DONT Destroy The Wrong FORTNITE MYSTERY BOX! (Truth or DARE)

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all right I'm going I really wonder which one he's in man these guys welcome back to another vlog it is December now the holiday season is upon us so merry early Christmas to all you guys out there and like I said in our other vlog we're making more modifications to the blue beast oh yeah oh yeah a lot more modifications not done not even close but I was driving it the other day you know enjoying the last couple of weeks that I have in this part before we blow it up and you guys know the amazing cardboard gold spoiler I had on the back a gold custom-made spoiler oh look how good it is only the best what is this then it's not there anymore because while I was driving I was going so fast that the spoiler ripped off flee behind me almost hit a car luckily the car behind me dodged it no no yes frill I'm not exaggerated no this actually happened I said I look in my rearview mirror like oh I didn't get a real video of it coming off because if I would have known it came off I would have slowed down poor to the side and been safe about it but it just happened so this is kind of what it looked like it was a sad moment when I saw that spoiler come off but I ordered an actual spoiler in the mail so that's gonna be coming in hopefully next week and it's gonna look a lot better than another one I'm not gonna lie the other one was pretty crappy but something did come in the mail already I did all regular Daiyu i lured yeah I ordered this okay-y ready boom don't even know what this is called but you put it on the hood and it makes you go faster just put this on it adds horsepower right no I think it's for a straight lucky dude literally a piece of plastic yeah there's real ones and then there's those dude once I put this on here it's gonna be crazy oh my dude oh my I'm not gonna lie on camera all right in real life you it looks pretty sick I tell wait till we get the bar you need like a battering ram on the front I'm telling you we're gonna slowly make more and more upgrades through this car and I know all you guys at home are like man dude I wish I could see the blue beast in person but I'll never get a seat nope you're wrong you're wrong dude there's a chance for you guys to see it me Nick and some of the guys from the videos are gonna be in a Christmas parade here at this location on December 15 so if you want a chance to see us in person in person you can see this thing we're driving it down the parade is that right yeah we're gonna be driving this in a Christmas parade if you want to come out support the boys see this have a fun time out of parade come through man because that's what we're gonna be one of the last chances you ever get to see this thing in person before is gone forever literally forever blown to pieces it's gonna be a fun time man [Music] are you gonna miss the blue Beast just kidding though buff real guys today we are not doing anything related with the car other than what we just did we are doing something for night because you guys keep on commenting you want ideas so that's exactly what we're doing but we have to put a little IVP twist on it what do we got Ricky what do we got we got the high BP spin wheel brand-new to the collection we're gonna be using this for a lot of it but the first time we're using it is right now not bro we don't use it before but we did yeah you don't remember that when you had to do your loser day what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be filling this thing off with truth their truth their truth their truth there and we're gonna be playing a fortnight game to your town house phone nope so what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be going to a playground boat in for tonight basically free range to do anything we want we're gonna be building three boxes one out of brick one out of metal and one out of wood one of us hides in one of the boxes and the other one grabs an ATV and tries to destroy the box set the other ones in if they hit a box and no one's in there that means the person who's Heidi wins if they hit a box and the guy who's hiding is in there then that means the hider has to spin the wheel and do a dare or a truth depending on whichever one he gets and we just go back and forth for three total rounds and I know all y'all are wondering yo are you are you ever gonna get robot TV back for the epic prank that'll get on us you saw what he took the tires off Ricky's car spray-painted way more than he did the first time and well they looked out a paintball gun and they tried to shoot us but they ended up shooting IVD and hey let's just say that IV knew another team their aim is so bad let's just say there's a reason why we haven't been posting the past couple days cuz of even planning something so elaborate then you're ready for a row I told you right now nothing our TV can do or not do we'll stop this from happening there's no preparation you can stop from happening bro I'll play I'll play a whole preview of it right here oho guys do not preview that little snippet could end our TV screen honestly yeah but when the full thing comes up oh my our TV and feel you can take one of these save it for later maybe save one of these for later cuz dude it's over for the others yeah but let's get this for now I want to get some truth about always an elaborate plan multiple stages y'all have to stay tuned if you really want to see it cuz they might not even be a prank oh maybe this may be real life but I'm gonna tell you guys my strategy I'm just gonna watch Ricky scream come in here stand right here I'll give it to you see what your box ego isn't run back out into the living room get in a TV and it's for the hütter easy game playing I can't really lose because I'll be looking right we're used you don't even know what's coming for him but this guy but he's clueless just kidding guys I ain't no cheater I'm gonna stand right here the whole time try to take your little dub if I end up losing all my except DL but I don't think that's happening poppin right into the game we got a TV right here we got ninja Nick waving over there and this is the setup for the game you go off the ramp and the ramp splits into three different ways we got the brick way we got the wooden way and we got the metal way once you get over in the hump there are the boxes that we're gonna be hiding in I'm gonna behind first because Nick was just too scared to hide first he thinks I'll crash him he'll thinks I'll get him out right away and he doesn't want to be doing those dares and truth so I said I'll do it and these are the huts that we get hide and we got the brick we got the wood and we got the metal obviously not going for the wood cuz look you can see right through it brick you can see right through that tube so I'm going for the metal one no way that I'm doing this there already I have to let the metal repair all the way or else you'd be able to see me okay go oh shoot I got a call what went on yo chief yeah you said he's in wood oh that ain't it chief Oh Oh he said he's in brick I'm going for a break I'm going for brick please be right I gotta see this kid do a dare or at least know something about him do all the truth oh man I'm acting like I'm one of wood and switching over to Greg sorry bud no no no he went for the brick so I stayed safe I don't know what he was doing you're like one right here and then he stopped and then he turned to the left I thought he was going right for the medal but he messed up my turn to hide I did not end up getting Ricky so I thought I'd get one here Ricky in one hit but that was not the case and for my turn to hide I'm going straight for brick but instead of going inside I think I'm going on the roof so I can see him coming and then if he's coming towards the brick I'm literally just gonna move over to the wood is that cheating maybe do describe it he thinks I don't know what he's gonna do me I'm ready hopefully he doesn't see me on the roof Rose you might call me out for cheating I'm not gonna go slow like you said I'm going to write up the metal way and I'm gonna turn right to the wood at the last day did you ever think I'm go for metal wait for it oh he's coming 21 for the wood I didn't have to move I just looked at the replay I don't know how I didn't see Nick on top of the brick building that's right there's the definition of a choke and a hut but I've got to redeem myself right here I just got a not get hit by him I don't want to do it there and I got something I'm gonna do next round that guarantees I'm gonna follow this kid up and hopefully he doesn't see me so I have to get him there's no way I can miss oh shoot nobody what are you doing what are you doing following me up here huh does he know next round I'm gonna do the same exact thing but I'm gonna wait till he gets over top here and sneak slowly up but for this one metal did me good last time I think I gotta go metal again this kink I'd no idea one for the metal I see alright I'm gonna go back down get the ATV and once he says he's ready straight for the metal oh my god I really wonder which one he's in man yummy right in the meadow I'm gonna I got to spin the wheel first L of the day yeah but will it be a tea or a D for the L hoping for a tea is that in mind I always told the truth I'm always trying to be honest out here mm-hmm and truths are very easy it was untrue than it ended you say Frick he's their kind of boxing glove and when the Dare is I gonna punch him in his nuts you ready I can hear you dude yeah yes I'm gonna punch you in your nuts dude I know come on this way this way it's my time she's kicking me in the balls in future I mean previous videos multiple times if I wanted revenge over him as hard as I can't ready okay three two no just kidding guys that's a little joke for his actual dare we couldn't beat that mean that's a little to me because I could have future problems you know there might not be I be be you know Ireland boys is if that happens you don't think your actual there is cut some onions and cook them up but your to do this over the stove for 30 seconds 30 3 2 1 good for you you just won the tears 30 seconds Oh hopefully they're halfway there oh dude hurry up dude all right 30 seconds 30 seconds stop how you feeling I don't know how I'm feeling bro I just don't want to go blind right now real I'm good now what yeah I'm just gonna watch from our so I don't get permanently damaged Oh what are you talking about this ah it's my second turn I didn't get in the first time so I'm didn't in this time guarantee I'm gonna follow him up there hopefully he doesn't hear me this is technically cheating but dude I want to know some truth about ninja Nick and I'm sure you guys do too there he is look at this guy tough choice you know I'm just gonna ET meenie miney moe eeny meeny miny moe in the wood yep what gone for the would feel bad but have to do it who looks like you vote for the wood one if he gets me I know he cheated it's a hundred said he cheated all you're ready okay I had no idea that he was ready I'm just gonna take a wild guess right now I guess that he's in the wooden one just a wild guess though have no idea I'm comment make it look like I'm going for the medal in the chain I check out bro did I get you how do I know this guy definitely cheated I gotta go spin them we own all the unfindable ninja got found no idea how it happened I'm just good at finding I know you cheated dude no what I didn't I did too what what no no no no no no no I already yeah let's see what you're gonna get truth or dare spin the wheel my friend there's something that I've always wanted to know about the ninja and I'm sure a lot of you guys did too do you ninja Nick have a girlfriend don't have a girlfriend but I'm taking heywhat back to the game yeah Mary to the game I should marry too much change the Jamie no but free like that not enough time right now but if the Parker girl came along maybe huh maybe so but currently now right now so ninja is single correct Oh applications that uh just kidding nah I don't want no applications all right well that's good to know honestly I learned something about my bro didn't you about what huh you got to find me in the box if you want to know that and I have to spend a truth I might ask you something more juicy something more juicy that's only if I spend the truth but you can't guarantee nothing what if I dare you to answer truthfully hello this is the third and final round so far we've each got in each other one time so all I have is one ride then Ricky has one ride and that's it game over so I need to make this one count cuz only one I gotta get him at least two out of three you know what I'm saying I got down once and I got caught once so this is the making point of whether I'm a success or whether I'm a failure at hiding in the right box Ricky's going off in the beginning I was joking around about sneaking in and getting him but since I only got him one time I think it's fair right dad it's verify if ninja says this fair is fair I [Music] went metal both times Wood is just way too open for me would it is just way too open for me good alright this kid really went break so I came on the basketball court I'm gonna go and act like I'm going up to the metal because it's all the way on the right I'm go up reverse go straight you're brick take him out easy does act like we're going to the metal oh boy oh wait how did bud give me it looks like he was going for meadow and then he switched at the last second I don't even know what just happened I got him though I know I got him I hundreds I got him I literally watched him go there time for the bud to spin the wheel you already know I got him did I cheat he'll see when he sees the video but uh let's let's just get into it you know forget it once I forget that I'm safe I'm ready going for a dare you want a dare kind of one the Dare the other derry-o I'm daring you to answer a question truthfully so pretty much a truth but you didn't get a truth so gotta finesse it somehow you know Wow let me think of a good question though a few moments later what is the most embarrassing thing has ever happen to you ever your whole existence is there something ever - there is one moment that sticks out a lot of you guys have seen a lot of embarrassing things have gone on here but one particular moment that you guys have never even heard about is I was in second grade we're sitting down in class girl what am i right girl to my left and then okay but that's not how sorry you think it's gonna go away and then I vow to go that way then there's a guy across from me we're sitting down we're playing like art jeopardy in our art class and it starts from that side of the room and it goes over here so almost the last one that has tuned to the question halfway during the Jeopardy game I'm like oh I gotta go pee so I raise my hand teacher doesn't see me I stand up but at the time along like two feet tall so when I stand up I barely go any taller teacher is ignoring me I have to go pee so bad doors right there but if I get up and leave the room she's gonna yell at me over her I'm trying to get no referral right now great man so I'm gonna send darling my pants so I'm just standing there I can I keep googling so bad you have to go like solid uncontrolled like I'm about to pee my pants to the point I feel some warmth they can run down my leg I'm like no no and then it goes all over the ground no it's on the girl's shoes right next and she had some nice shirt I forgot what they were at the time but they were like the cool shoes and it got on her shoes and she looked down she saw and she was like oh and I said sorry and then the teacher was like yo way to go to the bathroom I was like I didn't say this but in my mind I'm like you'll teach you if I wanted the bathroom would've give me a real furrow but you didn't see me and I was raised my head but I didn't say you know that cuz I'm at second grade and if I say that it would sound like so I put my pants all over the ground dude and then I had to go to the office and wear jean shorts the rest of the day doc jean shorts [Music] third and final round right now he found me twice and I only found him one time so I have to find him right now or else I am the ultimate loser I'm gonna do the same exact thing I did last time follow him up it's EURion and I get the automatic win look what I'm gonna do oh my what do you do we do it's been shredded cheese okay okay you can see me all right never mind that plane is not gonna work he caught me cheating in the game so I'm just gonna cheat in real life he's right in the other room so I'm gonna go around from the outside cuz it ain't inside I would be way too obviously he'd see me and I'm gonna try to sneak and peek at his screen to see where he is it's very hard to see in but I'm gonna try to see all right there he is what's he doing it my plan is actually to use these things right here a little bounce pads or whatever you call and I'm putting them in there so when he comes up with a pee-pee this gets blasted off not cheating not cheating all right where's he going which one is he going in meadow he chose metal he chose the metal one something going back to the room stay in low so he doesn't see me what does he think he's doing so down no I just got to go for the metal one and I tie him and since I know that he just saw her when I'm gonna switch positions I'm going for the wood maybe throw some smoke so he doesn't can't see which one I'm in all right I'm coming Judy Nick Subotica has to do another dare or a true you didn't get me he's acting like he was sneaky he knows he wasn't sneaky peeky you know what I think I'm gonna just go spin the wheel anyway are you sure you want to go I mean I didn't find you I don't know how I didn't find him too because I cheated and I'll admit you I cheated yeah why are you going right now just for the nation a celebration about hit 200k on Instagram so yeah okay yes if you want to I got a good dare if it's a dare yes bro a dare ROH yes where you live in Florida and it rarely gets cold but right now it's about in the 40s forty to fifty degrees so pretty cold he's gonna have to strip down to his underwear and jump in the lake okay okay really no resistance dude look at his man's look at this man are you going off the table sir okay let's go dude how cold is it you colder what say something you say something man is a cold away well I just wanted to get out there as fast as I could it's like jumping into a little cup that's gonna wrap it up for today's vlog if you enjoy the four night videos make sure to smash the like button and also comment down below what other unique things that we can do in four night because we're not the best at the game but we can bring it into some cool stores we can bring it into fourths we can make creative games like that we love you guys we'll see you very soon and until next time [Music] sorry that's crazy
Channel: Ireland Boys
Views: 2,636,262
Rating: 4.8827763 out of 5
Keywords: Ireland Boys, Ireland Boys Vlogs, IrelandBoys, Ireland Boys Productions, Vlogs, Family Vlogs, Kid Vlogs, fortnite, fortnite season 7, ireland boys fortnite, don't destroy the wrong box, dont destroy the wrong box, mystery box, playing fortnite, fortnite truth or dare, truth or dare, DONT Destroy The Wrong FORTNITE MYSTERY BOX! (Truth or DARE), truth or dare in fortnite, fortnite truth & dare, IBP, fortnite challenges, fortnight, dont destroy the wrong mystery box fortnite
Id: H5sG9YGu220
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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