Don't Eat Their Food

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foreign [Music] Legends of candies with razor blades inside them well even the fantasy stories have some Inspirations in this video we will look at people which in one way or another offered strange food or drink let's begin with a Serial Killer Joe mettle this animal was a serial killer who was operating in Baltimore he ft Target various Street women apparently he saved parts of his victims and store them in a freezer hidden ground up human meat mixed it with pork and beef and formed it in the hamburger patties this pet is vegan cooked and sold to unsuspecting people from A Roadside Barbecue stand but it seems that he could be compulsive liar his claims that he had rough childhood that he served in Vietnam were denied by his mother he also claimed that he killed more than 10 people but no evidence was found so it may be that his hamburger stories was made up for more notoriety but nevertheless I don't think that anyone here would like a burger from this dude this one is a little bit different she wasn't a serial killer but she may have killed many would work as a house cooked for a rich families little did those families know is that dear mere was a carer of Salmonella bacteria she was the first confirmed person in the United States which was asymptomatic carrier in simple words she didn't get sick with typhoid fever but she would spread it through food that she was making typhoid fever causes people to vomit be out of their asses get a huge fever and many other nasty things without treatment the risk of death may be as high as 20 percent even though Mary didn't spread their disease maliciously she was kinda guilty when doctors found out about her condition and forbid her working as a cook she kept doing that anyway and people kept getting sick melon admitted that she almost never washed her hands and salmonella usually is transmitted through feces it is estimated that she may have been responsible for 50 deaths Leonard is known as the serial killer which made her victims into a soap she had 17 children but only four survived Leonardo was very protective of those remaining kids and then she heard that her favorite kid is going to join war for some reason she decided that she needed to sacrifice humans to protect the kid soap wasn't the only thing that she made then she killed her first victim she dissolved her body with caustic soda then poured this goo into a septic tank and for blood she had different ideas she dried it in the oven grounded up and mixed it with flour sugar chocolate milk and eggs as well as a bit of margarine she needed the dough and made crunchy tea cakes and served them to virus friends even her kids ate some she also turned other two victims into soap and cakes she said this about the Third Woman the cakes too they're better the woman was really sweet trust me on this one you wouldn't want to have a taste of his meat this cereal killer is not very well known however he is one of the most prolific serial killers in Germany he may have killed more than 40 people but since those people usually wear homeless vagrants and poor Travelers nobody took much of notice but killing wasn't the only thing that he did he also was a cannibal and they ran a nearby shop where he sold meat he pickled their flesh in jars and sold it on markets as pork when police Sergio's house they found hundreds of human body parts another German serial killer was fritza Harmon rumors suggests he too sold his victims as pork on the black market even though there is no evidence rumors are kinda based Fritz saw these victims items on the black market and was known to be active Trader in Contraband meat this myth for some reason was always boneless diced and ground when asked fear you got hit he would say he got it from butcher named Carl for its full name is Friedrich Heinrich Carl Harmon also random fact someone preserved his head in a jar don't Google no idea what's going on with Germany but another strange myth seller was from Germany he also was named Carl hey maybe that's the Harmon was getting beat from anyway is it weird or what that three cannibals were operating at similar time also they were Germans and their named Carl what the [ __ ] Grossman may have killed over 100 women and girls but the true number is probably lower during World War One Grossman sold meat on the black market and even had a hot dog stand at the train station near his home he threw the inedible remains in a nearby River it is unknown if he did sell human flesh but you can never be sure that these types of people imagine being at a cookout being served Burger spaghetti chili meat pies and casseroles but a fantastic delicious selection right even though there is no evidence of cannibalism however sealer killer bar Jonah fantasized about eating her humans people at this parties noted strange taste of meat but the Chabad defended himself by saying that he went dear hunting and his meat is from the deer however he didn't own any rifles or had any hunting licenses or even hunting at all it may have been a 10 year old boy who was being served to their guests truly sickening Graham young was a serial killer which was obsessed with poisons he just didn't care he just had to see the effects of virus poisons on humans first he began poisoning his friends however he didn't like the fact that those kids were at home while being sick so he was unable to see them suffering so he turned his attention towards his relatives Graham used talium and antimony which are toxic metalloids these elements make person extremely sick for example victims would fall ill with symptoms that included vomiting stomach pains nausea and diarrhea later he worked as a store keeper and served tear to his colleagues which made them sick one even died Graham kept notes of his poisonings when victims was transferred to the hospital Graham contacted the hospital for information about their status just so he could know the process of his poisoning in some cases he would visit them in the hospital acting all concerned but in reality he would poison them even more weird fella this script is very similar to Graham young he is a serial killer physician who may have poisoned 60 patients men of paramedics began noticing that whenever zwango prepared the coffee or brought any food in several of them usually became violently ill he was simply poisoning his colleagues once he brought the donuts for his co-workers and left them vomiting so heavily one said he thought it he would die this colleague the donut noticed how suango was asking every detail about the pain and he was not concerned more like enjoying listening to the pain he caused later his colleagues set a trap they left a picture of iced tea on the table where the news Vango would be alone with it later they took this picture for lab tests they learned that it was packed with arsenic but I believe he didn't go jail for that he was just removed from the job still not as shitty as that small Kebab kiosk at the corner
Channel: MR SLAV
Views: 338,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creepy stories, serial killers, weird history
Id: vZTVm725n68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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