Don't Buy Materials at Lowe's and Home Depot

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the channel everyone first off I just want to say thank you so much for helping us out with this new camera that's the camera you're watching this video on it's a Sony a7 three mirrorless camera and it's not the camera we were actually gonna get but it's the same price so it was like the exact same price but anyways yeah thank you for helping us out with that and these cameras take a long time to come in like like six months at sometimes if you actually go on Amazon and try to buy this camera it says it usually ships within two to six months but anyways just want to say thanks for that but I'm gonna answer a question today that I get a lot of and that's where do you buy your materials and right now we're pulling up to the DeWalt factory service store right now and we come here for our nails like our Brad nails and stuff like that just like little things because the Home Depot's and Lowe's and those big ones big stores they kind of rip you off on these little items like here I can get five thousand nails for like I don't know fifteen dollars or something so I'm gonna go in here get some nails and then I'll take you to another place that's pretty cool and I think the next place we can actually go inside I'm gonna try to sneak the camera in there but the next place is like a place where you buy like hardwood lumber and stuff but yeah I'll go in here and check this out but really what it comes down to is you don't want to buy your stuff from like the big-box stores because they're kind of ripping you off like our trim that we buy we don't get it at Home Depot really Home Depot is just there for convenience because you know if I'm working like two hours away from this place and I need some nails obviously I'm not gonna drive over here to save you know six or seven dollars so I do still shop at Home Depot obviously y'all see me there all the time but when I'm more organized I'll come to a place like this all right first stop the wall factory service get those bread nails [Music] two inch nails 1767 for two inch Brad's that's a pretty good deal guys it's just so much better than those other guys this is like a dream in this store dang 98 dollars for these wrenches maybe they don't have the best deals Old Faithful a grand for a circus you know this roads kind of bumpy does anytime you're in these like industrial places it's like they don't build the roads good enough for these big 18 wheelers to drive on it just always seems like that but the next stop we're going is right there it's a wood company of Fort Worth there's one of their trucks passing right now and this is a cool place man I like it here nice and clean they got a huge selection like when we do hardwood stuff this is where we come you see a lot of cabinet guys up here furniture makers they come here right there's the place all that kind of stuff and like I said occasionally we don't really come here that often because we're not doing a lot of hardwood and moldings like I would like to but you know paint-grade is in style right now all that stuff another thing I like about this place is that you can buy all kinds of lumber here like there's s4 S which is surface for sides which I usually don't buy because I have a planer and I rip the unfinished edge off on a table saw and then there's s3s which i usually buy and it's ripped on one side when it's surface three sides is what that means s3 yes but the the prices are so much better like if you go to buy hardwoods again I'm saying how Lowe's and Home Depot is because they're the big ones everybody knows about places like this you will get so much better value and they really take care of their boards here and then they have a lot of moldings here like the moldings that they have here you will not find at the big box stores Lowe's and Home Depot because they just their market I guess in those places doesn't call for it like it does here so I'm gonna go in here pick something out and maybe we can get some footage we're really I don't know if we're supposed to be doing this like even when we were in the DeWalt store the guy was kind of looking at us weird so I don't know oh well we'll see what happens but we'll try to get some footage inside here because this place is like a woodworkers dream there's so much lumber in here yeah this place is amazing man you basically just come in here and pick out whatever you want make a little stack and they wrap it up for you they measure out the board foot for you so we've got poplar red oak maple alder premium alder superior alder paint grade maple ash beech ponderosa pine furniture grade pine African mahogany clear seed or cedar aromatic Hickory white oak hard maple cherry and walnut I mean all right here this place is amazing we'll even go upstairs and show you up there they got like four quarter and eighth quarter stuff up there too well we were gonna go upstairs but I guess they're not allowed to anymore cuz I saw a sign up there that said employees only so yeah that's all like that four and five quarter all the way up to eighth quarter up there but right now I'm gonna buy something so here they got the the a t12 crown four and a quarter and this is all maple stuff right here and they got you know these little pieces right here same crown smaller same profile smaller crown there you got these crowns that got the 22 crown which is real popular for cabinets down here and again this is stuff you're not finding in Home Depot and Lowe's fluid corners for the end of cabinets and stuff like that you can get creative with that stuff then you just got the beveled corners for a cleaner look and they just got your little panel moldings door moldings panel molding five you guys know what this is because we use this so much oh that's not it that's in the wrong spot this one right here Corner molding shoe molding cord around like everything and every species you can think of another cool thing about this place is every stick of molding on this little discount rack is five dollars but if you grab like a big stack they'll cut you a deal so I can find like a bunch of cool stuff from this stack and walk out of here for like thirty fifty dollars so see what I can find I found me some discounted items guys got this crown right there with a where they stopped milling it at the top I'm gonna get artistic with that one got this step down molding that I've always loved seen in the catalogues never seen it in person you know make some picture frames out of that another piece of that just in case I run out and then this crazy freakin chair rail that they stopped milling halfway through just doing some artistic stuff this weekend or over the week so I'm gonna get these and he said he'll cut me a deal I can get all these for five bucks so that's pretty good all right let's get that well there's two places that we go to apply wood company or Fort Worth and obviously as you've seen they sold they sell a lot more than plywood and then the DeWalt factory store those are two of like probably ten places that we go to just depending on what region we're in it probably do you no good to tell you all the places because it's all regional but where we live is like a mega city Metroplex and there's just like places everywhere there are alternatives that are a lot cheaper with better products than your typical Lowe's and Home Depot but the good thing about Lowe's and Home Depot is that if you're at a jobsite you know there's gonna be a Lowe's or Home Depot like within 20 minutes probably less less than that for sure I get that question a lot of like where we buy our stuff it's really all over the place avoid Lowe's and Home Depot for your big purchases like you know 600 linear feet of molding you're gonna kind of get ripped at at Lowe's and Home Depot and then avoid Lowe's and Home Depot for you know like your hardwood stuff they're not gonna have as good as products but again this is like bulk stuff if you only need like one piece and obviously maybe you can just go there but that's kind of my insight on it and that's how I've been doing things really for the past five years once I found all these places just call them up set up accounts that's really all it takes you don't have to have like a minimum that you buy from them like you don't have to buy like a thousand feet every time you go I just go and buy like sometimes I go like today we had a small job I bought 80 feet of crown molding and that's all we needed and like you just saw me buy here I bought five four sticks of discount molding for five bucks so the guy cut me a pretty good deal on that one all right so that's gonna do it for this video hopefully you learned something from you know we've shown you those little things get motivated go out there and find some new new dealers to work with super easy next video we got coming up when we talking about cordless nail oars and that one's all about troubleshooting cordless nail oars and we're hoping to get back in the rhythm now that we got the camera I know it's been kind of like a long waiting process but thanks for sticking around thanks for watching this video and we'll see you all on the next one take care oh goodness it's not even fake like the roads are horrible
Channel: Finish Carpentry TV
Views: 1,388,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: where, to, buy, materials, contractor, trim, finish, carpentry
Id: f8rqS2aK6rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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