me let's see how powerful he is come on bro fight me bro find me bro let's go oh and he still drops the golden nugget okay all right that's pretty sick though that's pretty sick let's see if we can maybe spawn him in or something so press the buttons to customize the zombie pigmen tutorial for this as well we press these buttons i think we have to actually summon the mob again press the button to activate the countdown oh this is a different redstone creation okay so this is basically saying a countdown five four three two one and all go pvp is now enabled that's sick so it changed the game world pvp to now be enabled so basically this is a countdown timer for pretty much anything i mean you could use it for if someone walks into your house this would actually be a really cool idea oh this is sick oh my gosh this is sick let's say someone walks into your house and they enable the security system and the security system is this it's the house okay so what they do is right when they walk in they step on a pressure plate or something and it starts counting down it says security active in 10 seconds it gives you 10 seconds to get out of the house and then after it hits zero it says security system alarm like active or something and it enables the security system where it teleports you out of the house and fixes all the house and puts all the damages back yo how sick would that be if you combined these two and made like a security system at it oh my gosh yo that would be so so sick but the bad thing about this is i just noticed that you do have to have a duplicate house because it has to copy the blocks from this house and put them back on that house so that's why you have to have a duplicate house right there that's kind of a pain but it's still a really really sick command block creation so let's go to some of the i believe this might be the last two this is an automatic teleport and this is some shops so apparently we have some shops right here so we can buy 10 golden apples for one emerald or one diamond sword for one emerald or one diamond chest plate for one emerald okay so let's see what we got here so let's say oh there's already 64 mls in there i want to put my own emeralds in there though so let's do what was it one emerald for tingle and apples so let's do one emerald and then let's press the golden apples so if i check my inventory i should have tingled apples all right that is sick okay so let's try some of the others here so let's put in two more emeralds and let's press this so apparently purchase has been successful and purchase has been successful so apparently we should have diamond sword and a diamond chest plate yo that is so so sick the way that works so you can literally make a customizable shop so you could do this with any items now let's say you make this a shop and you actually make it a currency for other minecraft players in like your lan world or something like that so you and your friends have a lot of stuff but you want to make money off them because you're let's say you're super valuable you have a ton of diamonds so you set up a shop and they have to come in here and use emeralds or diamonds to buy some of your items or something like that so you can make like profit off of them that is really really sick okay so this next one is an automatic teleport what exactly is this so i'm assuming one of these colors of blocks is going to automatically teleport me back which one is it this one no wait what automatic teleport oh that's what it does it does it if you fall look oh okay i get it now wow i'm really really dumb so what what what it does is you can make it through this parkour course right but if you fall then it teleports you back to the beginning so if i fall teleports me back to the beginning so let's say i'm jumping in oh i missed this jump teleports me back to the beginning okay that's really sick for a second i was like what automatic teleport what do you mean but it's only when you fall off so right when you touch the wood it automatically teleports you back so that would be a really cool system to do kind of like the automatic security system so what if you did something like this but what you did is it was an entrance to your house so this is the walkway up to your house or all the blocks surrounding your house kind of like the um secure house over there right when you step on them they just teleport you back right when you step on the blocks they just teleport you back so that is actually really cool because you can use this in many different ways you can use it for a parkour system you can use it for a security system just so many ways to use all of these command block creations and they're all fairly simple too like you might see this and you might think oh it's confusing because i see it i think it's confusing but once you get it set up it's done and you don't really have to touch it again you know and it's a fun project to do it's fun to learn on these things and it's really really cool the things that they do after you get them set up definitely a way to highly highly improve your minecraft world but guys i want to thank you all so much for watching if you guys did enjoy this then be sure to leave a like on this video and let me know in the comment section below if you guys will be using any of these command block creations or anything like that to kind of implement them into your very own minecraft pocket edition worlds let me know by leaving a like on this video and a comment which one you're going to use or let me know in the comment section below which one is your favorite my personally is the house but let me know in the comment section below which is y'alls favorite we all have our own opinions but guys thank you all so much for watching i hope you guys have a safe and fantastic rest of your day be sure to follow me on twitter instagram and snapchat for social media and social media posts for me i post on there almost daily um and you guys can connect with some of my personal life and stuff but guys thank you all so much for watching and i'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new minecraft video [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 3,741,330
Rating: 4.9234114 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakableplays, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, mcpe, minecraft trolling, traps, funny moments, funny, moments, mcpe beta, mcpe alpha, mods, mod, gaming, game, custom, maps, map, challenge, how to, facts, creations, secret, crazy, pocket ediiton, pocket edition minecraft, minecraft illusion, illusion, illusions, troll wars, prank, wars
Id: qReCwV0zsWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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