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those comments are the defination of a crab bucket

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/coltblod 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2016 🗫︎ replies

Aah when you're fat in Japan-tonight
Fat in Japan-be-tight
Fat in Japan ooh the eastern sea's so blue 
Fat in Japan-alright, pay! 
Then I won't sleep by your side 
Things aren't easy when you're fat in Japan

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Purple10tacle 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2016 🗫︎ replies
you know one of the benefits of being a youtuber person is whenever you're having a bad day or you need a bit of a confidence booster all you need to do is look through some comments from your viewers and it'll really put a smile back on your face I feel a real strong bond with so many of my viewers through the wonderful and appreciative comments that I regularly receive it's a bond that feels almost spiritual in so many ways and so every morning just after I've had my coffee I love to pop open the comment section and just have a read through you know and feel that personal bond feel that sort of spiritual connection are you fast Oh funny guy no I'm not the few years in Japan made you so fat oh did it abroad in Japan Christ you gained weight you fat bastard we're still gaining weight again control yourself I can't control it hey is it just me or has Chris gained a lot of weight a lot I love died of the Chris broad body not smiley face you're getting fat men what happened to Jim bro you'll stop going fat oh my god I genuinely hate everyone and everything that's existed ever stupid people - that's quite expensive yeah take that take that pen right now I'm not denying I might put on a little bit of weight recently but you and I both know that I can lose weight I can lose weight just as easily as I turn the light switch on and off [ __ ] light come on anyway it's not my fault I pong way it's Japan's fault until last month I was living in a tiny typical Japanese apartment with a kitchen so small the [ __ ] Smurfs would have had a hard time cooking in it shot so I had to eat out every day I had no choice and every time I try to do exercise fate stands in the way I could climb up that staircase or I could take the patronizingly small escalator yeah so difficult to burn calories in Japan even day-to-day tasks like lifting the toilet seat you're taking care of could lift the toilet seat up it's quite difficult I know I'll press this button yeah how how does Japanese people stay so slim when they live in a world of automated toilet seats and patronizingly small escalators still I do take putting on weight quite seriously these days especially after my last frustrating experience of putting on weight in Japan two years ago when my waistline quickly came to define every interaction I had for the people around me every day for about a year a frustrating experience I wish to talk about in this video but now more than ever I feel the pressure from society to not be fat especially as a youtuber where the only thing that seems to matter is the number of people who click the subscribe button as opposed to having videos they're actually good you know I thought I'd be happy by now having more subscribers than simply read why it's still not enough and how am I going to get more subscribers if on overweight and have a poor quality face one idea I had was putting a cat in the videos you love cats I love cats everybody loves cats right if I got a cat I wouldn't even need to get slim people just enjoy watching these videos seeing the cat kind of run around in the background a cat would probably double the subscriber rate almost overnight but unfortunately like most departments in I'm not really allowed a cat so friends recently bought me this out of pity say hello to mr. snuggles he may not move as much as a real-life cat but once he put this stylish hat on him that I found with 100 yen shop yesterday look at that he practically oozes charisma and if that doesn't boost the subscriber rate nothing will another thing I could do is just lie and pretend that I'm some kind of healthy aspirational lifestyle everywhere I look on YouTube now most popular vloggers seem to be the ones who are showcasing some kind of perfect lifestyle bragging about all the brilliant organic things they consume and all the bananas and yoghurt they frequently enjoy whilst the rest of us just sit there watching along stuffing our faces with fried diabetes so guys I like to start my day with a coconut mango milk live shake it's so full of vitamins and minerals zinc copper cyanide everything is in this isoh mmm [ __ ] me so delicious I read online it makes your skin three times less flammable so you should definitely get some from my online store in the description box below yeah something tells me I'm not gonna be able to pull that off now in the UK or most Western cultures these days if you put on weight it's regarded as being worryingly normal which is hardly surprising given that 60% the British population is now classed as either overweight or obese compared to Japan where that number is just 4% and if you noticeably put on weight in the UK or most countries to point it out to the weight gainer would be considered to be a little bit rude or impolite unless you're maybe a close friend or relative because perhaps there's an underlying problem maybe you're stressed depressed or have anxiety issues that need to be addressed sometimes on a professional level and then there's Japan where everyone around you including acquaintances whose names you don't even remember or prod you day and night in the stomach and make remarks about how fat you are every day for the duration of time that you're overweight back when I was working as an English teacher about two years ago I started putting on some weight due to a poor diet and I was going through a bit of a tough time and all of a sudden my interactions with the people around me my students my colleagues my friends even people I didn't really know all these interactions started to change quite quickly I found these interactions went through three stages the first stage was the look why call the look and it's not like the look of love it's more like the glance of despair you'll notice that when you meet people they won't look at you in the face they'll be looking at your stomach as if to say oh my god what the hell is that I can't tell if it's a subconscious thing or if it's a deliberate thing but I found it tends to happen without the person even mentioning your weight or anything so it's very subtle the second stage is the comments the indirect comments because Japan is a polite indirect culture people won't really say or you're fat they'll kind of make amusing subtle observations about it for example three of my favorite comments were oh it seems you like food recently and don't you enjoy doing exercise and then of course my personal favorite oh you became a big face and then finally there's the third stage which is arguably the most frustrating of all which is the prodding it'll usually happen after you've talked about your weight with that person at least once the next time you'll see them they'll start prodding you in the stomach like you're a big walking [ __ ] marshmallow and at the height of my fatness it happened from everyone students colleagues friends people I met in the street once or twice the guy at the fish market the woman putting their things through the counter at the supermarket if you don't enjoy being prodded in the stomach you're absolutely screwed and yet despite all of this I never got offended or I never found it rude because I know in Japan health issues are taken very seriously and this kind of collective action was to try and get me to realize I was being unhealthy and Japan actually has a fat tax called the metabolome where people aged between 40 and 74 have to have their waist lines measured every year and if they're considered to be overweight or over the limit then the company or the local government can get fined so is taken very seriously then again it's not all bad if you do put on weight you'll be eligible to join chubby nurse which is an actual pop group consisting of slightly overweight women now I did eventually lose the weight that I put on two years ago but not because I was being prodded or had 2,000 people hinting that I was fat I lost weight for the right reasons like a 10,000 yen bet that I made with a friend to lose 10 kilograms in 10 weeks a bet which I lost but nonetheless lost 8 kilograms in the process and learned how to live a healthy lifestyle which I then forgot but strangely all the prodding and comments I received actually made me want to stay overweight out of principle to show that I didn't really care what other people thought after all losing weight shouldn't come from social pressure it should come from within or in the form of a 10,000 yen bet so I'm gonna do it I'm gonna get fit not because of people prodding me in the street nor because of viewers on YouTube whinging that I'm fat I'm gonna do it for me because from what I can gather when you're in your twenties and your early 30s that's supposed to be the fun bit you know before you have children and mortgages and death I want to have fun I want to climb mountains I want to dive beneath the sea I want to cycle around the world I want twice the number of subscribers is simply read there but it will be enough [Music] [Music] question guided by a guy control yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 2,964,897
Rating: 4.9164333 out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, fat, obese, weight, health, fitness, 外国人, 海外の反応, 日本, 海外, デブ, 肥満, 太る
Id: wwH3rA8Evow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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