PIGGY BROKE EVERY BONE... | Roblox Broken Bones

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how many bones can a piggy break for the sake of science today we find out hello everybody I am kindly kidding and welcome back to roblox I hope that you guys enjoyed that new intro I personally loved it let me know what you think in the comments section down below welcome back to broken bones for one of my personal favorite games in roblox and I'm actually playing as a brand new separate account this is my secondary account definitely piggy cuz it's definitely pinkie but today we answer the very important question how many boats can piggy break and honestly it's just an excuse to play more broken bones cuz I really like this game so without further ado let's throw this pig off of a mountain shall we cuz you know that's that's kind of what you do in broken bones let's do this and keep in mind that ya know I have zero upgrades this is starting from nothing and that was a very disappointing start 6 breaks come on piggy you can do better than that how many other people's bones have you broken you're an expert she can do better let's play again it's weird because with my other character I have in just an absurd amount of upgrades with it as you guys probably know and with this character I have like zero control I just I fling her off the cliff and then she just kind of does what she needs to do she only broke 10 we can do better now I will say I do have a few thousand roebucks to Burdick I'm not gonna lie and and I may end up spending some of those roebucks to upgrade dear old piggy here to make her a little bit more effective and at the bone breaking sport of broken bones for that's right it's a sport I only broke two bones that time I made it almost all the way down the mountain and I only broke two bones that's embarrassing pinkie you're just you're embarrassing yourself oh oh this is a good one okay I've nope really just dead stop right there on the tree all right can we buy stuff with the money that we've earned Oh yes we can we absolutely can so break level is obviously one of the most important for $1,000 we can upgrade our break level once oh my goodness I would like better flight control that would be nice run level jump height bounce level slide level seems good I don't really care about perks right now okay I've spent all of my cash let's go again shall we okay we've got a little bit more to work with this time so hopefully hopefully dear old piggy can do a little bit better that was just pathetic I'm so spoiled with my other character he's too good at breaking bones piggy really gotta up her game here let's see smash we can try some like long distance smashes here okay we got a new record 11 great job piggy but you can do better guaranteed here we go here we go smash okay we got two three it seems like you'd break a few poor bones in that in that situation Oh six all right not great we did get some decent ligaments sprained but we bought broken bones okay okay this is oh this feels good twelve you wreck fifteen let's go I got the record music well we can get more upgrades I will spend what I have I want faster run speed thank you jump high yeah let's upgrade that bounce level I like it I've spent all of my money actually how much are the masts 25k for the next level maybe we should save up for that one wasting my time on this low level stuff oh it's good mmm I thought it was gonna be better I honestly thought it was gonna be better here let's go this way maybe maybe there's some some better terrain to work with you okay I like that jagged rocks Oh oh that was nice fourteen broken bones now not a record but that was one smash against those jagged rocks that was very effective we like jagged rocks maybe what I can do is go over here and then leap for joy down the jagged rocks no piggy keep going oh come on do I have any perks I do have firework that's actually a really good one so we should utilize that if we get stuck use fire one Oh thirty-six let's go that was awesome over fire working oh my goodness whoa whoa oh this is this is what I'm talking about this is the broken bones that I love now 68 that's a lot of boats it's not in the quadrillions but we gotta set our expectations appropriately for starting a new game and now I can buy a new level boom mount as akela level 2 now how long is the recharge ball my goodness 10 minutes Wow I think with my other character firework comes back in like 10 15 seconds something like that so it's a little bit slower with piggy you know but you got to start somewhere I think what I'm finding is that grass is much softer than rocks but unknown oh my goodness Wow we got fifty thousand to burn let's do it upgrade that break level flight control run speed jump height I like all of these bounces really good slide level I've I've been neglecting my slide level okay let's see what that does for us remember aim for rocks rocks are hard rocks hurt rocks good was great I was expecting more from that ooh aim for this rock hit boom right there okay that was nice well done well done piggy finally get our revenge for all the times that she set us with the bed okay should we try to just gain maximum velocity and just like aim for like just one of these rocky crags sticking out of the ground well here we go here we go yeah that's good and I love the belts oh look at that we got a new record we got a new record 91 very nice still very much at the bottom of the leaderboard we got to change this and what's the best way to do that spend robots I'm gonna spend Robox I can't help it I'm gonna buy 4500 roebucks to spend and for the record star code a lot of you guys have been asking how do you actually use the star code it's right there you just click that button and then you type in key and K ey i n you hit add and boom right there you're supporting kindly Keon thank you to those of you who are already using star code keen and for those of you who didn't know how there you go so with my newly purchased row box I'm gonna cheat the system and I think I'm just gonna buy infinite cash it means that we can buy everything so here I go purchase I also feel that it's important to purchase the infinite brakes game bass we want to see those crazy numbers so with our newfound power you can basically upgrade all these I think there is a hard cap but let's get everything to ten and see where that gets us and if I accidentally take some of them to 11 my bad and then of course we can purchase every single level let's stick to mouths Aquila for now but let's go to the top of mountains Aquila alright piggy you've reached the top of the mountain I see great things in your future but now all you must do is jump here we go down the mountain we go let's see what kind of numbers we can pull off now that we have a few more upgrades I would suggest alright we've already broken 100 I love it it's beautiful 200 can we do it I would expect some I would expect that we can get to 200 pretty pretty easily oh yeah that's it that's a nice one that's a good smack yep okay there you go you broke 200 beautiful well done very elegant quite graceful piggy is okay alright we're just gonna continue tumbling down the mountain do I have fire work back oh there's still ten seconds left that's alright 243 bones we got to break all the bones so we go back to the shop let's take things to 25 shall we three hours late l alright everything's at level 25 let's go back to the top of the mountain see how things go this time let's go pinky oh I can already tell she's much more maneuverable in the air who 65 for a first impact all I was really hoping that I could hit that ice thing sticking out of the ground okay okay yeah that's that's pretty good that's pretty good we've already broken our previous record or more only like halfway down the mountain well I love the flips piggy they're beautiful look at her go oh wait no no no no no activate activate oh I forgot I forgot to use my firework it's all good we broke our previous record but I still feel like we can do better even with the stats that we have there you go let's try to hit like one of those ice things here we go here we go good aim good aim oh I love it oh very crunchy very crunchy indeed okay we're gonna we're gonna firework no I forgot again I did unlock a new ability though whatever the one after firework is I forget what it is but let's do some more upgrading let's take everything to thief game I'm just looking at these numbers go up and the amount of money that it would take to get this stuff to level 50 is just truly absurd oh my goodness each of these upgrades is 1.2 million okay and I think the time has come to move on to the sunken city take me to the UFO we go alright oh she's fast okay where do we go should we go this way yeah yeah will kind of a more this lava area oh oh we're getting concussions okay that's a good good strong start good strong start okay aim for the lava it's beautiful there you go so bouncy I love it Oh 428 don't mind if I do more rocks don't land on the grass grass is too soft oh my goodness oh we're going so fast we're going so fast I'm just gonna plow into the side of the mountain yeah that'll do the screen turned blue yeah that's it that's a good sign that's a good sign that everything is going exactly as planned very nice very nice indeed okay so we have firework and dart now guess I'll use firework as soon as I start to slow down okay the time has come it's firework time whoa we're flying back up the mountain oh no don't go to the other side nope oh okay I guess we're switching no there's an invisible barrier don't you worry aim for the side of that building perfect it was a little soft actually I was expecting a bit more of a of an abrupt and landing okay all right straight to the water actually firework ended up being kind of a disappointment in that run but either way we broke a thousand and I'm pretty sure that's a clear indicator we've broken every bone in Peggy's body very happy about that that's more or less what I wanted to accomplish in my return to broken bones for but we can take it further we can keep going let's take all our stats to the cap which I believe is 100 I lied it goes past 100 okay is it 500 because it goes past 200 okay you know what I'm gonna stop there we'll take everything to 200 gotta leave something to do if we're gonna play again one eternity later Oh a finger kind of hurts but here we go everything's at 200 let's stick to the level that we're on and let's see where we can get to all right we're jumping from the UFO again we've got crazy high stats now let's see what this looks like oh my goodness I have so much control in the air now oh this is beautiful this is a beautiful thing holy cow 600 bones in one splat Oh 4,000 yeah okay we're powder izing piggies but we are yep yep it's happening they are being formed into small powder like substance in inside a Piggy's poor body Oh No piggy not even you deserve this although you kind of do all right side of the building sure do I have perks I have perks I've also upgraded the perk cooldown time so uh so I should be able to get my my fire working ability back fairly quickly I don't know how long it'll actually be but I'm definitely gonna use it oh right into the side of that building it was great you're all bent out of shape literally let's fire work let's just do it okay two and a half minutes which is still a little bit longer than I was hoping but either way basically at the top of the mountain again yeah okay let's do it again actually what does dark dude I kind of forget what dart does oh my goodness I've lost all control of piggy but where are we going where are you taking me okay I guess you're taking me over to this side of the map I didn't actually hit anything if I was just a little bit lower I would have smashed into the mountain and actually done some damage but I was too high so I smashed into the invisible wall which apparently doesn't cause any kind of damage who would have known invisible walls caused no damage okay yep that's who that is bright Wow okay that's a good sign when when you kind of go blind you're doing great things you're doing absolutely wonderful things could I just keep doing this forever probably not I think I think I could so I think we just need to let it let it go just let go of the mouse and keyboard except that you broke 70,000 bones in one run which it's pretty good instantly went to level 30 wait a second took me to the top of the leaderboard instantly yes I approve but there you have it guys a little bit more broken bones for you a piggy addition I had a lot of fun doing this I hope that you guys enjoyed it let me know if you want to see more broken bones there's still more room to upgrade piggy but either way that's gonna do it for this episode if you did enjoy it be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching I'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,728,185
Rating: 4.8938169 out of 5
Keywords: roblox build, roblox monsters, roblox roleplay, roblox video, play roblox, roblox adventures, no swearing, roblox survive, roblox tycoon, roblox online game, lets play, build to survive monsters in roblox, no swears, no cursing, family friendly, kindly keyin, roblox camping, broken bones, roblox broken bones iv, broken bones ultimate, roblox game, broken bones 4, broken bones iv, roblox broken bones 4, piggy, roblox piggy, piggy roblox, piggy chapter 12
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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