The Demand Was Too High !┃Why Low Fuel Motorsport For AC Is Amazing

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fuel Motorsports with the original aceto corser is absolutely fantastic in this video I'm going to tell you why it's so good what Hood elements I use in the setto corser to make it look so good and my hopes for the future of low fuel Motorsports with the original aceto corser you're going to click on my links need new wheel click on my links juy link make your bank clink cing on link don't dare think DD girl walk to the brink she don't use no kitchen sing Listen to My Words drink that tea regrettably you follow me gamer muscle gamer muscle gamer gamer gamer muscle click subscribe and click that like click subscribe and click that like on the first day of their Alpha lowfield Motorsport absolutely killed it but before I get into the details everyone keeps asking me what are those Hood elements that we have on our screen in a set of corser and why does my game Looks So Glorious so to answer those people the element on the top right with the leaderboard is part of streaming Suite or bcast tools and it's the leaderboard from that I'll put a link in the description you can get that leaderboard app you can also click on the names and it will jump to the cars because the leaderboard was originally designed for people doing broadcasting rather than people using it to race with keep in mind if you've got a slower computer that leaderboard might cause some issues with performance I don't have any issues with performance they also have a lower less demanding leader board as an option that you could use as well that has the same functionality but doesn't look as nice in the middle of the screen underneath the Mir we have the race Essentials app which has all the details there but it's worth noting it's sort of been discontinued and it doesn't always work perfectly sometimes the tire temperatures are a bit weird on it especially with certain mods and often the Delta can be a little bit funky and weird on it at times which is why we have the performance Delta app which is built into a setto corser part of asto corser to the right of the mirror and I've also enlarged that so you've got the traditional aceto corser delter and that always works super consistently you can see if you've got a green sector a purple sector or a brown sector it's all very clear that's fantastic and as I say built into the game then people keep asking about the car radar which is underneath that race Essentials the third thing down from the mirror uh the car radar app is built into Shader patch and you just select it from the right hand menu and uh then you can tweak and adjust it you can have it so it displays the car skin that you're driving you can have it so it shows the road you can zoom it in you can zoom it out you can tilt the angle you can do whatever you want with it it's amazing a setto corer guys it's almost like this simulator's probably one of the best if not the best simulators ever made uh so those are the main apps that we use there now in terms of like the graphical quality what I use is the lat lest pure and Shader patch you can check the video that we did about five videos ago saying to get the latest version of that you just get them then use the postprocessing filter pure candy um which you can select from the menu from the from the uh postprocessing menu and I go through the options and reduce the brightness now I might do a separate video on those things in more detail but that's an overview in like 30 seconds for those of you that keep asking so in terms of low fuel Motorsport though at the moment there's just two races running you have an MX5 race and you have a LMP 3 race as you can see the MX5 is taking place on Lime Rock Park chicane route and the lmp3 is taking place at Lon circuit D forage and uh well the lmp3 car isn't exactly what I would have thought they would have picked especially at that circuit I can see why they maybe did um and the mod car they used uh is is a bit weird doesn't look too good sounds terrible but you can replace a sound in a setto corser through content managers it's not really a problem uh but the racing has been phenomenal with this largely because of a setto corser allowing you to have a little bit of car contact and it's actually really contrasting when you drive the MX5 in AC versus iRacing especially on this track cuz this track often runs at iRacing and uh so in AC you you can have a little bit of contact um you can have much closer racing the cars from the contact don't just Auto bin or fly off the track and then obviously AC just got much better force feedback and a much more realistic Tire model in terms of the actual end Drive less complex than iRacing but much more realistic in terms of the end result than iRacing so the racing that you get is absolutely superb and lfm with their servers they've done a really good job of setting them up um one of the problems that you get with a set of course uh with servers is if you don't run enough tick rate or you set your servers up incorrectly in AC you can get some roboting issues with the cars which can be really annoying especially with faster cars and I've not really noticed that being a problem with lfm um and also with AC if someone's like really really laggy has really bad ping you can sometimes get cars warping which in the 10 hours that we did racing we saw happen once with a ghost car shring or catting another car off the track fortunately they they were in front of me so I gained two places so it's perfectly acceptable but you know it's either Tony Hawks pro skateboard iRacing kick flip over the top of the hill which actually doesn't happen in the setto corser which is weird because you don't need to pay for AC servers monthly so I don't know how they pull it off with AC but um uh or or you can have the flickering cars uh needless to say I I think iracer might be in a bit of trouble with this like if you're a more casual racer which s person that does a lot of the rookie racing which makes up a lot of iracing's user base say you do like formula 4 MX5 and that kind of stuff I don't know why you would use that instead of lfm I really why would you it it make any sense why would you spend that money I mean okay AR Trev you might like iRacing I do like some aspects of iRacing maybe the rain and other features will come into it I'm not saying there'll be no reason to play iRacing I will still play iRacing even with lfm but um I think for a lot of people this is actually going to be enough for them now with this being The Limited Test of of uh lfm their Alpha they I say only here they only have 150 slots for each hour for the MX5 and the lmp3 and hilariously Within by midday every single hour the races were fully registered to the point where you couldn't they they ran out slots on the surface for for like eight hours straight 40 minutes before each race there was 150 people registered to them I mean absolutely insane cuz I think a lot of people are like oh people won't be bothered to set up AC you do have to get sold you have to get content manager unless you're like an old school miserable uh AC fan maybe people won't come to it or won't be interested well the the opposite couldn't be more true this was absolutely flooded and then when you consider that that lmp3 car and the Lamar's tracker both Rando m and not exactly the peak of what people generally want to be racing for that to be ramshackle full of people nonstop is is crazy and shows you the demand for good quality online rank racing which is something I've been saying for like a decade and I can't believe the games industry and games companies have completely ignored it at their own Financial loss um but yeah so needless to say at the moment on the first day and from looking at it today as well lfm has just been super super active participation looks really good it'll be super interesting to see if that continues and if that continues into the future with whatever combos they they tend to run but we all know already from the back end of lfm with the set of course of competition that their points tracking and their license tracking and uh their moderation is really really good I mean I I think lfm moderation it's not perfect none of these systems are perfect but it's I think it's one the better ones and people get warnings and bans they're harsher than iRacing which in some ways is bad you know uh but in other ways they have limited resources and they have to moderate it and you want the racing to be as clean as possible so making it running it a bit like a gool lag I think is quite a good idea um so the back end's already there the servers are demonstrated AC's a fantastic Sim and AC with lfm with the clicking on a button and launching into the game and doing the races you you couldn't really ask for more now you know I mean I will say obviously I do think with AC unfortunately the you can't not mention the curbing especially with this MX5 on this track and a bunch of tracks curbing in AC unless uh there are some mods mod tracks that flatten the curbs and there are some ways around it some cars aren't as bad as others but generally speaking curbing in a setto cors is absolutely terrible uh so you have to really drive off the curbing which is annoying especially if you play a lot of other simulators um and I will also say as well though you can have more car contact and it's more forgiving generally speaking than many other Sims um it's not as good car contact as race room or r factor 2 and you you will find there are certain situations like if you put uh if the car puts a nose in on the inside or that those some when the car's under sustained load for a corner it's harder to spin or crash off than iRacing but still very sensitive II especially more sensitive I'd say than I than r factor 2 and RAC room but all in all as far as like online ranked racing goes you're going to have a good time like this is such a good format the race length the MX5 as well especially just doing Sprint racing and then the potential of having organized races in the future with lfm and other content will be will be fantastic look see how I took him out there great I mean it turned into me um what I will say as well this is obviously Alpha from the eight or so races that we did yesterday the vast majority of people were driving really really clean and the and the driving was just really good but there were quite a few drivers with hot laap mentality and just really bad Race Craft so I think hopefully lfm will moderate things moving forward and you know the the penalty system and the safety rate and stuff will be dialed in maybe split and it be more active and separating drivers that will help with that as well that I'd say it's sort of On a par with iRacing in terms of cleanliness of driving at the moment rfactor 2 generally was uh when I do rfactor 2 rank system not an lfm I think that's probably one of the cleanest which is a mixture of their car contacts as well as just the rules and how people tend the type of drive it in that Sim so uh I'd say this is fairly similar to iRacing in terms of driver Behavior but um oh absolutely fantastic so as I say the really interesting thing will be moving forward and what cars and tracks they pick I do think the lmp3 car and Lamar was a really weird pick I don't think it's necessarily the best of picks but I can see why they did it for their choice for testing and stuff it's actually turned out to be quite fun a bit weird but but quite fun but um I do worry that a lot of fans of AC and um uh in general will be like oh we need this random car let's do that we need to change this we need this we need that we want this different thing oh it's always the same cars and tracks like they missed the point that as I've said this a billion times in live streams online ranked racing is about the racing more than it is the content so you you you want a car and track that allows for good online racing so I'm not the biggest fan of mx-5s but the fact is they are very accommodating and they do produce really good online racing I would say the same for like GT uh 4 cars in particular uh radical sr3 the mean trophy V6 cars that have quite a tight profile quite forgiving slip also fast enough to then drive on tracks like Spar and there's a bunch of circuits that are longer tracks that are terrible with slow cars but okay with faster cars and then on the track side of things um AC's actually because the tires are so good for driving on the limit you you have tracks that are rubbish in other Sims that are actually quite fun in AC but um you know line Rock Park br's Hatch Road Atlanta Road America lagona Seca um yeah there's a whole list of tracks that from myself having done a decade of uh server hosting and iRacing and playing online there's a whole host of tracks that I know are on average going to produce very good racing they might not be the most exciting tracks you might be a little bit bored of them but the focus is trying to actually win and have good racecraft the thing I always bring up is look at counter strike it has like five maps that people play and 12 guns and most people use three guns look at Rocket League it has basically one car and a five aside football pitch that doesn't change and you can play that I've played that for far too much time I'm I'm not ashamed to say so it's more about with ranked online racing it's more about having lots of people in the rank system multiple splits active races than the individual cars though fortunately a setto course's physics are so Dam good actually getting faster and honing your lap times and balancing the vehicle is intrinsically fun whereas I find with again to neg on iRacing again I find the driving in iRacing is just really boring and dull I'd also say the same thing for ACC it's just boring to drive which is really funny cuz the GT3 cars in ac1 and in half Factor 2 um and in race room are not boring the they're not dull and boring they're fun to actually just hot La in but in iRacing ACC both those Sims require this sort of robotic Guitar Hero approach which saps the soul and joy out of racing sorry fans of those Sims but you know what I'm saying is true so deal with it so um yeah just this is this is on another level I can't say it more clearly guys this this is the dream for a setto corser I think Sim racing system set the the groundwork and demonstrated that the ranking thing is great but I just think with something with Sim racing system they didn't have the resources the backend structure and the support to be able to deliver it to to to what the sort of Base requirement and uh sort of a sustainable level whereas I think lfm actually does and have demonstrated that as I say with ACC um also lfm has its own user base largely in thanks to ACC and what it established with that so I kind of have to be thankful to course competition have to be thankful for kunos skillfully dropping the ball with no ranking with ACC which allowed LM to come in and then do all their events and then build that user base up which then they can bring to AC it's a bit of a convoluted way to come full circle to the Glorious uh Big Daddy uh proper simulator setto corser but here we are we we've actually we've actually got there eventually eventually we've got there we we've all died of old age but we've eventually got there so with lfm I believe they're going to continue doing the alpha for the next week or so and I think the uh probably until after Christmas the proper release of this cetto corer support will come out we'll just have to wait and see what they do but from the one day that we've had with it so far I would highly recommend supporting lfm on their patreon and if you haven't given it a go you need to just get on and and drive it and experiences for yourself we will be doing more racing with subscribers and we'll try and mix in the lfm tracks when we do that also on our Discord we'll be sharing car setups the races are all open setup on lfm at the moment I think they might do some fixed setup stuff but um for the open setup I don't really mind open setup as long as everybody has access to a good setup and we're I'm in a position to have a socialist setup sharing cabal so you can come to our Discord or join in our practice races and we'll just give setups out it's better for everyone the closer the racing that's what we're here for racing we're not here for one guy Miles Ahead or like the whole mid pack field of uh people to be all spread out because of setup not you know you want to you want to push things together as much as possible I get open setup I understand why you might want that but you know you just need a good Baseline setup that's competitive and then everyone can be happy so uh that is it really for this video I just wanted to let you guys know that how how good lfm is huge credit to them and uh yeah hopefully you enjoy this video we'll have more content coming soon more of course of more live streams more tea bags so make yourselves a cup of tea drink it and until the next video thank you for watching take care and goodbye everyone
Channel: GamerMuscleVideos
Views: 33,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation, sim, racing simulator, gamermuscle, fanatec, simlabs, Gamer
Id: J6Ge1caMs1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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