Living Paycheck To Paycheck

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all right Cody is with us in Rapid City South Dakota hi Cody how are you hey how's it going better than I deserve what's up yes well I am 24 years old my just got engaged Saturday ngratulations yeah thank you sir thank you yeah she's a beautiful lady and I love her to death biggest thing I'm having a problem with right now is I'm just living week to week with paychecks and I've been doing that for last eight years and I'm just fed up with it you know I want to get a little nest egg just in case you know something goes wrong with the vehicle or the house like my apartment or you know or just a rainy day fund kind of thing and I can't seem to keep myself on the right straight track and narrow if I figured I call somebody that has some background with that oh well there's something about putting a ring on a woman's fingers it makes you grow up about five notches doesn't it yeah life life suddenly got serious yeah I did yeah that's what I mean yeah I know I didn't mean to insult you but as but it's not already mature before but I'm just saying the other one dude I'll go ahead and warn you ahead of time other ones when you have a baby you go just like it's super responsible all of a sudden so all right very cool what do you do for a living I'm actually I work for a major fittings pipe fittings and pipe company Northwest pipe by the rapid we do they've been very high local delivery I Drive truck for them make deliveries and uh come back and load up again and go back out again and what are you making here uh right around 15,000 a year so okay and are you working 40 hours yeah 40 we can work a little more we get around to it but right around basically 40 hours okay so if a family of two or a family of three lives on $15,000 a year that's below the poverty level that yeah so what that tells us is is you need a career track that gets you out of that truck yeah not today but when you're 29 I don't want you driving that truck still agreed yeah you got to be making more money in this so so what is your plan on that what's your career plan uh well I have I have potential to expand I'm here to become better and get further along mm-hmm and like I said I'm alive only been with the company maybe 60 to 90 days I just got the package and so I got my dental and vision but I couldn't afford the hell so okay all right um so you're heading the right direction then you got you got your foot in the door and you got a plan to move out of the truck into other things that that company does yeah I would like to expand here yeah they're great company they've helped me out numerous times so when I meet you in your 39 15 years from now what are you going to be doing with your life hopefully with a happy family and no I'm not about of earn income what's your career oh well I buy trade I'm a welder is that what you won't be doing when you're 39 I'd like to be on my own business I've always thought I could be that way and I've always had leadership skills and stuff doing what you want what you want your business to do I want to be able to design something and have it come reality but you know I mean like kind of an engineering I guess you could say okay but the reason I'm asking you all these questions is is it solves the problem that you called me about because you've got to have something that you're aiming at and you need to you need you've spent a little time dreaming I want you to start dreaming again and thinking about okay when I'm 40 years old this is exactly who I want to be able to be owning a business and I'm doing this this this and this and and then you start thinking about that and you go okay what's what have I got to do to get there well I got to get some training in this I may have to take a class or two in that I'm going to have to work for this company for awhile and and learn some things while I'm here and move up while I'm here but if you do not have something with your career that you're aiming at you will stall out and your income will never increase does that make sense yep kind of where I'm at now yeah because part well no you just been there 90 days you're not exactly stalled out well I mean I've sort of been doing for most amount I mean when I was in college I was going for computers and I kind of dropped out of that you weren't aiming at something you were just wandering yeah you can't do ready fire aim have to do ready aim fire okay so I want you to look down the barrel that gun I want you to sight it on something and I want you to have that target identify that bull's eye and then begin to pull the trigger everyday to where when you're 40 years old you're going to be doing X Y Z and you have laid it out and you know you might get there sooner but you know what are the steps I've got to take in my life to become one of those okay and it needs to be very detailed very clearly painted to where you're you're as Chris Hogan says your dreams are in HD now in the meantime we're going to get your money act together with the money you do have and that's getting you on a monthly budget clearing up any debt you've got building up your emergency fund and some of that just involves staying home at night instead of going out yeah there's been a lot of money going out at night yeah okay well it's not like it's not like going out to the bars it's more like going out just driving around and you know getting today after day's work you just want to kind of go out and have fun and do something that's hard to do nowadays especially with right to the gaff and everything and you just got to be careful because it's your spending money that you don't have so we got to get you under control there so I'm going to give you guys a wedding gift it's called Financial Peace University it's our nine week class on how to handle money and I want the two of you to go through it as part of your engagement process together and it's going to change your life dude and I'm also going to send you a book called start and that's the book that helps you get where you want to go when you're 40 so you hold on we're gonna get you started man this is the Dave Ramsey show
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Views: 1,195,732
Rating: 4.8912125 out of 5
Keywords: dave ramsey living paycheck to paycheck, paycheck to paycheck, money tips to stop living paycheck to paycheck, dave ramsey paycheck to paycheck, living check to check, dave ramsey paycheck, living paycheck to paycheck, how to save money living paycheck to paycheck, how to stop living paycheck to paycheck, how to save money when you live paycheck to paycheck, stop living paycheck to paycheck tips, stop living paycheck to paycheck, dave ramsey podcast august 2015, paycheck
Id: buuh0QH5Pjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2015
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