Don't Get Rich Too Quickly - Dave Ramsey Rant

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Tyrel scripture today proverbs 13 11 wealth gained hastily will dwindle but whoever gathers little by little will increase it let's try that again that's one you need enough proverbs 13 11 just for those of you who aren't listening the first time wealth gained hastily will dwindle but whoever gathers little by little will increase it another proverb says he who hastens to be rich will not go unpunished hmm hastens a stoolie that's not a word we use today that's kind of an old English word isn't it but what's it mean you're in too big a freaking hurry that's what it means you're trying to get rich quick get-rich-quick will not go unpunished that's what it said and wealth gained quickly doesn't last usually that's what this says but people that gather wealth little by little increase wealth the vast majority of people who are wealthy 90 plus percent of the people that I have met and worked with the thousands and thousands of millionaires I've worked with over the years did it gradually now I'm not against getting money quickly if you want to do that I'm not saying you're evil or it's bad but there are all kinds of problems that go with it when it comes quickly because what happens to most of us is as we grow our wealth we as individuals are emotionally and spiritually maturing we are growing and so the wealth never gets so big that it crushes us under our our character is strong enough to carry it as we build it gradually and we build our character gradually that's the only shot but you know how many times have we seen the young athlete that gets money and it destroys their life the young music artist that gets money and it destroys their life the young actor that gets money and they're in rehab for the rest of their life because they didn't have the emotional in their case character to carry it and it doesn't have to be young it can be old how many times have you heard somebody fifty five years old that never had any money in their whole life than they were in the lottery and it destroys their life it wasn't a blessing see wealth gained hastily will dwindle he who hastens who's in a hurry to be rich will not go unpunished that happened to me I got rich quick I mean I started from nothing we graduated from college and I got married at 22 years old by the time I was 26 I was a millionaire how did I do that I borrowed at all I had a million dollar net worth at four million dollars for the real estate three million dollars worth of debt 4 minus 3 is 1 I was a millionaire and I made $250,000 that year most 1983-1985 I mean that that's a long time ago there's a lot of money even then a lot of money no but it was a house of cards I had so much debt and I wasn't behind with anyone I wasn't late on the payments but the bank got sold to another bank they called our notes because I was an idiot they signed up and gave them the ability had a lot of short-term notes because I was flipping houses before there was cable TV to tell you how I built a house of cards because I was in a hurry to get rich and then I was just appalled and shocked that the house of cards fell well guess what houses of cards do they fall all the time there's no such thing as a well-constructed house of cards the point is it's fragile it's volatile it falls in he who hastens to be rich will not go unpunished get-rich-quick trying to play the lotto you get punished did you throw your money down the toilet you going there buy a lotto ticket you get nothing you got nothing nothing think about every time every action that someone takes to become wealthy easily and quickly usually results in punishment this is dead on this disk this is these scriptures are straight-up truth and john tyler said it this way wealth can only be accumulated by the earnings of Industry and the savings of frugality well well that lasts that's all it is but you can get wealth other ways you can get wealth by sudden fame and get wealth by sudden you know that you can you can hit the lottery you know one a bazillion people do but the rest everybody else is trying to win the wealth that way gets punished but by losing their money instead of investing their money little by little will increase your wealth that's where real wealth comes from the highest probability of building wealth the best way to get rich quick is to get rich slow hey guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video click the subscribe button to get the latest content and check out these other great clips from the show [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Dave Ramsey Show
Views: 258,902
Rating: 4.871819 out of 5
Keywords: Don't Get Rich Too Quickly - Dave Ramsey Rant, rant, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey, the dave ramsey show, quickly, dave ramsey rant, ramsey, get rich quickly, how to get rich, money, dave, show, rich, get rich slowely, up
Id: YjN1RdJon8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2017
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