Don't do a Deck!

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so i would not recommend getting a deck i think you're going to be blown away by what we did in this job i'm going to show you a whole transformation video that had a deck i didn't recommend the deck i said let's change it up you're going to be shocked at what we did and how beautiful the project turned out enjoy this transformation right now [Music] now this comes up all the time should i keep a deck the answer i want to see is no no no no i'm going to show you why right now but when a deck is close to the the house let's say it's a single level house you step out maybe even four steps down to a hard surface don't put a deck in this situation there's other solutions we're going to talk about them in this video but stay tuned to the very end because i'm going to give you some bonus material at the end and it's outside of this job even other jobs of why you should not get a deck i hope you enjoy this and i hope it's just saved you some money [Music] uh [Music] okay so we've lived in this house for about 25 years and our kids have been gone for a while 10 12 years maybe a little bit of a bounce back but they're they're going our kids so we're trying to decide do we stay here now uh for the next 10 or 15 years are we gonna move into the city we're gonna do something different we really love the location but the house and the yard were kind of old-fashioned it's a house built in the 70s and the yard was never really landscaped for modern living if you will so uh we went to a couple home shows we went to one at the expo center and looked at different companies building out their structures like this and tried to imagine what our place might look like if it was redesigned frankly i don't have a lot of imagination with that myself i've done little things here and there but uh we're really looking for somebody who's a professional you can look at the entire space and then we'd make a decision about whether we were going to stay or not and when we saw the design it was like mind-blowing it was like wait a minute that's our backyard because with the kids here we had always had a little bit of grass there was a deck off the back patio door we put a few tomato plants around a little garden but it was very unstructured and when we would have a party we'd pull out a big folding table or something put that in the yard with eight chairs and that was the extent [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] every project is different there are circumstances that arise there are situations that weren't anticipated but what i think we discovered here is that the engineering of the physical structure is really exceptional and the building of the physical structure was really expertly the same thing with the hardscape we are the biggest fans of juan and pablo who did all the hardscape here when they left i s i gave them a note and a nice bottle of tequila and said thank you for building a sculpture that we can live in for the rest of our lives because they really did sculpt this property yes and so um so kudos to the company kudos to micah for finding good people from phoebe from the carpenter carpenters uh and and juan and pablo the hardscape guys i mean it really pulled it all together [Music] so the property is on a hill and so when we came out the backyard to the backyard we would step down and then we'd step up and then we'd step down and it was really really rough and so we wanted something where it was just like smoothed out and it was comfortable and we could walk around without worrying about where we were [Music] [Music] so you know since covid and we've all been here when it first started it was just us here the two of us and ot would come out at night and that was his happy place you know he'd listen to his music he'd have a fire going he'd be reading or you know whatever he was doing and it just instead of being stuck in the house or with a funky yard that you know always needed mowing and weeding back here it was just we would come out to this beautiful space and then as it opened up a little bit we decided to it was okay to see the family again we invited our kids and grandkids over and the grandkids just this was their happy place and since then we've been able to open up a little more and we had like a couple friends over at a time where we had the outdoor space to entertain and to stay connected with everybody we knew and i can't tell you how wonderful it was for us and it couldn't have happened at a better time [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the way the contract is divided up by piece by piece by piece each portion of it the stairs over there for example was a section and so when they started the stairs it was marked as 50 percent done and then 80 percent done and so the information coming back to me and the in the communication back and forth was really reassuring all of the um people who worked on the project were so willing to have ot work at their sides you know he was out there every day like you know with juana pablo they decided together how the contour of the property would be where the rocks go with this and that and you know a lot of companies would say you know get out of our way you're annoying but it was such a wonderful team i could see every day with you guys [Music] so a quick little reminder on these outdoor living spaces don't just jump ahead and do it because you think you know hire a good designer i want to just keep promoting that design first get it all figured out in a 3d world if it's a 2d world as long as you can really visualize it that's what you have to do we'd love to help you out we design in a 3d world where you can see the whole space see the house see the doors see the windows and see your completed outdoor living space so if you need some help let us know we definitely want to help you [Music] [Music] guys i hope you enjoyed all this information i think you can see how strongly i feel about the way to do an outdoor living space the transformation does not always include a deck in fact if it's on a single level please strongly think about not doing the deck in fact 90 or more should not have a deck on the house i hope this helps all right guys thanks for watching don't forget to like don't forget to subscribe and please comment we want to hear your comment on whether you like a deck or whether you prefer what we've shown you a hard surface that you walked out to all right guys enjoy and we'll talk to you later [Music] [Applause] foreign
Channel: Paradise Restored Landscaping & Exterior Design
Views: 418,049
Rating: 4.7697783 out of 5
Keywords: Don't do a Deck, Why you should not do a deck, pavers vs deck, dont do a deck on a single level home, no deck for outdoor living space, dont do a deck for your outdoor living space, do pavers NOT a deck, patio or deck, why you should do a patio instead of a deck, deck to paver patio ideas, change your deck to patio pavers, decks are outdated, no deck patio design, no deck outdoor living design, on deck backyard ideas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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