Don't Buy the WRONG GPU!!! BEST GPUs to Buy in May 2024

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if you're planning on buying a high-end graphics card right now you might want to consider waiting depending on what your current graphics card is that's because we tend to get a new graphics card generation every 2 years and we would be expecting the 50 Series to launch at the end of 2024 Uh current rumors which I have uh behind me right now point to either the 5080 or the 5090 launching at the end of 2024 and whichever uh one doesn't launch first will probably come within a couple weeks of that however it usually then takes months to slowly trickle out the rest of the product stack starting with the high-end and moving down that's what we usually see no guarantees that'll happen again uh but what that basically means is if you're planning on buying something in like the 60 or 70 class it's probably going to be a long time before you get that but if you're planning on buying in the 80 or 90 class then it's possible that by the end of 2024 there could be a replacement out there now whether Nvidia actually gives us good price and performance uplifts at that uh you know tier we it has yet to be seen but uh if you have a high-end GPU already and you're just kind of getting that itch to upgrade if you have like a 3080 then I don't think it makes sense to buy a 4080 right now cuz you're probably actually still getting good performance right now and you could wait till the end of the year and be a lot happier with yourself that you made that decision but if you are uh you know buying maybe you actually have like a 1080 right now well a 1080 uh maybe you're a student maybe you've got the summer off right so so you want to game a bunch over the summer so waiting till the end of the year to upgrade might not make a lot of sense for you right you would get a lot of enjoyment out of having it now so I always get that question around this time of the upgrade cycle ah should I just wait for the next gen and that's my thought process uh the further down the uh product snack you are the more it makes sense to upgrade now uh the higher up the product stack you're going to be looking to buy the more M it makes sense to wait if you have something you're happy with right now because the worse your current setup is if you even have one uh if you don't have any at all right then sometimes it's just like okay buying a graphics card shouldn't be thought of as an investment exactly uh but I mean you want to get good value but you also want to have the product when you want to use it and if you want to use it now then think about what is it worth to you in terms of value lost by the end of the year to get that product now now that being said I do think more people are buying in that lower end tier and unfortunately new card prices just aren't really that exciting especially if you're planning on buying an Nvidia GPU in the lower end price point unless you go ahead and check out the used Market Market uh now today's sponsor is java. and I can get you $10 off using code 0 and10 if you follow the uh Link in the video description Andor pinned comment and java. is where Gamers buy build and sell you can search uh listings for used products and I think that a lot of people will get much better value looking for used products uh than looking at the new market especially if you're buying in that $200 to $500 range a lot of times last gen products are going get you much better value also to help you fund your upgrade uh they can offer you the simplest and fastest way to upgrade your GPU by getting an instant offer uh you just tell them what your GPU model and condition is uh they give you a quotee you ship it in uh and uh most sellers get paid within one business day which is awesome now you can also list it yourself if you want to uh you know make your own listing and control the pricing and all of that and uh if you're getting overwhelmed with uh building your own PC and of that they offer a bunch of pre-built systems at a wide variety of price and performance ranges and give you an idea of how they'll perform in some popular titles uh which is great and if you want to get more of that one-on-one feedback on like am I making a mistake on my build they also have a Discord Community uh offering over 10,000 members and so you can post what you're thinking about getting and get some Community experts uh to help you out there which is awesome and again uh I can get you $10 off your first purchase using Code o 10 if you follow the link in the video description and or pinned comment now for the rest of the video today I am going to be focusing on new pricing and that's where I like I said I think that at the lower end uh I I I struggle to recommend Nvidia gpus so how about we actually just start with a little bit of My overall thought on AMD versus Nvidia and I think that at the higher end tiers it makes more sense to go with Nvidia and the lower end tiers it can make more sense to go with AMD d uh to try to get the most performance for your dollar and that's because uh one of the main feature set advantages that Nvidia has over AMD is better Ray tracing performance but if your ray tracing performance isn't that great then you'll probably turn off rate tracing anyway in which case uh you might as well save some money and get the AMD product but at the higher performance tiers if you're going to be playing single player games where you might want the highest visual Fidelity experience the Nvidia products are going to offer uh more of an ability to do that whereas at the uh again at the lower tiers you you might be turning those settings down right uh then the other big difference between them is their upscaling performance and uh not just performance both of them lower the rendering resolution of the game to increase the performance but then how they reconstruct a good-looking image is better on Nvidia gpus with dlss compared to FSR so I would um definitely factor that in however if you're at lower resolutions like 1080p I would probably be avoiding upscaling if possible because uh even with dlss it looks better the higher resolution your monitor is uh so the lower conversely the lower resolution your monitor is the worse upscaling looks and so the more likely it would be to turn that feature off all of that means that if I'm looking for a budget 1080p graphics card I'm more likely to try to save some money on that by going to am D route than I am at the higher end now speaking of the higher end we can knock some of those out super quickly if you want the best graphics card currently available buy yourself an RTX 490 unfortunately the pricing on them is $1,700 and up they're incredibly expensive uh the next step down from that is a 4080 super and the 4080 nons super uh costs and performs about the same depending on which model you're looking at so I wouldn't uh be hung up on whether it's a 4080 or a 480 super if it's the cooler model that you want and the price is good they're about $1,000 and uh again they're the next step down now they're uh they're definitely offering a better value like performance per dollar than the 4090 but the 4090 does offer a better 4K experience especially if you're planning on using heavy uh Ray tracing features like path tracing RT overdrive and cyberpunk uh in Allen wake 2 and things like that now where does AMD fall into this picture their best GPU is a 7900 XTX uh but I have a problem with this GPU again like I said it's harder for me to recommend AMD at the high end because the the lowest price I can find on these right now is $915 and a lot of models are pushing into the ,000 and U range which puts them as direct price competitors against the 480 and 480 super but they're very similar in non-r tracing performance but as soon as you add in Ray tracing the 4080 uh has better better performance and if you're going to be using upscaling which at 4K resolution you might want to do even with gpus of this p uh of this power level um if you're playing some of the latest games uh then again a dlss does have that image quality Edge the 7900 xdx does have more vram but 16 GB of vram I think is enough and having more vram does not help performance unless you were running out of vram unless you didn't have enough and so if 16 is enough then 24 doesn't increase performance beyond the 16 if that makes sense so at this performance and price level I would recommend the Nvidia gpus with the 4080 and 490 but again just keep in mind that probably around December uh we would be expecting to get uh a new generation um at the high end with the 50 Series so it may be worth waiting if your uh current graphics card uh can get you through to that point without uh you know suffering too badly now if we step down from here uh the next product down would be the 470 TI super uh this card costs about $800 you can occasionally get them discounted like $10 but they're about $800 they also offer 16 GB of vram so really all this is is you're saving a bit of money compared to the 4080 super um and uh you're you're losing a little bit of performance that being said I do think the 480 TI Su sorry the 4070 TI super got a lot of letters in there uh performs very similarly to 4080 it's not a mindblowing difference and I don't think there's any game that where the 4080 or or 480 super can really do something and offer you a completely different experience than the 4070 TI super so the 4070 TI super uh I think is where nvidia's high-end graphics cards really start to make sense because you have enough path tracing performance for 1440 P path tracing I don't think it's a great 4K path tracing experience but for 1440p path tracing the 4070 TI super gets there and it has enough vram with it 16 GB of vram so it avoids the vram issue that we see at some of the lower performance tiers now what is it stacked up against from AMD well again if you spend $100 more you could get the 7900 XTX which does offer more raw performance albeit it does it um you know it it actually has less performance in those path tracing experiences so if you're drawn to like RT overdrive and cyberpunk and things like that uh you might still consider the 4070 TI super plus again they're not really at the same um uh uh price tier now you could also compare it with amd's 7900 XT uh which comes in around $700 again uh occasionally about $10 less than that but sometimes more uh so you could save $100 going with the 7900 XT um but again I I think you'll want to think about that that kind of feature set difference the 4070 TI super again is offering you a a good Ray tracing experience good upscaling experience so if those are the features that you're drawn towards I think that can make a lot of sense so uh if we go down past this point you start to get to the 4070 super now the 4070 super uh is available uh around $600 the cheapest models can be10 or $15 below that and I think the 4070 super uh is uh the lowest priced Nvidia graphics card that I think actually can still make sense Al this although this one I'm less sold on now you're down to 12 GB of VR which can cause issues at the highest graphic settings in certain games at 1440p and more often at 4K um now 12 GB of vram is still usually fine so I don't think this is a big issue but for people who hang on to their graphics cards for four or five years you know uh I I think you will be turning down graphic settings at some point uh due to the 12 gbt of vram but also for performance so you know I'm not too hung up on it but I do wish the 4070 super offered 16 GB of vram um also its Ray tracing performance is good but not necessarily mindblowing for path tracing so if you were really trying to get those Nvidia focused path tracing experiences the 4070 super can be a bit weak for those although not unusable depending on what kind of frame rates you're trying to Target um and especially your feelings on using frame generation from a lower than 60 base frame rate which for a lot of people will have more noticeable latency in image quality artifacts but for other people it doesn't seem to bother them too badly uh so just something to keep in mind there here's where I think AMD starts to get more competitive uh because they do offer 7900 gr uh which is uh as available as low as $530 and it has 16 gigabytes of vram and in the lighter Ray tracing workloads it's not miles behind so if you weren't going to be using path tracing on either of them it's not a a a horrible option to just go ahead and save you know $60 or $70 on a on a 7900 gr uh instead of getting that 4070 super so I could get a a bit of a split recommendation here and I think you really want to especially think about uh how much you might be using upscaling at 1440p cuz if you're at 1440p running the most demanding games I think you might be leaning into upscaling at the Quality setting in which case dlss still does have that image quality Advantage but again uh uh the 7900 GRE really isn't priced at the same level as the 4070 super so if you uh compare it to the actual 4070 nons super which is its closer price competitor that's where I think the 7900 GRE actually is pretty interesting because the 470 nons super costs around $545 so it's very similar in price to the 7900 GRE slightly more expensive and it uh the 470 only has 12 GB of vram versus the 16 on the 7900 gr and the 470 is slower generally than a 7900 gr if you're not Ray tracing and in the lighter Ray tracing workloads where both gpus are actually more comfortable the 4070 is often not that much ahead sometimes it's not ahead at all if it's if if it's a um especially light Ray tracing workload so this is where kind of at this $550 Mark I think AMD starts uh to put up a really good fight and so for the $550 price point uh I think I might go with the 7900 GRE but if I could spend $600 I I might go with the 470 super instead but if you're stacking up the 4070 non super straight up against the 7900 gr the 7900 GRE definitely puts up a good fight and I'll put kind of a split recommendation here uh depending on how interested in upscaling and Ray tracing you are uh for your use case as we go further down the stack I think AMD continues to have uh better offers the next envidia GPU down is the 4060 TI uh uh 4060 TI 16 G gab now this at least offers 16 GB of vram so that's not an issue but uh these cost around $450 uh some of the lowest priced ones can go down as low as $440 but that means it's extremely close in price to amd's 7800 XD which is available as low as $480 the the 7800 XD also has 16 GB of vram but just offers a lot more raw performance and while in Ray tracing they can be a little bit closer together the 7800 XD is is still going to be ahead in some lighter rate tracing workloads and even the 4060 TI 16 GB is not necessarily a card I would feel comfortably uh uh comfortable using uh like the heaviest Ray tracing experiences like RT overdrive and cyberpunk I'd be more likely to turn the those graphic settings down in which case uh maybe I'll just take more raw performance uh from the AMD product here now if we go below this price point there's the 4068 GB sorry 4060 TI 8 GB and those cost $380 at the lowest and the problem with those is is well first of all they have 8 gabt of vram and you're spending almost $400 there's a lot of games right now especially if you're trying to you do Nvidia things like use Ray tracing where uh 8 gbt of vram does run out it does cause issues loading textures it sometimes causes stuttering um and in General it's just annoying to have to think about uh managing vram settings and that's a problem that's likely going to get worse over time as games game developers tend to use more vram demanding settings over time uh you know you know as time progresses vram requirements go up right and 8 gabyt is already pretty low and $400 is a lot of money to spend on that low of of a vram amount so what would I recommend buying instead well AMD does have the 7700 XT uh which is available as low as $390 right now so it's a direct price competitor it has 12 GB of vram instead of eight which I'm a lot more comfortable with uh again rate tracing performance I'm not hugely sold on that especially on an 8 gigabyte graphics card and this graphics card isn't super powerful for the super heavy duty Ray tracing experiences uh so the 7700 XT makes a case for itself except for the fact that at least in the United States amd's previous generation RX 6800 uh is available for $350 right now brand new and some other models available at $360 now uh that means it's less expensive than a 7700 XD despite offering 16 GB of vram which is more than the 7700 XT and it also uh offers about the same performance except for those edge cases where you run over 12 GB of vram in which case the 6800 actually performs better at those settings of course you can tweak the the vram related settings but still uh I think that means the RX 6800 is going to be my recommended GPU in the $3 to $400 range uh because it gets you the full 16 GB of vram and better performance than the 4060 TI products overall uh so what if you don't have $350 to spend if you have to go down to $300 then the next Nvidia product down the stack is nvidia's RTX 460 uh these are available at $300 more most frequently occasionally about $10 less at $290 now uh these are still an 8 gab graphics card which I've already said can cause some issues in certain games it's not a disaster you can turn graphic settings down but it's annoying to have to deal with that and $300 is still a lot of money uh so I don't feel great spending $300 on 8 gabes of vram although it's less obnoxious than it is at $400 but once again amd's uh uh offering more vram in the price point but actually I'm not that sold on the 7600 XT which cost $320 or $330 on most models meaning you'd actually be spending more for the AMD product and when you're not going over 8 GB of vram the 7600 XT is often not particularly noticeably faster than the 4060 and then again there are rayra lighter Ray tracing workloads where the 4060 will offer and pull ahead and again you do have the better upscaler on the 4060 so not real sold on the 7600 XT and amd's 7600 non XD comes in at $260 but now it's only 8 GB of vram and it's not that much less expensive than the 460 uh so I'm not super sold on that either however at least in the United States amd's previous generation 6700 XT is still available at $300 and also there 6750 XT which is basically a 6700 XT but with uh kind of a faster memory it was a bit of a Refresh on the product so it is a few per faster than the 6700 XD well the 6750 XD is currently in stock brand new in the United States at $295 and there's another model available at $300 uh which means that you would get 12 GB of vram and just straight up more performance than a 4060 um by 15 to 20% in a lot of situations and again you're not going to be running the heaviest Duty ray tracing workloads on this class of GPU most likely if you're somebody who's pushing for you know that 60 60 FPS or or above kind of a situation in which case at $300 if you can find it for $300 which you can in the United States um I would say a 6750 XT gets my recommendation at the $300 Mark now if you have to go below the $300 Mark uh AMD again again has a couple of interesting products first of all Nvidia is not really competing with the 40 series below the $300 Mark Nvidia has the RTX 3050 um which they have a 6 GB model and an 8 GB model the cheapest 8 GB model I see is $200 and the cheapest 6 GB model I see is $167 now the 6 GB model doesn't just have less vram it has less cores it has less memory bandwidth it has less performance it's just not a very fast product it's really only interesting due to the fact that it doesn't require an external uh Power connector uh so if you got like a low profile card in an old office PC that had like a weird PSU or something like that uh you know you could consider it for those reasons but the 3050 in general even the 8 GB model isn't very fast and so amd's previous generation 6000 series I think puts up the best fight around the $200 Mark the 6650 XT at least in the United States is still available at 220 at $220 it's actually reaching um within 10% of the performance of cards like the 4060 at least when you're not using Ray tracing and again at this low of a performance tier I think it' usually be turning down graphic settings to boost frame rates rather than enabling uh features like Ray tracing in which case the 6650 XT not only offers a really good value in just raw performance per dollar compared to the 4060 but it's also uh um almost the same performance as a 7600 from AMD um but the $ 7600 is coming in at $260 so the 6650 XT uh is going to be my value recommendation at around $200 now if you really cannot go over $200 AMD 6600 non-xt is available as low as $190 uh and and other models available right at $200 and these are faster than a 3050 um but again if you can spend the extra $20 or so to get the 6650 XT uh you are gaining enough performance for doing that that I think it makes sense to do that uh now some of you will be wondering okay but why not the Intel gpus at these price points well you can look at cards like the a750 which is available for $200 uh the problem with it is uh if you compare it to a card like the 6650 XT it's not significantly better than a 6650 XT but Intel's Graphics drivers while they have gotten significantly better they do still tend to be more hit or miss you're more likely to run into games that just don't quite work right either at launch or older games that just haven't really been uh focused on by NV by Sorry by Intel's driver team yet so uh unless they're offering significantly better performance than AMD at the same price I would buy the card that I'm just more going going to offer a more reliable experience uh which is why I would go with the 6650 XT over cards like the a750 and cards cards like the a770 are up closer to the $300 Mark if you're trying to get the 16 GB model and it's not that much faster than a750 when you're not running over the 8 gabes of vram for one thing uh but also compared to cards like the um uh 7700 sorry 6700 XT from AMD or the uh 6750 XT uh the a770 just doesn't really uh stack up that well from a value proposition especially when you consider the uh hit or miss nature of the the game support which again is getting significantly better uh and is constantly being improved but is still not at an equal level to AMD when it comes to just a game comes out and you expect it to work all right I think we've hit most of the relevant price points in today's video if you want The quick summary I would say that if you're buying a GPU around $200 the 6650 XT makes the most sense if you're buying around $300 I think the 6750 XT makes the most sense if you're in a region like the United States where it is available at around $300 new uh if you're buying around three uh in the $3 to $400 range if there's an uh again if you're in a region where it's available the RX 6800 uh at $350 gets my recommendation if we're going up into the $4 to $500 range the 7800 XT makes a lot of sense at400 $180 uh uh and then the 7900 gr makes a lot of sense around that little over $500 price point those two cards offer similar value they both have 16 GB of vram the 7900 gr is a bit more expensive and is a bit faster past this point though I mostly recommend the Nvidia products because we're hitting a point where the ray tracing performance uh is more usable at those higher levels so if you want a $600 graphics card I would recommend the 470 super uh if you want an $800 graphics card I would recommend the 470 TI super and if you want a $1,000 graphics card I would recommend the 4080 super or 4080 they're basically the same thing but uh uh with the caveat that again at the end of the year probably get a replacement for this product uh we still don't know what what its price and performance will look like but just something to think about and then uh if you just want the best you know 4K R tracing experience that you can buy currently uh you can get a 4090 but again are you going to feel bad about spending $1,700 on that uh 6 months before there's a 5090 um you know we'll have to wait and see we don't know how good the 590 will be maybe it's only 20% faster for about the same you know for $2,000 then then you didn't really lose out on much right we can't predict the future uh anyway those are my recommendations for the month I do a video like this every uh every month so check in on the latest uh each time and don't forget to check out ja. for even better deals because like I said especially in that $300 to $500 range especially if you want an Nvidia GPU in that range uh really checking out the listings available here uh using code 0 And1 to get $10 off your your first purchase to kind of sweeten that deal um really makes a lot of sense uh to check out what's available there and again follow the link in the pin comment and/or video description and I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 74,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vkC3v2PPmaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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