Don't Move to Dallas, TX - Why Texas is Losing Residents

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[Music] seems like just yesterday everybody and their mama was moving to the best city in the country Dallas Texas however as of recent people are leaving and fleeing the city of Dallas Texas and in this video we're going to discuss why that is I was born and raised in Dallas Texas have resided here my entire life and I absolutely love the city of Dallas however saying that there's a lot of things that I dislike about the city of Dallas and quite frankly me and my man right here have considered moving from Dallas Texas and in this video we're going to discuss why that is it's not all good in the hood and we're going to cover it so stay tuned another reason people dislike despise the city of Dallas is going to be the landscape I don't care what anybody says people can argue debate with me in the comments they don't know what they're talking about first and foremost but Dallas the landscape is very flat there is nothing to look at it is very very very boring guys the only thing beautiful to look at in the city of Dallas is going to be one the downtown Dallas Skyline which is beautiful when it's all lit up especially in the middle of the night and to when I look into Sophia's eyes at home my baby girl cat who's the most beautiful cat that's ever existed other than that on your daily commute to work to pick up your kids to go grocery shopping whatever the case is it's going to be a horrible View and I'm going to get a lot of slack however for instance when I go to our San Diego office San Francisco Los Angeles offices and even though I might be stuck in traffic like we are right now take a look at that son Let's forward it see so they can see as far as the eye can see guys and I don't know if the camera can focus in that far you see nothing but Vehicles so landscape terrible nothing to look at and when you compare it to other parts of the country whether it's California Colorado the landscape there is gorgeous I can drive that San Diego to Los Angeles drive and I absolutely love it I enjoy it I can be stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic but I love those mountains I love the ocean views and here what can I tell you it's like looking at an exgirlfriend who's not as attractive as she once was many years ago so landscape big problem and if you come from an area in the country that offers breathtaking views you're going to be sorely disappointed residing in Dallas Texas [Music] headquarters okay let's move on to the next reason as Selena is playing right here at my spot we're probably going to have to walk over there and grab a couple margaritas however I'm with Nathan my youngest so we're not going to get too crunk tonight moving on to the next point of why so many people are leaving Dallas and that is going to be the crime rate we're in deep Elum I'm not saying that it's not safe but what I am saying it's definitely not the safest place in the DFW metroplex and according to area VI Dallas has a crime rate 95% higher than the national average so hopefully you can hear me guys it's very loud out here but crime rate is significant right here in Dallas so you might have to stay strapped with those things or with that strap if you know what I'm saying because it could get a little bit sticky that depending on the side of town that you're in so crime definitely a deterrent on why people don't stick around Barry long because it could be an issue so if you don't like violence or if you don't want people breaking into your home Dallas is probably not going to be the ideal place cuz there's going to be a lot safer places in cities throughout the country so crime issue Dallas Texas okay guys we're going to move on to the next spot mainly because it's extremely out there is a lot of entertaining characters out here however in every direction that we go we smell the devil's lettuce and I don't want Nathan to indirectly smell and inhale anything uh so we're going to keep it moving it's not the most child-friendly environment deep Elum that is so uh let's head downtown see if we can get ourselves a cocktail and a good juicy steak and enjoy the evening in a different location [Music] now while it is beautiful today and the weather is exceptional guys the sun is out it's 70° a light Breeze oh I wish it was like this each and every day and that brings me to the next reason why so many many people cannot live in Dallas Texas for very long and that's during the summer months because it's extremely extremely hot I am talking 100° plus pretty much every day of the summer so if you don't like the Heat and you don't like humidity this is going to be a horrible place to call home in addition to that there's hail storms and tornadoes as well so extreme weather can cause havoc in Dallas Texas that can cost tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage not only to your home but your cars and property as well so weather is a big factor especially when you come from climates again like San Diego the city that I absolutely love and hold dear to my heart mainly because of the weather it is absolutely perfect 365 and Dallas is not the case because it can be nice which it is today and tomorrow it could be cold as heck where you have to stay inside and in addition to that during the summer be prepared to spend hundreds of dollars more on your electric bill because I assure you you're going to need that AC going night and day it's not going to get a day off because that thing is going to need to be cranking out cold air and that's one thing that I really really dislike about living right here in Dallas and and that is the climate in addition to the landscape but number one if I had to pick one thing the weather in Dallas during the summer it's brutal guys I'm a hot natured individual so me walking around the streets of Dallas or if I go to the mall and I have to park outside not in covered parking if I take more than 20 steps I'm going to be sweating profusely as if I just played a basketball game so whether big con right here in Dallas and a lot of people people just can't handle it when they move here we are close to the equator so heat just think heat think hot if you're moving to Dallas okay let's move on to the next item and that is going to be the lack of outdoor recreational activities mainly because once again the landscape in Dallas is going to be extremely flat in addition to that it's hot as heck so how are you going to take advantage of the outdoors if it's brutally hot in addition to that guys there's just not much to look at I hate to say it I love the city of Dallas but what are you going to look at and when I'm in dire need of some motivation or some beauty in regards to the Dallas landscape you see where I'm at baby look right behind me let's see if we can show that you see the downtown Dallas Skyline guys and that is as beautiful as it's going to get through ourn mountains there are no beaches we do have some Lakes but H you know they're pretty dirty they're not the most beautiful things in the world so in regards to outdoor recreation there's just not a lot to do and while we do have some parks like for instance right here in downtown we have Cloud War Park it's a beautiful park it does overlook the downtown Skyline and it is beautiful in the night time in addition to that there's numerous restaurants and bars where you can hang out take in the beautiful Skyline and just have some laughs and a good time as you watch a lot of people coming and going but other than that there's just not a lot of things to do if you come from Colorado or other parts of the country where you can take advantage of the outdoors and there's a lot of things to do outside while you're getting your exercise and vitamin D Dallas just really isn't going to offer much in regards to outdoor recreation another reason why people might leave Dallas Texas it's going to be that the city is massive it is one of the biggest Metro areas in in the country so if you prefer a slower pace of life if you don't want to have to deal with traffic congestion and a ton of people everywhere you go Dallas is definitely not the place to call home I personally enjoy the hustle and bustle of a large city I like the fact that there's a lot of things that I can do and partake in on the weekends I especially enjoy having a ton of dining options as well so if you're more of a slower pace of life and you like to keep to yourself and you don't want to be in crowds everywhere you go and you don't want your house to bump up to your neighbor's house even though you live in a single family home and not an apartment Dallas is probably not going to be on your short list because living in a big city could be an issue for a lot of residents I for one absolutely love it but a lot of people don't enjoy living in large city they decide to move to other parts of the state or the country the DFW area comprises of 19 counties and about 15,600 square miles and will soon be the third largest metro area in the United States guys those are a few of the reasons why people decide not to stay in the greatest city in the world quite frankly I love Dallas Texas while there are some cons that quite frankly I despise number one being the hot hot humid Summers it's very rough for me and my boys that's why we head to San Diego to our California offices and I get some work done during the summer thank God and also the landscape you know when I do come back from California and people are going to think I'm ridiculous and throw me under the bus but yes Southern California the landscape is a trillion kabillion times better than North Texas period in discussion I don't care what anybody says I live in reality when I see those mountains the ocean just the views are absolutely spectacular and I come back home to Dallas and I'm driving down 635 75 towway 121 doesn't matter side roads highways I see nothing but concrete just dirt there's nothing beautiful I must say however Dallas makes it up in other ways cost of living the people in the great state of Texas are the best in the world kind friendly that without question in my opinion are the best and I travel pretty frequent around the country and around the world and the people in Texas are always very welcoming and I just love that I love that my kids are being raised here in the Dallas for Worth Metroplex however Dallas is not perfect and I keep it a thousand on this channel Dallas is not for everyone and I am the first one to admit it so if you can't handle some of those cons then Dallas is not for you maybe Houston Austin San Antonio or maybe you need to head to California and I'm not going to get into politics I'm sure people are going to be commenting a lot of nonsense I am not here to discuss politics what I can tell you is if you don't like Texas because of the weather and the landscape believe me San Diego will check the boxes out for you however it's going to be very expensive and there's a whole other bunch of cons if you decide to move to California and San Diego but that's just my take on Dallas and why so many people have moved quite frankly quite a few have said Dallas is not for us we're packing up and Le leaving the good thing is they obviously called your boy Richard stto with VIP Roy and I listed their homes and I got them sold fast and for top dollar with the least amount of hassle so whether you're looking to purchase sell or lease give us a call at VIP Ro team my team and I would be happy to assist you with your next real estate transaction we want to be the goto source for all your real estate needs guys it is an absolutely spectacular Glorious Day in Dallas Texas it's early afternoon I'm going to take the rest of the day off me and my little one are just going to chop it up have a good time head to the park hang out have some mosena and I might have one Margarita and just enjoy the day I hope you and your family are healthy blessed and everything is going your way baby as it should God bless you and we will see you on the next video [Music] yeah
Channel: VIP Realty - Living in Texas
Views: 5,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dallas texas, moving to dallas, leaving dallas, moving to texas, cost of living in dallas, cons of dallas, dallas pros and cons, why are people moving, vip realty, richard soto, crime rate in dallas
Id: WeIzOKyPBlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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