The Best Way to Invest Your Money

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[Music] thank you for joining us we're glad you're here you know there's two things when I talk about investing to people that they say they say well nobody can beat the market I'm just gonna invest in index funds I read a book and I read an article on the internet now everything on the internet is true Abraham Lincoln said that think about it it'll come to you later the other is is that people say well you can't beat the market and investing is too complicated I mean investing is intimidating investment people are intimidating I feel 2 inches tall when I talk about investing it's intimidating well the second one is true it is intimidating but it shouldn't be it's really not that complicated and when you sit down with someone that actually knows what the flip they're doing they can help you put the cookies on the Shelf where you can reach them that's called a teacher and you don't understand about mutual funds and you understand about the track record on a mutual fund and that's how I started investing many years ago now I know there's a lot of people that have opinions about my investment advice but I do have millions of millions of dollars in mutual funds I wonder how that got there it must have been that I understood something about that that money just didn't appear there I haven't hit the lottery I was bankrupt at 28 years old I'm 57 so what happened during that 30-year period of time well I used the investment principles that I talked about here on the air I don't tell you to do something and then go do something different I do what I tell you to do oh and by the way it worked for me and lots of others lots of millionaires calling in on the millionaire theme hours say David I got out of that I loaded up my 401k with the four types of mutual funds I loaded up my Roth IRA with four types of mutual funds and Here I am 20 years later and I'm a millionaire thank you and I get that all the time so apparently the stuff we're teaching works and it's not that complicated and my mutual fund groupings have beat the market you just pick mutual funds that have outperformed the S&P it's really not rocket science not all of them have outperformed the S&P a lot of them haven't over half happened but don't pick one that didn't you would be better to do that but I mean you know it's like some of you sitting at the racetrack and you're gonna bet on horses I don't bet on horses just because I don't know anything about it and I don't gamble because I don't like losing money I work too hard for it so but if you're sitting I went to a dog track one time or a horse track one time when I was a youngster and they tell ya you know this horse has not won a race ever so bet on that one stupid you know this horse won the last three races oh I probably might bet on him you know that's all you're doing when you're picking a mutual fund did it beat the market if it didn't beat the market then don't pick that mutual fund that's not rocket science that horse hadn't won a race don't bet on that horse why is this hard it's not hard and this idea that you have to do what's called passive investing and surrender and say oh well you really can't beat the S&P Dave Ramsey doesn't know what he's talking about no I mean I pulled up my stuff the other day and looked at it let's see anything I got written down here just because I don't have it all memorize this here oh the mutual funds I'm personally invested in the four types I talked about over the last 40 years I've averaged 13.4% you can't get 12% on your money I I know I got 13 okay and the S&P during that time averaged eleven point eight one percent which is real close to twelve stupid people thirty-year my investments of average eleven point three the S&P is averaged ten point eight nine so outperform the S&P on the 30 on the 40 outperform the S&P on the 20 on the 10-year outperform the S&P huh go figure so how did I do that I pick four mutual funds that outperformed the S&P I pick horses that win the race I mean what you look down to the track record and it's got a little chart in there it's got the S&P one line and if your mutual fund you're looking at lines not above this Soompi line on the chart you're looking at the wrong one pick you another one why would you bet on a horse I don't want to race this is really not rocket surgery people I mean think about it it'll come to you Wow so how you do this well you sit down with somebody knows what they're doing and they teach you about mutual funds and that's how we came up with a whole smart Buster Pro idea we put that in place to help people that don't have a lot of money and don't know anything about it and are intimidated but then along comes the internet and lies to you and you can't do that oh really okay maybe you can't but I can and I have and it's resulted in millions and millions and millions of dollars lots of millions by the way it's worked out good I'm having a good time yo life is good so if you're ready to do this you want to sit down with someone to look at your financial picture and help you do your investing you're at baby step four you're ready to get started you want to be a millionaire you want to live like no one else so later you can live and give like no one else so you can retire with dignity and not have to buy that cookbook 72 ways to prepare Alpo and love it you know people that rich hire wealthy it wasn't an accident they didn't get to wealth you get to retirement go how that happened where did that come from they're not surprised they know exactly where that money came from it was an intentional act year after year month after month paycheck after paycheck being deducted into their 401k into the Roth IRA into good mutual funds year after year after year after year after year after year it's just not sexy it's not a fish story to tell on the golf course it's just the tortoise he just keeps walking he's ugly just keeps walking he's ugly and nobody notices him but that's how you become a millionaire what all the data points tell us so the other Dave Ramsey comm click on smart investor I'm not in the investing business I don't give a rip if you invest or not I'm here to teach you but I am getting little spit sick and tired of the trolls out there bumping around the internet talking about how stupid Dave Ramsey's investment advice is when my net worth is tens of millions of dollars so I must be doing something right other than just selling books yeah I sold a lot of books that's where some of that came from for sure but most of it came from investing you guys in real estate that I paid cash for and in good mutual funds see if you put money in at the bottom of the market when the market was what sixty nine hundred sixty four hundred whatever it was at the bottom but for the crash the big crash of 2008 do you remember when the world came to an end if you put money in there and what's the Dow today twenty four thousand what is six thousand to twenty four thousand is that four times you think you guys that are quick with your second grade math is that four times so if you put in a million dollars at the bottom what would you have now four million dollars uh this is not hard but the stock market they see you've got to learn people you've got to learn what's really going on out there in the real estate world and in the investing world if you want to have any money the CD is not going to get you there it's a certificate of depression it's paying less than 1% in most cases if you got a really good one it's one and a half zippy so click smart Wester at Dave Ramsey comm put in your information it'll drop down a list of the smart mister pros the people we recommend in your area they'll sit down with the heart of a teacher and calmly show you mutual funds that outperform the market and they'll uncomplicate the supposedly complicated process where you understand it and when you understand it that only then do you know you're investing don't do it because I said so only then this is the Dave Ramsey chef
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Highlights
Views: 1,915,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Best way to Invest Your Money, how to invest your money, investing money, how to not be broke, rich, how to become a millionaire, become a millionaire, how to stop being broke, becoming a millionaire, how to become millionaire, How To Build a Multi-Million Dollar Net Worth, net worth building, the secret to not being broke, how to be a millionaire, wealth explained, how to retire a millionaire, how to save money, net worth, how to invest, secret to not being broke
Id: V8eJ135Z640
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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