Don't Lose Your Fear of the LORD - Entire Sermon

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i read again that proverbs 1 29 the bible says for that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the lord i'm preaching tonight on this subject don't lose your fear of the lord don't lose your fear of the lord i'm watching the leaders and the representatives of america right now and i'm afraid of what's coming i'm concerned that our nation has lost or is losing the fear of the lord and not only are we being disobedient we have an attitude of in your face i don't care that's what i'm going to do anyway to go right along with it and i know what is about to happen to our nation further the greatest concern that i have is a lack of fear or the losing of the fear of the lord of god's people and being affected by that of the by that of the world you see if we're not careful we'll watch the world in their sin and their rebellion and their attitude to go with it and we'll say well if god doesn't punish them it must be all right and we allow watching that to affect our fear of the lord and so i'm going to preach to us tonight don't lose your fear of god i can explain to you how i felt when i watched the video of the president speaking to planned parenthood an organization that made 87 million dollars last year by murdering 300 000 unborn children and the president said to them god bless you god bless planned parenthood i can't explain how i felt there was a great fear that came in my soul and then yesterday or maybe the even evening before a professional basketball player made an announcement that the news media thought worthy to tell the whole world and that was the announcement that he was a homosexual the president called him and congratulated him and he said of him you are a role model for america i can't explain to you how i feel tonight i will tell you i am afraid i will tell you it would not surprise me for any judgment that you could imagine or couldn't imagine to fall on america tonight i saw on the news last night they were showing a clip of a so-called comedian and the comedian was making fun of a football player named tim tebow who professes faith in christ and this comedian got on his knees as if he were praying and he made fun of tim tebow and he said i read today where his prayers were finally answered he was fired by the new york jets and all of the audience laughed now folks i can't do anything about the world i'm afraid for them i really am but if we're not careful we will watch that and see that and we'll begin to think that god is not going to punish for these sins and wickedness and we'll think why if they can get away with that i can certainly get away with the things that i'm doing but i want to tell you tonight we need not lose our fear of god because god punishes sin i want you to take your bible and go to genesis chapter 20. now hold your place in proverbs or put a marker in proverbs and go to genesis chapter 20. now i won't go through all of the story but abraham is the little place of gerar and he he does not believe that anybody in gerar is a god-fearing citizen and he doesn't think that the king is a god-fearing man and so he tells sarah he said when we go into this town you being a beautiful woman the king may want you for himself and if he does you tell him that you are my sister now this is a very sick story this bothers me in so many ways i i i'm impressed by the love and patience of god for abraham i really am i uh there's so many times that i run out of patience with him and then i realize oh lord thank you for being patient with abraham and thank you for being patient with me but he was going to give the king his wife and say she is my sister you can have her if you want her notice the story of what happens genesis 20 and abraham journeyed from fence toward the south country and dwell between cadiz and sure and sojourned in gerar abraham said of sarah his wife she is my sister an abimelech king of garage sent and took sarah but god came to abimelech in a dream by night and said to him behold thou art but a dead man for the woman which thou has taken for she is a man's wife now let me stop right here there are many folks who say well i know that's going on everywhere and god is not killing them now now you mark my word god's judgment is slow but god's judgment is sure now god's patience is very real and god wants somebody in their sin to turn from their sin you have to be impressed with god's patience in america right now i mean you have to be amazed that god is just giving us i i seriously sometimes wonder if we're going to make it another week in this country with all of the things that are going on we got students right here in kentucky and in schools that plan to have prayer on their graduation night and i mean there are organizations that are telling them you absolutely will not pray in a graduation ceremony i mean we have we have military men today being threatened with court martial if they tell publicly in the military i'm not talking about china i'm not talking about iraq i'm talking about united states of america can be court-martialed if they share their faith and try to proselyte in the army now folks we're in a mess in our country and and and i'm telling you you and i god's people in the church are the hope for only hope for revival in america i'm glad you i'm on honestly i'm glad you're here you should never miss a service i mean that now let's go back to the story verse 4 but abimelech had not come near her and he said lord wilt thou slay also a righteous nation said he not unto me she is my sister and she even she herself said he is my brother in the integrity of my heart and innocency of my hands have i done this and god said unto him in a dream yeah i know that thou ditched this in the integrity of thy heart for i also withheld thee from sinning against me therefore suffered i thee not to touch her now therefore restore the man his wife for he is a prophet and he shall pray for thee and thou shalt live and if thou restore her not know thou that thou shalt surely die thou and all that are thine therefore abimelech rose early in the morning called all of his servants and told all these things in the ears and the men were so afraid verse nine then abimelech called abraham and said unto him what is thou done unto us and what have i offended thee and thou has brought on me and on my kinsmen of great sin thou hast done deeds unto me that ought not to be done verse number 10 notice this and abimelech said unto abraham what saw us now that thou hast done this thing and abraham said because i thought don't miss it surely the fear of god is not in this place you know what he was saying i thought i was in a godless place so i could behave godless now stop and think are you with me tonight he said i didn't know anybody was a god-fearing person here so i didn't behave as a god-fearing man god help us tonight to be god-fearing christian in a godless society i don't care how rotten and wicked this country becomes we must be christians who live with the fear of god you mark it now and god's children don't get away with what the devil's children do now you better write that down god's children don't get away with i remember our children of other neighbors being at our house and maybe saying a word that my mom and dad didn't allow they didn't allow many words they didn't allow i'm about afraid to say this when mom's sitting here but they didn't allow shut up i wasn't allowed to say stupid i just wasn't allowed to say those words they didn't allow now if one of the neighbor kids called somebody a name like that i'd say oh mom did you hear them he's not my son and he better be glad he's not now you better mark it down god's people don't get away with what the devil's children get away with don't you be influenced by the world don't you be influenced by the television to think well look how wicked they are surely it won't matter if i do a little of this or a little of that i'm telling you tonight friend you and i better keep a honest and sincere fear of the almighty god i want to make some statements about the importance of a proper fear of the lord in our lives in our homes and in our church the judgment of absalom is rebellion against his father is a story that causes fear in my heart let me say that again you know absalom stole the heart of the people from his father you know what god did god grabbed him by his rebellious hair as he rode on that mule and the oak tree got a hold of absalom and hung him there that story puts fear in my heart and says you better not ever do anything against your mom and dad to be disrespectful the judgment of ananias and safari is a fearful story of a home that lost the fear of god the judgment of those in the church at corinth they went to the communion service and they observed communion with sin in their lives and paul said some are sick and some are dead because of the sin in their life let me make these statements about the fear of the lord number one turn your bibles to psalm 19 9 psalm 19 9. the fear of the lord is clean i like that word i can hear my grandmother say don't do that that's now she didn't mean it was dirty with the dirt from the ground she meant it was sinful sin and dirt went together sin dirt black it all went together the fear of the lord is clean enduring forever the judgments of the lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired are they than gold yea than much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb number one the fear of the lord is clean that means it's pure it's honest it's free the fear of the lord is free when you live with a fear of god it will set your soul free i want to live under the fear of god i want my conversation to be controlled by the fear of god i want my thoughts to be controlled by the fear of god i want my behaviors to be controlled by the fear of god the bible says the judgments of the lord are more desirable than gold i want to say number three a fear of the lord satisfies the soul a fear of the lord satisfies the soul now you try to satisfy the flesh and you will violate the soul there are many folks tonight living with the anxiety of sins guilt there are many folks living tonight with the anxiety and the pressure you cannot live in sin and your soul be free take your bibles and go to psalm 34 psalm 34 please psalm 34 notice if you will in verse number 9 psalm 34 verse number 9 o fear of the lord ye his saints for there is no want to them that fear him the young lions do lack and suffer hunger they wait for the for the older lions to catch the prey and kill it the young lions they they suffer hunger but they that seek the lord shall not want any good thing come your children hearken unto me i will teach you the fear of the lord thank god for men in the bible that serve as an example like young daniel he was satisfied to fear the lord and his fear of the lord meant more to him than drinking the king's wine and eating the king's meat he was satisfied by fearing god oh give us some parents who hunger for their children to fear god it's not just a matter of obeying mom and dad it's a matter of the fact that there's a god in heaven and god judges our behaviors i fear the lord satisfies the soul number four i borrow this quote from president theo theodore roosevelt he said this a thorough knowledge of the bible is worth more than a college education a a thorough knowledge of the bible is worth more than a college education psalm 110 psalm 111 verse 10 the bible says the fear of the lord is a beginning of wisdom if that verse is true the president has no wisdom i'm sick at my stomach to think that a man of any position and authority would say to a homosexual we are proud of you you are a role model in america god help us proverbs 1 7 the fear of the lord is a beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction number five if you get anything get this the fear of the lord is a choice the fear of the lord is a choice go back to proverbs chapter 1 and verse number 29 proverbs 1 29 if you don't get anything else get this sermon i'm going to give you in the next four minutes proverbs 1 29 for that they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the lord the fear of the lord is a choice listen to me there is a danger in freedom i want you to think with me now when we have freedom that means we have to choose we don't get to choose we have to choose all right we hunger we we are willing to pay the price of life of death to have freedom and i'm thankful for that in america i appreciate those who fight for my freedom but freedom says all right you're free you have to make the choice don't miss it everybody look right this way and listen now we have to choose when we have freedom number two don't miss it we do not get to choose the result of our choices only our choices god decides the result we get to choose we going to make our choices oh yes we live in america we have freedom that's right but there are some responsibilities with freedom the freedom says you don't just get to choose you have to choose but understand something you don't get to choose the result of your choice you only get to make the choice you know what that means you and i better make the right choices we better make the choice in the fear of the lord absalom got to choose to rebel against his father i'll do exactly what i want to do nobody's going dad's not going to tell me what to do mom's not going to tell me okay absalom you've got your choice you get freedom i got news for you you don't get to choose a result better think about that david got to choose to stay home from battle i'm the king i'll do what i want you're right david you do have the choice you do have the freedom you can make the choice you don't get to choose the result but you can make the choice i'll take whoever i want is my wife you're the king freedom is yours choice is yours but the result is not prodigal son yes it's your inheritance yes you can have it it's your choice you don't get to choose the results ananias and safari you get to choose you get to choose whether to be honest or dishonest you have freedom you don't get the re you don't get to choose the results of lying to the holy spirit but you do get to make the choice we have a nation tonight that's angry not at freedom but about freedom they're angry at the results of that freedom folks that live abusive lifestyle of drugs and alcohol folks it pays bad how many would say amen to that pays bad bad pay you say this is america i'll do what i want you're right you get to make the choice but you don't get to choose the results i'll drink if i want to drink you can they promote it everywhere our government's in the sin invites business they proudly promote it but we don't get to choose the result alcohol intoxicates alcohol controls the mind our control alcohol controls the body it's called distilled spirits you say i'll be immoral if i want to be immoral you have the freedom to choose but you don't get to choose the results i'll never forget the woman that came to my office saying preacher you have to help me you have to help me and she told me the story of living in sin conceiving a child paying the doctor to abort the child and not being able to sleep she can't sleep because she hears her baby crying and when she gets to the baby's room there is no baby's room and there is no baby and she cries herself to sleep night after night and that leads from there to drugs and drugs to alcohol her life is a terrible mess now that teenage girl said you ain't telling me how to live they ain't a preacher going to tell me how to live you ain't running my life i'm not trying to run anybody's life i'm just trying to tell you this book tells us the best choices to make it's my job to preach the choice and the result of the choice and i'm saying tonight i'm afraid for my nation now here's what i know i know that god can judge and god can spare in the midst of that judgment i'm afraid for my nation i'm walking with god every day friend i want to walk with god for my sake for my marriage sake from a wife for my children and i want to tell you this country congress can change every written law they want to change but they'll never change the laws of nature here's what the book said proverbs 10 27 the fear of the lord prolongeth days but the year of the wicked but the years of the wicked shall be shortened proverbs 14 27 the fear of the lord's a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death number six to fear the lord is to hate sinful attitudes and behaviors proverbs 8 13. last of all destruction eventually comes to those who do not choose the fear of the lord you know what my job is my job as a preacher is to warn along the highways of life be careful of the roads that lead to destruction please take the road that leads to life that's my job i take my job serious that's why i'm an old-fashioned bible-thumping bible preacher and you may say well i wish you loved us more i preached as hard to know how to preach if i didn't love you i'd tell you folks just live on the edge i don't want to live on the edge i want to live as far from the edge as i can live i want to live in the land of safety you mark my word destruction is coming to this old nation of ours we're in trouble we're in trouble but i'm not going to say as abraham did i didn't know anybody here feared the lord so i thought i'd live like the heathen i want to be like daniel daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with a portion of the king's meat and that's true in jerusalem and that's true in babylon stand with me if you will i'm going to finish let's be honest amen let's be moral moral in our minds if i'm going to be moral in my minds i've got to control what goes in my eyes if i'm going to be moral in my mind i can be moral in my body let's decide to be moral people let's be clean let's do right let's live respectful let's be a holy and a righteous people let's be a light in darkness let's be an anchor in the time of a troubled and a troubled sea let's be honest in the midst of perverseness let's be a guide in a world of lost people let's be salt in a rottening society let's be hope in the midst of despair happy people are the people who genuinely fear the lord
Channel: ClaysMillBaptist
Views: 9,413
Rating: 4.8032789 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jeff Fugate, Clays mill road baptist church, lexington, kentucky, King James Bible, soul winning, JESUS, CHRIST, Heaven, hell, preaching, singing, gospel, salvation, born again, revival, sin, independent, fundamental, sermon, baptist, Church, religion, end of times, GOD, redemption
Id: 9ddEQv3BfnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2013
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