DON'T KEEP Dead Person's Clothes at Home! | Why You Should Not Wear a Dead Person’s Cloth | Sadhguru

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if somebody is medically declared dead he still doesn't die fully the physicality of who you are can be picked up from your clothes and we can remake you at least someone who looks just like you they're under clothes and other things must be burnt because otherwise that being will not go easy [Music] after my father died i still have several of his clothes but i know in some traditions you're not supposed to keep the clothes of the deceased how should this be handled when you were born you were not born in one day though you have a fixed birthday it took nine nine and a half months for you to be born similarly when you die you don't die in one day you die slowly if somebody is medically declared dead [Music] he still doesn't die fully i think we've spoken about this the fire pronouns they start withdrawing slowly step by step the physical life energy which generally is referred to as prana or prana has five basic manifestations there are ten but that will complicate the five basic manifestations these are called samana prana udhana apana and vyana let's say if a doctor is observing and they declare that person at a particular moment that he's dead now in the next 21 to 24 minutes samana will start exiting that means samana is in charge of maintaining temperature in the body first thing that's happened starts happening is body starts cooling down the traditional way of checking whether somebody is dead or alive is they'll feel the nose if the nose has gone cold that that's how they concluded that he's dead they wouldn't check the eyeballs and other things they would just check the nose if nose has become cold that means he's dead so samana exits at that time somewhere between 48 to 64 minutes prana exits after that between 6 to 12 hours udhana exits till udhana exists there are tantric processes with which you could revive the body but once udhana exists there is a micro micro chance but that is an impractical chance except that it is impossible to revive the body once udhana has existed exited the next thing is upon somewhere between 8 to 18 hours this exits the vienna which is the preservative nature of prana will start exiting from beyond that it can continue to exit up to 11 to 14 days if it's a normal death so though there may be an expiry date for one's death one does not die in a day to slow process [Music] in fact it's happening right now slowly by doing yoga you may be putting up hurdles in the way of death but not stoppers yes daily yoga you're doing putting up some hurdles and slowing it down but no stopper so today you know that from your old clothing we can take your dna after you're gone after 100 years later we can clone you yes listen you know so who you are at least the physicality of who you are can be picked up from your clothes and we can remake you at least someone who looks just like you you can create the body so you are still there all over the place the yogis when they die they'll set fire to the hut in which they are living by themselves there's a way to do it let me not tell you because i don't want you to set fire to the cottages [Laughter] so they always set fire to the heart in which they are living because they don't want even a single molecule of dna to hang around and live because in some way your physical body is still hanging around if they can recreate your body from that obviously it's hanging around isn't it so everything that i have touched you want to burn everything has to be cleared up it's because of this this is the one main reason why people want to keep their physical positions so minimal on the spiritual path if you enter a sannyasi's room you will see there will be three pairs of clothes nearly folded and kept just one this thing to drink water one plate to eat food and just one single sheet to sleep upon and that's it no one extra item because he does not want to touch too many things in the world he wants to keep it at most minimal because he knows if he spreads his body all over the place gathering it and going will be very difficult that is why he does not form any physical relationships of any kind because he understands if he leaves his body all over when the time together comes it's going to be extremely difficult people who are off your body are unwilling to come with you when you want to go they won't come they'll all say i love you but they won't come [Music] so when someone dies depending upon who he is accordingly these things must be handled in today's world when people have gathered [Music] enough clothing for three lifetimes enough footwear for ten lifetimes [Music] burning all that would be sure waste and anyway their way of existence and their way the way they exit is such invariably they have to find root in this earth once again no point burning all that at least those things which are very closely intimately involved with the body like their under clothes and other things must be burnt they must be burnt because otherwise [Music] that being will not go easy she will not know he does not have the discretion to understand whether she should be here or there he cannot make any decision there's no decision-making capability because there's no discretion once the body is gone the discretionary mind is gone [Music] so there is no decision only by tendency there are too many things here which belong to the body it just hangs around particularly in the first few days so in one's home if there are lots of used clothes which is which is a problem with the western world again because of the type of clothing and the structure of the society the things are such you may be wearing a jacket for six months and it may not be washed yes you use it and you hang it there because it's a cold country and maybe you don't sweat so much use it and put it there such a thing is not possible in india if you use something it has to be washed now the nature of the clothing the atmosphere and the social structures are such but that is changing again there also because most people are wearing clothes made in china not anymore made in india so the type of clothing they are using naturally they use it and hang it they don't use it and wash it all these things were taken care of every aspect was handled but we are losing it in a big way because these clothes are repeatedly used and hung there you can actually experiment well well today the dogs are there if you bring a police dog if you put a thousand jackets here and ask him to point out which is jim's jacket he will just go and point out yes not god just a dog [Music] so obviously who you are is hanging there in the core in the jacket in many ways isn't it that even a dog can see it [Music] so once it is like this when a person is deported and his body is still hanging around in many forms it becomes a habitation for various kinds of forces not only for that person's energies hanging around for various other kinds of forces unoccupied body your jacket is in a way which is not a good way to leave it so either they immediately wash it in india if they're expensive clothes they will wash all the clothes within the first 10 days or 11 days they'll wash all the clothes and distribute it to many places never to one place you don't take all your clothes and give it to one family you make sure the jacket goes here trousers goes there that goes there this goes there so that it gets too spread out to make any significance significant presence is not there otherwise all the things which are intimately with the body just burn it one of these things must be done either you must give it away across the 50 states so the old man does not remain confused as to where to go or let's just burn it up you
Channel: Mahabharat TV
Views: 1,185,891
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Keywords: sadhguru quotes, Isha Foundation, Isha Yoga, Inner Engineering, Sadhguru latest, Sadhguru, Sathguru, sadguru, isha ashram, Isha, #sadhguru, sadhguru 2021, yoga, meditation, sadguru speech in english, sadhguru latest, sadhguru videos, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadguru speeches, satguru, sadhguru english, sadhguru darshan, guru, spiritual master, negative energy removal from home, negative energy removal mantra, Dead, spiritual awakening beginners, rajarshi nandy, Tantra, Tantric
Id: bEAabKdg2-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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