Why People Are Leaving Dallas? (Where are they going?)

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The Exodus from a Texas city with a twist Dallas  has gained population almost every single year   since 1860. back then the city only had like  700 residents so a few too many shootouts at   High Noon on Main Street could have really blown  their census numbers these days the city of Dallas   has just under 1.3 million residents they had a  little over 1.3 back in 2020 but they lost 1.2   percent in 2021 and 0.7 percent in 2022. this is  a new thing for Dallas they don't lose people and   we were talking about the city of Dallas not the  whole metro area just so you know the entire metro   area of Dallas has 7.6 million and that's still  growing so why is the city of Dallas shrinking   in population while the metro area was growing  to find this out I went to a few of my normal   places I get information but then I had a better  idea I called a couple national moving companies   I made some small talk with some ladies that  picked up the phone made him laugh a bit and   I got some stats emailed to me what I learned  was surprising unlike other major cities that   are losing people almost 80 percent of the  people leaving Dallas staying in the same   metro area isn't uncommon but the 80 percent is  normally it's around 40 percent Dallas Texas is   one of the best cities to live in but it isn't  for everyone and it looks like the people that   want to get away don't want to get too far away  almost like breaking up with someone and moving   across the street today we're looking at why  people are leaving Dallas and what town or   suburb in the metro area they are moving  to got it get it good let's take a look number 10 overcrowding this is a big complaint  about Dallas it's been popular so it's been   gaining people and this leads to overcrowding  happens in every city Dallas isn't like an   outlier or anything like that but it's starting  to rub a lot of the long time residents the wrong   way they've had enough for the people that think  Dallas is you know overwhelming and too crowded   what they're looking for is a smaller town that  provides a sense of peace and tranquility and   Open Spaces if that's your thing and this is your  complaint you should probably move to Forney Texas   it's positioned east of Dallas just outside of  Mesquite Forney is a growing town with affordable   housing and a strong sense of community sometimes  suburbs are basically other neighborhoods in a   city this one is actually a small town it's  got a little space between them and the city   now like I said this place has affordable  housing older nice homes start off around 250   000 really nice homes here start off around  350 and work their way up they have a ton of   new construction here a little sliver of Forney  also is Lake from property on uh Lake Ray Hubbard number nine cost of living one of the primary  reasons people are leaving Dallas and moving   to smaller towns is the high cost living of  Dallas their cost living is pretty high is   it high like New York San Francisco or Los  Angeles no but it's getting there Dallas   has high housing prices compared to most the  rest of the state property taxes are pretty   high and just overall expenses in the city can  get up there if you're looking for something   more affordable in the Dallas area Terrell  Texas might just be what you're looking for   this little town is just east of Forney  and it has a population of just under 17   000 residents and it's very affordable if you want  to get a decent home here it's going to start off   around 220 000 that's it these are decent homes  livable that look like they're ready for you to   move in if you want something a little bit nicer  with maybe an acre or so you're looking at about   320 on up but right now homes start around 220 225  000. that's kind of what this place is known for   is their affordable housing it's rural farm and  it's easy access to both Dallas and Tyler Texas number eight traffic congestion yeah this is  a big complaint for most cities I mean anyone   that's lived in a city long enough has complained  about the traffic are they as bad as New York Los   Angeles or San Francisco no but it's pretty bad  Dallas is known for heavy traffic especially   during rush hour like all places commuting in the  city can be a time consuming and stressful event   moving to a smaller towns definitely going to give  you less traffic if you gotta drive into Dallas   of course you're going to hit traffic there but  if you can't stand traffic and you want to move   to a smaller town maybe you work remotely go up  north of the Dallas metro area and find Bonham   Texas Bonham has a population of just about 10  000 residents it is south of the Red River and   about an hour drive from downtown Dallas this one  might be out in the sticks a little bit and really   it's not in the Dallas metro area but a lot of  people are moving up here from the Dallas area   if you want to get a home here you can get kind of  an older one that probably needs a little work for   about a hundred fifty thousand dollars they have  quite a few in that range but for something decent   I would say you're gonna look at around 210 000  that's your starting point this is a great town   if you want to live a quieter life they don't  have any crime their cost of living is really   low it's actually two percent lower than Texas's  average and it's 22 percent lower than Dallas number seven urban sprawl Dallas has experienced  significant urban sprawl over the years with the   city and its suburbs expanding rapidly a lot  of people like the charm of a smaller town or   even a suburb that isn't connected to the city  you normally get a better sense of community   and the people there are a little more close-knit  it's a big complaint for a lot of people they're   just kind of tired of the whole Concrete  Jungle thing if you're looking to get away   from the urban sprawl a good place might be  Waxahachie that is south of Dallas it's like   the last suburb before you get to the Farmland  Waxahachie has a low-cost living low crime rate   decent jobs housing's outstanding and they get  a B minus grade for schools that is not a bad   place to live this town's kind of known for its  well-preserved historic architecture their whole   little downtown area is pretty cool a lot of  charming little boutiques and things like that   if you're looking to buy some real estate here  your starting money should probably be about   three hundred and thirty thousand dollars they do  have some for under 200 000 but you know you're   already chasing varmints out of there like  possums and everything else they're kind of   run down Waxahachie is a city that's growing in  2010 they had less than 30 000 residents by 2020   it was forty one thousand and right now in 2023  they estimate it's closer to forty five thousand number six the crime rate Dallas has some crime  not a bunch it's no Chicago or Detroit or St   Louis or Philadelphia but it's got some crime and  that is always one of the main drivers that chases   people out of a city cities have people people  commit crimes more people means more problems   it's just a fact of life unless you're living in  some nightmare small town cities will always have   a higher crime rate than small towns if you're  looking for a lower crime rate but you still want   to stay in the Dallas metro area Plano is a good  option it's a good sized suburb with almost 290   000 residents and their crime rate is 24  percent lower than the national average and   it's 33 percent lower than Texas's average while  Plano isn't a small town in the traditional sense   Plano is a Suburban city known for its strong  Community Spirit good schools and family friendly   neighborhoods I know quite a few people that live  in Plano after they took Toyota's headquarters and   moved it to Plano Texas a lot of my friends moved  with it I shouldn't say friends a lot of them were   acquaintances you know you went to school with  them and you talk on Facebook that type stuff   I have three friends all three of them moved out  of Plano into other areas of the Dallas metro area   but they did live at Plano for a while and they  liked it they said it's a nice town if you want to   get a decent House in Plano Texas your starting  money's got to be somewhere around 350 000. number five education opportunities smaller  towns often have close-knit communities and   more personalized education systems some  families may choose to move to smaller   towns to provide their children with access to  schools they believe offer a higher quality of   education and a more favorable environment  better chances of going to a nice University   if that's something you're looking for Frisco  Texas is a good choice it's again not a small   town it's very similar to Plano in 2022  it's estimated that they have about 220   000 residents and area Vibe grades their schools  with an A plus if you want to buy some real estate   in Frisco Texas it's a little expensive here  but your starting money should be about 375   000. that'll get you something decent ready to  move in you know I'll be putting new Plumbing   in or electrical and there's no bars on the  Windows nothing like that if you're looking   for Frisco on a map it is just North of Plano  Texas and about a 30 minute drive from downtown   Dallas Frisco's another place in the Dallas metro  area that's seen rapid growth in the last decade number four sense of community smaller towns tend  to foster a stronger sense of community people may   leave Dallas to move to smaller towns seeking a  closer connection with their neighbors a stronger   sense of belonging and a community-orientated  lifestyle one thing about this it really breaks   down to quality of life one of the number one  things that gives you a high quality of life for   any place is the sense of community how are the  neighbors how close are you to the neighbors how   many festivals and events do they have in the town  they have all those things in big cities but there   isn't that connection you don't see the people  from your neighborhood you don't see the people   from your town really you might see one or two  at a place in Dallas but you go to a small town   in Texas and they're having some kind of Fourth of  July Festival or something like that you're going   to see a ton of people you know if that's what  you're looking for Celina Texas is your place   located north of Dallas Salina offers a small town  atmosphere with a tight-knit community affordable   housing and a slower pace of Life Celina is a  pretty good sized Town even though it's a small   downtown what I'm is they got a lot of property  and they'll be expanding a lot over the next   couple decades I'm sure right now they're selling  a bunch of newly built homes they have all these   new communities and I'm sure like I said that's  going to continue the downside of that the homes   aren't terribly affordable you're starting money  for a home here you're gonna need close to 400   000 but that's going to get you a newer home  and a new community in a nice small town number three natural beauty Dallas is largely  Urban with limited access to Natural Beauty   moving to a smaller town can provide opportunities  for residents to enjoy the beauty of nature with   Parks hiking trails maybe even a little fishing  now Dallas does have parks and they have things   like that but it's a little bit different in a  smaller Community people really don't utilize   parks and big cities the same way you do in  small towns but if you're looking for some   natural beauty in a place outside Dallas you're  gonna probably want to look at Rockwall Rockwall   is located on the eastern shore of Lake Ray  Hubbard this town has a lot of waterfront   properties and a close-knit community if you're  looking for it on a map it is on the Eastern side   of the Dallas metro area just north of Forney  this is another town that's had a lot of new   home construction but they still have less than  50 000 residents back in 1980 they only had 6   000 residents if you want to buy a home here  your starting money is going to be about 300   000. you can find some decent things from  that probably you know a couple decades old   but in decent shape for about three hundred  thousand the newer homes start around 350 000. number two better work-life balance smaller towns  can offer a better work-life balance especially if   you're working remotely that's honestly why a lot  of people are moving to small towns these days or   even out to the suburbs they're working from home  they don't need to be downtown anymore if this is   what you're looking for Weatherford Texas might  be the town for you located west of Fort Worth   Weatherford boasts a historic downtown numerous  parks and a friendly Community it's about 25-30   minutes west of downtown Fort Worth Weatherford  has a nice little Lake there it's drought   conditions so it still Lakes a little low but  they have a boat ramp convenience store tackled   bait place courtesy Dock and a bunch of other  things Weatherford has a population of about 31   000 residents if you want to buy a house here  your starting money is going to be around 300   000. get something nicer looking at 375. all  right before we get to number one if you're   looking to move to one of these places or any  place in the United States there's a link for   home and money in the description  box below they can help get you in   touch with a local realtor wherever you're  going to move all right on to number one and number one raising a family yep a lot of  people like to leave big cities when they're   gonna raise a family I know quite a few people  that think a city is the best place to raise a   family I don't see it the burbs or small towns are  the best place to raise a family that's my opinion   I think most people would agree that if your kids  out being a hooligan and doing stuff like tipping   cows it's far better than being jumped into a  gang if you want to start a family one of the   best places to do it in the Dallas metro area is  Flower Mound Flower Mound sits on Grapevine Lake   north of Arlington and they're about 40 minutes  north of downtown Fort Worth flower mound has a   population of just under 76 000 residents their  schools get graded a plus their crime rate is   20 percent lower than the national average  and they got plenty of new construction if   you want to buy a home here your starting money  is going to be about 380 000 but you probably   want to have about 420 to get something nice all  right that's our video hope you guys enjoyed it   hope you got some information out of it now go  out have a great day and be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 463,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Relocate, Travel Education, States, USA, US States, united states map, Dallas, university of texas at arlington, dallas texas, city of dallas, Texas
Id: 71iJNFRHvls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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