Don't Let A Power Outage Leave You Without Heat This Winter!

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hey guys and welcome back to the channel uh in a previous video you probably saw how we were able to power this furnace with an inverter and a battery part of that video was a little bit more Technical and I'm going to show you how you can avoid doing all of that wiring more than once and I'm going to show you a safe way in how to change this light switch to a plug and a switch so that you can simply unplug your furnace like a regular Appliance and plug it into an extension cord or straight into your inverter so stay tuned and we're going to show you how to swap this out all right so the very first thing you want to do is locate the breaker that says furnace next to it and you want to make sure that power is turned off to the furnace now we're going to take a secondary measure and we're going to make sure that we don't have this mislabeled and that we don't have power to the furnace all right next what we're going to do is just remove this cover all right now what we want to do next is just make sure that we don't have power with our hot pin any in any area of our switch here we've got nothing beeping so this is absolutely dead make sure this is dead before you touch anything so next we're just going to take the switch out there we have it it's just our power wire coming in and our furnace wire coming out so let's go ahead and disconnect these so that's going to be our main power coming in and this is the power going into our furnace okay so in order to install our new Switch and Outlet we need this neutral wire and as you can tell it goes into the furnace so we're going to go on the other side of the Furnace disconnect that and run it outside here all right so all we have here is our main power which we're going to go ahead and disconnect all these wires and then we're going to show you exactly what each goes to this is our neutral here and we've got our ground there okay so let's put these wires aside for now right now we just want to focus on our line voltage so we're going to feed this through and as you can see on the other side we now have our hot and our neutral that's what we need to connect our switch all right so this is going to be the outlet and switch that we're going to be using and as you can see we've got our two hot leads here and neutral there and a neutral on the other side now this can be configured in a few different ways but the way that we're going to do it on this one is first of all we're going to remove this little tab that will if you leave this tab in these two will have power simultaneously and that's what we want to avoid we want this switch to control this Outlet so that we can turn off this furnace anytime we want so we're going to pop this little tab off and all you do is grab a pair of pliers or your wire strippers and you just bend it back and forth and it will snap off there we go yeah booted up the plastic a little bit but that's all right it's not going to hurt anything okay so now that these are separated our main line power is going to be the one that is closest to the switch so it's going to be this one so that's where our main power is going to be connected here we're just going to run that in all the way as far as we can go and then we'll just crank this down just like that next we're going to work on our neutral now we have a little schematic here hopefully you guys can see that okay but our neutral will go down to this bottom part of the receptacle which will be this guy right here so we're going to take our neutral and as far as we can there and we're going to crank that one down obviously we're going to hook up our ground just like that Crank that down now next as we can see right here we need to run a jumper from this wire or from this pin to this pin so we're going to create a little jumper and jump those two wires out so we got our little jumper wire here and we're going to jumper this over to this guy now hopefully you can see this okay but this is the setting that we want break off tab removed receptacle is controlled by the switch circuit jumper wire as shown by dotted line pilot light on when switch is on so with that being said we have our jumper here and this is complete so we're going to fasten this back in place gone inside this junction box you just have to fasten this in place and then we can attach our pigtail so that we can plug it in right here okay so we disconnected a few wires here as you remember and don't be alarmed we're going to go over that in very great detail but the next thing we're going to be focusing on is our pigtail now this is going to plug into our switch over here and it's going to act as the power source for our furnace now you may have noticed this hole here this is intentional what we're going to be using is one of these and what we'll do is clamp this down to where this will actually hold our pigtail in place and then it'll just loop around and plug in here and this is just a half inch and it just threads on like that come on baby there we go I'm gonna go to the right because that will allow space there okay so now we can reinstall the switch or you can just remember to do that first so you don't have to do it twice so now what we're going to do is we're gonna take our pigtail and I'm actually just going to cut this so it'll be easier to work with and I'm going to feed it through you can also do this while the switch is off or removed but I'm just going to feed it through like that and I'm just going to take out the slack until I've got enough to plug it into our switch here so maybe a little bit more just like that so we're plugged into the switch give ourselves a little bit of slack and now we can tighten these down and that'll make sure that none of these wires ever get exposed to a raw Edge I believe that's going to see any movement at all so next we're just going to focus on our wiring we're going to trim this and then we'll show you exactly how to put these wires back okay so let's just identify our wiring here and let's go ahead and trim this back need about this much length so we're going to go ahead and take this sheathing off that and let's strip these wires back we've got our main hot wire meaning 110 volts will be supplying the furnace there we've got our ground which will connect to the case of the Furnace and we've got our neutral okay so this is going to be our main power supply coming in through the switch some of you will have a condensate pump Loom of wires like this with three wires and some of you will not if you've got a condensate pump we'll want to go ahead and wire this in as well and then these are just our two power wires that go to our Transformer that power the actual furnace so we're going to show you right now how we're going to connect all of these it's very simple so don't be intimidated now what we're going to be using are these and these are amazing they're Wago lock levers and how they work is like a stab connection I don't know if you've ever seen those before but you can take a wire and stab it in but you can't pull it out these are different in that you simply pull the lever up like that I'm gonna make sure this is as straight as possible simply slide it in until you can see it's touching right there on the outside and then you simply pop this down and this will not come out it is locked in place so we're going to use this for our neutrals so this is going to be our main power supply neutral go ahead and feed that in all the way until it touches okay so next we're going to take the blue from our condensate pump wiring that was our neutral which can I connect it with the rest of the neutrals here and these come in different layouts they come in a three four two and different layouts these will be in the video description for my Amazon storefront and you can find different configurations as well as a combination pack that has several of each variation and you can keep that box and always be prepared all right next let's focus on our main power so that's going to be our black so we're simply going to connect this to our lock lever we'll move on to the power wire to our furnace slide that until it touches the end close it and then our Brown that's it just like that now we're going to hook up our ground previously this was just attached to the case of the cabinet but now we've got this raw ground wire that's hooked up to the case of the cabinet and we're just going to grab another lock lever and we'll just make our connection here and that is it folks so we've got our neutral our main power and our ground all right that's it folks so here's the finished product again this is our main power supply let's make sure that this is flipped off we'll go outside and flip our breaker back on and then we can power this on and make sure everything works as it should so in doing this we're going to make sure that our furnace is set up for an emergency situation where we don't have power to where we can simply unplug this and plug it into an extension cord to an inverter whatever we need to to get power to our furnace all right so we just turned our breaker back on from outside at the breaker box so now as soon as I turn the switch on this little red light should illuminate letting us know that power is going to this Outlet and there we have it he's got power to this switch power to this Outlet and next we're just going to take our pigtail that we just wired in and we're just going to plug it right into that outlet and that's the finished product and voila our furnace has power and as soon as we bump the thermostat up this furnace will kick on and it will function exactly like it did before except now we have the option to Simply unplug this plug it into an extension cord out to our inverter that's hooked up to our truck or our generator and we can power this furnace for as long as we need to foreign [Music] just a second and everything is just running off this little pigtail and we are set up in the event of an emergency well thank you guys so much for watching I hope this video was informative for you it helped you get to a situation where you have the ability to Simply unplug this and plug it into your inverter this is a great way to just be proactive even if you don't have a generator or an inverter just doing this and being proactive about it to where you can unplug it and plug it into something in the event of an emergency if you have to run to Best Buy Harbor Freight wherever to get an inverter and power it off to your truck and this is just a great thing to be proactive about and do before an emergency if you'd like to see how easy it is for me to connect my furnace to my inverter out of my vehicle and that process check out this video and we're going to show it to you real time so you can see how to do this yourself and be really proactive in the event of an emergency make sure and give this video a like if you appreciated this video consider subscribing to our Channel and we'll catch you on the next one later
Channel: The DIY HVAC Guy
Views: 1,072,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emergency heat, emergency heater, gas furnace repair, furnace generator, running furnace with generator, power outage, emergency heat for home, emergency heating without electricity, emergency heat source, emergency heating, power outage heat, power outage preparedness, emergency heating ideas, cold weather, how to stay warm, will my furnace work if the power goes out?, will I have gas if there is no electricity, texas winter storm, how to stay warm in the cold
Id: 1JNuovFpCpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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